Cat’s Rose

Chapter 51: limitless(4)


It was extremely cold, and more than 30 hours later, this planet ushered in daytime—fortunately, it is a planet with normal day and night. If it is polar day or polar night, then they can only judge which direction they are based on the feeling of gravity It's the surface - and here the coefficient of gravity is very small.

There was a glimmer of light on the ice, and the colonel's skeleton turned around with difficulty in the ice cave, digging upwards. Bones have really played a huge role in the past few years. For example, now, without this magical mechanism, they would never be able to escape.

In this undefined turmoil, the ice cracked and reformed, showing deep cracks and slits, and they remembered the mysterious subglacial traces they had observed before-it turned out that this was the reason.

It's wondrous and scary, just like this universe.

Digging outwards is much more difficult than blasting out a deep pit. After all, blasting ice at this time is simply a suicidal act. They can only use particle shock weapons and physical methods to break the ice. When the ice layer above became thinner and thinner and closer to the sky, after the last "click", cool and dry air poured in, and they finally returned to the surface.

The steel arm smashed through the last layer of solid ice, the mechanical giant crawled out from the deep ice hole, and then pulled Ling Yi out.

Ling Yi's body and hair were covered with crystal icicles, he was very weak now, his whole body was cold, and after shaking off those ice beads, he almost couldn't stand up.

The colonel put him on his back and tried to send a signal to the expeditioners.

The geomagnetism is chaotic, the compass is still in disorder, and the signal is still not good, and it has not been connected several times.

Whether the people in the temporary camp were successfully evacuated with Lucia's support, whether they tried to search and rescue the two of them after the evacuation, and whether they gave up the search and rescue, everything is unknown.

Suddenly, fine white feathers floated in the sky.



Ling Yi stretched out his hand to touch the hexagonal snowflake that he had never seen before in reality, with a faint smile in his eyes.

The colonel saw him turn on the recording system.

"This is the fourth year since I left home. This is the 8-TUW857 galaxy. There is no signal. The colonel and I are in danger and may die."

"If you can't be rescued, I hope that other people have successfully evacuated and started sailing again. I hope my soul can return to Lins."

"It's snowing and it's beautiful."

His voice gradually lowered: "I miss Lin Si very much."

This is a rule that has been established for a long time. If you are in a life-threatening situation, then record your last words, and your teammates will find it, take it back to your hometown, and return it to your relatives or lovers.

The colonel silently hugged Ling Yi, who was in a semi-conscious state, against the skeleton's chest, hoping to block some of the cold wind. Then, he activated the last emergency rescue plan, and the whole machine emitted bright red light in a large area.

Not knowing the location, unable to communicate, this is the only way to call for help is to make yourself more colorful in the snow.

Time passed for a long time, and the colonel no longer wanted to check the time. Ling Yi's body temperature was getting lower and lower, except for weak breathing and heartbeat, he was almost a corpse.


They gather in the lobby, with many programs running in parallel on the main screen.

"Computation failed."

"Parse failed."

"Definition failed."

The error voices kept appearing, and it was Lucia trying to figure out where the two of them would appear with the flow of the ice layer by calculating the strange geological phenomena these days.

"Seventh Formation returns, no signs of life found."

"The third formation found no signs of life."

It's the seventh day.

The survival probability curve has been unbelievably low since the zero moment, and now it has continued to decline, and it has infinitely approached zero.

The various search and rescue functions of the spaceship were turned on to the highest level, even reaching the mechanical working limit. Not to mention sending dozens of formations to conduct a carpet search, the expeditioners themselves are also wandering over the planet to search.

"There is no hope." A lieutenant colonel sighed.

The same is true for other people.

When the Lucia system judges that the chance of survival is zero, the search and rescue will be completely stopped, and the expeditioners will set sail for the next destination.

However, this judgment has not yet been issued.

"Continue to search and rescue, a plan is being generated." The mechanical female voice was cold and heartless.

"Alert, unknown light source found."

"begin descending."

Lucia's different programs spoke alternately, and it sounded like several people were having a conversation.

