Cat’s Rose

Chapter 73: The unspeakable (4)


Mrs. Chen is dead.

He killed.

One stone stirred up thousands of waves, and then the news was firmly suppressed by the marshal.

Thorough investigation.

But like all the bizarre events in the past, there is no clue. The monitoring system is suspected to be attacked by a virus and malfunctions, and it can only be called blank.

The lady's wound was very grim. According to the computer restoration and simulation, the heart was quickly pierced by an irregular sharp instrument from behind, killing her with one blow, and suicide was ruled out.

"There are two possible causes of death, silence and threat," Lin Sidao, "If Mrs. Chen learns the truth, then the murderer behind the scenes will definitely kill her before she tells the truth. The second possibility is that we freeze a large number of The personnel measures have touched his interests, and he wants to give us a blow."

Ling nodded, and then said: "She could clearly name the murderer, but she didn't say it, but made that gesture. I think there must be a deep meaning."

"That's right..." Lin Si sorted out his thoughts: "She's hinting."

He paused, and said: "Let's assume that Mrs. Chen knew who the murderer was for a series of incidents on the spacecraft, and then she was silenced. When you ask her who the murderer is, if she tells her, then you know —”

Ling Yi caught Lin Si's train of thought: "I will be silenced too! That's why she didn't say it—does it mean that the murderer didn't leave at that time, and she knew?"

"This is the most reasonable explanation." Lin Si tapped his knuckles on the table thoughtfully, "This shows one thing, Madam believes that if the murderer attacks you, you will be killed immediately, so she Choose to keep silent about the truth and avoid unnecessary sacrifice."

"I think, if I am really attacked, I don't have to be afraid." Ling said.

Lin Si shook his head: "There are many ways to kill people. Even if your body is so special, it cannot guarantee absolute safety. Of course... Madam may not know your strength."

Having said that, he frowned again: "There is another question. If she chooses not to speak, then she can just keep silent. Why did she make a silent gesture to you? This gesture must have other hints. "

Rings' acumen has always been astonishing, and it's a question worth considering.

Yes, if she couldn't tell the truth, why bother? That gesture must have something else in it.

Rings repeated that motion several times.

"This action, no matter what the situation is, has only one meaning, to tell the other party not to speak." He lowered his eyes and said, "Who is she telling not to speak?"

Ling Yi didn't know.

That gesture is not necessarily directed at himself, but more likely through himself, to another person, because he really has nothing to say.

Lin Si's eyes were light, and he said: "Colonel, they are already receiving initial treatment... When they recover, they will immediately wear the skeleton to patrol the entire spaceship. All physical attacks will be ineffective against the skeleton, and then everyone's safety can be guaranteed, unless Limitless collective mutiny."

Ling Yidao: "I'll go to District Six to watch them."

Lin Si nodded: "I think so too. In addition, I need to apply to the third district for some protection measures."

The smooth recovery of the 200 people in Limitless must be guaranteed.

They came to an agreement and sent a message to the Marshal.

The marshal quickly approved the application, abandoning the old stereotypes about reincarnated people. After all, under the shadow of the weird "ghost", only the absolute force of bones can make people feel safe.

Ling Yi thought for a while and said, "I still want to guarantee your personal safety... If you accidentally guess the truth someday, you will be in trouble."

So, being too sharp is actually a problem.

Lin Si suddenly froze.

Can't guess the truth.

In other words, you can't show that you have guessed the truth.

—Is this the hint the lady's gesture is trying to convey

What kind of truth is it, and how powerful is the ghost that it cannot tell it

A vague uneasiness filled his heart.

Since the truth cannot be spoken, speculation about the truth should also cease—at least on the surface, and anxiety should not be shown.

But Lin Si immediately noticed this, properly cleaned up his facial expression, and said to Ling: "Okay."

Ling Yi blinked playfully.

Lin Si was sure, Ling Yi had noticed his abnormality just now, he had always been able to detect subtle changes in himself, so he also figured out the joints involved.

After getting permission from the marshal, Ling Yi stayed in the sixth district.

Mr. Colonel has woken up, and apart from being extremely weak, he is fine in other respects. Hearing that Ling Yi had escaped the freezing and secretly woke up alone on the expeditioner for three years, he was very troubled.

Ling Yi endured unimaginable pain for this, which no elder would want to see. However, thanks to his decision, the Voyagers were able to escape, and the research on vaccines was also helped.

So the colonel could only wave his hands weakly and continue to receive treatment.

Lin Si inspected the colonel's physical condition, "tsk", and said, "Mr. colonel, to be honest, you should have died a long time ago."

The colonel almost lost his temper: "Why are you still so incapable of speaking?"

Lins: "This is an objective situation."

The colonel rolled his eyes weakly.

Ling Yi smiled on the side.

The colonel rolled his eyes again.

Lin Si didn't continue to tease him, but started to watch all the processes here.

It must be ensured that no errors can occur in any link.

