Cat’s Rose

Chapter 75: The Unspeakable (6)


Tangning has her own set of aesthetics in this regard.

In his aesthetics, Vivienne is good, while Lucia has flaws. Because Weiwei's security department is composed of exquisite algorithms, she itself is those pure codes, which has requirements for hardware, but has no dependencies. As long as it can provide computing power, any device will do. Lucia is different, she must have that piece of hardware, which is the core processor she depends on for survival.

"When I took over this project, it was a semi-finished product, and many of its functions depended on the core hardware," Tangning said. "Many of her functions are cross-generational achievements, because the people in charge of this project of the previous generation cooperated with the Chimera project. Convert some technically impossible things into bioelectricity to solve. I have always disapproved of programs relying on hardware, and wanted to let Lucia get rid of that thing. But during that time, navigation accidents were very frequent, and it was difficult for humans to deal with them Due to the complicated sailing conditions, the second and third areas were pressed very hard, so it was not possible.”

After he finished this long paragraph, he added: "After finishing Lucia, I immediately loaded her into the sixth area for testing. You were thrown into the black hole, but you came back. It was put into use after the test. I didn't wait until later. It was only then that Vivienne was slowly written."

"So, Lucia's core processor is a product of the Chimera project, and then it contains biological parts?"

Tangning nodded, "She is very intelligent. Brother Zheng said that what happened on the spaceship recently was caused by Lucia. I think it is very possible. As long as someone attacks Lucia's program and gives her instructions, she will automatically generate Plan, and then execute. So, the murderer will be very difficult to find, he may have just planted a string of codes a long time ago."

"She's executing orders. This is a possibility..." Lin Si looked at Tangning and asked, "Is it possible that she has intelligence? I mean independent intelligence, the kind that allows her to actively attack the spaceship."

The worst possibility must always be considered in everything. Obviously, Lucia's active attack is more creepy than someone secretly manipulating it.

"She made the decision to attack independently?" Tangning understood what he meant, then shook her head, "Impossible, because the Chimera project is controversial, we have done very strict tests on the processor, and she didn't even pass the Turing test .”

"It was only when you got the processor," Lins tapped his knuckles on the table, "and there was one more thing that happened after that."

Ling Yi suddenly said "ah".

"Lucia has biological tissues, so she has also been irradiated!"

Lin Si nodded: "At the beginning, the sixth area was directly attacked by the radiation of the event horizon of the black hole. It took at least ten minutes from leaving the Vanger field of the Voyager to entering the interior of the event horizon. During that time, all the spacecraft were exposed to strong radiation. Biological The specimens are all inactivated or proliferated abnormally, Lucia's processor cannot be spared."

"Then she should have been completely damaged," Tangning said.

"There are also accidents." Lin Si looked at Ling Yi, "If you survive this black hole radiation, you may be endowed with many special structures."

"If that's the case, we need to reconsider," Tangning said.

"If Lucia is the source of all accidents, no matter whether she is active or forced, the solution is very simple." Lin Si said: "Remove her processor."

That's right, remove it anyway, and everything is solved.

The key is how to disassemble.

Lucia can kill Mrs. Chen silently, and naturally can kill anyone who threatens her processor.

"If I give her a function that she must really want, she will give me the hardware," Tangning said.

"If she hadn't been put on after she was taken down in the first place, so many things wouldn't have happened." He said, "But Brother Zheng doesn't trust Vivienne, and has never agreed to abandon Lucia."

The matter has come to this point, "if" is useless, so he just mentioned it in passing, without further investigation.

There was a knock on the door. A few patrolling soldiers from last night said that they were here to repair the monitoring. The leader tried to persuade Lin Si how important it is to keep the monitoring functioning normally during this extraordinary period, and everyone’s Privacy is also properly protected. As long as there is no danger, no one's life will be exposed to the eyes of others.

Lin Si's attitude was negative, and he nodded reluctantly until the captain of the patrol became emotional and painful, as if he would be accidentally killed in the room tomorrow if he didn't repair the monitoring.

After the new invisible camera was installed, Tangning really started discussing the "Haiban issue" with Lin Si. Ling Yi felt dizzy and leaned against Lin Si, chatting in the "limitless" group day.

The next day, Tangning proposed to the marshal to upgrade Lucia in an all-round way, adding a weapon defense system that can quickly respond to emergencies. Because the matter was so important, they even initiated a small vote among high-level officials. Many people knew about it. thing.

After the proposal was passed, every important part of the spaceship was equipped with emergency weapons, and Tangning really spent a long time writing a defense system.

On the day of removing the processor, Ling Yi stayed with Tangning just in case.

The tight-fitting walls of the master control room were opened, revealing the black squares connected with countless circuits.