Everyone cheered when the red light that clearly did not belong to this planet appeared in people's field of vision.

Hearing the roar of the engine, the colonel raised his eyelids with the last bit of strength: "Lingling?"

Ling Yi didn't reply, or the reply voice was too weak to be transmitted into the radio system.

Lucia stood at the hatch: "Welcome back."

Colonel: "Thank you."

Lucia said lightly: "You're welcome."

The colonel lost consciousness the next moment.

Although he fainted later than Ling Yi because he hadn't been exposed to the cold, Ling Yi woke up earlier.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Lucia for the first time.

"Welcome to wake up, your physical function is good at present." It is still the familiar tone without ups and downs.

"Thank you..." Ling Yi's eyes were a little out of focus, he moved his limbs, and sat up from the medical cabin: "I feel fine."

He went on to ask: "What about the Colonel?"

"Confirmed alive."

Ling Yi exhaled lightly, and bent his eyes: "That's good."

He moved his fingers, gradually regaining the feeling of controlling his body. all is well.

"I had a dream," he said, "I dreamed that it was snowing, and it was very big. Someone was building a snowman with me, Zheng Shu, very young... There is another one."

He struggled to recall: "Ling Jing, my sister... she looks very similar to the picture."

"Then... I went to find something to make a nose for the snowman, and when I came back, I saw the two of them kissing in the snow." Ling Yi looked at his palm and smiled: "When they saw me coming, they separated. They must be very happy." in love."

No one can talk to the navigation system, except Ling Yi.

When Lucia's image appeared beside him, he would have endless one-sided chats with Lucia.

Lucia stood beside the medical cabin leaning on her big sword, just listening.

After a long time, she suddenly said, "Your survival rate was judged to be zero."

"Actually, I also think I'm going to die." Ling Yi said to her seriously: "Thank you for still looking for me."

Lucia didn't say anything more, she still stood expressionlessly.

Speaking of which, this was the first time she took the initiative to respond to her chat.

Ling Yi looked at her, and suddenly felt a trance like an electric shock for a moment. This trance came quickly and strangely, and by the time he realized it, he couldn't grasp what it was like just now.

This planetary exploration encountered great danger, but fortunately there was not much loss. Ling Yi was located close to the epicenter, and the message was sent in time, which bought enough time for the soldiers in the ground camp. As soon as the message was received, the expeditioner, which was already hovering at low altitude, was controlled to land to meet the personnel in the ground camp. Therefore, except for the large equipment that could not be retrieved, no casualties occurred.

In the end, he and the colonel also returned safely. Thanks to the modified and strong physique, there were no hidden dangers in the physical functions of the two of them, and everyone was happy.

The geological situation changed drastically, and the mining work could not continue. After recording the planet, they jumped into the subspace again and began a three-month voyage.

During the previous voyage, they successively landed on more than a dozen suspected habitable planets and collected many precious minerals and resources, but none of them found a truly suitable one. The next destination is the final destination of this voyage, which is also The one with the most complex elemental composition and the most likely to have an Earth-like environment.

After exploring the planet, they will embark on a journey home.

"Get ready to leave the warp."

"The countdown to the jump is 3, 2, 1."

After slight shocks and fluctuations, they reappeared in the vast sea of stars in the first universe.

The side hatch of the expeditioner opened, and several small ships flew out, preparing to launch a detection satellite in the deep space of the target planet.

This is a purple planet, very beautiful, as if wrapped in misty silk.

Closer, at a glance, it is complex and multi-colored, with deep and light purple and white intertwined.

After the eleven satellites were placed, the colonel took a deep breath, turned on the screen, and said, "I have a very special feeling."

Ling Yi was in the assisted driving position, and he also cast his eyes on the screen.

The field of view drops vertically and zooms in infinitely.

Colonel: "...fuck me."

He was a little overwhelmed for a moment, leaned back on the chair, took several deep breaths, and then looked at Ling Yi: "We have made a contribution."

Cheers from other teams came from the earphones.

Although the words these soldiers used to express their joy were a bit rude, just like the colonel just now, the joy in it was simply indescribable.

