Cat’s Rose

Chapter 62: The Fermi Paradox (1)


In the early morning of the next day, Lin Si brushed open the door of Ling Yi's room.

Adelaide finally said that Ling Yi didn't have any psychological problems, and then gave him a meaningful look, roughly meaning—you've got trouble.

Since there is no problem, is it pure anger? After all, this incident was indeed a bit sudden.

When he entered, Ling Yi was still awake, his eyes were closed, half of his face was buried in the snow-white pillow, he was in a slightly curled up posture, beautiful and quiet. His senses have always been sensitive, but they often fail when facing Lin Si, such as now, he has not been woken up at all.

Lin Si looked at him and felt very peaceful in his heart. He sat down on the armchair beside the bed, opened a book, and had a good talk with Ling Yi when he woke up.

Ling Yi didn't sleep for a long time. When the biological clock made him open his eyes, he saw Lin Si at first sight.

Lins looked up at him.

He rolled over to face out the window, refusing to look at Rins.

Lince laughed.

That low, breathy sound from the chest scratched Ling Yi's head, making his whole body tremble.

— He chose to cover his ears with a quilt.

Lin Si approached: "Still angry?"

Ling Yi didn't speak.

He is very temperamental, and it seems that he will not be able to coax him well in a while. Lin Si didn't continue to ask, he turned around and cleaned up the messy things on the table yesterday, then took a tube of nutritional supplements, and brewed a white powder, which turned into a glass of milk-this eight The diet on the Voyager has also improved over the years.

"Breakfast." Lin Si's voice was accompanied by the light collision of cups and plates on the table.

Ling Yi couldn't help turning over again, revealing a pair of eyes from under the quilt.

He saw Lin Si standing in front of him facing the morning light, with transparent gold on the tip of his hair, and a faint smile in his usually emotionless eyes, this kind of smile, coupled with the soft morning light, made his whole body The indifference and sharpness that had always been there faded away, and Ling Yi's heartbeat suddenly slowed down.

Lin Si came over and pushed back the quilt: "It's not good for your health to be stuffed in the quilt."

Because of this movement, his fingertips brushed Ling Yi's cheek, and the slightly cool touch was exactly the same as in memory.

If it was a day ago, Ling Yi would not hesitate to follow Lin Si's movements to hug him and say good morning, but now he can't do it no matter what.

Getting close to Lin Si was something he was used to the most, but now he dared not do it the most.

He needs a little time to sort out his relationship with Lin Si.

"Talk to me, good boy." Lin Si fished him out of the quilt, "Baby?"

Ling put on his clothes and muffled, "Good morning."

He tidied himself up, took the nutrient straw in his mouth, swallowed it, and silently pushed the milk to Lin Si, and waited for him to drink half of it before taking it back to drink the remaining half.

After drinking, he said, "I'm going to find the marshal today."

Now that he has confirmed that he does not carry the virus, he should go back to the voyager, report the results of the expedition to the marshal face to face, and then accept the marshal's questioning - the colonel should have done it, but now the colonel is still an iceberg who has not passed the dangerous period. piece.

Lin Si let out a "hmm" and continued, "Be careful."


Because he wanted to see the marshal, Ling Yi wore a formal military uniform today.

The black standard military uniform made the whole person extraordinarily heroic and upright, embellished with silver buttons and tassels, so that the whole would not look dull due to the large area of black. He buckled his gun and took off the military cap from the top of the hanger.

The brim of the hat just suppressed the soft beauty of the long black hair, and his face was expressionless at this time, which made him look different from before.

A handsome and elegant young officer with a promising future, possessing all the good qualities worthy of praise, not frivolous, and trustworthy—if on Earth, there must be many girls seriously considering how to marry him.

Lin Si folded his arms and looked at him, realizing for the first time that Ling Yi had indeed grown up.

No matter how dependent he is on himself, how he laughs and laughs when the two of them are alone, he is already a complete adult.

—he will be completely detached from his identity as a child, like a new cell that is detached from an old cell in the process of division. Then, he has his own future, pursuit, communication and even love, and others will not call him "the little angel of the Lins family" to "the archangel of the Lins family", but will shout—" Ling Yi".

This kind of cognition made Lin Si feel a little bewildered for no reason. In his heart, he hoped that Ling Yi would not grow up, would not go into the wind, frost, rain and snow outside, and could live under his protection forever.

But the seedlings will never stop branching out, just as the river is destined to go to the ocean.

Ling Yi walked towards him against the light.

"Grow up." Lin Si looked at him and said lightly.

Ling Yi seemed to say "hmm", but Lin Si didn't hear it clearly.

Because he got closer and closer, and kissed him on the forehead.

Very restrained, superficial like water, one touch is instant.

"Although many things have changed," Ling Yi said softly, "I still hope to be your Ling Yi forever."

"It's not difficult," Lin Si said, "as long as you are willing."

Growth is like mitosis, some are brand new and some don't change.

Ling Yi did not answer this sentence, turned and left.

Lin Si leaned on the wall of the corridor and waited for Ling Yi's footsteps to gradually disappear, his eyes were slightly closed, and his expression was thoughtful.

"If my son was alive, he would be like you."

Surprisingly, the marshal's first sentence to Ling Yi was not business-like, but such a sentence, and his tone also added a bit of kindness, not the usual majesty.

I haven't seen you for eight years, the marshal is getting old.

It's not too obvious on the outside, but it can be changed to the him eight years ago, and he would never gossip with others.