In the past, when nothing happened, it was just an ordinary processor, but now, in the eyes of the two, it was like a mysterious black box.

Ling Yi took it out.

Nothing happened.

He put it on the main console.

Still nothing happened.

He pulled out the snatch and pressed against the edge of the black box.

Still nothing happened.

Ling Yi: "... that's it?"

That's it

Tangning had no doubts about this matter, "Theoretically, it should be like this."

The biggest threat to the safety of the spacecraft is to fabricate a reason to dig out a piece of hardware from the wall of the main control room

Until he walked to Lin Si's laboratory with the black box, it was so smooth that there was no wave.

Lin Si looked at the thing and said only one word.


Tang Ning had all the documents of this cooperation project in his hand, including all kinds of detailed drawings. He was familiar with the structure of this black box, but according to Lin Si, some changes should have taken place inside.

However, even if they had made good mental preparations, the situation inside was beyond their imagination.

After removing the shell, the inside is white, nearly spherical, with a metallic luster and a faint water color, resembling the texture of Chimera metal.

In the translucent white, there are countless complex and tortuous copper-colored lines, which are spread out and densely packed inside, like unfolded nerve tentacles, or abstract works of expressionism.

Tangning called up Lucia's original profile.

A regular processor, regular circuits and electronic components, occasionally some strange devices, is the so-called bioelectric excitation device.

Comparing the two, they are not the same thing at all.

Rings guessed right.

He photographed it, disassembled the wiring inside, and lifted the thing out of the black box.

Tangning's face turned pale.

This huge translucent ball looks so weird and terrifying, like a deformed human brain and a mutated lychee, it reminds Ling Yi of the conversation between Lengku Lilins and Adelaide that day.

There are two kinds of scary things in this world, one is the strange image that has never been heard or seen, and the other is the indescribable ugliness formed by the distortion of familiar things.

Lins put it in the lab's waste processor.

He turned all indicators to the maximum and pressed the button.

High pressure, high temperature, strong acid.

The various parts of that thing squeeze and rub against each other, making a piercing sound. Its decibel is just the upper limit of the frequency that the human ear can handle, so it is extremely sharp and terrifying, causing pain in the human brain. This sound also appears to be on the verge of the limit It was very weird, like the sharp howl of an unknown creature.

Twenty minutes later, when everything was over, Ling must be looking at the mass of pale ashes, and suddenly there appeared a divine and beautiful image of a blond female knight holding a torch and a big sword in the other.

He couldn't connect the two, just as he couldn't figure out why Lucia was the murderer of this series of cruel events.

Rings had clear goo on his hands. He took the slide, smeared it on, and washed his hands.

"If possible, I'd like to study it."

After he finished speaking, he added: "But we are a human society after all."

No matter what kind of mutation worthy of study occurred in Lucia in that black hole accident, no matter how high intelligence this mutation endowed it, and how amazing a case of biological and mechanical fusion it turned into... It cannot be studied, because This blurs the boundary between life and non-life and shakes the foundation of human society.

They told the marshal everything.

This matter ended, and all major doubts were resolved. Even if there were indeed people manipulating behind the scenes, without the help of Lucia, all major conspiracies would not be able to proceed.

And those small doubts can also be explained by the saying that the thinking of the program is different from that of normal people.

As for why Madam and Zheng Shu could get a glimpse of the truth from the mist, it was also because one had died and the other had just been frozen, thawing rashly would cause an accident and let it go.

Vivienne finally took over the entire spaceship as she wished. According to observations these days, she did a good job, except that she often disconnected Tangning's electricity unreasonably.

The voyagers started their journey to the purple planet in a quiet and peaceful environment.

The development of science and technology always grows exponentially. There is a long-standing law in the field of electronics: the number of transistors that can be accommodated on an integrated circuit can double every eighteen months. This law is still applicable today, and It can be extended to many aspects. For example, it took the expeditioners three years to fly from TKM-IV to the purple planet, but the current expeditioners only need three months.

The murderer who killed Madam Chen was finally found. It was the medical robot that did not rescue him in an emergency. Slowly sliding it close without a sound, a sharp surgical part on the mechanical arm popped out in an instant, piercing the lady's heart with precision.

Before she died, what was written on the screen she looked at for the last time was still not recovered after all.

Ling Yi sometimes wondered, if he had learned more in mathematics and physics, would he be able to understand what it represented, and why it was judged as "must be destroyed" by Lucia's program.

The author has something to say: I changed the chapter name orz, and this part still belongs to the unspeakable series.

"The number of transistors that can be accommodated on an integrated circuit can double every eighteen months" is Moore's Law, the boss of Intel said, not a strict scientific law.

And of course this matter is not that simple_(:3J∠)_The most critical plot is coming soon!

This time the countdown is really over~