Cat’s Rose

Chapter 59: Dawn breaks (3)


Ling Yi and Lin Si got tired of it for a while before they separated. Lin Si went to get the painkiller, and the others also knew the news of Ling Yi waking up.

After confirming that Ling Yi's body was fine, they began to ask about some specific symptoms, as well as the situation on that planet. On the other side, several people were analyzing the initial thoughts on the virus on Lins.

"The results of the analysis of the samples have come out," someone said. "The shape is very changeable, and it is difficult to come up with a specific definition."

"We did a preliminary analysis of those blood samples and it tended to be a genetic virus."

"The focus is on sample analysis," Lin Sidao said: "Other people in the freezer should also observe."

The task is very heavy A long time ago, on the earth, it took many years for medicine to overcome a disease. Even now that various technological means have made leaps, overcoming a virus is an arduous project.

However, fortunately, they have a wealth of experience in dealing with the Berlin virus, and these experiences are equally effective in dealing with another genetic virus. However, once it was confirmed that this thing was a genetic virus, another puzzling problem appeared.

"If it is indeed a genetic virus, and the reason why we cannot analyze its specific form is because we do not understand the DNA structure it belongs to," said a woman, "how did it appear? According to records and Ling According to one description, there is no carbon-based life on that planet, only some strange life forms that we cannot understand."

This is indeed a problem. No matter what kind of virus it is, it always depends on life to exist.

The Berlin virus is a type of genetic virus. When the Berlin laboratory conducted human genetic modification experiments, there was an unexpected mutation—this gave birth to the devil, the Berlin virus. Then where is the source of the birth of the purple virus, which is also a genetic virus

However, their purpose is first to find a cure, to create a vaccine, and then to trace the source of the virus. After being briefly discussed, this issue was quickly shelved.

For the next few days, the focus of the research was on Ling Yi and the samples he left behind during the three-year voyage.

Therefore, Ling Yi has to deal with a lot of people in the laboratory every day.

Ye Selin presided over the former Wilkins Laboratory, so most of them know Ling Yi's name—seeing him now, they inevitably think of many past events on Earth.

During the research break, Ling Yi was talking to a lady.

He was wearing a light blue hospital gown, his face was a little pale, his long black hair was hanging down, and he had a polite smile in his eyes, making him look very gentle and quiet.

"If Ye Selin can see you now, she must be very pleased," the lady said, "Lin is a qualified guardian."

"Thank you." Ling Yi smiled.

"How does your body feel now?"

"I feel good," Ling said, "much better than before, and I haven't passed out these days."

"Your body has some really amazing qualities," she said. "When we help you balance some of your body markers, it takes a lot less load, and a lot of your tissues are already repairing themselves."

Ling nodded a little: "I feel it."

"A very perfect body. It is said that your DNA is active and has been slowly changing in a favorable direction." Her tone contained wonder, but any researcher involved in this field would have a great impression on Ling Yi's body. interest of.

"It seems so," Ling Yi smiled, "Do you want to study it? There are many records in Lin Si."

"I'm already coming," she said, "Fortunately, it's Lin Si, but someone else might choose to dissect you."

"The people on the spaceship have always suspected that Lin Si was using me to do some abnormal experiments." Ling Yi thought for a while and told her, "But Lin Si only occasionally took some samples."

Ling Yi has already felt a lot of the current atmosphere in this laboratory—everyone believes in Lin Si very much, and has no doubts about his character, which is completely different from when he was in the Voyager. On the Voyager, many people think that Lince is the kind of genius in science fiction but cold, mysterious scientist who does nothing for his own research, sounds cool, but often acts as a villain.

"Lin has changed a lot. He is no longer the same person he used to be. People who don't know him will have a lot of misunderstandings." The lady lowered her eyes. "The same goes for us. We can never go back to the past."

Ling Yi knew why she said that, and could understand their feelings. Not everything can be forgiven. This voyage in the universe is of great significance, but it always has a bloody and shady starting point.

A collection of poems that he saw from Zheng Shu a long time ago suddenly appeared in his mind. There were some diary-like things in the collection. Those things had already gradually faded in his memory, but during the three years he was infected with the virus and passed out in a coma, the past events kept appearing in his dreams, so he remembered them again.

The person who wrote said that he was a guilty person, that innocent souls appeared in a dream, and blood stained the deck of the voyager... Then, this person was infected with the virus, and said, thank God, there is no need to linger under the torture of conscience .

Was it this person who ordered and forcibly taken away the Wilkins laboratory, and then directly killed the 400 million surviving people on the earth? That's why he felt so guilty and thought he was a guilty person.

However, it is said that the leaders of the spaceship at the beginning were the marshal and Mrs. Chen, and such orders should be given by them—and the person who wrote the diary is dead, and he said goodbye at the end of the collection of poems.

