Cat’s Rose

Chapter 56: Repeat yesterday (5)


After Ling Yi fell down, all calls were never answered. The person in charge of the main control room understood the seriousness of the matter and immediately sent a message to Mrs. Chen.

It has been nearly eight years since the expeditioners left. Everyone thought they had finally returned safely, but they did not expect such a serious accident to happen. Now the Lucia system has been forcibly shut down, and Voyager has no way of contacting it. The information Ling Yi revealed in the video before is limited, so we don't know the details of the situation here, and we don't know what measures to take.

The person in charge wiped the sweat from the corner of his forehead, feeling uneasy, the corner of his eye brushed the screen on the other side, and found that the expeditioner had sent his voyage log three minutes ago—it must have been sent by the person he was talking to Yes, it can be regarded as a solution to the urgent need.

He forwarded the voyage log, then opened the file, and read it from the back to the front.

It was the same with Mrs. Chen and the marshal. Looking at it, their expressions were extremely serious.

Lucia's glitch is strange and malicious and must be dealt with. It is indeed a great thing to find a livable planet that is perfect in all aspects, but there is an unknown and potent virus on the planet—they can't help but think of the days when the Berlin virus raged.

The past is too bad to look back on, and no one wants to experience it again, but the leaders of the two spaceships have reached an agreement with the colonel—never give up on this planet.

Not giving up the planet means they decide to fight the virus.

The task of fighting the virus naturally falls on the Sixth District. As for who will be in charge of the overall situation-of course it is Lin Si, who once led the Wilkins laboratory to complete the development of the vaccine against the third-generation Berlin virus. Everyone knows that this task cannot be entrusted to others due to emotion and reason.

The Voyager's work efficiency was extremely fast, and Lin Si's unfreezing order was issued immediately.

Before freezing, everyone had to write an application by hand. One of the items in the application was the ownership of the right to unfreeze, and Lin Si filled in Ling Yi's name. That is to say, if one day he is thawed, it means two things, Ling Yi comes back, or the voyager has reached a critical moment when he needs himself.

In the cryogenic cabin, the temperature rose slowly according to the predetermined curve, and the freezing liquid was pumped out and injected. The whole process was very long. After five hours, Lin Si's body gradually warmed up, and his consciousness gradually became clear.

"Brother." Su Ting guarded him, and when he saw him wake up, he immediately called out.

Eight years can turn a young girl into a mature woman, and Su Ting is no exception. She is much calmer and more elegant than Lin Si before she fell asleep.

But the situation at this time does not allow long-winded reminiscences. Lin Si opened his eyes, he was still in a state of dizziness, and his will forced his sanity to return. After being helped by Su Ting, he looked around outside the cryogenic cabin and only saw Su Ting He and his previous subordinates did not see Ling Yi.

His expression seemed to turn cold, and he asked, "What happened?"

"You have been sleeping for eight years, and this time there is an emergency." Su Ting said.

eight years.

Still within the estimated sailing time limit of the expedition.

Lynch breathed a sigh of relief. Before he fell asleep, he had imagined all kinds of situations he would face when he woke up again. Ling Yi came back, or he didn't come back. Or when he woke up, more than ten years, or even tens of years had passed, and Ling Yi hadn't returned yet, and at a certain point in time that he didn't know, he was buried in the sea of stars with the expeditioners.

It's only been eight years now, and there's still a lot of hope.

But he still asked: "Have the expeditioners returned?"

"It's because of this..." Su Ting was speaking, and Mrs. Chen came here in person.

"Lin, you're awake." She walked quickly, "I sent you the file, look backwards."

Lin Si opened his bracelet, received the document, and when he saw that it was the expedition log, his eyes froze slightly. The further down he looked, the terribly lower the air pressure around him became.

After watching the most critical part, he pressed the center of his eyebrows to maintain his composure.

Madam looked at him: "The marshal and I have decided to leave this matter to you."

"I have two applications," he said, "to unfreeze all members of the Wilkins Laboratory and restart the third phase of the 'limitless' plan."

"The third phase of Limitless is understandable," Madam said, "but Wilkins know their status."

"I can choose to forget about the past, and so can they," Lindsay said. "They are the best people."

After all, a layman is a layman, and only knows that the situation is urgent. Only professionals like Lin Si and Su Ting can determine the danger level and approximate type of the virus based on the description in the logbook.

Wilkins Laboratory is the top team to deal with this virus. They are familiar with each other and have rich experience. The 300 lives on the expedition are slowly losing, without any delay, the most likely to find a way to deal with it, and as quickly as possible It is the only one that can do it, not a team of other outstanding scholars temporarily assembled.

Although... the entire laboratory does not stand for the voyagers, and even hates the voyagers.

At the last moment of conquering the Berlin virus, they were forcibly taken away by the voyagers and left the earth. Then, the research continued, and the virus on the Voyager was eliminated, but the vaccine was never sent to Earth again.

Subsequently, the virus mutated four times, and the earth fell.

Voyagers bear the blood debt of 400 million people.

Therefore, Mrs. Chen thought for a long time before finally nodding her head slowly.

In addition to the Wilkins laboratory, there are some other personnel, most of whom are outstanding young talents in this field—among them are those whom Wilkins was looking for so hard. Has been recruited by Voyagers.

