Cat’s Rose

Chapter 79: Finale The Cat and the Rose


In that chip, a lot was written. At least part of Lucia's consciousness came from Yesselin. This is also the reason why Zheng Shu tried his best to defend Lucia at first—he had promised his beloved fiancée.

In his heart, he didn't consider the situation thoroughly. It was already his fault that Yesselin died in the cryogenic cabin. Now that she is fused with Lucia, it can be regarded as living on the spaceship in another way.

After all... Who would have thought that such a gentle and kind Yesselin would be the murderer of this series of events? Therefore, even if the Expeditionist insisted on docking with the Expeditionary, it was obvious that Lucia made a mistake, he only thought that someone implanted bad information into Lucia.

Knowing that Mrs. Chen was killed, and only the mutiny of the system can explain everything, he finally realized that Ye Selin may no longer be the original Ye Selin.

Afterwards, he hinted the truth to Lin Si and Tang Ning and fell into a deep sleep.

He had no doubt that Linsi could understand his hint, and then remove Lucia's core hardware to solve the matter.

But he didn't expect that Lucia had already made a backup for herself and copied Vivienne's emotional system—the emotional system that passed Bradrick's test. It can theoretically carry all human memories and emotions. Therefore, Lucia was completely separated from the hardware, and Yesselin was reborn on the Voyager in the form of pure code. Finally, she attacked Vivienne's program and launched the final blow.

Numerous casualties and losses were indirectly caused by him, and in the end, he chose to end his life.

As for whether the consciousness is real or not, no one can judge.

From this, they also know why the image of Lucia's white armor and blond hair is always quiet and holy—she has the shadow of Yesselin everywhere, and the torch and big sword in her hand are not meaningless decorations.

The ever-burning torch is the symbol of Nemesis in the ancient Greek legend. She uses the torch to see all the filth and evil in this world, and then ends it with the weapon in her hand.

Yes, dirty and sinful.

Before today, who could connect it with the Voyager

But the naked facts are already in front of people's eyes.

The things on the chip ended here, and there was another document addressed to Tang Ning.

Tangning copied it away, his eyelashes drooped, unable to see his expression clearly.

Vivian stood on tiptoe and touched his cheek: "Don't be sad..."

With watery eyes, she said to Tangning, "Vivian will not leave Tangning like him..."

Tangning gave a low "hmm" and said to everyone in the room, "I'll be leaving first."

He led Vivienne out of the marshal's office. Before leaving, Vivienne made faces at others.

"Don't worry," she said to Ling, "I will coax him well!"

Ling responded by smiling at her.

When the door closed, he buried his head on Lin Si's shoulder and said nothing.

Lin Si hugged him tightly and stroked his fur gently.

"This is indeed the case." The marshal seemed to have aged a lot overnight, and said calmly, "The construction of the Voyager did not obtain the permission of the coalition government. From its organization to its departure, it was a private move, and then it caused a very serious situation. dire consequences."

He admitted, admitted the blood debts on the deck of the Voyager.

Lince thought, the last doubt is also solved.

Why did the marshal first suspect the third area under his jurisdiction when something happened on the Voyager

—Because Ling Jing's team once raised arms against tens of thousands of fellow earthlings and slaughtered them with thermonuclear weapons.

One thing, as long as it happens, it will definitely leave traces. It is difficult to guarantee that someone in the third district will know about this matter, and then infer the position of the entire voyager—the responsibility and sense of justice of soldiers are often higher than ordinary people, so, if There are people who hate the Voyagers, either from Wilkins Lab or the Third District.

"I admit that the voyagers have committed a heinous crime," the marshal said, "but the voyagers also have their own reasons."

Lynch looked at him.

The marshal opened the desk drawer and pulled out a piece of paper at the bottom: "Madam Chen predicted that the truth would be revealed one day, and she left this before she set sail."

Rings took it.

It was Mrs. Chen's handwriting. Her handwriting was as calm and solemn as her personality.

"In this land, I can't see any hope. Whenever I input the parameters of the real world into the model, no matter how fast the assumed technological development is, the result of its calculation is that human beings will be in the next five hundred years. In two thousand years, we are heading towards total extinction, and we must take steps to prevent it.

I have submitted these things to the United Government and the Association of Scientists, but no one really pays attention to it. They think that survival is just lingering in this land destroyed by nuclear and war. Human nature has always been so weak, self-comfort is it The only strong point is that as long as tomorrow is safe and sound, everything can last forever.

