Cat’s Rose

Chapter 66: The sun is shining and so are you (1)


The chip is very small and silvery white.

"You are looking for the truth about Ye Selin's infection, she has already told me." Ling cut it straight.

Su Ting has already informed Ling Yi of the matter, which Lin Si did not expect. He thought Su Ting would protect Ling Yi and keep him away from the past.

"So I also have to look at it. After all, all my relatives are involved," Ling said, "And you are still a long way from the truth. I can also help in the third district in the future."

Lin Si thought for three seconds and replied, "Okay."

Ling Yi has the right to know everything, and has enough ability to help them. Obviously, Su Ting has seen this, and only he still treats Ling Yi like a child.

Ling Yi used the bracelet to read the content stored in the chip, and the first thing they saw was the catalog page. There are only two files in the chip, one is named "Timeline" and the other is "Change".

Lin Si didn't immediately choose one of them to open, but said to Ling: "First of all, you have to understand what we are doing."

Ling Yi: "Yes."

"The first is to trace the cause of Yesselin's death, that is, who brought the Berlin virus onto the spacecraft in the first place."

Ling nodded.

"Then, the virus accident was related to a series of conspiracies against the voyages. One or a group of people intended to obstruct the voyage, and most of the blame was pointed at me."

Ling Yi: "I know."

—Many people on the spaceship didn't want to see Lin Si, and the marshal believed that Lin Si had hatred for the Voyagers, and he knew all of this.

"So if we want to know the truth about Yesselin's death, we must trace a series of anomalies on the Voyager over the years."

"Because we don't have any clues about Ye Selin's accident?" Ling Yi asked.

Lynch: "Exactly."

All things have the same source. If you want to find the truth you want, you must look for clues in all the strange things.

This is undoubtedly a very difficult thing, but it is also a must do.

Some things from the past can never be let go unless the truth comes to the surface.

Lins clicked on the only file "Timeline".

Stereoscopic projection is on, and it's an operational graphics program with a few prominent points on a horizontally expanded timeline.

In the early morning of December 22, 2543 AD, the Berlin virus broke out.

In 2544 AD, on the evening of June 14, the "Voyager" set sail.

In the same year, on July 3, the Berlin virus mutated for the fourth time, and the earth fell.

Next is the memorabilia of the voyagers, such as how many leaders have been replaced, important scientific research achievements, etc. When you touch this event, the details will pop up.

Then go down, the closer to the present, the denser and more detailed the event points.

It records the accidents that occurred on the voyager more than ten years ago. The main suspects were Lin Si-engine failure, the poison in the nutrient, these are strictly sealed things, Su Ting must have spent It took a lot of effort to find out.

Seeing this, Lin Si frowned.

Because behind these few accidents, there is a real big accident that affects the survival of the spacecraft.

black hole.

The black hole accident that indirectly caused Ling Yi to wake up, if the sixth area hadn't been thrown out to provide a recoil force, the entire voyager would have been folded inside.

The accident was red flagged by Soutine.

"This matter has always been strange, but nothing was investigated in the end." Lin Sidao, "It stands to reason that our detection system and universe simulator would have discovered the existence of a black hole in advance, and then avoided it, but they didn't. "

This event was ultimately defined as an accident, and the first area concluded that the nature of the black hole was too strange to be detected.

If even this is artificial—

The person behind the scenes can bring the Berlin virus to the Voyager, can deceive the detectors and space simulators in the first zone, and make the entire spaceship sail into a black hole, and can inject nutrients into the nutrient materials provided by the sixth zone to the second zone. Toxic, able to reach into the absolutely closed storage room, trying to leak the Berlin virus, able to sneak into the fifth district to tamper with Lucia's program—and without a trace!

Ling Yi frowned thinking about the abilities needed to do these things: "He is simply omnipotent."

You must know that the Voyager has a strict monitoring and defense system, and a hierarchical authority system, and there is almost nothing that can pose a threat to it.

But those things just happened.

"Two explanations," Lin Si said slowly, "He is in a high position, and he is not an ordinary high position."

For people in charge of a region like Lin Si and Zheng Shu, even if their authority levels are high enough, it is nothing short of whimsical to do these things with their own strength.

Unless it is Marshal or Mrs. Chen.

— But where is their motivation

"Second, they are an organization all over the spaceship."

In each area, there are a few pairs of hidden eyes, following the strict organization and leadership, finding opportunities to attack the deadly part of the giant, the Voyager. If a hit is missed, it will lie dormant in secret, waiting for the next opportunity.

Lin Si opened the second file, which recorded some abnormalities that Su Ting considered, including those who applied for sleep before the appointed time, and experimental projects that were cut in half... The whole story of the Ling Jing incident was also recorded .

No matter how secret a thing is, there will always be ripples in the slightest, and what Su Ting has done is to combine trivial things, large and small, over the years. After detailed analysis, he can always eliminate irrelevant factors and see the whole situation clearly. trend of things.

"Projects in the sixth district are always restricted, snoopers, Chimera project, limitess, they have vetoed many experiments involving ethical borderlines," Lins turned the next page, "so, unless it is a critical moment, the leader They’ve always been conservative about science.”

Ling Yi looked at the Chimera project: "Animal tissue and machinery are fused, living machinery?"

"Actually, I also think it's crazy." Lin Si said.

Ling nodded.

They turned the page, and the next section was the sleeping and unfreezing list.

"There is a problem here," Ling Yi suddenly said.

Lins: "Huh?"