He took another deep look at Ling Yi before the formal communication began.

Ling Yi knew the whole trip very well, and he brought all the materials, so the conversation went very smoothly. After two hours, he finally reported everything.

"You have worked hard." The marshal nodded: "A very difficult task has been completed - and you have done a good job."

"Thank you." Ling Yi smiled, "My companions will be very happy when they wake up."

A young man who has completed a arduous and glorious mission, is proud and unassuming, excellent and not reckless, and even makes people feel a little well-behaved.

The marshal's fingers rubbed the table, and under the glass was a photo of his wife and son. Back then, when the Voyager left the earth, he was just a beautiful little boy. If he grew up by his side, he would be an outstanding young man now.

"You have grown up too," the marshal said indifferently, "What are your plans for the future?"

"The limitless experimental subjects all belong to the third district. I also like this kind of life very much, so I want to officially join the third district." Ling Yi looked at the marshal, and lowered his eyes slightly, as if he was a little embarrassed: "But the expedition It has always been a formation system without a clear division of labor, so I am not sure which direction to choose."

Although the words were true, Ling Yi was not as indecisive as he said. On the expeditioner, due to the arrangement of the colonel, he had done various jobs, from participating in frontline exploration to going out on missions alone, and once with Sweena Staying at the deep space command office is a very interesting job, and he has no objectionable direction—so he can just take a look at the attitude of the marshal.

He was thinking about how he would guide his marshal if his son was by his side. Hearing Ling Yi's confused words asking for help, he felt a lot of emotion.

"Your father is engaged in technical work in the military... but you don't seem to be developing there," the marshal pondered for a while, then continued, "Your mission experience in the past few years is already rich enough, but you still need to practice internally. .”

Ling Yi understood what the Marshal meant.

Internal training, the marshal probably wants to arrange himself in the civilian department that often deals with various institutions-this is a very obvious cultivation.

"I'll think about it," he replied.

The marshal nodded, and asked about the research progress of the virus in the sixth district before letting Ling Yi go.

Ling Yi now has to cooperate with the experiments in the sixth district, and cannot grow up in the third district. Even if there is any arrangement, he will have to wait until the virus problem is resolved.

Being appreciated by the marshal did not make Ling Yi very proud—after all, he was very sure of it. However, the conversation with the marshal just now reminded him of something.

When the Voyagers first started preparations, the Marshal was already one of the leaders, but even so, his children did not get a ticket. It can be seen that the issuance of tickets is extremely strict, and there is no room for partiality.

Since the strictness has reached such a point, it is a bit unbelievable that I can board the boat. Can the boat ticket still be inherited

In addition, according to the book of poems, Ling Jing should have boarded the ship, but why doesn't even Lin Si know whether she got the ticket or not

Either way, it's kind of weird.

He went back to District Six to see Su Ting—Su Ting missed him very much, and when he heard that he was coming to Voyager, he wanted to see him.

"You've grown up," Su Ting looked at Ling Yi, smiling, with some tears in his eyes, "It's been so hard these years, it's okay..."

"I'm fine now." Ling Yi smiled slightly at her.

They recounted some old stories, and Ling Yi also talked about what he had seen and heard on the road, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

When he was about to leave, he asked Su Ting about Ling Jing.

"My sister's level can get a boat ticket. Is she on board?"

"Ling Jing didn't get the boat ticket," Su Ting looked at him fixedly: "Why do you ask this?"

Didn't get the ticket

Ling Yi frowned.

Seeing him frowning, Su Ting softened his expression slightly: "Do you know something?"

Ling Yi thought about his words: "Didn't she get on the boat?"

"Actually, it's on." Su Ting opened the drawer and took out a memory chip: "Lin Si gave me his authority before he fell asleep. I found some things, and they are all here. You come and pass them on to him."

Ling Yi narrowed his eyes.

——Things back then were really strange, and Lin Si was also investigating.

He took the chip and asked "Can I see it?"

"Yes, after all, I am investigating for Ye Selin. Even if the truth has not been revealed yet, one day, I will know who brought the virus to the Voyager." When Su Ting said this, his eyes were firm, Then he continued: "I can answer your question. The situation was very chaotic at that time, and Ling Jing was in the military again. She lost contact with us completely, and there was no news until the sailing. However, she was on board."

Ling Yi listened to her continue.

"She is on the death list in the Ninth District. The cause of death is an uncontrolled virus infection and an unconfirmed freezing mechanism accident," Su Ting breathed out, "There will indeed be accidents in freezing, even if the probability is very small... every year More than a dozen people died in freezing accidents in the Ninth District, and when I checked other things, I found her death report and instructions on how to dispose of her body."

Ling Jing did stay on the spaceship, and was infected with the virus, and finally passed away.

The difference is that, according to Soutine, she died accidentally in her deep sleep, and the Ninth District has exhaustive reports. But in the collection of poems that Ling Yi saw, she calmly said goodbye to the whole world.

"The detailed information and other things are in the chip. If you find something convenient, you can also send it to me. It is best not to go through the Internet." Su Ting told him, "Don't let a third person know, even if you Neither can brother-in-law."

"Zheng Shu?"

"He didn't allow me to check, I suspect he knows something." Su Ting shrugged and complained, "After I found out that something was wrong with Ling Jing, I contacted him, but he completely restricted my network - Said that this matter was too dangerous, and told me not to get involved, so my subsequent actions were deliberately hidden from this person."

The author has something to say: Chirp!