Cat’s Rose

Chapter 67: The sun shines brightly, and so do you (2)


After all these years, have you finally forgiven yourself

Dreaming back at midnight, is that sea of scarlet and deep blood still haunting you

Ling Yi looked into Lin Si's eyes.

Only he knows that Lins doesn't hate the Voyagers.

The weariness and disgust hidden in his calm and indifferent expression are not for the voyager—but for himself.

The self who couldn't resist when he was brought on the voyager, raised the nuclear gun to the main console but gave up pulling the trigger.

If the research had been carried out two days earlier, the vaccine could have been successfully researched before the four mutations. If there were fewer detours in the test, the Berlin virus might have been overcome. If the main console of the Voyager was destroyed at that time, this blood debt would have been repaid.

However, the world is so cruel and fragmented, he can neither turn back the time to make the vaccine come out early, nor can he destroy the Voyager and completely dissipate the last trace of human blood.

Adelaide said that the old days will always fade away, and we leave the unresolved pain to time.

The torrent of time scoured both sides of the river, grinding the rocky river bank into round and smooth pebbles, and finally into fine grains of sand.

And have you let go of the past, and warmed the sharp and poisonous thorn in the middle of your heart into a new vine that is soft and green in early spring

He waited for Lynch's answer.

Lin Si looked at him with gentle eyes, gentle and calm, and he didn't need to hesitate when he said the answer.

He shook his head.

Ling Yi's eyes turned red.

This is Lins, Lins who is half in the sun and half in the dark, Lins who will never choose to forgive and forget. Time can neither polish the cold and sharp things in his heart, nor can it harden the soft and warm part of his heart.

"But what are you going to do?" Ling Yi asked.

He asked this question endlessly, but Lin Si strangely knew what he wanted to ask.

How will you, who choose not to forget, spend every night and day of the rest of your life

"I have always chosen to escape, enter permanent freezing, or leave the world," Lin Si said lightly, "but there is always a lot of work that needs to be done, and I haven't had time to implement it."

Ling Yi grabbed his hand and rubbed it uneasily.

Lin Si held him back: "Later, when you entered the black hole, you woke up. There was no better person on the entire spaceship to support you. I asked my wife to get custody. I thought, I still have to live well and live a few years. When you grow up, think about other issues."

Ling Yi looked at him and said sullenly, "Now that I've grown up, what do you want?"

Lynch asked, "What do you want from me?"

"I also want you to live well, better than before or just like on earth..." Ling Yi interlocked his fingers, "Adelaide said that even though you were cut open at that time, it was bad, but you were gentle and bright, He often laughs, likes all beautiful things, regards the cihuamao downstairs as his little girlfriend, and will get up in the middle of the night to question the bacteria in the culture medium: why haven’t you grown yet?”

Before the black history was finished shaking, Lin Si laughed first.

"What position do you want me to use to do this?" He asked, "My little girlfriend?"

Seeing the playful smile in his eyes, Ling Yi flattened his lips: "Being your little girlfriend, and then being bullied by you?"

"Well... In theory, I don't like to bully people," the banter in his expression gradually disappeared, and he said lightly, "But you, don't you have anything to say to me?"

Ling Yi had just been teased by him, and he still had a little temper, so he answered very stiffly: "Don't say it."

Lin Si raised his eyebrows: "Huh?"

Ling Yi snorted, turned his eyes to another place, did not look at Lin Si, but stretched out his hand and hugged him.

Different from the squeamish and petting hugs when I was a child, it has more meanings of possession and attachment, like a kitten curled up in my arms from time to time, crawling up with its clothes on, and wrapping its two front paws around its owner's neck.

Lin Si raised his hand and patted his back lightly.

They separated after two minutes, but still wanted to get back to the topic, Ling Yi called Vivienne, called up the surveillance video of the main control room, and went back in time to the night when the virus broke out.

Three images were played simultaneously, Ling Yi's bedroom, Dempsey's bedroom, and the main console.

At 21:00, Ling Yi was writing in his diary. After writing, he picked up the contents of a white box for a while. The angle was not good, so he couldn't see what he was doing, but Lin Si still watched with interest.

Dempsey was already feeling uncomfortable at this moment. He poured himself a large cup of hot water and was massaging his temples.

The main control room was empty.

Time goes on.

At 22:00, Ling Yi washes up, goes to bed, and turns off the lights.

Dempsey's symptoms intensified.