So I planned the Voyager with a few like-minded people, and we got money from the chaebol, intellectual support from many brilliant scientists, and it took us twelve years to build such a great ship. The powerlessness of the government and the chaos of the situation have caused great loopholes in the military system, and we have obtained a certain amount of military power from this, even though they all think that the Voyager is Noah's Ark approved by the coalition government.

As long as the voyagers can set sail smoothly, it is possible for human civilization to continue in another place and escape the curse that is bound to perish. For this, I will stop at nothing. Maybe this process will be full of blood and sacrifices, maybe we have to raise our arms against our compatriots, maybe the entire earth will perish faster because of the voyagers, but it's all worth it.

It may be misunderstood, abused, and attacked, but after thousands of years, there will always be someone who will overlook the river of human civilization from a macro perspective. What a glorious milestone.

My hands must be stained with iniquity, my spirit must be tormented by it, but one thing is also certain - I will never regret any of this. "

The dust settled.

The whole truth of this era that was drifting forward in the sea of stars has completely surfaced.

The marshal pulled out the gun at his waist at some point, pointed it at his temple, and was about to pull the trigger.

"Put it down." Lin Si said suddenly.

The Marshal opened his eyes, looked at him, and said, "I should be punished."

"After landing, we still need you." Lin Si said.

"There are many people who are qualified for my position," said the Marshal.

Lin Si took a deep breath, his eyelashes trembling a little: "... I forgive you."

Ling Yi held his hand tightly.

Lin Si shook his hand back, led him to the door, and said, "No one made mistakes."

They left the marshal's office, closed the door, and hugged each other for a long time in the corridor.

Everyone, Ye Selin, Mrs. Chen, Marshal... none of them are wrong, but their beliefs are completely different.

Ye Selin loves every fresh life, while Mrs. Chen only cares about the survival of the entire civilization, which is the source of all conflicts.

Ling Yi asked, "Then have you forgiven yourself?"

Lynce: "... um."

If he had developed the Berlin virus antibody on earth, the virus might have mutated for the fourth time before the antibody was widely produced. If he destroyed the main console of the Voyager when it first set sail, there may be other areas that broke away from the main body and started the voyage independently.

Yesselin used to say that everyone is a star. But in fact, everyone is a grain of sand, engulfed, controlled, and washed away by the torrent of fate. It is sometimes just a matter of probability that determines these things. There are not many things in this world that are worth long-term obsession and nostalgia.

"Lin Si," Ling Yi suddenly whispered, "...I love you."

Lin Si scratched the bridge of his nose: "I love you too."

Speaking of which, this is the first time they have used such words to express their love.

Ling Yi hugged him tightly, and he returned a gentle kiss. The feeling of physical contact is so sweet, the greed and longing are endless, people are addicted to it, and even want to stay together forever.

The ship shuddered.

—This time I left the subspace completely.

According to the coordinates reported by Lucia, they were ready to see their hometown with no life, but as the voyagers approached, they saw a planet that seemed to be wrapped in purple satin.

Ling Yi looked at the porthole: "This is the purple planet."

Purple Planet

What about the earth

As if in response to their questions, Vivienne's sweet voice sounded in the whole cabin: "It is being fitted according to the data of the universe simulator, please wait a moment."

"Fitting completed, confirm the location: Milky Way - Orion's cantilever - the third ring of the solar system, confirm the planet name: Earth. Welcome home!"

Lins: "."

Ling Yi: "..."

"Is it mentally retarded?" Lin Si squeezed Ling Yi's face, "You all landed and hovered, but you didn't realize it was Earth?"

Ling Yi muttered: "They're all planets, so strange. The expeditioners withdrew after staying for twenty hours. How would I know..."

"No one found out?" Lin Si couldn't believe it.

"No." Ling Yi said confidently, "Who told you not to come?"

Lin Si: "Cough."

With a limitless average level of knowledge, it is difficult to know which are the eight planets of the solar system, let alone discover that the cosmic environment here is like the solar system. Lucia falsified data and star maps to make them think that it was really a distant planet millions of light-years away.

Therefore, Lucia forged the entire flight route of the expeditioners in the past eight years. On the surface, it was an exploration of distant stars, but in fact it was returning to Earth. When Madam Chen used the space simulator to analyze the flight route, she found something wrong, and unintentionally uncovered it. the truth.

