Cat’s Rose

Chapter 55: Repeat yesterday (4)


The flow of time can be fast or slow.

When it is fast, it seems that more than ten years have passed in an instant; when it is slow, it is like an innocuous crack in the water pipe, and the water seeps out densely, and finally gathers into a drop, which falls down with a click. One second passed.

Ling Yi's time is undoubtedly the slowest one.

The subspace is pitch black, without any reference objects. At a glance, everything remains unchanged, almost as if it is still. All the lights on the spaceship are off, and only when he walks over, will the sensor light up.

— An atom in the filament, going from a high-energy state to a low-energy state, releases a photon, and there is light.

Ling Yi looked at the light source and pondered why he even remembered this kind of thing, the voyage is still not over.

The same doubt arose the night after he mastered calculus.

The next time this kind of doubt arises, it will probably be when he finishes watching Dostoevsky.

This may not be easy to achieve, though, as his waking hours dwindle.

Several times, he looked at himself in the mirror, and found that his pupils glowed a strange purple under the white light, and sometimes, the blood drawn out with a syringe was also grayish dark purple.

The virus was engaged in a long-term tug-of-war with his body, and there was no tenderness in this kind of war. He lives in the pain of the muscles and internal organs all over his body being corroded alive and then forced to grow back.

I don't know if the digestive system is still healthy, and I can't drink the nutritional supplements for a long time. After vomiting a few times mixed with blood, I changed to injecting life-saving liquid.

As embarrassing as it sounds, he's serious about living a regular life.

Early to bed and early to rise, weak body, often vomiting blood, no way to train, so I looked for something in the database, those things that I hated when I was a child, I would rather watch Peppa Pig and Princess Barbie than I would touch, and gradually I can After seeing it, the math problems that Lin Si did with his head turned out to be a good tool to pass the time - if it wasn't so painful that he couldn't think, he felt that he could become a mathematician.

At night, when you can’t sleep, take some sleep aids, spray the bottle of perfume that you quietly took from the Lince room, and you can forget that your body is breaking down, and do it in the familiar woody top note. Some good and bad dreams.

In these dreams, he actually captured many fragments of past life on Earth.

Ling Jing doesn't like to talk, she always comes and goes in a hurry, and rarely goes home. Occasional vacations, when not dating Zheng Shu, I teach myself mixed martial arts at home.

He ran in a silver-white corridor, stopped in front of a door, and peeked in quietly. Ling Ning was programming, typing on the keyboard as if he was playing the piano.

The piano...he can play it, and he seems to have dreamed that on a sunny afternoon, there was a white swing on the lawn outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, and Yesselin was teaching herself to play a piece of music, which seemed to be "Autumn Whispers" Or "Fur Elise", can't remember.

Yesselin's eyes were very quiet, like the ocean when life was born, and she had no impression of her facial features.

— There are just these fragments, and there is no internal logic to connect them.

More often I dream of Lins, Lins is still the same as in my memory, wearing a white shirt buttoned to the collar, with thin lips and light color, occasionally revealing some vague smiles, making my whole soul Slightly shaken, this feeling is hard to describe, until one day he saw a word, writing flip(1), which seemed a bit appropriate.

The pain will often gradually increase, and then to a point where he can't bear it anymore, he can't do anything, as if every cell is being torn apart, and then he loses consciousness. When I woke up, I didn't know how long it had been, as if I had lost control of my body, and even moving a little bit would cause more excruciating pain.

At the same time, Lucia's situation is not optimistic, or very troublesome.

Since the initial error, her running window often has hundreds of lines of garbled characters, and then stops working. Ling Yi will restart her immediately after finding out, and after a few days, or even a few minutes, the operation will continue to report errors. Fortunately, the navigation program has already been set, otherwise the entire spacecraft may get lost in the subspace and never go back.

Ling Yi didn't know what she was calculating, and he didn't know where the problem was. He tried to make Lucia stop all calculations to prevent mistakes, but in the whole system, he was not an administrator, and he did not control the running modules. permissions, so Lucia can only loop infinitely between restarting and erroring.

Her 3D projection also comes and goes. Sometimes, when Ling Yi wakes up from a coma, he can see her by his side when he opens his eyes. Sometimes, she doesn't come out once for dozens of days.

"Lucia?" His voice was a little hoarse, "What's wrong with you?"

Lucia stared at him quietly with blue eyes, without saying a word, Ling Yi could see the blankness on her expressionless face for no reason.

Fortunately, although the time was difficult, it passed by every minute after all, and although the virus was violent, he finally survived day by day.

More than 50 people have died in the cryogenic cabin one after another, and the remains have no human form.

In the last few days, Ling Yi was only awake for a few intermittent hours every day. If the journey in the subspace was not coming to an end, he thought he would definitely go crazy.

"Turn on the twelve-fold curvature propulsion."

"Leaving the Warp."

The sea of stars is still vast, and thousands of stars twinkle, as if they will never change.

