Cat’s Rose

Chapter 5: To the distant parent star (1)


Ling Yi happened to pass by the corridor at this time, and with his hearing many times better than normal people, he naturally heard the conversation between Lin Si and Seth clearly.

He grabbed the door frame and shouted crisply: "Lin Si is a bad guy!"

Lin Si turned to look at him with a half-smile, thinking, this little thing seems to be getting bolder.

Ling Yi was most afraid of Lin Si's expression, so he ran away in a hurry.

The docking process was very smooth, but the damage to the sixth area was too high, and the shell was also tattered, which was very incompatible with the hull.

The cabin door opened, Zheng Shu walked in quickly, and hugged Lin Si: "Welcome back."

Lin Sidao: "Level 7 damage, you will probably be very busy next time."

"It's good that you are all right, other staff..." Zheng Shu glanced at the young people and counted the number of people, "It's a miracle that all the staff returned."

Lin Si's expression was unnatural for a moment: "... In fact, there is one more."

Zheng Shu: "Huh?"

"The little guy in cabin 97 is awake," Lin Si pressed his eyebrows, "he got a strong mutation, he can't remember anything, it's very troublesome, it's not suitable for handing over to the military yet, I'm going to ask Shijos for custody .”

As soon as the words fell, a scream came from behind Zheng Shu.

"Lin!" The blond female assistant rushed over and hugged him, "God bless!"

After hugging Lin Si, he looked at Ling Yi again.

"My little cutie, elf," she looked at Ling Yi fascinatedly, "you've woken up, we couldn't wake you up with any stimulation."

Looking at the overly enthusiastic woman in front of him, Ling Yi felt a little stiff.

"I'm going to hand over the logbook." Lin Si sorted out the information and said to his assistant, "Bidey, take him for a full-body test."

"Okay," Bidi held Ling Yi's hand, "cute, come with me."

Ling Yi was too unfamiliar with them, even though he hated seeing them very much, he had to turn his eyes to Lin Si, the only one he was familiar with.

Lin Si rubbed his hair: "Listen to her, I'll pick you up after the test."

After the experiment is successful, each subject has to do a series of various and detailed evaluations, from sensory acuity, muscle strength to nerve response speed, and even the number of neurons, which is not involved in ordinary tests.

Many of the tests require the use of extremely difficult precision instruments. This is not the domain of Lin Si, but the expertise of his assistant Bi Di, so it has not been carried out before.

There are many and cumbersome handover procedures. Afterwards, losses must be reported to the second district in charge of material coordination, and new experimental instruments, tools, and materials must be applied for. In addition, Lin Si had to face many congratulations from his colleagues about his narrow escape. After he finished his work, Ling Yi was also brought out of the testing room by Bi Di.

The little thing's eyes were red with grievances, and when he saw Lin Si, he pursed his lips.

"She stabbed me..."

—Now I don’t hold grudges anymore, I know who is the parent, and the test does require a lot of probe placement. Compared with that, the blood drawing on the spaceship is just a trivial matter.

He looked hard at Lin Si, saw that Lin Si's expression was not fierce, and even took a few steps towards him, tears immediately fell, he broke free from Bidi's hand, threw himself into Lin Si's arms and cried up.

The child's larynx is not well developed, and when he cries, he twitches and hiccups: " give me, to, to the bad woman..."

Lin Si didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and stretched out his hand along the back of the little thing, for fear that he would be out of breath and pull himself over.

Bi Di looked at him lovingly: "A very well-behaved little guy."

But then he changed to a solemn expression, and passed the test results to Lin Si: "Lin, the results are amazing, far beyond imagination, and the military will go crazy about it."

The communicator on Lin Si's wrist beeped, and the test results were projected in three dimensions, and the pages automatically slid up.

Even though preparations have been made before, there are still some data that exceeded Lince's expectations.

