Cat’s Rose

Chapter 50: limitless(3)


The wasteland covered with ice crystals, the cold wind blows.

A steel giant walked on the ice with steady steps, and when it reached Ling Yi's side, it uttered a colonel's voice: "What are you in a daze for?"

In the extreme environment of minus 40 to 50 degrees, everyone has to wear special protective clothing, but Ling Yi can still move normally—only wearing a little more.

Ling Yi withdrew his gaze into the distance, and stretched out his hand. The palm of his hand was a little pale, but it didn't appear to be frozen.

The colonel sighed: "Your body is too perverted. If it comes time to freeze, I'm afraid that you will be able to sustain life in the hibernation cabin."

"It's almost at the limit," Ling said, "I'm already very cold."

"But you are still alive and well." The colonel said.

"I..." Ling Yi frowned.

His face was long, and his skin color, which had become slightly pale in the cold environment, highlighted the blush of his lips. His black eyes, long hair, and clothes were extremely vivid against the snow-white background.

——Just because the charming facial features are flawless, people don't know where to start to praise.

When the cold wind was stronger and his long black hair was blown in the air, the black, white and bright red colors caused a huge impact on people. The colonel saw all this through the skeleton camera and felt the sudden Dazzled, as if his soul has transcended the mundane world, and saw the messenger from heaven or hell.

Ling pushed her hair back behind her ears, and continued, "I'm very scared."

"What's the matter?" asked the Colonel.

"I feel like my body is alive." Ling Yi looked at his palm, "It will change its genes to adapt to various environments. If Lin Si is here, he may detect it from my body. New enzymes. I always feel like I'm not biologically alone anymore."

The colonel laughed: "This is a good thing, there is nothing to be afraid of, as long as you think about us, who will say you are not human?"

"Oh," the colonel thought for a while, and then said, "except when you're being praised."

Ling Yi smiled, said "Yes", and continued to walk deep into the ice field.

This is a planet that is mostly covered with ice, and those ice-free places are iron-hard ore layers. They have discovered rare beryllium ore and are mining it.

The expeditioners have harvested a lot along the way. Although several planets that were considered potentially habitable turned out to be uninhabitable in the end, they harvested many rare resources and minerals, which are all on the scarcity list issued by the expeditioners.

Lucia's navigation database has also been greatly enriched, and she can now deal with more extreme situations.

Ling Yi is very gregarious, everyone likes him. This kind of liking is different from the kind of love they had on the Voyager back then. The experiences of these years gave them a new understanding of Ling Yi.

—Ling Yi has completed many dangerous missions by himself, and once he went deep into a natural cave, everyone thought he would never come back. Later, he grew up a bit and began to lead the team on missions. He was calm and decisive, and possessed extraordinary judgment, and everyone who followed him was convinced.

At other times, he is good-tempered, serious and gentle, so people like to chat with him when they have something.

But the colonel knew that Ling Yi would sometimes hide alone. As the leader of the expedition, he was very concerned about Ling Yi's mental state, so he followed him this time.

He saw Ling Yi go far away, and then called up the camera system from the bracelet, and took many pictures of the sky, ice fields and icebergs. Then I received a few pictures and messages, and a sentence "Does it look good?"

The colonel opened it and looked at the photos. His aesthetic level is not high. He has not studied the composition or lighting, and he can only see the good looks.

"Nice." He replied.

After a while, he said, "Like Antarctica."

Ling Yi continued to shoot, and finally pointed the camera area at himself, made a V comparison with a blank face, and put away the camera function.

The Colonel couldn't help laughing.

It turns out that Ling Yi also has a hobby of taking pictures as souvenirs, which is kind of cute.

He was about to take a few photos of himself, when he suddenly found that Ling Yi tensed up, looking in one direction.

Then he ran towards him so fast, almost like a black shadow.

Ling Yi jumped onto the colonel's skeleton, speaking quickly and seriously: "Something happened, evacuate quickly."

The colonel didn't know what happened, but he still listened to Ling Yi's words, and immediately switched the shape of the skeleton. The skeleton lay down on all fours, turned on the maximum thrust, and shot towards the temporary camp at high speed on the ice.

He heard Ling Yi send a message to the camp: "There is a change in the planet, stop mining immediately, and prepare to retreat as quickly as possible."

Then the conversation with Lucia was connected: "Lucia, monitor the geological situation, prepare to evacuate, and meet the ground personnel."

The colonel recognized the urgency in his tone, and was about to ask aloud, when he heard a loud and low whining wind, accompanied by the frightening creaking sound of ice breaking.

It was a voice he had never heard before, which made his heart chill and his scalp numb.

