Cat’s Rose

Chapter 63: Fermi Paradox (2)


After bidding farewell to Su Ting, Ling Yi received a message from District 5 that they planned to send a few people to the expedition to test Lucia on the spot, and they happened to be able to drop in with Ling Yi.

I didn't come here before because the sixth district didn't know the infection mechanism and infection ability of the virus, and it was risky to board the ship rashly. Now I have figured it out, as long as the necessary protection is done, the possibility of infection can be eliminated.

At the same time, the batch of materials requested by the laboratory has also been prepared and will be sent up on this spacecraft.

When boarding the boat, Tangning was naturally among the group of people. Surprisingly, Zheng Shu also came.

"I'm going to see Lin Si, after all, I haven't seen you for eight years," Zheng Shu smiled, "Of course I'll see you too."

"Little Lingling~" Adelaide suddenly came out with a smile, and hugged Ling Yi from behind, "I'm going to see baby Lin Si too."

Zheng Shu: "Be serious."

"I've always been a decent person," Adelaide glanced at him, "but this Mr. Zheng Shu, I'm going to criticize you by name today."

Zheng Shu: "Oh?"

"Over the years, you have completely forgotten about your good friend, your roommate, even Lin Si knows to send me a newsletter occasionally, but I seem to have lost contact with you." Adelaide condemned.

Zheng Shu nodded: "Indeed."

He talked to Adelaide more relaxedly than usual, and even made a joke: "But now is not the time for us to discuss where to eat today after class every day. You should find something else Do."

"Where is there anything else to do?" Adelaide sat down and said lazily, "I really want to go back to my school days—I dreamed last night when I was young, the three of us watched e-sports games all night in the living room , the table is full of snacks and beer bottles."

Zheng Shu sat down beside him, "I remember too."

Tangning and Ling Yi were sitting together. He was a famous night owl. He had two dark circles under his eyes today. It looked like he stayed up late to debug again last night. As soon as the spaceship started, he leaned on Ling Yi's shoulder and fell asleep. In a blink of an eye, Ling found that the man had missed a button, and silently buttoned it for him.

— It seems that Tangning's self-care ability has not improved in the past few years.

The voices of the two people in front gradually became low and could not be heard clearly. Adelaide seemed a little sentimental. He put his arms across his eyes to block the light, and Zheng Shu was comforting him.

Ling Yi knew that they were very good friends, although they didn't communicate much on weekdays. When they were students many years ago, Lin Si, Adelaide and Zheng Shu rented an apartment and spent most of their school days together. Adelaide and Lin Si were the same age, and Zheng Shu was older, so he Always take care of the other two.

Ling Yi is observing Zheng Shu.

Su Ting said that he prevented her from tracing the truth back then, so how much did he know

Among all the people who love their fiancée deeply, Zheng Shu is the one who is especially affectionate—a person like him never lacks admirers, but never develops new feelings. On his desk is a picture of Ling Jing, in the bookcase Hiding Ling Jing's notes, the cat grass planted is always green and green, and no one has ever doubted his loyalty. Ling Yi does not believe that a person who loves his fiancée deeply will give up investigating the cause of Ling Jing's strange death.

Therefore, they need Zheng Shu's help to track down what happened back then. He refused to help Su Ting, and wondered if he would also refuse to help Lin Si.

At the end of the two-hour voyage, the two small spaceships docked, and the staff boarded the ship to check the supplies. Zheng Shu and his team put on protective clothing and went to the main control room of the spaceship to overhaul Lucia.

Conquering the virus was at a critical juncture, and Lin Si didn't know where he had gone. Ling Yi and Adelaide went to pass the time by themselves. After poking around in the room for a while, they decided to go and see Lucia.

"A very deep logic error." Tangning quickly browsed through.

"It appears when the judgment program is running." Zheng Shu nodded.

Tangning quickly typed the code, "It's actually easy to fix, but I don't know why there is a problem."

"Can't find out?" Zheng Shu watched his operation.

"There is nothing wrong with my code," Tangning frowned. "It is impossible for this kind of error to occur."

"The main direction of suspicion is artificial modification." Zheng Shu said.

"Where's the hardware?" someone asked beside him.

"I don't understand hardware," Tangning said, "hardware doesn't work on programs either."

