Cat’s Rose

Chapter 80: Fanwai·Seeing words as faces


Xiao Ning, seeing a letter is like a face.

Tangning's eyes turned red just seeing this sentence.

This letter was written after I was thawed. If Lucia flies into the wormhole with the Voyager, we will die together. If her plan is successfully prevented, this letter will eventually come to you.

Early on, when I discovered that Lucia had a part of Yesselin's consciousness and hated the spaceship, I knew that suicide was my only ending. I have no objection to this, because for all the reasons that caused this incident, when it happened, I made the decision that I would definitely make, and I have no regrets or remorse when I get to where I am today. Some just can't let you go.

I remember the first time I saw you, it was outside the IMO arena, you were still very young, the most amazing talent of the British team that year, you have known your name for a long time. In the second year, you became a student at the same school and gradually became acquainted with us. Later, when I woke up in the same batch on the spaceship, I took over your custody, and you are also very good. The Lucia project has always been the pride of the fifth district, just as I have always been proud of you.

In the dead of night, the figures of Ling Jing and Yesselin always linger in my dreams. I can't protect my lover from mental torture, and I have failed her promise before parting, making Yesselin Die in endless sleep. The most painful thing in a person's fate is to make a decision that should be done every step of the way, but still lead to an irreversible ending.

On Earth, Adelaide was always lively and self-willed. Lin Si and I often took care of him, but on the spaceship, it was replaced by him worrying about our mental state all day long. However, there are some things that cannot be forgotten. Repression and pain are always with me. I have not felt happy or joyful for a long time. Even if I can let go of my nostalgia for Ling Jing, I cannot regenerate new enthusiasm.

Therefore, I can't give you some things you want, because I don't want to, but I can't. I can neither open myself up to new relationships nor put you in pain for having a relationship with someone like me. So when you became an adult, I gradually distanced myself from you.

To this day, I don't know whether this move is right or wrong, and whether it has brought you more harm. I always feel equal pain when I see you hurt by my estrangement. Sometimes, I think of those nights before you were eighteen, when I was drawing pictures, you sat opposite and typed code, or did math, and you would ask me when you didn’t know, and when it was time to go to bed, you always refused to go to sleep , until I force the lights off.

If I could go back in time, I would like to go back to my student days on earth, or those years when I was still living with you on a spaceship. Your birthday is on June 17th. You like white and grape flavor instead of strawberry. Actually, I still remember it. If I could do it again, I might make another choice.

But time moves forward and I have no choice but to say this at the end, you didn't do anything wrong, it's all because I couldn't be honest with myself.

Many people are fighting for the future of the Voyager. I am not worried. Lins or Adelaide can understand why I did these things when they heard the news of my death. I have no worries in the world, only I just hope you don't feel sad about it.

Time is limited and I can't say much more, I just wish you all the best in your new home.

Human death is nothing but the return of organic life to the inorganic state. I have been freed from the pain of the past, returned to the universe, and met you again in the sea of stars.

don't read.

Tangning watched it for a long time, until the screen went dormant due to the long freeze and disappeared before his eyes.

He reached out and touched the interface again, but he couldn't see the text on it clearly, because the world in front of him was blurred.

He closed his eyes tremblingly, and the scenes on the earth many years ago appeared in front of his eyes.

That was when he was thirteen or fourteen.

After the IMO that year, many people received invitation letters from this university. Among all the universities in the world that are still operating normally, it is the top one, but I and my teammates separated. , standing at the gate of the school, not knowing where to go.

The crowds coming and going laughed and laughed, as if they came from another world. He couldn't communicate with people, and he didn't know how to communicate with them. At that moment, he almost wanted to escape from the whole world, and he couldn't even breathe normally.

At this time, Zheng Shu, who was passing by the school gate, saw him. They met once outside the IMO arena.

"You came here too?" He walked towards himself: "Why are you standing here?"

But Zheng Shu has always been considerate. After a while, he smiled and said, "Come with me."

That day, they had lunch together, and later, they gradually became acquainted. Lin Si often discussed some math problems with himself, and Adelaide gave himself several psychological counseling. He gradually became less resistant and friendly to others. Speak up—although still avoid it if you can.

Everyone is very good, but Zheng Shu is always the special one, maybe because the sun was too bright that morning, and he has something that he can't have in his life-always walk in the crowd with ease , You can always chat with people casually with a smile on your face.

Later, when they met again on the spaceship, it was another matter.

However, what Zheng Shu didn't know was that he didn't ask for anything.

He likes Zheng Shu, not because he wants to get a response, love, or anything else, but be nice to him.