"Unknown alert, unknown alert, violent surface activity is about to occur, and we are searching for a solution." Lucia's voice sounded.

"Search failed, please..." After twisting and fluctuating a few times, the mechanical female voice stopped abruptly.

"The geomagnetic field is also disturbed, don't look back." The colonel heard Ling Yi say.

He gritted his teeth and continued to rush forward.

But the angle of view of the bones is 360 degrees with no dead angles. The colonel clearly saw from the images from the camera that behind them was a huge white torrent, hundreds of times bigger than an avalanche. It was like a volcanic eruption. Even the bones The speed can't escape.

At this time, Ling Yi on his back threw a miniature bomb forward.

It has its own power system and explodes in the distance.

Ling Yi said, "Jump."

The colonel understood that the booster system was activated immediately, jumped up a hundred meters, and then glided forward. The weapon system was activated, and bombarded the big depression from top to bottom, and finally fell vertically, rolling into the 100-meter In the deep ice cave, continue to dig down, opening up a small space that can only accommodate a person.

The strange and terrifying sound had already rang in their ears, it was deafening, the whole world shook wildly, the ice layer was pulled by a huge force that came from nowhere, gaps appeared, and then hit crazily.

The top of what they just excavated has been filled with ice and snow, and then the entire ice layer where it is located is smashed, rotated, and turbulent.

They stayed in a piece of ice, and the colonel held tightly to Ling Yi, who had no bones to protect him, to prevent him from being injured in the endless impacts.

It's been a long time.

They are like sand and stones entrained by the torrent, and they have been swirling in the torrent for an unknown amount of time.

The colonel felt that his brain had become a loose yellow egg.

One day, two days, three days.

When everything finally calmed down, it was already more than eighty hours later, and the entire planet was plunged into darkness.

"Fortunately, it's over." The colonel's tense nerves finally relaxed: "I almost died."

Ling Yi crawled out of the mechanical arm, smashed a piece of ice in a small space and chewed it, then handed it to the colonel: "You can know where the surface is during the day."

The colonel sighed: "It will take another thirty hours."

He turned on the lights to make the environment less scary and asked, "Can you hold on?"

Ling Yidao: "I'm hungry."

Fortunately, there is usually food stored inside the bone, the colonel took it out to Ling Yi: "I won't eat, it should be enough for two or three days."

Ling Yi didn't say anything about splitting equally, but took it and started eating.

The temperature inside the skeleton is acceptable, but it can only accommodate one person, so the colonel has been inside. Ling Yi couldn't go in because he could live in the low temperature outside, but the colonel would die.

But he has to expend more energy to maintain his body temperature—although his current body temperature may be less than half of normal body temperature. So if he doesn't eat for many days, he will die, and the colonel will not.

This is not the first time they have encountered such life-or-death danger. In the vast universe, life and death are impermanent, and there are too many unknown dangers and phenomena. You never know what you will face in the next moment. Once the magnetic field is chaotic, communication cannot be carried out, and the only thing you can rely on is yourself.

"The next time you act alone, you must wear bones."

Ling Yi emptied a tube of nutritional supplements and said, "It feels like you want to follow me, so you didn't wear it."

The colonel let him off for now.

"Thanks to the fact that we are limitless people, thank you Lin Si." The colonel sighed.

Ling smiled.

When he smiled, he showed two pointed canine teeth, and his eyes shone brightly under the light, giving him a bright and wild look.

He knows that he is facing a huge danger, and he also knows where his abilities and limits are. The more a person understands himself, the more he will believe in himself. This kind of belief makes people rational and powerful. Time and experience change a person, the torrent washes away some things and leaves others behind.

The colonel looked at Ling Yi, and found that although he was still exquisite and good-looking, you could no longer associate this good-looking with coquettishness. I don’t know when, that little thing that made people want to protect became someone who could fight side by side. friend.

The author has something to say: There will be an update tomorrow.

Make an advertisement =w= Please accept the new article in advance. After writing this, I will open it. I am a low-magic fairy, and I am happy to take off Xiaomeng.


I have a good teacher, who doesn't dislike my bad bones, doesn't force me to practice martial arts, and even orders me a babysitter.

My fiancée is beautiful, strong, and loves me very much. Later, when I walked the rivers and lakes, it was all because of her cover that I became the most famous boy in the rivers and lakes.

One day, I found out that this person seemed to be a man, and he was dressed as a woman.

What's more, he thinks I'm a woman disguised as a man.

My heart was broken: "Brother, where did you get my fiancee?"

His heart was twisted like a knife: "Brother, where did you get my fiancee?"

The rivers and lakes are really too muddy. Even if I starve to death, die outside, and jump from here, I won't eat another soft meal from him.

—It smells so good.