"Leave the hardware inspection to me." Zheng Shu took over the job.

Tangning nodded. This was originally Zheng Shu's domain.

They split up to do their own work, and after watching for a while, Adelaide yawned bored.

"I heard that the Sixth District has already quarreled over the species of creatures on the purple planet," he said with great interest. "I heard that you also caught creatures?"

"Well," Ling said, "do you want to go and have a look?"

Adelaide is more than willing.

In addition to the biological samples, Lingyi also has a lot of image data that has not been widely circulated on the Voyager.

White clouds are flying on the purple sky, and the crystal clear plants have the luster of amethyst. The strange shapes are intertwined, suspended, and bent, breaking through the boundaries of imagination, as if they come from the deep sea, making people feel a sense of suffocation on the verge of limit .

"I think they're beautiful," Adelaide said, "very artistic."

Ling Yi was serious: "Really."

Adelaide nodded.

When opening the cold storage door, Ling Yi didn't go in: "I'll wait for you here."

—The disgust and horror of those two things is beyond description, and he won't be able to see it anyway.

Full of curiosity, the psychiatrist looked at the two frozen creatures in the center.

After a while, his face turned pale, and he leaned on the door frame: "Ling Yi, you've turned bad."

Ling Yixiao: "Didn't you say it's very artistic?"

"This art makes me sick." Adelaide gestured to hit him.

"What are you doing?" A voice came from the depths of the cold storage, very quiet and ethereal.


The two people who were fighting just now stopped instantly.

"Who is talking?" Adelaide was very cowardly.

Ling Yi shook his head.

Footsteps sounded, and Adelaide trembled.

Ling Yi listened: "Lin Si?"

Adelaide: "…"

Lin Si turned out from behind the large freezer compartment of those two things: "Why are you here?"

There was a special echo in the empty frozen area, and he was in the depths at first, so the two didn't hear the familiarity of the voice.

Adelaide shrugged: "Visit my good friend."

Lin Si snorted, "Are these two guys?"

Adelaide didn't want to talk.

Lin Si turned around and looked at the two things, wondering what he was thinking.

Ling Yi asked, "Why did you come here?"

"Record the patient's condition, and take a look at these two things by the way." Lin Si said, "Come in and talk."

Ling Yi and Adelaide entered with great difficulty.

"You can actually look straight at them."

"It's okay." Lins walked back, and continued to check the cryo chambers with people lying in the back, checking their data and physical signs one by one.

Adelaide took a deep breath and looked at the two things again.

"Sure enough, the form that is completely different from the inherent cognition is the most frightening." His voice was a little weak.

Those two huge translucent dark-purple pieces of flesh had densely packed black dots on the surface, and their skin was not smooth, but numerous suffocating, protruding tentacles-like spines crowded together.

"Sudden changes in familiar forms can sometimes be frightening," Lin Si continued his words. "In the past, on the earth, people outside the city were not protected, and they lived directly under nuclear radiation, and there were many unimaginable mutations. , and the effect caused by these two things is similar.”

"It turns out that your nerves have been exercised." Adelaide balanced a little.

"Places outside the city are hell on earth." Lin Si said lightly.

Adelaide: "No."

It is true that the earth is the hometown they miss, but on the earth, outside the cities, it is so bad.

"Because of these two things, the Sixth District has been torn up." Adelaide moved a few chairs and raised his eyebrows. "Dr. Lin, what do you think?"

"No matter what it is, it's not very optimistic." Lin Si said.

Adelaide: "Yeah."

"Why?" Ling Yi felt stupid and couldn't connect to the brain circuits of these two people.

"Come on," Lin Si smiled, "I'll tell you a story."

Ling Yi sat down obediently.

"Once upon a time..."

Adelaide let out a "puchi" laugh.

Lin Si gave him a cool look, and continued: "There is a scientist named Fermi, who discussed with his friends about the imagination of the entire universe, aliens, or alien civilizations. Finally, he looked up at the starry sky and came up with a doubt."

Adelaide's expression became serious, and he said softly: "Where are they?"

"If alien life exists, where are they? This question has since become the ultimate question of the universe," Adelaide lowered his eyes. "From this question, we have many conjectures about the universe, and these conjectures are endless. One exception is very dark."

Ling Yi didn't understand: "Why is it the ultimate question?"

