Cat’s Rose

Chapter 9: Sonnets (1)


The one who looked like the commander made a gesture command, and the scattered people began to gather.

He greeted Lin Si and walked towards him: "Dr. Lin."

Lince: "Colonel."

The colonel noticed Ling Yi at a glance and recognized him: "Are you awake?"

—The colonel is one of the experimental subjects, and almost everyone in this training ground is.

"Well," Lin Sidao said, "he will train here in the future, and he will do some performance tests first."

"Sweena!" the colonel called out.

A Russian female officer with a high nose and deep eyes came over.

"The little angel in cabin 97!" Her eyes lit up.

The colonel said: "Sweena, take him to test his physical fitness level and make a training plan."

Sweena agreed happily and took Ling Yi away.

Lynce was talking to the Colonel.

"What is the training content now?"

"We are positioned as front-line fighters." The colonel shrugged: "The daily content is combat training, battle simulation and weapon adaptation, but we have never encountered any enemies since we set off. The universe is so big that we can't see a little bit of it." Ghosts of aliens! Sometimes I wish I could go to the landing team and experience it."

"The fifth and sixth districts may second you to the military in a while," Lins stood beside him. "We have a neuron machine project that is being finalized."

"Okay." The colonel agreed happily, and asked, "Shall we try the machine?"

"Well," Lin Si said lightly, "it's bionic wearable equipment."

The colonel suddenly became interested: "Is there a picture?"

Lins called up the blueprint on the bracelet and projected it.

"The control system can be connected to the nerve center to directly manipulate the machine without complex operations, but currently only the neural reflex speed of the modified body can do it."

The Colonel opened his mouth wide in surprise.

"Doctor, this..." he excitedly said, "This is a mecha!"

Lin Si frowned: "Mecha?"

"Yeah!" The colonel rubbed his hands: "Haven't you read science fiction?" He made an exaggerated gesture: "It's like a large robot that can fight in the universe."

"The semi-finished product can be equipped with weapons in theory, but it does not have space navigation capabilities, so it is very difficult to realize. You can communicate with Zheng Shu." Lin Si turned off the projection, still expressionless, with little ups and downs in his voice, and said lightly: " I need your training data."

The colonel turned on the wristband to connect to the host, and began to read.

"Dr. Lin is still as cold as this," Sweena said to Ling Yi when she saw Ling turning back to look at Lin Si, "We thought that he would change somewhat after escaping once."

She shrugged: "Baby, do you want to consider setting up a home here? Lin is not a good guardian. When I think of you being raised by a wizard, I worry that you will become a cold little devil."

Ling Yi tilted his head, thinking about how Lin Si treated himself these days.

Although... always sticking needles in himself, and sometimes having a bad attitude, but—

He didn't know what language to use to express it, so he just shook his head: "Lance is fine."

Sweena looked at him lovingly. This innocent and beautiful little thing could easily arouse anyone's desire for protection.

"Okay," she said, "let's get down to business. I've seen your body data, and we're going to test—a more practical item."

—So, when Lin Si finished dealing with the matter and came to see Ling Yi's progress, he heard Sweena's voice before he got close.

"Honey, you look like a kitten!"

He approached and saw that in the wide instrument room, there were some black rubber racks stacked from the floor to the ceiling.

One of Ling Yi's legs was hooked to the tallest one, and he was hanging upside down. Seeing Lin Si come in, he bent backwards and upwards at an angle that humans can't imagine, and climbed up from the upside-down posture almost instantly, becoming Cheng half-kneeled on one knee at the highest point, then bounced lightly, and landed firmly in front of Lin Si, looking up at him.

The series of actions were so coherent and swift that there was almost no sound.

Lynch ran a hand through his hair.

"It's amazing." Sweena came over and asked Lin Wei: "Doctor, have you been able to carry out the transformation to this point?"

"Coincidence, not the result of an experiment." Lin Si took over part of the data from Sweena.

Cardiopulmonary endurance, flexibility, coordination and balance, and agility, these things can be improved through acquired practice, but they are more limited by the congenital joints and soft tissue shape, so they are always limited, but Ling Yi is not, he The soft tissue morphology has undergone many changes. Lin Si knew Ling Yi's previous evaluation data in the sixth district, so he was not very surprised.

But at this moment, he suddenly had a strange feeling: If science disappears, and the existing human beings continue to mutate, evolve, and be eliminated naturally, after millions of years, they may be able to present such a nearly perfect physiological state.

