Cat’s Rose

Chapter 7: To the distant mother star (3)


—Whether the mother star saw them or not, someone definitely didn't see Lin Si.

Lin Si remembered the little guy he had left behind.

He walked out of the intensive care unit and turned off the do-not-disturb mode of the communicator. To his slight surprise, there were not many pop-up messages that he expected.

There is only one message on the waiting list, which is from Ling Yi.

The time was an hour ago: "I won't play with you anymore."

He felt a little wrong, flipped through the read list, and found that he had received a message from Ling Yi two days ago: "When are you coming back?"

At that time, his communicator was being bombarded frantically, and this short message was drowned in other messages.

Lynch felt guilty.

He sent a communication request to Ling Yi.

No response.

Lins was a little worried and switched to the positioning function.

The positioning showed that Ling Yi was still in the room, and Lin Si entered the command to display the path.

A few seconds later, the path of Ling Yi's activities in the past two days appeared on the light screen. It was as erratic as Brownian motion, but he was only fixed in the room, and he didn't take a step out of the room at all.

Lynch frowned.

He found an "Adelaide" name in his contacts.

Adelaide is the only psychiatrist on the entire spaceship, and also Linsi's roommate and friend at school.

The communication was connected, and a young man appeared on the light screen. Adelaide was a Nordic man with platinum-blond hair always tied into a ponytail, green eyes, and a cynical smile.

"Tsk tsk, my Lin," he raised his eyebrows, "You haven't contacted me for a long time, have you finally figured out that you want to receive treatment?"

Lin Sidao: "I adopted a child."

"Are you kidding? There are children on the spaceship?" Adelaide smiled: "Picked up from a black hole?"

Lin Si didn't accept his joke, but said: "I left for two days and didn't contact him halfway. Now he doesn't answer my communication, and he didn't leave the room during this period."

"His age?"

"Biological age is fifteen, but his situation is very special." Lin Si sorted out his words, "I lost all my memories, and I'm learning all the common sense of life from scratch. I'm very crying and angry. I don't quite understand him. behavioral patterns."

"So," Adelaide squinted at him, "you throw a little guy who doesn't know anything about the human world in the room for two whole days—if this happens on the earth in peacetime, you, as a person who doesn't Responsible parents will face lawsuits from neighbors."

"He texted me, but I ignored it," Lindsay said. "I'm sorry."

"Do you think he can go out? A young kitten, just bought home, was thrown away by the owner. It didn't get any attention. Of course, it could only curl up in a corner and lick its fur." Ade Ryder shrugged.

"How should I apologize to him?"

"Go to him, immediately." Adelaide said: "Since you have never had any experience with human larvae in your previous twenty-seven years of life, I suggest that you ask an older lady for advice after you finish your work, or Read some books to learn how to be a good guardian."

At the same time, Ling Yi was sleeping.

The hazy dream came again, continuing the one that was interrupted before it finished.

"What are you going to do?" he asked the faceless woman.

"Dad and mom have very important jobs, and they will be away for a while. You haven't grown up yet. Mom asked someone else to take care of you. She is a very good person. You should get along with him."

He grabbed the woman's sleeve and asked, "Then when are you coming back?"

"Baby..." The woman suddenly lost control, and hugged him tightly, her gentle voice became sad, crying: "Baby, live well, no matter what happens to you, live well..."

Ling Yi felt tightness in his chest, and his whole body was overwhelmed by a kind of sadness that made him unable to breathe.

When the discomfort reached the critical point, he woke up again from a dream.

He stared blankly at the silver-white ceiling, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses. The room was empty and there was no other sound, which was very scary. Lin Si said that he would wait for him to come back, but a long time has passed. He sat up from the bed, wrapped his hands around his knees, and curled himself up for some security.

— This is what Lin Si saw when he opened the door.

With a small body curled up into a ball, even the beautiful black hair seemed to have lost its luster.

Lin Si suddenly had a strange feeling in his heart.