At the beginning, it was so difficult for Jesse Lin to organize the entire laboratory amidst the turmoil, but today, to reorganize Wilkins, all you need to do is select someone from a long list and press OK.

After all the thawing was over, Mrs. Chen avoided them, leaving them alone.

Except for the person involved, no one knows what Lin Si said, and no one knows what happened in that room. They only know that after this day, things started in full swing.

Those precious cutting-edge equipment that were not easily activated in the warehouse, no matter how big or small, were all transferred to the small spaceship. Even the second area was alarmed, and they pricked up their ears to observe the situation, for fear that they would seize all their colliders. .

"You shouldn't go there first," Su Ting said, "It's too early... We still don't know how contagious the virus is, although the protective equipment is very comprehensive—"

"Ling Yi is inside," Lin Si interrupted her. "He lost consciousness eleven hours ago, and he still hasn't been contacted."

Lin paused, his voice suppressed: "He stayed alone on the Expeditionary for three years."

Such a delicate and beautiful little thing, watching him grow up little by little, and shed tears at the slightest grievance - Lin Si couldn't imagine how much he had to suffer to come back.

It's not just as simple as staying in the spaceship... Ling Yi endured that kind of virus infection for three years.

Su Ting could understand this feeling, and pursed his lips: "Okay, pay more attention, I'm here to organize the third phase of Limitless."

Lin Si said "hmm".

This was the first batch, and he took fourteen people out of the voyager, and started to set up a fifth-level biological laboratory near the voyager in deep space.

Compared with the soldiers on the expedition, this group of people is completely different. They have overcome Ebola, and they are not afraid of the Berlin virus. . Before knowing the specific situation, according to the description of the flight log, they temporarily named this virus "Purple Virus".

Fume hoods, pressure chambers, independent oxygen supply systems, fully enclosed protective clothing, strong ultraviolet rays... If the expeditioners face the purple virus like a person wearing a raincoat trying to resist a flood, then the Wilkins laboratory is like sitting on the ground. Submarines - what's more, they also have a wealth of theoretical knowledge.

"Hemorrhage all over the body... suspected panphagocytic virus." A lady flipped through the flight log and said.

"Strongly contagious, and the course of the disease is extremely short, I think the possibility of filovirus is very high." Her colleague said.

"It's a demon similar to the Berlin virus." A voice said.

When the Berlin virus was mentioned, the atmosphere in the small spaceship became heavy, until someone broke the deadlock again: "Lin, what do you think?"

"I prefer genetic viruses." Lin Sidao, "The flight log we received was not automatically generated by the spacecraft's intelligent system, but a human record."

"Impossible," said the woman who spoke first, "surviving three years with this virus?"

"He is a test subject of the 'limitless' project, and he has obtained some very unusual mutations in the black hole radiation." Lin Si concealed Ling Yi's identity, and it is not appropriate to mention Ye Selin again at this time, it will arouse their emotions out of control.

"His DNA has been endowed with a certain activity, and it has been slowly changing in a favorable direction... The two hundred people on the spaceship have all experienced the physical transformation of the 'limitess', but the course of the disease is only a little longer than ordinary people. Only he After living for three years, I tend to think that the purple virus is a genetic virus, otherwise this would not have happened."

"My God," she shook her head in disbelief, "Three years in the pan-phagocytic or genetic virus infection... no one can bear that kind of pain, didn't his spirit collapse?"

Lins didn't speak. He looked eerily calm, but he wasn't.

Obviously, the purple virus attacks every cell, making them fragmented, and all the organs and tissues of the whole person will turn into turbid blood. It happened to a stranger, and it even made the lady exclaim, let alone someone so close to him. ... Ling Yi.

Some things are unimaginable. The ties formed over the years will magnify the pain experienced by one person and transmit it to another person's heart by a hundred times.

The spaceship hovered over the hatch of the expeditioner, and they entered the interior of the expeditioner fully armed. This time, the main purpose was to collect virus samples, take away the problematic Lucia's core hardware, and then replace the Vivian system provided by the fifth district. Installed to restore the Expeditionary to normal operation.

As soon as he entered the main control room, Lin Si saw Ling Yi who was unconscious on the ground, and he quickly stepped forward.

Fortunately, there is still breathing.

His body temperature was extremely low, his breathing was weak, his eyes were closed, and his vital signs were almost invisible.

Lin held up his upper body, but Ling Yi didn't respond, he leaned limply in his arms like a little dead cat.

The time that stopped on Lin Si has been on him for eight years. He is no longer a child, his eyebrows and eyes are still delicate and beautiful, but he has grown taller and he can’t hold him anymore—but the price he paid was too heavy to be bearable The point, at least for Rings.

If he knew that this kind of thing would happen, he would have put Ling Yi directly in the freezer to sleep with him for eight years, saving this daring little thing from running out to find trouble.

The look in Lin Si's eyes changed several times, and finally calmed down, turning into a half-smile that was extremely dangerous in the eyes of those who were familiar with him.

"I'll clean you up when I wake up."

The author has something to say: Cleaning up is impossible, as long as the sick and weak cats wake up and make a soft chirp, Dr. Lin's heart will melt =w=