However, Ling Yi completed the entire evolution process during the few seconds of black hole radiation, and obtained the optimal solution among hundreds of millions of possible mutation directions by a miraculous coincidence.

Perhaps his mutation can never be replicated by existing science, but it provides a possibility—the possibility of evolution, and the evolution of human beings is far from reaching the end. The first and fifth districts are more focused on using high-end technology to protect this race, but for the sixth district, they pay more attention to life itself.

— It's just a pity that "limitless" can't continue.

Moreover, although the data is perfect, according to his observations these days, Ling Yi has problems in at least one aspect.

"Test his muscle strength." Lin Si said to Sweena: "He could easily break my arm when he just woke up, but he didn't show any strength different from ordinary people afterwards."

"Didn't show it? It's unlikely," Sweena shook her head. "Is there a problem with the habit of exerting force? But it shouldn't be."

She took Ling Yi to a simple grip strength instrument: "Try this first."

Ling Yi rested his right hand on the round pipe, his hand was beautiful, it didn't look like it was powerful.

"Hold on as hard as you can," Sweena said.

The slender and slender fingers slowly tightened, and the hands of the dial came to the center and stopped.

"The average level of a normal person," Sweena frowned, "little baby, it is impossible for you to have such a little strength, and it is impossible for you to complete those movements on the cat climbing frame with this level of strength. , don’t be limited by body memory.”

Ling Yi blinked, his gaze was empty, as if he was trying to understand something.

His hand continued to be clenched, the pointer trembled, and it quickly turned downwards, and then turned several times!

"That's right." Sweena was satisfied, and looked at Lin Si again, blinking like him: "Doctor, don't worry too much, he is fine."

Lynch frowned.

He can be sure that Ling Yi has never displayed the level of strength just now in his normal life.

He rolled up his sleeves, exposed half of his wrist, and handed it forward to Ling Yi: "Hold me."

Ling Yi grabbed his wrist and began to exert force obediently.

Then he looked up at Lince.

Lin Si's expression remained unchanged, and he said to him, "...are you a kitten?"

"Exercise according to the method just now," Sweena encouraged Ling Yi from the sidelines, "Our healing device is very powerful, it doesn't matter even if you crack his bones."

Ling Yi continued to exert force seriously.

However, Lin Si still only felt that little kitten-like strength.

"Strange," Sweena rolled up the sleeves of her military uniform, "Come on."

As soon as Ling let go, only a red mark was left on Lin Si's cold white wrist.

"Come on... use your strength." Sweena said in a coaxing tone.

But she couldn't maintain this tone soon.

"That's enough, baby, let go—" She showed obvious pain, "I feel like my bones are broken!"

Ling Yi let go of his hand, his eyes were innocent.

Sweena gasped, and lowered her wrist stiffly: "Are you colluding to deceive me?"

Lin Si looked at Ling Yi: "Did you really use all your strength?"

Ling nodded.

Lin Si recalled that time when he didn't reply to Ling once in two days, and was rejected when he reached out to hug the frustrated little thing. Although he was pushed and beaten several times, he didn't even cause bruises.

But Sweena was obviously injured—she was also a "limitless" modified body, and her muscle strength was already extraordinary.

Lins felt that his knowledge could not solve the problem.

He briefly described the situation and sent it to Seth.

Seth: "I have a bold idea."

Lynce: "Say."

Seth: "First of all, please cooperate with me and do a small experiment."

Ling Yi was blindfolded.

Lince mingled among a group of scattered soldiers.

Ling Yi shuttled through the crowd.

When he wandered to a position about three or four meters away from Linsi, he suddenly stopped walking aimlessly, but walked in the direction of Linsi accurately, and plunged into Linsi's arms.

Lin Si hugged him back, patted him, and untied his blindfold: "How did you recognize him?"

Ling Yi shook his head: "I feel like you are there."

Lin Si sent a message back to Seth: "Found it."

Seth replied: "Doctor, congratulations, you may have obtained the infinite power of the fledgling plot, infinity!"

After a while, another slightly serious explanation came: "This is a precedent, and it has been observed in several kinds of animals. The cubs will be subject to some kind of pressure when they are within a certain range of their adult blood relatives. There is also no evidence of pheromone effects, so I lose all aggression against it, and the situation of the little cutie is very similar to this."

Lins strokes the cub's fur.

The cubs are docile.

Rings was a pleasure.

This warm little life with breathing and heartbeat in his arms actively established a certain connection with himself.

At this moment, he also wanted to hug the little guy and not let go—although this connection may just be because of some strange gene mutated by Ling Yi.