Cat’s Rose

Chapter 52: Repeat yesterday (1)


The breeze blows through the jungle, the vines and branches sway gently, and the endless jungle trembles gently with the wind.

The crystal trunk resembles amethyst, making one wonder if it will sparkle at night. At that time, the whole world is full of light, just like in a dream.

Ling Yi looked at the tree next to the spaceship.

It is said to be a tree, but it is actually very different from the trees on the earth. Its actual shape is like an umbrella algae that has been magnified countless times. The main trunk grows from the ground, and suddenly divides into dozens of branches at a height of fifteen or six meters above the ground, and spreads out in a circular shape. These branches follow the same pattern. Somewhere, the law suddenly opened up—and then continued, and then they entangled with each other, forming all kinds of weird shapes, and even those shiny vine-like objects seemed to be part of the original plant.

He looked carefully at the grass on the ground that was so dense that it covered all the soil through the window of the spaceship, and found that they had the same shape as trees, only the size was different.

He was a little confused, and wanted to go down and pick one to observe carefully, but thought of the strange creature just now, so he gave up.

The next order has not been sent yet, they put on the skeleton and fell into a temporary deadlock.

Witnessing that scene, almost everyone felt a little terrified.

The colonel stomped anxiously: "How are you doing?"

He was asking the other teams.

The captains reported one after another, the content was similar, they were all standing on the strange purple vegetation, the scenery was very beautiful, and the three teams also found unidentified creatures in the water, with different sizes and similar shapes, but they didn't do anything to it .

Ten minutes passed, and nothing happened, and Lucia didn't issue a new alarm. After Sweena said to continue exploring, they got off the spaceship again and started moving—this time they were much more cautious than before.

According to the process, the ground personnel, after placing various detection instruments, the next step is to collect soil samples.

The soft grass and trees on the ground are crowded together. They haven't seen what the soil looks like here, and they need to clear some of the grass first.

"Hiss..." Someone gasped.

He just went down the grass stalks, trying to push them apart to expose the soil, only to find that these plants seemed to grow into one body, and every grass stalk was tightly connected without any gaps.

It can only be removed violently.

However, surprisingly, these crystal-clear plants are so tough that ordinary tools can't break them open.

The colonel didn't believe in evil, and jumped several times on the grass.

A skeleton is six to seven meters high, plus special high-density materials, the weight may be measured in tons, and a few bounces down, the huge force is likely to destroy this piece of grass.

On the contrary, the meadow seemed as beautiful as before, as if nothing had happened. The grass stems and blades were pressed down by the colonel's trampling, and when the steel-skeleton feet moved away, they returned to their original shape in an instant.

"What the hell is this place?" the colonel cursed.

He called out the energy weapon, the high-energy particle stream ejected by the energy weapon is the sharpest weapon, if even it can't work, then there is really nothing to do.

The particle stream is aimed at the distance, and the blue laser-like light knife begins to cut grass blades.

This time it finally worked.

Wherever the light knife went, these stubborn plants finally fell down. The colonel strode forward, trying to push them away, but a familiar scene happened: the remains of plants that had been severed to the waist melted.

The purple slime glowed with water, as if a one-meter-square puddle appeared in the grass. This thing was untouchable, and the scene of the protective clothing being burned into black water by it was still vivid in my memory.

The colonel scolded his mother: "I will have trouble with it today!"

Ling Yi frowned, and didn't go on to see how the colonel had trouble with it, turned around and walked towards the river more than ten meters away.

The soil on land cannot be touched, so there must be river banks, right

Beside the river bank, the height of the plants has obviously decreased, but they are still so dense. Ling Yi took a few steps tentatively, and came to a place very close to the river bank. Looking at the same deep purple background, he felt very uneasy.

He manipulated the skeleton to bend down, reach into the water, and touch down.

Slippery, cool, jelly-like, and colloidal cultures in Lins' lab.

His pupils narrowed tightly.

The banks, the river beds, all one thing—the same thing as the plants on the ground. It's not just these... trees, shrubs, and grasses are all one form, one structure, all over the planet.

He suddenly shuddered and ran back to the place where the people gathered.

Sure enough, the colonel was still struggling with the puddle, and he put almost all the materials he could take out into it.

— It didn't work, it was all corroded.

The explorations of other teams have also come to a deadlock. Although they are scattered on this planet no smaller than the earth, the situations they encounter are similar—maybe there are not even minor differences, exactly the same.

They can't do anything but record temperature, humidity and wind direction.

Sweena sighed deeply on the communication channel, and could only offer a meaningless encouragement: "There will always be a way."

"Nothing." The colonel gave up exploring the puddle and was led by Ling to the river.

After touching the river bed that was as tactile as a blade of grass, they looked at each other.

"I read a story about a star whale." Ling Yi said suddenly.

The colonel was distracted and didn't listen to anything. He said "uh" and said, "This broken planet is here to mess with us. Why do I feel like I'm dreaming?"

"It says that the star whale is a creature that lives in the universe. It is as big as a planet... After the end of the earth, the human government captured a star whale and rebuilt the entire civilization on the back of the star whale. Then use weapons, electric shocks and other means to force the star whales to carry them in the desired direction."

The colonel raised his eyebrows: "What do you mean?"

"It's nothing... If these things are really a whole and have life, it will probably be scary." Ling Yi looked up at the sky, looking at the few clouds floating in the lavender sky, "These things are alive after all, right?"

The colonel kicked the blade of grass: "It must be alive."

Lucia, who had been silent for a long time, said, "The possibility that the unknown object is inorganic is zero."

No matter how the environment changes in the universe, the simplest rules will not change.

Quantum fluctuations, the big bang of the universe, produce interactions, and produce elementary particles. The atomic structure is right there, even if the periodic table of elements reaches a thousand, it is impossible to produce such a strange thing, so even if you can't observe the structure of this thing, you can be sure that it must not be a simple inorganic substance.

As for whether there is life in the end, it is hard to say, everything needs to be further explored.

They have explored so many planets, this is the first time they have encountered a situation where they have no way to start.

More than a dozen teams finally returned home, and the only gain was probably a few liters of air each packed.

The author has something to say: The transitional chapter of the plot ~ the next chapter will start things up

The last exam on Friday, continue to review=w=So the next update is on Friday, if there is an update on Thursday, it means I am revising the essay=w=

The place to fix is the first three chapters. After thinking about it for the past few days, I feel that the whole is not very refined, so I plan to make a little change. Change the previous sixth area into the black hole into the entire voyager falling into the black hole. No need to re-read it, no Affect any plot, as for why it needs to be changed, there will be surprises when I write it later, tweet!