Cat’s Rose

Chapter 71: The unspeakable (2)


As night fell and the working hours were coming to an end, the spaceship went through an ordinary day in an orderly manner like a perfectly functioning machine.

Ling Yi had a regular meeting to go, and Lin Si went to the information area alone to submit the latest project report of the third phase of Limitless, and ran into Zheng Shu.

Zheng Shu is retrieving the detailed information of a project.

"Chimera?" Lin Si glanced at it.

"Well," Zheng Shu copied the data into the memory chip, "I'm afraid this project will have to be restarted."

Lin Si approached Zheng Shu, and Zheng Shu showed Lin Si the overview of the project: "Although it was once voted down by almost all scientific researchers, the wind direction has changed recently."

Chimera—it was the experiment that fused animal tissue with machinery to create active machinery. Halfway through, it was urgently stopped because of serious ethical issues involved.

"How?" Lynch asked.

"Remember the antimatter weapons in Sector One?"

Rings nodded.

This is a project hosted by Mr. Lambert. At the beginning, there was almost a serious scientific research accident - he and Tang Ning were borrowed to help without telling the senior management.

The biggest obstacle to the research of antimatter weapons is the container—a high-strength metal is required to withstand the special force field. The first district has developed an alloy that meets the standard, but its density is too terrifying and difficult to prepare, making the use of weapons Very bulky and not flexible to use.

"Now they have a new idea, which is Chimera metal," Zheng Shu said. "Theoretically, Chimera metal meets the requirements. It has many incredible properties and can be produced in large quantities. Therefore, the first district proposed to the marshal and Mrs. Chen The application was made... and because the significance of anti-matter weapons is very significant, the application was approved."

"I can understand." Lin Si said.

There are always special measures under special circumstances, just as the originally hopeless Phase III of Limitless can finally be carried out under the threat of the purple virus. In order to mature antimatter technology, it is understandable to reopen a project that was suspended due to ethical issues.

He carefully looked at the details and results of the Chimera project, and finally said: "It's amazing."

"That's right," Zheng Shu said with a smile, "It's a very genius project. In fact, it can't be regarded as a stoppage at all—it's almost mature."

"The existing results of this project can completely create biological robots..." Lin Sidao, "It will indeed cause ethical issues."

When a robot has biological nerves and has the inherent ability to evolve and evolve, can it obtain the same power as a human? It might be suggested that, although it has a biological part, it does not have human feelings. However, according to Vivienne's performance, the emotional system equipped with artificial intelligence has fully matured.

These things come together — what do you do with them when you disassemble a cyborg and it cries out in pain

"Those assumptions in science fiction will not appear, and we refuse to consider ethical issues," Zheng Shu saw what he meant, "The results of the Chimera project will only be used on antimatter containers."

"Yeah." Lin Si responded, and suddenly saw another part of the project.

"Apply to the Ninth District to freeze the corpses from the accident... In addition to animals, they also used human tissues?" Lin Si frowned.

"Some of their actions are as crazy as the idea of this project," Zheng Shu shrugged, "So, it's not a loss to ban them."

Lin Si smiled and agreed with Zheng Shu.

"You're about to get busy too." Zheng Shu looked at the materials he was about to submit.

"Well," Lins thought about his recent schedule, "finalize the vaccine, and then limitless... In fact, we still need to study the two unknown creatures brought back by the expedition, but we have no clue, so we put it on hold for now."

"Pay attention to rest." After Zheng Shu finished speaking, she frowned slightly, remembering what Adelaide, who was half drunk, commented on Lin Si that night, and asked Lin Si: " and Ling Yi? "

"I'm in love." Lin Si didn't hide it.

"Really?" Zheng Shu was surprised at first, and then smiled: "I really didn't expect didn't feel a bit wrong until Adelaide said it."

"Then you are a little dull." Lin Si said.

"After all, you've always stuck together before."

Lin Si thought for a while: "Yes."

The way he and Ling Yi get along now, compared to before, may just have some more intimate actions between lovers, and the feeling of being together is also slightly different, and there is no big difference in other places.

"Is it because the way I got along with him was too close?" Lin Si and Zheng Shu walked side by side in the corridor, "I actually don't know how to raise children... I asked you before."

"That's not the case." Zheng Shu said lightly, "That day, Adelaide said that everything about a person is doomed. I thought about it later and found that it is indeed the case."

"Maybe." Lin Si said.

"In any case, your condition is much better now," Zheng Shu said, "I wish you two a happy relationship."


At the end of the corridor, they walked in different directions, Zheng Shu went back to the fifth district, and Lin Si went to Ling Yi's room in the third district.

When they parted, Lin Si suddenly narrowed his eyes.

A ring on Zheng Shu's hand slightly refracted silver light under the light. This kind of light was so strange that he could recognize it at a glance.

It is a special alloy, which has no practical use, but is beautiful. It looks like ordinary sterling silver on the surface, but in fact it has a special structure. When it turns, it looks like a silver river flowing. Light.

This is something that Zheng Shu has been studying after school during his student days, and finally he used this metal to make an engagement ring with Ling Jing.

Indeed, the lover that everyone chooses is actually doomed, because his personality determines what kind of qualities he will be attracted to. Maybe there is only one person in this world who meets all requirements, and when that person has lost——

After so many years, this ring has not been taken off Zheng Shu's hand.

There are not many perfect things in this world, gain and loss always go hand in hand, Lin Si looked at Zheng Shu's back when he left, and suddenly felt a kind of sympathetic sadness in his heart.

