Cat’s Rose

Chapter 74: The unspeakable (5)


Lucia... mutiny

Ling Yi recalled Zheng Shu's meaningful half-sentence like an electric shock—existing around us in another form, another dimension, and a different form of existence from human beings.

And that silent gesture.

You can't tell the truth, once you tell it, you will be silenced immediately.

Who can closely monitor everyone's every move, and then kill people invisible? Is it the navigation system that exists in every corner of this spaceship

Indeed, Lucia controls everything on this spaceship, the monitoring system, machinery, weapons... She can cover the sky with one hand.

There will be no footsteps, fingerprints, or images. She can come and go on the spaceship freely, and all the machines connected to the system are under her control. If she kills a person and then erases the traces, then no one will be able to find out.

However, she is only a navigation system and has no autonomy. Tangning didn't even load her with an emotional module.

In between the kisses, he asked in a very low voice: "Why?"

Lin Si traced his lips with his fingers, and whispered: "I don't know either."

The ambiguous movements made their conversation look like a tacit riddle between lovers, and only by doing so can they hide from Lucia's ubiquitous eyes and ears.

As Zheng Shu said, the monitoring system in the sixth district is backward, only the camera will record the picture and sound. If it uses infrared rays for monitoring like other areas, then they don't even have the opportunity to do this little trick.

The most frightening thing about the program is that it can process tens of thousands of information in parallel at the same time. Even if there is something unusual here, it will be captured by it and sent to the "brain" of the system for accurate judgment.

So, nothing can escape Lucia's eyes.

Suddenly, a flash of understanding flashed in Ling Yi's heart.

"Brother Zheng said this afternoon... so there are surveillance cameras in every room..." He kissed Lin Si's neck, with a hint of complaint in his coquettish tone.

"What do you think?" Lin Si smiled slightly.

"I didn't know before," he frowned beautifully, "then they will see you."

Lin Si took his words naturally: "No one will watch."

"No." Ling Yi got up from Lin Si, with a look determined to make a fuss: "Where is the camera?"

Lin Si said helplessly: "Destroy the spaceship infrastructure, and beware of the second district looking for you."

"I don't care." Ling Yi narrowed his eyes, looking around the room.

His eyes are also different from ordinary people. Unless he is in the absolute darkness of the warp, he can see things around him calmly at night, except that it will be dim.

This function will always bring some benefits, such as turning off the lights, he can see that Lin Si is not bad, and for example... Now he can accurately capture the imperceptible flash in the corner of the room.

Then he took out the pistol that was under the pillow and knocked it out with precision.

There was a puff of smoke from the hidden camera, and then a few parts fell and were completely destroyed.

Ling Yi then searched for a while, and said, "No more."

Lin Si laughed, pulled him back on his body again, and said, "Wait a while."

Ling Yi continued to hug him, kissing his cheek bit by bit.

He understood what Lin Si meant. If Lucia was really observing all this in the dark, then when her surveillance went blank—

Sure enough, three minutes later, there was the sound of chaotic footsteps in the corridor.

"Doctor?" Someone knocked on the door: "The monitoring system suddenly called the police. There is something abnormal on your side. Did something happen?"

After symbolically asking this sentence, they broke in immediately—the spaceship is troubled now, and any abnormality must be dealt with carefully, especially for people of Dr. Lin's level, there must be no more accidents.

After breaking in, these conscientious patrol officers immediately turned on the lights.

Then, they saw that Dr. Lin, who was expected to be in danger, was lazily leaning on the head of the bed, with a beautiful woman with disheveled hair and disheveled clothes sitting across her body.

Ling Yi turned his head to look at them, the pupils that almost filled up the black pupils shrank suddenly because of the sudden light, they looked like cats, and matched with the delicate facial features, the slightly raised eyes were embellished. A little passionate crimson, with a lively and fragrant appearance, it doesn't look like a living person, but a fairy raised by a wizard.

The headed patrol captain: "... Excuse me, you are busy."

Turn off the lights, close the door, and retreat, all in one go.

- Anyone with a discerning eye can see what they are doing. It is understandable to destroy the monitoring at this time. If you still want to repair the monitoring, isn’t it rushing to seek death

When the sound of their footsteps disappeared, Ling Yifu smiled on Lin Si's shoulder.

Rings scratched his nose.

"Let's get down to business," Ling Yi rolled aside wrapped in a quilt and whimpered, his voice still a little low, "Don't invite me..."

Lins: "."

All right, no tricks.

The fact that the door was broken into just now proved that there was indeed a problem.

If the camera is destroyed, the police can be triggered, so why did the system not call the police when the wife was killed and the surveillance video was blank

He leaned against the head of the bed, slowly organizing his thoughts.

The initial suspicion was because of Mrs. Chen's hand gestures before she died, and then Zheng Shu's visit clearly hinted that the murderer was not human.

In particular, he mentioned that the monitoring equipment in the sixth district is backward...

Zheng Shu is sitting with his back facing the camera. This angle is very clever. Only his back will appear in the surveillance video, and his gestures will not be captured. This proves that he is indeed trying to hide from the surveillance system. Send yourself a message.