Taking a step back, if that person was another unknown leader of the spacecraft at that time, how could his handwriting appear in Zheng Shu's collection

Ling Yi felt that there was something wrong with it, and it was a very important problem. He wanted to read that book again.

After the lady's rest was over and she left the ward to continue working, Ling Yi called out, "Vivian, are you there?"

Vivian in the crimson dress appeared in front of him with a smile, and asked him, "What's the matter?"

"I want to find something," Ling Yi thought for a while, and said, "Can you read Lucia's surveillance video?"

"Vivian can read, but Ling Yi doesn't have permission," Vivian grabbed a rag doll in her hand, tugged it a few times and then blinked at Ling Yi, "But Ling Yi is Vivian's good friend." Friends, so I won't tell others that you have seen it."

Ling Yi: "..."

He knew why Vivienne couldn't be used as an official system on the Voyager, she was too much like a person.

Vivienne ran for a while, threw herself at his side, and asked in a low voice, "Do you know Lucia's execution code?"

Ling only knew one of the passwords related to Lucia, and it was Tangning who told him that day in an emergency.

"Hello World."

"That's right!" Vivienne clapped her hands, "Praise you!"

"You already knew?"

"I've seen Tangning type this in, and I just remembered it," Vivian said with a look of begging for compliments, "So I'm here to test you."

Therefore, although Vivienne is indeed cute, it may be that she is really not suitable for a navigation system. Although Lucia also has a certain intelligence, she still abides by the inherent rules.

Lucia has a powerful storage area, from here, you can see all the surveillance footage since she took over the spaceship, and the surveillance area covers almost the entire spaceship.

Ling Yi started to search, and the object was the camera in Zheng Shu's office. The time... was probably before the Voyager landed on TKM-IV. At that time, he was cooperating with Lin Si to make the "dome" liquid.

He couldn't remember exactly what day it was, so he chose a relatively earlier time point, fast forwarded all the way, and finally saw the day when he was brought to Zheng Shu's office by Lin Si.

Then, the two of them were called out by a call, and only herself was left in the office. Zheng Shu said that he could read books when he was bored—then he walked to the bookcase by himself, and because the arrangement of the poetry collection was different from other books, Take it down and open it.

After a while, the handwriting appeared.

Ling Yi zoomed in on the screen and saw a few lines of words in the blank space on the right.

"We're finally setting sail and I can't imagine what I've done, what we've done."

With just this sentence, Ling Yi's eyes suddenly widened.

He pressed the pause button, ran to the other side of the ward, and took out the photo Zheng Shu gave him, the engagement photo of Zheng Shu and Ling Jing, in the left breast pocket of his military uniform. There is a sentence on the back of the photo. He has read this sentence many times and knows it by heart.

"Facing eternity is the love of all of us, a lingering farewell."

but! The point is not the content of the sentence!

Handwriting—the handwriting of this sentence on the back of the photo is very beautiful and upright, exactly the same as the handwriting in the poetry collection. Moreover, Ling Yi recognized Zheng Shu's handwriting, which was definitely not written by him.

Then there is only one possibility, the owner of the handwriting is the other protagonist of this photo, his sister Ling Jing.

That's why Zheng Shu kept that collection of poems, because it was a relic of his beloved fiancée, just like he kept a pot of cat grass on the table—Ling Jing would not take care of flowers and plants, only cat grass with no requirements could be under her hands Live a few more days.

She really should have a boat ticket. The colonel once said that he was from the special operations team of the first base in Los Angeles, and Ling Jing was in the second base.

So, Ling Jing has a boat ticket and boarded the boat. But what did she do? Why is it so painful

Was she suffering for the same reasons as the members of Wilkins' lab? But she has not participated in the research work of Berlin virus.

Ling Yi went on to finish watching the surveillance.

The farther back, the more frantic and scribbled the handwriting-revealing a certain kind of crazy despair. Until the end, she said goodbye to the whole world.

He closed the monitoring interface and was very preoccupied.

"Ward round." Lin Si symbolically knocked on the door and walked in.

Vivian felt guilty, and hid behind the cabinet in a swish.

Lin Si raised his eyebrows: "What are you doing?"

Vivian said: "I won't tell you!"

"Hmm," Lin Si said, "why didn't you tell me?"

Vivian rolled her eyes.

"Okay," Lin Si checked Ling Yi's various parameters, recorded them, and said, "I'm starting to have a little secret."

Ling Yi thought for a while, and felt that he should ask Lin Si.

"Have you seen Ling Jing on the spaceship?" he asked.

"Ling Jing..." Lin Si thought about it, "Yeselin didn't say that she got the boat ticket, and I haven't seen her for a long time on Earth."

Ling Yi felt at a loss.

The author has something to say: The sister’s diary is related in chapters 13 and 14, and the colonel mentioned Ling Jing and the military rank in chapter 37 =w=