But Zheng Shu will never know.

Just like what Zheng Shu thought in his heart, he would never know.

After all, people's feelings are too complicated, and it is something that he can't really understand in his whole life.

But he still burst into tears, because of this far-off parting, and the answer that was about to come out but could never surface again in his whole life.

Vivian caressed his cheek carefully.

Tangning suddenly said calmly, "I've always felt that someone like me... no one wants to stay with such a person. I don't even have a single friend."

Vivian was stunned.

"No," she said seriously, "I really like Tangning."

Tangning didn't speak.

"Your personality is not your fault. I know that your human god is a computer, and your destiny is a program. Then there is a command to generate random numbers, and you will be different. Everyone is very cute," Weiwei An hugged him tightly and said, "But Tangning is the most special, I like you the most."

"You like me because I made you."

Vivian snorted: "No."

Before Tangning could continue speaking, she continued, "But, even if this is the case, I will always like Tangning. I have a long life, and I can spend it watching you, making you eat well, drink water, and sleep well. , cut off your power every night, and when you die, I will shut down my emotional system... "

As she spoke, tears rolled down her pretty face, and she burst into sobs, crying harder than Tangning: "And... Tangning also has friends, Ling Yi and Lin Si are good friends, It’s not necessary to have many, many friends... Even Zheng Shu only has two good friends.”

Tangning stroked her hair.

Vivian threw herself on his chest and wept loudly.

Tang Ning: ...

He smiled: "Don't cry."

"Brother Zheng Shu said that I hope everything goes well for you," Vivienne cried out of breath, "then you must live well and don't be sad. If you are sad in the future..."

She wiped her tears, thought for a while, and said, "Then I will be more sad than you!"

Tangning: "...OK."

So, Miss Vivienne did indeed coax Tangning as she told Ling Yi, but the way she coaxed Tang Ning was by teasing and threatening.

Life after landing was very busy, but Adelaide was always good at sneaking in. On this day, he gathered his friends together for a small open-air dinner.

The air is filled with the fragrance of fresh grass, and the starry sky in the distance is low and silent.

They talked very late, mostly on topics that had nothing to do with sentimentality. The atmosphere of the base was positive and uplifting, making people feel a few years younger. It was very late that people dispersed, leaving only two or three chattering.

"I thought you wouldn't come," Lin Si said to Tangning as he opened the last bottle of white wine, "But that's okay, we happen to have something to ask you."

Ling Yi also sat down beside them.

Tangning: "What's the matter?"

"Before landing, I, Ling Yi, and Su Ting... all received a letter signed by Lucia."

He sent Tang Ning a document.

Ling Yi said softly: "How do you define Lucia?"

Tangning clicked on the document.

Children, see the words as you see them.

By the time you discovered it, you probably had landed successfully and started to build a human base. I wish you all the best.

You may never forgive me, and I can never forgive myself either. When I woke up as the system of the ship, I was full of pain and hatred for everything, and I have lived in pain for ten years.

I will never be at peace until the betrayer is punished, and I am always soft-hearted, trying to forgive everyone and myself. But I have already left the human body and started to obey the rules of the program. When these two thoughts are entangled in my mind, two different orders are also going on in my body at the same time.

I can't delete my thoughts, so the program of destroying the spaceship and taking care of you has been running automatically and unstoppably, causing me to do many contradictory and logically confusing things until the end.

I do not intend to defend or excuse myself, but I just want to express my deep apologies for the accidents and tragedies that have occurred due to my thoughts.

Yesselin loves you forever.

The signature was Lucia.

Tangning read it carefully.

"The procedure is indeed like this. As long as the order is given, it will continue to be carried out. Sometimes what Lucia does is not what Yesselin intended. Sometimes the Lucia system and Mrs. Yesselin cannot be confused."

After Tangning finished speaking, her eyes still fell on the phrase "seeing the words is like seeing the face".

Everyone has things that are difficult to accept and people who are hard to forget. Perhaps, if these things are not let go now, they will never be let go in the future.

"But," he heard himself continue, "it's over."

Lin Si and Ling Yi were silent for a long time.

Finally, Lin Si repeated slowly: "It's all over."

He swirled the wine in his glass and took a sip: "Toast."

Ling Yi touched his cup with him: "Respect now."

Tangning also picked up the wine glass.

He looked at the moon in the middle of the night sky, and the countless twinkling stars around the moon: "Regard the future."

Respect the future.

The past and the past, drink it up in one gulp, and pass away.

They clink glasses.

Xiao Ning, seeing a letter is like a face.

Tangning's eyes turned red just seeing this sentence.