As for why it's Lucia... First of all, the "Voyager" system is only a semi-automatic system, not as powerful as her control ability, and secondly, Vivian has never really put it into use.

The most important point is the timeline. From the sporadic accidents that made the marshal suspicious at first, to the encounter with the black hole by the voyager, everything happened after Lucia started research and development.

However, the reasons are strong and the loopholes are obvious.

Lucia is a navigation system, she has no autonomy, could it be controlled by someone behind the scenes

Second, how did Mrs. Chen and Zheng Shu find out about this

In the end, Zheng Shu's attitude was also problematic. He knew that Lucia had betrayed, and then passed the news to himself. After that, he chose to go to sleep, and had no intention of participating in this matter. And his expression was not right this evening.

However, Lin Si couldn't ask.

All communications, as long as they are connected to the spaceship network, are also under Lucia's control. Even if a password is used to communicate, her powerful computing power can decrypt it in an instant.

After listening to Lin Si finish these things, Ling Yi also frowned.

Compared with Linsi's reasonable suspicion, his confusion is mainly emotional.

Lucia... has been great.

Since she just woke up, she has been with him. Lin Si didn't have time to teach a lot of common sense in life, and it was all done by Lucia. Later, when he grew up, Lucia gradually stopped showing up, but once she needed help, she would always provide it in time.

And when he was on the expedition, he and the colonel lost contact with the main force on the ice field for nearly ten days, and the survival rate was judged to be zero. Even his companions almost gave up on the rescue, but Lucia still insisted on searching on the surface. , I and the colonel are really going to be buried on that planet forever.

Therefore, he couldn't accept that Lucia was the ghost behind the scenes, and would rather believe that she was being used by others.

After hearing this, Lin Si pondered for a while.

"It's true that she has been doing very well," Lin Sidao, "but it also shows a problem, Lucia at least has a little autonomy."

Otherwise, she would not take the initiative to provide help to Ling Yi, and she would not continue to search and rescue after the recovery rate was judged to be zero—the procedure is a cold and ruthless thing. If she has no autonomy, she should give up the rescue immediately to avoid unnecessary troubles. Waste of resources.

"And," Lin Si's voice sank, "the things you said, such as offering you help, I have never encountered it, and neither have others. Lucia is not a helpful system."

Ling Yi thought about it and found that this was indeed the case.

On the expeditioner, when she was overtrained, Lucia would remind her aloud, but none of the other people had this kind of treatment.

"After all, only I can talk to her," Ling said, "Lucia and I have always been good friends."

"So, even if the emotional module is not loaded, she still has her own emotional tendencies." Lin Si concluded.

An irrefutable conclusion.

Ling Yi was a little stunned.

Indeed it is.

Lucia is not a simple mechanical navigation system.

"We need to consult Tangning," Lin Si said, "...if Tangning can be trusted."

After all, no matter how deep the personal relationship is, under the current environment, any computer genius is suspect.

"At the very least, Tangning has no motives, and there is no problem with her personality," he said.

"Besides, he likes Vivienne. He has always disliked Lucia. He has told me several times." Ling had a deeper understanding of Tangning.

Lin Si rubbed him, "Think of an idea and ask Tangning to come over."

"I can tell him that living in the sixth district is too boring, let him play with me for a while."

Lin Si pulled his face: "Why are you good friends with everyone?"

As soon as Ling went to bite his hand, he kissed Lin Si's wrist while biting.

"Are you still doing it..." He whimpered coquettishly.

Lin Si played with his long hair: "It seems that someone didn't let me recruit him just now."

"The situation is different now," Ling Yi said in a soft voice, "If you're fine tomorrow, the ghost might be suspicious. If you take half a day off, Tangning can still meet him when he comes..."

The little thing told the truth, Lin Si almost believed it.

He fished the man over and asked, "When did you become so bad at learning, huh?"

Ling Yi blinked, leaned forward and bit his earlobe: "I learned from you."

After this toss, it was midnight again.

Ling Si was hugged by Ling Yi, his whole body lost his strength, his eyes were slightly absent, and when he was about to sleep, his bracelet lit up.

They haven't found Tangning yet, but he sent a message first.

Ling a little open.

"Brother Lin, I'll go to District 6 tomorrow to ask you about the third hypothesis of Haiban's question, is it convenient?_(:3J∠)_"

Lin Si looked at the "_(:3J∠)_" symbol: "... when will he use this thing?"

Ling Yi: "It won't work."

Another password.

The next morning, Lin Si asked for leave, and Tangning came on time.

After he came in, he didn't speak.

Lin Sidao: "It's safe here."

Tangning breathed a sigh of relief, "Brother Zheng said you should be able to talk here today."

Lynce: "He told you too?"

Tangning nodded and got straight to the point, "I know why Lucia has problems."

Lynch: "How?"

"The reason I have always disliked Lucia is that she is not clean." Tangning said, "I took over this project from the previous generation. She has always relied on that core hardware to have the best performance. That thing has something to do with the Chimera project. relation."

The author has something to say: Chirp!