The main control room was still empty.

At 23:00, everything is as usual.

At 0:00, a shocking red error message suddenly appeared in the center of the main console screen, followed by a large string of illogical gibberish.

Two minutes later, at 0:02, Lucia appeared in Ling Yi's room.

She stretched out her hand beside Ling Yi's bed, as if she wanted to touch something, then put it down again, with a calm expression, but tears rolled down her eyes.

The next moment, Ling Yi opened his eyes.

Then the scene that Ling Yi had narrated happened. Lucia kept crying, and after saying "I'm sorry", she disappeared into the room.

Ling Yi put on his clothes and ran to the main console.

No one entered the main control room until Ling Yi entered.

Then Ling Yi restarted Lucia, and Dempsey completely fell ill. He stayed in his room all the time, not only did not touch Lucia's program, he even turned on the bracelet.


A ghost haunts the ship. Just like the incident where the Berlin virus was almost leaked, there were no traces and no clues.

There is no need to watch the surveillance after that, Ling Yi is alone in the entire spaceship, and his attainments in this area can only make up a bubbling program, and of course it is impossible to tamper with Lucia.

Who tampered with Lucia's program? Lucia insists on connecting with the voyager. Is it a program that was set up when the virus broke out, or is there someone on the voyager remotely operating it

There is no answer.

"Ask Tangning?" Ling asked.

Lins nodded.

At this time, Tangning must have not fallen asleep yet.

—Although he knew that Tangning hadn't fallen asleep yet, after knocking on the door, Ling Yi was still surprised by the scene before him.

Lucia's hardware was read by an instrument, and Tangning was frantically typing on the keyboard.

There are at least twenty program windows floating in front of him, each of which is scrolling crazily.

— It’s hard to know whether to marvel that his eyes can hold so many things, or marvel that his brain can process such a huge amount of information at the same time.

"Lin Si will do the math for me." Tangning spoke quickly without asking what they were doing.

When Lin Si came to him, Tang Ning highlighted several windows, and Lin Si quickly wrote mathematical calculations on the white paper.

Ling Yi and Vivian act as mascots.

The high-intensity work lasted for two full hours.

Tangning looked at the string of codes that suddenly flashed on the corner window, and let out a sigh of relief, "...I got you."

He centered the window and zoomed in.

At this point, that window starts to perform the delete operation.

Tang Ning moved her hand away from the keyboard in disbelief.

He's not working the keyboard.

That program is deleting itself.

"Vivian!" Lin Si suddenly said, "Back up the surveillance video."

Vivian opened her eyes wide: "It's gone..."

She called up the storage interface of the surveillance video, and saw that the files inside were being deleted in batches.

Vivienne started frantically backing up the parts that hadn't been deleted.

The deletion progress is advancing steadily.

Tangning leaned back in the chair, took a breath, and looked around, as if something was watching them in this room.

Lin Si put away the dense calculation draft, and a slightly sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "My materialistic worldview is about to be shaken."

After hearing these words, Tangning gradually calmed down.

"Yes," he said, "someone is manipulating it."

There are no ghosts in the materialistic world, and no matter how bizarre an event is, it cannot escape human manipulation. Even if it is so weird, it can only show that the person who got involved with Lucia has a good programming skill.

"Let's continue to search," Lin Si said calmly, "screen through the resumes of all the people who have been active in the spaceship, and find those whose coding skills are comparable to or higher than Tangning's."

—As long as it is man-made, the more he does, the more traces will be exposed.

There were very few people in the Voyagers who could compete with Tang Ning in such a high-intensity game. Among these people, at least one of them had a relationship with the mastermind behind the scenes.

Ling Yi saw Zheng Shu's name: "Is Brother Zheng also this good?"

"He's an all-rounder," Tangning said.

—Even Tangning can admit it personally, it really is amazing.

Lin Si didn't say anything, saved the list, and reached an agreement with Vivienne that she would back up all known information and turn on a strict monitoring mode.

"He has no chance," Lin Sidao said, "From now to overcoming the purple virus, this is the last chance."

When the vaccine is successfully developed, the voyagers set sail and go to that planet, and human beings take root in a suitable environment, after that, no conspiracy can stop the rebirth of the earth's civilization.

So if he wants to do something, he must do it before arriving at the purple planet.

"Lucia has been cleaned up," Tangning said.

He took down the heavy black hardware and stared at it with heavy eyes, wondering what he was thinking.