He has lived a life without communicating with anyone outside of work for a long time, and now he suddenly has a little life that needs to be taken care of by himself and requires his company.

This fresh little life is full of vitality, but at the same time it is also very fragile. He has not grown up yet, and he still doesn't know how to face difficulties and loneliness.

Lin Si stepped forward, he knew that with Ling Yi's keen perception, he must have already noticed that he came in.

But the little guy remained motionless, obviously out of anger.

"I'm back." He stood by the bed and said.

Ling Yi still didn't move.

Lin Si smiled helplessly, and reached out to rub his soft black hair: "It's my fault."

Ling Yi refused his contact, shaking his head desperately while shrinking back.

Lince put his hand under his armpit and picked him up.

Ling Yi tightly wrapped his two arms around Lin Si, and bit down on his shoulder.

— This is not the first time, but this time the little thing managed to control some strength, and it only loosened after a hard bite, without any skin or blood.

He buried his face in Lin Si's neck, for fear that he would abandon him again.

Lin Si patted him on the back and hugged him for a long time before he finally comforted the little thing.

"Why are you ignoring me?" Ling Yi asked sullenly.

"I have a very important job," Lin Si said, "I can play with you after I finish it."

Ling Yi suddenly remembered her dream, the woman in the dream, she also said the same - she has very important work to do.

Recalling the scene in his dream, he was a little dazed and murmured, "Lins, have we been living on the spaceship all this time?"

"No, we used to make our home on Earth." Lin Si said lightly: "She is very big."

"How big is it?"

"You can go all over the spaceship, but you can never go all the places on the earth." Through the open door, Lin Si saw the vast sea of stars outside the huge porthole. Erratic, as if passing through the stars, looking somewhere far away.

"Then why are we on the ship?"

Lin Si was silent for a long time before saying: "When you were very young, many bad things happened to the earth. Wars, radiation and viruses killed many people."

The concept of death was too far away from Ling Yi, he tried hard to recall, but no matter what, he could only recall the hazy sky in his dream.

He asked, "Is that how my father and mother were killed?"

This time, Lin Si was silent for a longer time, and did not give an answer in the end. He said: "If you want to have relatives, you can call my brother."

Ling Yi snorted.

Lin Si didn't have much free time, and within a short while, someone had already started calling him.

He was going to leave, but Ling Yi firmly grabbed his sleeve to prevent him from leaving. Lin Si thought of the helpless scene when the little guy was curled up in the room alone, his heart softened, and he finally took him with him.

—The current stage of treatment no longer needs those high-energy instruments, and there is no need to worry about the radiation causing damage to the child's body. Moreover, Ling Yi's personality is very quiet and will not affect other people's work.

Therefore, Ling Yi naturally occupied Lin Si's desk, and he could see what Lin Si was doing at any time—people who came and went also remembered this beautiful and quiet young man who couldn't do without Dr. Lin.

Mr. Lambert, who is recuperating from his illness, has been highly excited because of the results of the experiment. If Lins hadn't refused to provide all the tools, he would have written a detailed report on the results all night regardless of his physical condition.

Mr. Lambert, who was already in a happy mood, liked Ling Yi very much when he saw Ling Yi.

He asked Ling Yi very kindly: "Pretty little baby, what's your name?"

Ling Yi was not quite used to dealing with strangers, so he said his name a little stiffly.

This gentleman is obviously fluent in Chinese, and his expression is very appreciative: "A wonderful good name!"

Ling Yi tilted his head: "Why?"

Mr. Lambert said: "This opinion comes from a friend of mine. He happens to have the same surname as you! He serves the military and is a legendary computer scientist. We had a chat and he said that he can help his son The best name that comes to mind is this! Zero and one, the binary used by all machines and systems, we have binary, and we have everything!"

After that, he shook his head again: "But I don't know why, he is not in the list of voyagers. The internal system that went wrong was his handiwork, and if he didn’t even get a boat ticket, it’s even more impossible for those people in the fifth district to study Lucia.”