"So," Lins analyzed, "the purple virus is the result of countless mutations of the Berlin virus."

"What about those purple creatures?"

"I'm going to get something."

Lins took out the sample of Berlin virus crystals he had preserved, which was a flesh-colored jelly-like object sealed in a test tube.

He poured it out, a round jelly-like thing.

"You have antibodies on your body, don't be afraid." Lin Si said.

Ling Yi touched the thing.

"Very similar," he said honestly.

Lin Si took a little and put it under the microscope: "Look again."

Ling Yi looked down and saw the microscopic structure of this thing—indescribable, tangled filament-like protrusions, even a little shiny.

"It's very similar." His whole body was numb.

The scene under the microscope is simply... the surface of the purple planet! The shapes of those weird plants intertwined with each other were exactly the same as what he saw now!

He added: "What about the strong corrosive liquid after they were broken?"

"Use a microprobe to puncture the Berlin virus aggregate, and liquid will flow out, but it is not very corrosive." Lin Sidao.

Ling Yi: "..."

All right.

An emergency meeting was held in the Sixth District. After several hours of discussion, they finally unified their opinions.

For more than two hundred years, the long-term evolution and mutation of the Berlin virus have made them evolve strange properties. After eroding all animals, plants, and microorganisms, they finally formed aggregates covering the entire surface of the earth. When there is no more After life, they enter dormancy, in the form of chemical crystals—or other half-dead forms, the nature of which is unknown and requires further study.

And those organisms in the water—preliminarily believed to be symbiosis formed by fish and virus aggregates.

The good news: The thing sucked up nuclear dust and many other impurities with an unknown property, and the air on Earth is as clean as an ice age.

The bad news is, how to clear it

Ling Yi leaned against Lin Si, his posture was almost like Daji who was leaning on King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty, and Helen, who started the Trojan War, said lazily, "Blow it up, blow up everything."

How to fry


No matter how invulnerable it is, no matter how weird its nature is, it must be considered a substance, right

Since it is matter, when it encounters antimatter, it will only be annihilated.

A vigorous carpet bombing began. The number of grams of antimatter was carefully calculated and controlled within the range that would cause the least damage to the surface. When this huge bombing is over, the earth is bald.

Whether it is Mount Everest or Mount Kilimanjaro, they have all become flat, and the earth is now like a smooth ball.

All civilization and barbarism, birth and death, sorrow and joy, parting and reunion in this land are all returned to zero.

Then, start over.

Everyone tacitly kept silent about the bloody past, and buried it deeply.

The voyage log reads: "After the three-month voyage, we finally landed on the purple planet. After overcoming the purple creatures, an extreme terrestrial planet appeared in front of us. The 253-year voyage officially announced here. The end. We will rebuild our home on the new planet and multiply. Voyager has ended its mission and officially landed. With it as the center, we will establish the capital of the human kingdom.

We named our new home 'Thera' in honor of our eternal home - Earth. "

The flag of the Voyagers was hoisted at the new base, heralding the coming of a new era.

The history written in the log book buried the tombstone with flowers, everyone knew it, but no one disputed it.

Because this history is written not for them, but for the people who came after.

Such history must be written with flowers, not blood.

Then, when the new generation grows up, this long-distance flag will remain forever in their hearts, and with a glorious image, it will inspire them to expand their territory on this brand new planet, so that this new era will have a flawless the beginning.

The real history is completely buried in the hearts of the voyagers. All the bewilderment, pain, and struggle also return to dust.

Voyagers are always pure, always noble, always hang their sails high, and march forward bravely.

A banquet is being held to celebrate the establishment of the first human base. Lin Si took over Mrs. Chen's seat and is currently in charge of the scientific research part of the base. The marshal did not commit suicide in the end and continued to preside over the overall situation. He kept Ling Yi by his side more and more, and began to let him take over various affairs, as if he had already identified his next successor after retirement.

However, during this evening banquet, both of them slipped out to watch the stars on the roof.

Ling Yi hugged a long box and did not show it to Lin Si.

"We're still back." He hugged his knees and looked at the starry sky, with a trace of melancholy in his voice.

"In fact, there is another explanation for the Fermi Paradox." Lin Sidao, "Our universe is very young, and the planets formed are all dull and boring. Except for the unique earth, all planets have not bred life yet, and there is no environment. available for life."