Ling Yi felt that he was alive again.

"Welcome back to the real universe, the expedition is landing, the target planet: TKM-IV, the average wind speed of the target planet: 6.3 m/s..."

"The coordinates of 'Voyager' have been confirmed, and a docking request is being sent."

Ling Yi was suddenly shocked.

"Lucia!" he snapped, "Stop docking!"

Lucia's voice was still mechanical and calm: "A docking request is being sent."

"The other party has received it and is preparing for docking, please wait."

Ling Yifei hurried to the main console and quickly tapped on the virtual screen.

Meanwhile, Voyagers.

The news of the expeditioner's return reached everyone's bracelets almost at the same time, and everyone's face was full of joy. The command came from the main control room, and the huge ship slowly opened its wings and opened the docking channel.

And in the next moment, the main control room received another message that followed, which was very short and very weird.

"Don't butt."

The person in charge of the main control room frowned, but the next moment he received a communication request from the expeditioner.

He gets on the comm.

A face that people will never forget once they saw it appeared on the screen.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, it's hard for you to imagine that such a person exists in reality. The unscrupulous beauty of the facial features is full of colors, and the city conquers the territory, and because of the lifelessness, it adds danger and mystery, like an evil wizard hiding in the deep of the castle. lover.

"Please stop the docking immediately," the person on the screen said, his breathing was a little short, panted, and continued: "The expedition is carrying a strong virus, the level of danger is higher than that of the Berlin virus, and the navigation system is out of control. Please keep your distance."

The person in charge immediately realized the seriousness of the matter, and reported the situation to the Marshal and Mrs. Chen at the same time, then shut down the docking system, started the engine, and the expeditioner slowly left the expeditioner who was coming towards him.

During this period, the communication between the two has not been cut off, so the person in charge clearly heard the mechanical female voice in the main control room of the expeditioner.

"The coordinates of the Voyager have changed and are being repositioned."

"The positioning is successful, and the docking request is being sent, please wait."

The Voyager moved again.

"The coordinates of the Voyager have changed and are being repositioned."

"Positioning successful, sending docking request, please wait..."

Ling Yi turned pale, endured the severe pain in his body and restarted Lucia.

No use, the navigation procedure has already been set.

He breathed out with difficulty, and said to the other end of the communication, "Help me connect to Tang Ning in District 5, and explain the situation to him clearly."

Voyager's work was very efficient. Three minutes later, Tangning's face appeared on the screen.

"It's impossible for Lucia to make such a low-level mistake. There must be something wrong." Tangning didn't care to pay attention to Ling Yi's state, and spoke very quickly, "Open the Arisic window and do as I tell you."

At the same time, Lucia spoke again: "The docking failed, the second plan is being implemented, TKM-IV is being prepared to land, please wait."

Ling Yi's hands trembled a little, not only because his body was extremely weak, but also because of nervousness.

The expedition must not be allowed to bring the virus to this planet!

If you are also frozen—then the Voyager will dock with the Expeditionary without hesitation, and then, hell will reappear.

"Enter this command, the password is Hello World, and then execute the emergency procedure...forcibly cut off the power of the third line," Tangning said, "Do you remember where the black box was installed? Take it out."

According to Tangning's instructions, Ling Yi finally removed the piece of core hardware from Lucia, and the expeditioner finally stopped all movements, barely hovering outside the atmosphere.


Tangning breathed a sigh of relief, "What should we do next? Are you all right?"

"Very bad..." Ling Yi panted lightly, his voice slightly hoarse: "I want Lin Si to pick me up."

"Madam Chen has received the news, you look terrible, hold on..." Tangning said, her eyes suddenly opened wide, "Ling Yi!"

The sky was dim and the ground was dark in front of Ling Yi, and he fell straight down, as if he heard Lin Si talking in a trance.

"Hey, come to me."

——In a cemetery-like storage room, the walls are full of specimens, and the ground is full of dormancy cabins. Standing under the cold light tube, Lin Si stretched out a hand towards himself.

This was the first time he saw Lins.

But it's not... It's not the first time, he must have heard this name before.

The memory goes back along the distant time. In the peaceful morning, he was swinging on the swing, and Yesselin was with him, but she was on the phone, her tone was gentle and light, and she could vaguely distinguish a few sentences.

"I've been in Berlin for a long time this time... It's time to come back and have a look... I also have a very interesting project here... Lingling has wanted to see you for a long time, but I haven't had a chance... I'm sure I can't wait to go to your place when I come back this time..."

Ling Yi was stunned, and suddenly burst into tears.

I can't go to your place this time.

I'm in so much pain that I can't walk anymore... You must come and pick me up.

He closed his eyes, and his consciousness completely sank into the boundless darkness.

The author has something to say: (1) flip, which means flicking, lightly hitting, and has a more romantic meaning: heartbeat =w=

It's over, this period is over, take the cat home carefully~