"Some data is blank, his cell shape has changed, and our machine can't detect it," Biddy said, "Lin, have you imagined the limit of human beings? If we can replicate this mutation—"

"It's hard," Lin Sidao said. "His mutation was completed almost instantly, and then there was a strong adaptation reaction. There is no way for us to complete the transformation in such a short period of time."

—The modification of DNA is to dance in shackles on the needle tip. Once the gene chain breaks abnormally, the synthesis of protein will be suspended. —If the key enzymes are in short supply, the cells can only die quickly.

"If you keep the key sequence..." Lin Si frowned slightly, "but first let the military pass the Limitless Phase III plan."

"This is a work of art created by a black hole," Bidi looked at Ling Yi and admired, "but he looks like a little angel."

And the little angel was still crying, out of breath.

Beddy smiled and shook her head: "What is his mental age? I can go to Adelaide later and ask him to have a look."

"No need," Lin Si patted Ling Yi on the back, "His genes have not stopped changing, and his mind is growing every day."

"The military will definitely pass the third phase of the plan. We have seen a lot of hope from this unexpected mutation."

"They won't." Lin Si said flatly.

He pulled Ling Yi out of his arms: "I'll leave for a while."

Ling Yi shook his head desperately, his voice intermittent: "I... I'm scared."

Lin Si raised his eyebrows: "Do you hear what we are talking about?"

Ling nodded.

"You are special," Lin Si raised his chin, expressionless: "If you refuse to be stabbed, then I will have to dissect you."

The little thing was so frightened that he even forgot to cry.

"Only the most inexperienced parent would threaten a child like this," Beedy smiled and shook her head. "Come on, baby, I'll take you to eat, and we won't hurt you."

Ling Yi was dragged by Bi Di, and walked away step by step.

Rings stayed put, still looking at the test data.

Ling Yi has unimaginable bodily functions, but he doesn't know it, and he doesn't know how to use it. He only used it when he just woke up and lost his mind.

He needs very professional training, but it cannot be completely handed over to the military. The military can only treat him as a humanoid weapon and cultivate him into a monster. The sixth district also needs to conduct more in-depth research on his mutation...

Lin Si touched the send option of the communicator, and a prompt popped up on the interface: "Marshal Shijos of the third district has received it." He clicked a few more times, turned off the communicator, and walked towards the Hongqiao leading to the third district.

Lin Si came to the highest command office in the core of the third district, knocked on the door twice, and heard a steady and powerful voice from inside: "Come in."

The owner of the voice, Sjoss—the marshal was fifty-seven years old at the time, with short iron-gray hair and beard, rough and deep features, and a burly figure. At this time, he was wearing a black military uniform, sitting behind a large desk, flipping through the data.

He raised his gray-blue eyes: "I'm glad you're back, but if you still insist on that stupid experiment plan, I suggest you leave immediately."

"I've always had a question, Marshal," Lins said slowly, "what makes you have a prejudice against 'limitless'?"

"It's not that I'm prejudiced," Marshal Smith tapped the knuckle of his index finger on the table, "I hope you will devote yourself to some projects that have a practical effect on us, such as the Lundis force field in the first district, the fifth district Lucia system and biological neuron machinery. Lin Si, I also have doubts, why don't you focus on other aspects?"

"We still don't know anything about the destination planet. We only think it can be inhabited theoretically, and we don't even know if there are any aborigines there," Lin Sidao said. "Many weapons can be created in other areas, and materials for shelters can be developed. And Sector Six knows nothing about nuclear reactions and machines, we can only strengthen humanity itself."

Lins looked into Marshal Smith's eyes: "The environment there may be difficult for people to survive, and there may also be viruses that our immune system cannot cope with. Taking a step back, the high-lethal weapons in the fifth district use The difficulty is also enormous, and ordinary soldiers simply cannot make it work at its best. Although I am not around, the second batch of experimental subjects should have served in the military for many days, and I don't believe you haven't seen their advantages."

"I admit their excellence, but you have to stop!" Marshal Sjoss's tone was obviously aggravated: "Other scientific research areas are all contributing to our technological civilization, but you, you have gone beyond ethics!"