The voyager seems to be calm and peaceful, but in fact, the undercurrent is raging. He doesn't know when the turmoil and crisis will come. All he can do is try his best.

When he returned to the room, Ling Yi was already there.

He is taking care of the flowers and plants.

The seeds Lin Si applied for had been properly planted by him, and each plant was growing vigorously, lush and very pleasing.

Seeing him watering each pot of plants one by one, Lin Si suddenly remembered the beaker of cat grass that was destroyed by Xiao Lingyi who was angry with him at the beginning, and smiled slightly.

After watering, Ling Yi took some small tools to fiddle with a rose seedling.

— This kind of plant is generally not cultivated by seeds, because the germination rate is very low, and it needs a lot of care in the later stage — Ling Yi is able to grow it, and he has some skills.

Beautiful people and beautiful flowers and plants, very pleasing to the eye.

As soon as Ling finished taking care of the flowers and plants, he went to wash his hands, and then he got tired of staying by Lin Si's side.

Lin Si turned off the reading interface of the bracelet, and concentrated on playing with Ling Yi in his arms, wasting his time like this, and he still felt good.

Ling Yi picked up Lin Si's right hand and looked over and over again.

Lince's hands have always been good-looking.

He didn't know how many thousands of needles had been pricked in this hand, which caused Ling to feel a slight numbness like electric shock when he held it, but he liked to hold it very much.

Its fine white, porcelain-like texture is often cold, and every joint is very delicate. He touched it bit by bit, and pinched the beautiful fingertips one by one, but he couldn't get enough of it.

He wanted to bite on it, but he was reluctant to take another bite, and finally took it to his lips and kissed it.

Lin Si watched his movements, laughed, and pressed his fingers against his soft lips.

Ling took his hand away, grabbed his collar, leaned up and kissed him heavily, and pushed him down on the bed.

After kissing enough, he rolled to the side again, wrapped himself in the quilt and thrashed a few times, with an unhappy expression on his face.

From the looks of it, it seemed a little anxious and restless.

Lin Si observed his movements and raised his eyebrows: "Are you in heat?"

Ling Yi: "Huh?"

Lin Si sat up, looked down at him, and suddenly said, "I remembered something..."

Ling Yi: "?"

"A certain person's development is a bit delayed. When he was an adult, he didn't observe the secondary sexual characteristics. I ordered a tube of blood to check the hormone level." Lin Si's voice was lower than usual at this time, with Sha, "Is that you, huh?"

Ling Yi felt slightly suffocated.

The next moment, he almost jumped up.

"What are you going to do?"

Lin Si pressed him with his left hand, and his right hand slid down from his waist: "Check."

Ling Yi: "!!"

He went from being suffocated at the beginning to being completely unable to breathe.

Lin Si considered the strength and rubbed lightly a few times.

"Well," he said, "it's okay, it's normal."

Ling Yi escaped from Lin Si's hands, wrapped himself up, and retreated to the corner vigilantly.

"You seem to be resistant to this kind of thing?" Lin Si frowned.

Ling Yi emptied his mind, didn't think about the physical feeling, lowered his eyes, and didn't speak.

Lins: "Huh?"

"I feel bad." Ling Yi frowned slightly, "I can't tell."

Lins: "Describe."

Ling Yi couldn't grasp that distant feeling, but it seemed to be rooted in his heart a long time ago.

"It gave me a feeling," he said eventually, "that it might be out of control."

Lin Si looked at Ling Yi.

As soon as these words fell, he finally knew all the elements of Ling Yi's character.

This kind of thing is not without warning, Ling Yi has been liked by everyone since he was a child, not only because of his beautiful appearance, but also because of his flawless personality.

He has always been a very gentle person, with a good temper, sometimes too good.

Lin Si recalled the past and found that Ling Yi had never really gotten angry or lost his temper. He doesn't show any aggressiveness, even though all the indicators of his body are far beyond ordinary people, he never uses violence to solve the problem. Perhaps, what caused all this was not the complete gentleness and kindness of the character itself, but the restraint of instinct.

"You are indeed Yesselin's child." Lin Si smiled.

He stretched out his hand and pushed aside Ling Yi's quilt, like digging a small ostrich out of the sand.

"look at me."

Ling Yi looked up at him.

"Nutritional supplements can meet all the body's needs for nutritional intake, but people still cannot resist the temptation of food."

Ling nodded.

"Because chewing brings a kind of pleasure," Lin Si said lightly. "Before we fully evolved into adults, only chewing flesh and blood can satisfy our appetite. This connection is permanently preserved in the genetic sequence."

Ling Yi listened quietly.

"There are many other things written into the gene together with it, hunting, reproduction, conquest, and monopoly, all come from instinct." Lin Si's voice was very soft, "There is no need to resist at all."

"If you don't resist, you will be no different from a beast," Ling Yi said sullenly, "... I am already very human."

"Beast nature has never disappeared," Lin Si unbuttoned the first button of his shirt, and said lightly, "Your body is the end point of human evolution, and your personality is admired by everyone—how are you not human?"

If Rings thinks he's human, then he is.

After the first is the second.


Porcelain white skin.

Looking at this scene, Ling Yi felt that the anxiety and uneasiness that had been vaguely entrenched in his heart these days gradually settled down.

"Brother." He suddenly called out this title that he hadn't mentioned for many years—a title that he would blurt out when he was most helpless and confused, although his expression was calm at this time.

"I'm burning."

Lin Si looked at him, the frost in his eyes melted away.

"Let it burn."