"Technology is growing exponentially, and it will only become more and more incredible." Lins drew an exponential curve. As time changes, the speed of technological development explodes.

"In the observable universe, there are 70,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. Or 10,000 years - which is a very short time in the history of the universe, like a second of ours. Then they will have technology far beyond ours, have unimaginable detection and navigation capabilities, and colonize the galaxy Not to mention that it is impossible for only one planet to have life, and countless planets will have life, so those advanced civilizations should have already ruled the universe and governed every star."

Linton paused, then continued: "But where are they? Why is the universe still so desolate? Why can't we even catch a single signal from outside?"

Ling Yi opened his eyes slightly.

Yes, the universe is really desolate, desolate to deathly silence, during such a long voyage, they did not find any trace of life.

"The universe shouldn't be so desolate, but we are indeed lonely. This is the Fermi paradox." Lins wrote the term.

"However, now we have discovered the purple planet, which has life." Lins drew two circles, one representing the earth and the other representing the purple planet.

"What kind of structure and social form does the purple creature exist in? Does it have intelligence? If so, how much more than us? We captured two individuals, have they chased them? Are they already observing us from invisible places? ?” Lin Si drew a line between the two planets: “These problems will affect our survival.”

Ling Yi was a little timid, and wrapped his coat tightly.

Seeing his appearance, Adelaide finally found a chance to retaliate, and said to him with a smile: "However, the Fermi Paradox is far from being so simple."

Seeing his nasty smile, Ling Yi wanted to run away.

Rings put his hand on his and patted it.

Ling Yi quickly grabbed Lin Si's hand with the other hand, and gently pulled it, not letting go.

Lin Si didn't mean to pull his hand, and continued: "In order to solve the Fermi paradox, we have many hypotheses, one of which is widely recognized is called the Great Filter. This hypothesis believes that there is an insurmountable barrier in the evolution of life. This obstacle may be from an inorganic environment to the emergence of simple life, or it may evolve from prokaryotic life to eukaryotic life-it may exist at any stage of the evolution process, and no planet has crossed this stage, except us... Or, We haven't experienced it yet, it's right in front of us, there is a big filter between planetary civilization and interstellar civilization, and all civilizations that tried to sail far away have perished, so the universe is so barren."

"But there is life on the purple planet, and we are no longer the only ones." Ling said.

"That's right...another life came along, so there's a good chance the Great Filter wasn't there at the beginning of life, we haven't experienced it yet, it's just ahead of us."

In this dark hypothesis, the evolution of civilization is like a soap bubble rising in a dark room, hitting the ceiling at an unknown height at an unknown moment, and then bursting gently.

In the empty cold room, with silvery white walls and ceilings, in front of the huge cabin are frozen unspeakable horror creatures, Lin Si's tone is calm, as if some kind of inorganic matter is flowing through: "So, how far is the big filter from us? How far, and how will we go to perish?"

"Or, this big filter is some kind of technology, such as nuclear weapons, such as genetic modification, when the Berlin laboratory began to modify human DNA, it touched a switch in the void - there are always some mutations that will occur in the experiment , the Berlin virus appeared and wiped out the civilization of the earth. And the purple virus that is very similar to the genetic virus, could it also be a demon left by another genetic modification experiment?" Lin Si scratched Ling Yi's palm with his finger, this unconsciousness His actions can help him keep calm: "I told you before that the second law of thermodynamics is very pessimistic. But in fact, all theories and hypotheses that discuss the laws of the universe are like this, pointing to inevitable demise."

"This is fate in the materialistic sense, which has created a large number of pessimists." Adelaide shrugged, and his tone gradually became cynical. "People will die, but life must go on. As a psychologist, I encourage all Young girls and boys quickly confess to their sweethearts, encourage dying old guys to spend a lot of money to enjoy life immediately, and encourage scientists to seize all the time to explore unknown things. It's better to blow up a firework."

Ling Yi tilted his head: "Broken pot?"

Adelaide was in awe: "Genius summary!"

Ling Yi smiled: "Okay."

Adelaide looked at him and smiled: "Of course it's very good."

Ling Yi: "Are you implying me?"

Adelaide: "I'm hinting at you."

Lins: "?"

The author has something to say: Today is my favorite theoretical part =w=

Zai Duan is a puppy, the kind with bald hair.