This letter was written after I was thawed. If Lucia flies into the wormhole with the Voyager, we will die together. If her plan is successfully prevented, this letter will eventually come to you.

As early as the beginning, when I discovered that Lucia had a part of Yesselin's consciousness and hated the spaceship, I knew that suicide was my only ending. I have no objection to this, because for all the reasons that caused this incident, when it happened, I made the decision that I would definitely make, and I have no regrets or remorse when I get to where I am today. Some just can't let you go.

I remember the first time I saw you, it was outside the IMO arena, you were still very young, the most amazing talent of the British team that year, and I have known you for a long time. In the second year, you became a junior at the same school and gradually became acquainted with us. Later, I woke up in the same batch on the spaceship, and I took over your custody, and you are also very good. The Lucia project has always been the pride of the fifth district, just as I have always been proud of you.

In the dead of night, the figures of Ling Jing and Yesselin always linger in my dreams. I can't protect my lover from mental torture, and I have failed her promise before parting, making Yesselin Die in endless sleep. The most painful thing in a person's fate is to make a decision that should be done every step of the way, but still lead to an irreversible ending.

On Earth, Adelaide was always lively and self-willed. Lin Si and I often took care of him, but on the spaceship, it was replaced by him worrying about our mental state all day long. However, there are some things that cannot be forgotten. Repression and pain are always with me. I have not felt happy or joyful for a long time. Even if I can let go of my nostalgia for Ling Jing, I cannot regenerate new enthusiasm.

Therefore, I can't give you some things you want, because I don't want to, but I can't. I can neither open myself up to new relationships nor put you in pain for having a relationship with someone like me. So when you became an adult, I gradually distanced myself from you.

To this day, I don't know whether this move is right or wrong, and whether it has brought you more harm. I always feel equal pain when I see you hurt by my estrangement. Sometimes, I think of those nights before you were eighteen, when I was drawing pictures, you sat opposite and typed code, or did math, and you would ask me when you didn’t know, and when it was time to go to bed, you always refused to go to sleep , until I force the lights off.

If I could go back in time, I would like to go back to my student days on earth, or those years when I was still living with you on a spaceship. Your birthday is on June 17th. You like white and grape flavor instead of strawberry. Actually, I still remember it. If I could do it again, I might make another choice.

But time moves forward and I have no choice but to say this at the end, you didn't do anything wrong, it's all because I couldn't be honest with myself.

Many people are fighting for the future of the Voyager. I am not worried. Lins or Adelaide can understand why I did these things when they heard the news of my death. I have no worries in the world, only I just hope you don't feel sad about it.

Time is limited and I can't say much more, I just wish you all the best in your new home.

Human death is nothing but the return of organic life to the inorganic state. I have been freed from the pain of the past, returned to the universe, and met you again in the sea of stars.

don't read.

Tangning watched it for a long time, until the screen went dormant due to the long freeze and disappeared before his eyes.

He reached out and touched the interface again, but he couldn't see the text on it clearly, because the world in front of him was blurred.

He closed his eyes tremblingly, and the scenes on the earth many years ago appeared in front of his eyes.

That was when he was thirteen or fourteen.

After the IMO that year, many people received invitation letters from this university. Among all the universities in the world that are still operating normally, it is the top one, but I and my teammates separated. , standing at the gate of the school, not knowing where to go.

The crowds coming and going laughed and laughed, as if they came from another world. He couldn't communicate with people, and he didn't know how to communicate with them. At that moment, he almost wanted to escape from the whole world, and he couldn't even breathe normally.

At this time, Zheng Shu, who was passing by the school gate, saw him. They met once outside the IMO arena.

"You came here too?" He walked towards himself: "Why are you standing here?"

But Zheng Shu has always been considerate. After a while, he smiled and said, "Come with me."

That day, they had lunch together, and later, they gradually became acquainted. Lin Si often discussed some math problems with himself, and Adelaide gave himself several psychological counseling. He gradually became less resistant and friendly to others. Speak up—although still avoid it if you can.

Everyone is very good, but Zheng Shu is always the special one, maybe because the sun was too bright that morning, and he has something that he can't have in his life-always walk in the crowd with ease , You can always chat with people casually with a smile on your face.

Later, when they met again on the spaceship, it was another matter.

However, what Zheng Shu didn't know was that he didn't ask for anything.

He likes Zheng Shu, not because he wants to get a response, love, or anything else, but be nice to him.

But Zheng Shu will never know.

Just like what Zheng Shu thought in his heart, he would never know.

After all, people's feelings are too complicated, and it is something that he can't really understand in his whole life.