He didn't go to other places, and stayed in the sixth district all the time, and Ling Yi never left.

Everything went on as usual, half a month passed, and the patient's physical condition gradually improved. Mr. Colonel couldn't bear the loneliness, so he got out of bed and moved his body—unfortunately, he was discovered by Lin Si, and now he is handcuffed on the bed, completely deprived of his personal freedom , Others saw what happened to the colonel, and they all became more honest, especially when Lin Si's eyes swept over, everyone was like a quiet plant.

At the end of an ordinary day, Zheng Shu visited.

Lin Si frowned the first time he saw him: "What's wrong with you?"

— Zheng Shu looks very bad now, much haggard than before, with bloodshot eyes.

"I've been too busy recently," he pressed his eyebrows, "There are a lot of things to hand over, so I haven't slept much."

"I don't think you should be in a deep sleep," Lin Si said helplessly, "The Fifth District cannot do without you, and Tangning can only do programming work."

"The Chimera is finished. Strictly speaking, I don't have anything else to do. The only thing left in District 5 is to protect Lucia. Tangning can take care of it with his subordinates." Zheng Shu sat down and continued. : "I've been a little tired all these years... There have been major incidents on the spaceship recently. I can't help, so I choose to escape."

When he said the word "escape", he pronounced his words heavily, and his tone was unnatural for a moment, and Lin Si's understanding of Zheng Shu made him immediately recognize that this was wrong.

Ling Yi poured Zheng Shu a cup of hot water and sat down beside Lin Si.

He saw Zheng Shu's eyes.

Very complicated and painful.

Lin Sidao: "Your state is too bad now, it's better to take a rest."

Zheng Shu nodded, leaning against the back of the chair, revealing a trace of fatigue, and said: "My spirit is also a little bit wrong. I often dream about things on the earth, dead people..."

"It's all over," Lin Si lowered his eyes and said lightly, "My condolences will change."

"I used to comfort myself by saying that they will all exist around us in another form, another dimension, a form of existence different from human beings..." Zheng Shu laughed.

Lin Si pursed his lips, and the tone that was different from usual reappeared, which made him have to pay attention.

But he continued the conversation as usual: "I often think about Yesselin too."

"Don't talk about this," Zheng Shu said, "I'm going to freeze, this time I'm here to say goodbye to you, such a big thing happened on the spaceship, and only a bunch of garbled characters were found in the end, you should pay attention to safety."

Lin Si: "Fortunately, Ling Yi has been following me."

"Then I'm relieved." After Zheng Shu said this, he looked around the laboratory for a week and frowned: "There are ultrasonic tubes and infrared rays in other places. Your security facilities are so backward, you should consider upgrading them a long time ago. How can a camera be enough?"

"Well..." Lin Si thought for a while, "It's probably the problem of your Fifth District. When the Voyagers upgraded the security facilities on a large scale, the Sixth District was still struggling in the black hole. After returning, you just overhauled it and did not continue. Follow up, we have to keep falling behind."

"It is indeed our fault," Zheng Shu smiled, and then looked at Ling Yi: "Protect your doctor well."

Ling nodded: "Yes."

"I'm leaving, take care." Zheng Shu reached out and patted Lin Si's shoulder.

This was a very common action, but after Zheng Shu let go of Lin Si's shoulder, he didn't take his hand back to his side.

His elbow was retracted, but the index finger of his left hand was raised, and it was slowly, slowly pressed against his lips.

Then, the hand fell down, as if nothing had happened.

Something exploded in Lin Si's mind, and the vague uneasiness before suddenly became real!

He felt cold all over, raised his head to look imperceptibly at the camera behind Zheng Shu, which was facing him directly, and then nodded slowly: "I know."

All movements are natural and normal, it is a farewell between friends.

Zheng Shu smiled, as if she had unloaded a heavy burden, but under the ease, there was infinite bewilderment and complexity.

He got up and left here.

Lin Si's stiffness was hard to detect just from the outside, but Ling Yi noticed it.

He looked at Lin Si questioningly.

Lin Si only said: "Let's go, go and see the patient."

Ling nodded.

into the night.

During the usual bedtime, Lins turned off the lights.

He kissed Ling Yi's lips lightly, and pressed him onto the bed, his voice was hoarse with temptation in the usual indifference: "Come on..."

Ling felt something was wrong.

When he still has to work tomorrow, and when it is a high-intensity job, Lin Si generally will not take the initiative to catch fire on his upper body, and then play with firearms—after all, his body has been modified.

So he kept calm and just followed, kissing back tenderly.

Lince's hand slid down to his waist, then up, under his clothes.

In the darkness, where no one and nothing could see through a layer of clothing, Lin Si wrote some letters on Ling Yi's skin with his fingertips.

The information expressed by the combination of letters is so huge and terrifying, every stroke is like a heavy blow, making Ling Yi's eyes widen.

Lucia... mutiny!