"Please keep calm," came the voice of Lisvina from the Deep Space Command, "I saw what you saw, please be sure to stay calm, please confirm that the stealth mode is turned on normally, please confirm that the stealth mode is turned on normally."

they saw—

Rivers, dark purple jungles, rolling mountains.

Water, plants, the right temperature.

There is life on this planet.

Ling Yi's heartbeat also accelerated, and it took him a long time to calm down. He looked at the function panel of the Silver Shuttle spaceship he was in, and confirmed that it was in stealth mode.

Life means danger. If intelligent life exists, their whereabouts may be exposed.

However, Lucia's signal capture system has not received any fluctuations worth mentioning on this planet, so intelligent life is unlikely to exist, and everyone is at ease for the time being.

The colonel couldn't hold back anymore: "Request a landing assignment."

Sweena's voice was full of smiles: "Please log in."

Needless to say the joy of the landing process, the entire spaceship was full of excited discussions, and they fell madly in love with this planet in just two or three hours.

Ling Yi silently put on the protective clothing.

The colonel raised his eyebrows: "Why did you wear it this time?"

Ling said: "Lins said that this kind of living planet may have bacteria that our immune system cannot deal with."

Colonel: "That's nice."

Their team landed in a dark purple dense forest. The plants had strange shapes, and the branches and leaves seemed to be tangled in various shapes. There were shiny vines that seemed to be filled with mucus and fruits that were so transparent that they almost glowed. The blades of grass are very thick, not as thin as the leaves on the earth, but a kind of translucent flesh, which is actually a bit scary when viewed up close, or some people may think it is cute. This dense forest is very humid and the water flow is meandering. It is actually a bit like the rainforest landscape on earth.

When their feet stepped on the wet and soft grass, the long-awaited touch made people crazy, their legs were numb and trembling.

Two players even hugged each other and laughed and cried.

"Thank God!"

After they reveled in the grass and bushes, one of the team members ran to the river.

"I can't remember how long it's been since I've seen a river," he said.

"Wow—" the man exclaimed suddenly: "There are living things in the water!"

He killed it with an energy gun, and then fished out a long strip of things from the water, his voice suddenly raised a few pitches: "It's really ugly."

"I want to throw up."

"Me too."

They get together and watch the thing.

It was an oval-shaped creature as long as a forearm. It had no scales, and no organs could be seen. It seemed to be a piece of flesh. Deep purple, inlaid with dense black spots like the seeds outside the strawberry fruit.

Ling Yi glanced at it from a distance, very unwilling to go forward.

A group of people suppressed the desire to vomit and fiddled with the thing.

The creature killed by the energy gun suddenly changed.

It was softening, melting, like a snail meeting salt.

Finally, the dark purple liquid flowed all over the man's hands.

"Burn... burn..." His voice trembled suddenly.

I saw the gloves of his protective suit—it will not be damaged even if it is put into thousands of degrees of high temperature and extremely strong acid. The protective gloves made of the most high-end materials gradually turn yellow and start to turn black when they come into contact with the liquid.

"Take it off!" the colonel snapped.

At this time, Sweena's voice sounded: "Many of our teams have encountered peculiar native creatures. Lucia is conducting a risk analysis. Please be careful and conduct conservative exploration first."

Before the words fell, Lucia's voice sounded: "Danger level: unknown, please return to the spaceship immediately, please return to the spaceship immediately, put on the skeleton, and wait for the next instruction."

They obeyed Lucia's command and returned to the spaceship. At first, the man cut off the sleeve of the entire protective suit and threw it on the grass. The sleeve turned into a pool of sticky black water in the next five minutes.

At this moment, everyone fell silent.

Unknown life systems cannot be easily spied on, and these things are beyond normal cognition.

The communication channels of these dozen teams are shared. At this time, the voice of an unknown team member sounded in the headset: "I feel a little hot on my body."

The author has something to say: A new storm!

There is an exam on Wednesday, no change tomorrow, this week is mid-term.

But today is very fat =w=