He pointed to Ling Yi's test data: "Tell me, can he still be considered a human being?"

"Compared to limitless, I would actually prefer to study viruses, but unfortunately, the marshal has banned me from all virus-related projects," he said word by word, "You are not rejecting human genetic progress, nor are you stubborn. You just don’t trust me, you always suspect that I am secretly planning a mutiny, trying to form a mutant army, or cast a virus—Marshal, you may be too worried. I’m just a doctor.”

"A doctor who once pointed a nuclear gun at the main console of the spacecraft?" The marshal smiled sarcastically: "Do you want me to play back the video from more than a hundred years ago?"

"But I put it down in the end and chose to be frozen," Lindsay said. "I still think I am a qualified doctor. Even if the person lying on the operating table is my enemy, I will not deliberately drop the scalpel on it." in his stomach."

He continued: "I don't need the permission letter for the third phase of the project, but I want the custody of this child."

"He's too dangerous." The marshal said.

"He's not dangerous at all."

"I handed over the custody rights from the military to you, and then you continue to study his body, use his genes as a blueprint, and quietly carry out your third phase plan?" The marshal suppressed his anger in his tone.

"I can at least raise him as a human being, while the military will only raise him into a killing machine."

"Forgive me for not being able to trust you, you will instill in him hatred for the Voyager, and he is too destructive."

"Why do I hate the Voyager?" Lin Si leaned closer to the marshal, and said word by word: "Marshal, have you forgotten what you did?"

"Watch your wording, Dr. Lin." Marshal Sjoss put his hand on the black pistol on the table.

The hurried footsteps came from near to far, and someone pushed open the office door: "How many times have I told you, you two are not allowed to meet alone without me!"

The person who came was Mrs. Chen, whose authority on the spaceship was equal to that of Marshal Shijos. Her hair was a little messy, and she obviously came in a hurry. After seeing the atmosphere where the two were tense, she said in a thin and angry voice, "It was the same last time, Can you two restrain your temper even a little?"

Lin Si stood up straight: "The marshal has a prejudice against me."

"My biggest mistake was allowing him to be unfrozen five years ago," said the marshal.

Even the most self-cultivated Mrs. Chen couldn't bear it: "I hope you can resolve your misunderstandings and prejudices about each other and talk calmly."

"I tried," Lins shrugged, "I no longer want the Marshal to give me permission for the third phase of the experiment, I just want the custody of an underage mutant to relieve the loneliness of not having a project, but the Marshal still thinks that I Conspiracy."

"That's enough," Mrs. Chen shook her head. "Sjoss, leave the authority on this matter to me and let me decide. Lin Si, send the information."

"Thank you Madam," Lin Si turned on the communicator, and the first message that popped up was Bidi's message "OK." The last one was his message to Bidi: "Tell Madam Chen that I went to the third district."

He slightly raised the corner of his mouth, sent the information to Mrs. Chen, and said, "I'm leaving first, Madam, I can't stay in the air with the Marshal for long."

Mrs. Chen nodded helplessly.

When Lin Si returned to his room, he found that Ling Yi had already got into the quilt.

— These days, the little thing has been living in his room, accompanied by Lucia, and Lin Si is in the other room, but now the personnel of the sixth district have returned to their proper positions, and there is no room for Lin Si s.

Seeing him coming in, Ling Yi buried himself under the quilt, rolled to the side of the bed,

Lynch lifted the quilt.

Ling Yi continued to shrink down.

Lin Si didn't intend to play hide-and-seek with him, so he sat down to the side and began to deal with other affairs of the Sixth District.

After a while, Ling Yi quietly poked his head out of the quilt and looked at him curiously.

Lin Si thought this little thing was interesting, so he ignored him, wanting to see what he would do next.

Ling looked at it for a long time, and finally whispered: "Bidi said, Lin Si came back to sleep with me."

—It turned out that he was making room for himself just now.