"So we are the only life?" Ling Yi looked at the twinkling stars: "Why is the universe so cruel?"

"It doesn't know itself," Lin Si's fingers gently scratched Ling Yi's palm, "or... it created us just to think about ourselves."

Ling Yi tilted his head: "Why?"

Lin Si opened Ling Yi's fingers to let him see.

"All the chemical elements were formed 0.3 seconds before the Big Bang, so every part of us is part of the universe. We are the universe itself. When we think about the universe, it is the universe thinking about itself."

Ling Yi: "Yeah..."

"So death is not terrible," Lin Si said, "it just returns to the inorganic matter...unless it is annihilated by antimatter weapons."

Ling Yi said cautiously: "Actually, you were almost annihilated by me, because I don't know what kind of weight can blow up a wormhole."

"Hmm," Lin Si said lightly, "Actually, you almost died too."

Ling Yi: "Huh?"

"Lucia didn't make a mistake in her calculations. I didn't want to sacrifice the sixth district to save the Voyager," Lin Si said in a low voice. "Actually, I can almost guess the truth about the Voyager... Through some details, such as the attitude of the Marshal. Class. At that time, I thought, just let it be destroyed like this. But, after thinking about it, you were still on the boat, so you saved them as well."

"Wow..." Ling Yi was surprised at first, then smiled: "Actually, I have something to tell you."


"In fact, I have already remembered all those memories on the earth before." Ling Yi hugged him tightly and whispered in his ear: "At first, Ye Selin was going to board the voyager and bid farewell to me, saying that she and her father would Leaving me, but I don't have to be afraid, because she has found a good person to take care of me... Is it you?"

"Well..." Lin Si laughed, "It is indeed me."

With a cry, Ling Yi threw herself into his arms.

So, if all else had not happened, they would still meet—on Earth, live together, or die together.


After rolling, Ling Yi finally opened his long box.

A half-bloomed bright red rose lies quietly in it, and the sweet fragrance permeates the whole body.

"I've planted it," Ling said, "If I were the universe, I would give you all the rose nebulae... But I'm not, so I can only give you a real rose."

He carefully put the unthorned part into Lynce's hand.

"Actually, you are the universe." Lin Si held it and said, "My entire universe."

Ling Yi's face turned red.

- I'm sorry.

"Then you are my rose," he calmed down, leaning against Lin Si, and said softly, "When the base is almost built and on track, let's sleep together, shall we?"

Rings knew why he wanted to sleep.

The truth and pain that are too heavy can only be healed by time. He wants to sleep deeply, just like a kitten's paws will suddenly retract after touching a flame.

"Okay," Lin Si put his arms around him, "I think so too."

Ling Yi: "Really?"

"Well," Lin Si lowered his voice, "After a few hundred years, human beings will flourish again, and we will wake up again. I want to find a small town, open a small medical clinic, and be the only doctor in the town..."

Ling Yi laughed: "Then I will be a policeman in the town, and I will often patrol your side."

"Well...then you have an advantage," Lin Sidao said, "If there are any stalkers or voyeurs in the town, you can also seduce them."

Ling Yi smiled and scratched him, and rolled into a ball with him.

It took a long time to calm down and look at the night sky together.

Ling Yi intertwined with Lin Si and said, "Then we'll find a beautiful little house with roses growing in the yard. Do you want a pet? You like cats..."

"Hmm," Lin Si pressed up and kissed the corner of his lips, "I already have a cat."

Ling Yi smiled and kissed him.

Stars flicker in the distant night sky, and everything is silent.

The sound in the banquet hall suddenly came from afar. It was people clinking glasses, glass colliding with glass, and the sound was crisp and clear.

"We have suffered."

"We live forever."

The author has something to say: It's officially over.

The new name "Thera" is a messed up "earth".

This is an imperfect story, but it is also the story I have always wanted to tell, thank you for being able to accompany Xiaosi to the end ww

Every day after that, Dr. Lin and Ling Miaomiao lived a sweet life, whether it was in the base or in a small town full of roses.

Then I will be due at the end of the month. The new article will be saved first, and it will be opened around 7.20. It is the one that posted the copy before. Click into the column to see it! Please ask for an advance receipt and payment, and give Xinwen Baby a good start www

Thanks for reading, bows!