"Unless the age limit is reached, no one in the third area will be asleep," Ling Yi enlarged the page, "but many people have been frozen in the past few years."

Looking at the time, it was two or three years after the expedition set sail.

"It's the Marshal," Lin Sidao said.

He had communicated with the marshal before he was frozen, and at that time the marshal had made up his mind to clean up the voyagers thoroughly. Freeze him, one is to prevent people behind the scenes and then use him to block the line of sight, and the other is to have doubts about him, which is understandable. So why clean up the third district? Does the marshal think the third district is also suspected

Looking at the number of frozen people, it is not only suspected, but also very suspected.

Indeed, the marshal had shown his distrust of the third district under his jurisdiction a long time ago.

The sixth district is suspected because the Wilkins laboratory may have hatred for the voyagers, so what is the reason for doubting the third district

Lin Si didn't speak, but just wrote down the question.

"The Marshal is cleaning up the people on the spaceship..." Ling Yi murmured, "But it's useless, at least not cleaned up."

Lin Si looked at him and listened to his analysis.

Ling Yi brushed a strand of black hair behind his ears, and said seriously, "Lucia is carrying a virus, and it is impossible to forcibly connect with the voyager, because no one has set it up at the beginning. Know that the expeditioners will encounter the purple virus."

Lince: "Indeed."

"So, Lucia must have installed a program to send messages to the Voyager. That person knew that the Expeditionist was carrying a strong virus, and then gave an order to Lucia to connect with the Voyager. Only in this way can it make sense. So the Voyager is not clean."

"Or... that person is not on the voyager, but on the voyager! When we were infected with the virus, he predicted that the virus would not be cured, and then set up such a program for Lucia."

Ling Yi suddenly opened his eyes wide: "Then Lucia has been resisting! Ever since she discovered the virus infection, she has been making mistakes. I even saw her crying alone. Maybe she found that she couldn't resist at all... Expeditionist There must be someone up there!"

Lin Si's eyes turned cold: "Since when did she make mistakes?"

"It was that day, the day when the purple virus appeared," Ling Yi tried hard to recall the night when they brought the virus back to the expeditioners. Suddenly woke up and saw Lucia standing in front of me, she was crying, and said to me, I'm sorry. Then I went to the main control room, saw that her program kept going wrong, and restarted her... Then Dempsey got sick , fell to the ground, and we realized that a viral infection had occurred."

"In other words, do you think that before Lucia appeared in your room, someone had already detected the virus on the spaceship, and then entered the main control room to modify Lucia's program?"

"Yes, and then Lucia asked me for help. She didn't say what happened, maybe she couldn't say it, she didn't have that high intelligence, or maybe that person restricted her, and she couldn't tell." Ling Yi He spoke quickly, "There must be someone who discovered the virus before everyone else, is it Dempsey? He was the first person to be infected with the virus, although we all think that he was infected with the virus purely because of his curiosity."

After saying this, Ling Yi shook his head again: "But Mr. Dempsey is a very upright person, and I have never felt any malice from him."

"Do you trust your intuition?"

Ling nodded, his senses were never wrong.

"Your feeling is not wrong, but the starting point is wrong." Lin Sidao.

Ling Yi: "Why?"

"Whoever wants to destroy the Voyager, he will be a normal person who makes people feel bright and upright, not a criminal with a dark heart."

Ling Yi shook his head: "Why?"

Lin Si looked into his eyes: "Whether it is to let the entire spaceship sail into a black hole, or to bring the purple virus to the crowd, the person who does this will not be alive in the end."

Ling Yi: "Suicide attack?"

Lin Si nodded, and continued: "So he didn't do this to pursue power or status, but to achieve some goals that at least he considered noble and righteous. The Voyager did something wrong, and this person wants it for it Pay the price. Therefore, what we are looking for is not those distorted gloomy people, but those... the most gentle and kind people. Such a person will replace the hundreds of millions of innocent dead souls on the earth, or some other things, to Voyager's vengeance."

He raised an eyebrow at Ling Yi: "Although there are not many such people on the spaceship, there are also many."

Ling Yi blurted out, "Like you?"

Lin Si was startled and laughed.

Ling Yi pouted.

He finally knew why the Marshal's suspicion of Lin Si came from, and why those people led all the clues to Lin Si again—he was too much like a murderer.

This Mr. Wizard is particularly mysterious because he doesn't get close to others, and he is known for his indifference and harshness at work. Unless necessary, everyone tends to stay as far away from him as possible, but everyone knows how good he used to be—in When we were on earth, everyone had watched that video, and saw Lin Si, who was so gentle and serious, telling all the people in deep suffering seriously and word by word: "Please believe that the sun will still rise tomorrow , and hope is coming."

There is neither lack of ability nor lack of motivation, it is simply tailor-made.

"I have indeed done very bad things," Lin Si said lightly, "such as pointing a nuclear gun at the main console of the Marshal and the spaceship, and almost pulling the trigger."

He seemed to sigh: "That person should have hidden it better than me, but in any case, he is a good person."

"What about you?" Ling Yi asked.

Lin Si didn't know the meaning of his question, so he turned his eyes to his eyes, and saw the gentle stars in those beautiful black eyes.

"After so many years," Ling Yi said softly, "Have you finally forgiven yourself?"

The author has something to say: I was wrong.

I'm a bald puppy.


I can't even imagine what happened to me.

Two days ago, I saw a favorite novel and asked my roommate if there was any recommendation on the same subject.

She let out a pleasant laugh.

Then they sent me seventeen copies backhandedly.

Caused me to be a bald puppy.