But he still burst into tears, because of this far-off parting, and the answer that was about to come out but could never surface again in his whole life.

Vivian caressed his cheek carefully.

Tangning suddenly said calmly, "I've always felt that someone like me... no one wants to stay with such a person. I don't even have a single friend."

Vivian was stunned.

"No," she said seriously, "I really like Tangning."

Tangning didn't speak.

"Your personality is not your fault. I know that your human god is a computer, and your destiny is a program. Then there is a command to generate random numbers, and you will be different. Everyone is very cute," Weiwei An hugged him tightly and said, "But Tangning is the most special, I like you the most."

"You like me because I made you."

Vivian snorted: "No."

Before Tangning could continue speaking, she continued, "But, even if this is the case, I will always like Tangning. I have a long life, and I can spend it watching you, making you eat well, drink water, and sleep well. , cut off your power every night, and when you die, I will shut down my emotional system... "

As she spoke, tears rolled down her pretty face, and she burst into sobs, crying harder than Tangning: "And... Tangning also has friends, Ling Yi and Lin Si are good friends, It’s not necessary to have many, many friends... Even Zheng Shu only has two good friends.”

Tangning stroked her hair.

Vivian threw herself on his chest and wept loudly.

Tang Ning: ...

He smiled: "Don't cry."

"Brother Zheng Shu said that I hope everything goes well for you," Vivienne cried out of breath, "then you must live well and don't be sad. If you are sad in the future..."

She wiped her tears, thought for a while, and said, "Then I will be more sad than you!"

Tangning: "...OK."

So, Miss Vivienne did indeed coax Tangning as she told Ling Yi, but the way she coaxed Tang Ning was by teasing and threatening.

Life after landing was very busy, but Adelaide was always good at sneaking in. On this day, he gathered his friends together for a small open-air dinner.

The air is filled with the fragrance of fresh grass, and the starry sky in the distance is low and silent.

They talked very late, mostly on topics that had nothing to do with sentimentality. The atmosphere of the base was positive and uplifting, making people feel a few years younger. It was very late that people dispersed, leaving only two or three chattering.

"I thought you wouldn't come," Lin Si said to Tangning as he opened the last bottle of white wine, "But that's okay, we happen to have something to ask you."

Ling Yi also sat down beside them.

Tangning: "What's the matter?"

"Before landing, I, Ling Yi, and Su Ting... all received a letter signed by Lucia."

He sent Tang Ning a document.

Ling Yi said softly: "How do you define Lucia?"

Tangning clicked on the document.

Children, see the words as you see them.

By the time you discovered it, you probably had landed successfully and started to build a human base. I wish you all the best.

You may never forgive me, and I can never forgive myself either. When I woke up as the system of the ship, I was full of pain and hatred for everything, and I have lived in pain for ten years.

I will never be at peace until the betrayer is punished, and I am always soft-hearted, trying to forgive everyone and myself. But I have already left the human body and started to obey the rules of the program. When these two thoughts are entangled in my mind, two different orders are also going on in my body at the same time.

I can't delete my thoughts, so the program of destroying the spaceship and taking care of you has been running automatically and unstoppably, causing me to do many contradictory and logically confusing things until the end.

I do not intend to defend or excuse myself, but I just want to express my deep apologies for the accidents and tragedies that have occurred due to my thoughts.

Yesselin loves you forever.

The signature was Lucia.

Tangning read it carefully.

"The procedure is indeed like this. As long as the order is given, it will continue to be carried out. Sometimes what Lucia does is not what Yesselin intended. Sometimes the Lucia system and Mrs. Yesselin cannot be confused."

After Tangning finished speaking, her eyes still fell on the phrase "seeing the words is like seeing the face".

Everyone has things that are difficult to accept and people who are hard to forget. Perhaps, if these things are not let go now, they will never be let go in the future.

"But," he heard himself continue, "it's over."

Lin Si and Ling Yi were silent for a long time.

Finally, Lin Si repeated slowly: "It's all over."

He swirled the wine in his glass and took a sip: "Toast."

Ling Yi touched his cup with him: "Respect now."

Tangning also picked up the wine glass.

He looked at the moon in the middle of the night sky, and the countless twinkling stars around the moon: "Regard the future."

Respect the future.

The past and the past, drink it up in one gulp, and pass away.

They clink glasses.

The author has something to say: It's completely over, chirp~

Respect the future.

I don’t know where I made a mistake and it’s repeated. I’m very desperate now. The revision of Chapter V is not allowed to reduce the number of words. Comments send red envelopes and refund your JJ coins! Comparing!

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