Cataclysmic Transformation

Chapter 1: Maple Leaf Town


"It is said... In ancient times, we humans did not live on this continent, but came from another distant continent..."

"A long, long time ago, we human beings lived a happy life happily and carefree on another continent. At some point, some devils from nowhere came to this continent and began to tempt human beings. Gradually, under the influence of these demons, our human beings become selfish, greedy, corrupt, and then fight and kill each other endlessly... "

"The Almighty God saw all this. He was very sad and decided to punish human beings. Therefore, the God cast a curse, making it difficult for the land here to grow crops. It is very difficult to get harvest from the land..."

"Even so, human beings still haven't repented. Instead, they have intensified. Indifference, selfishness, cruelty, human beings have been branded with original sin..."

"At this time, the gods began to regret the creation of human beings. Moreover, because the actions of human beings had touched his bottom line, his anger could no longer be contained. Therefore, the gods decided to launch natural disasters to destroy human beings and everything..."

"Natural disasters began to strike, all the volcanoes on the entire continent erupted at the same time, all the great rivers and rivers flooded, the rain in the sky never stopped, thunder and lightning filled the entire sky, the earth began to crack, and human beings... suffered a catastrophe..."

"As the messenger of the gods, Noah couldn't bear to see this situation, so he mustered up the courage to ask the gods to take back their orders and stop bringing disasters to mankind..."

"In order to save mankind, Noah begged the gods for seven days and seven nights, unable to kneel..."

"His sincerity finally touched the gods, and the gods saw the tragedy of the mainland, and there were some regrets..."

"However, it's already too late, the natural disaster has already formed, the whole land is devastated, like hell, this continent is no longer suitable for human habitation..."

"In the face of all this, the gods are powerless..."

"In the end, Noah thought of a way. He built a ship. The ship is about 300 kilometers long, 50 kilometers wide, and 30 kilometers high. It is a super huge ship, so big that it is unimaginable..."

"Noah named it the Ark..."

"He put all living creatures, humans, and even birds and beasts in the entire continent into the ark. On the one hand, he took refuge, and on the other hand, he searched for a new continent suitable for human habitation..."

"The ark has been driving for many days. There is endless sea everywhere, and there is no land at all. It makes people feel desperate. Even Noah feels very depressed..."

"After dozens of days, Noah opened the window of the ark and released a crow to inquire about the news, but the crow never came back. Noah released a dove again. In the vast sea, the dove could not find a place to stay. and flew back to the ark..."

"After another seven days, Noah sent out the dove again. At dusk, the dove came back with an olive leaf in its beak, which had obviously been pecked from a tree. Seven days later, Noah sent out the dove again. This time the pigeons did not come back, which means finally found land... ”

"Noah was very happy to find the new continent, so he led mankind to continue to live, multiply and live a happy life in this new continent..."

"And Noah has also become a hero and a legend. He is the savior of mankind. People named this new continent after him, that is, the land under our feet—Noah Continent. His name was also written into the The calendar, the calendar is counted from the day he stepped into Noah's continent, called the first year of Noah... "

On the west side of Noah’s Continent, in a place called Maple Leaf Town, under a banyan tree next to Qingshi Avenue, a white-haired old man is telling fairy tales vividly. The children were listening carefully around him, with an extremely serious expression.

Among the group of children, stood a figure who didn't quite fit in. It was a child who looked particularly thin. His big eyes were flickering, and he was fascinated by what he had heard.

Unlike the children around him, due to long-term malnutrition, his body looks very thin, but his head is particularly large, which looks like a "little carrot head", and his clothes are much more torn than ordinary children , The most conspicuous places are all patched, and some places have a few holes, revealing fair skin and disheveled hair.

The old man is a resident of Maple Leaf Town, and he is telling these children the story of "Noah's Ark". The authenticity of this story is unknown, but it is widely spread.

"Grandpa, you said that Noah's Ark is a big ship, and he put people from the whole continent in it. How big is this big ship?"

While the old man was talking, he was interrupted by an untimely voice. The old man saw that it was the thinnest child, his name was Ron.

The old man was not angry at all when he was interrupted by Ron's words. He smiled and said, "The ship that will contain all people and creatures must be very big, so big that you can't imagine it."

Ron gave a soft "oh", and then asked with great interest, "Then how does Noah know which direction to go to find the New World? What if he can't find it?"

The old man was obviously stunned by the question, he had never thought about this question before, and said in a squeaky voice, "This... there must be instructions from the gods..."

When he said this, the old man had no idea. In that legend, there was no such thing...

"Since the gods are omnipotent, why not restore the original continents? Isn't that better? Also, all the creatures on those continents are on that ship. How do they live? What do they eat? Is there food on board? How long can it last?" Ron asked with his head tilted, his questions flew out of his mouth like a cannonball, and at this moment he simply broke through the sand nest to ask the end.

"This... this... uh... uh..." The old man really couldn't answer now.

At this time, the group of children listening next to him became dissatisfied, and the tall children said, "Hey... Ron, you only listen to stories when you listen to them. Why do you ask so many questions?"

"Go and stay, we are listening to stories, why are you here to join in the fun?"

"Yeah, you don't want to hear it, we still want to hear it..."

These children shouted one after another and began to chase Ron. The disgusted look in their eyes was not because of anything else. Ron was a well-known vagrant in Maple Leaf Town. Only a grandpa with a lame leg lived with him. To put it bluntly It was a beggar. Although the children who listened to the story were not born into rich families, they were also children of common people. As far as their status was much higher than him, they naturally looked down on Ron who was a beggar.

Seeing the children arguing, the old man lost interest in telling stories, so he stood up and patted the dirt on his body, and said, "That's the end of today's story, everyone go back."

After finishing speaking, he ignored those people and turned to leave.

Although the children were reluctant to leave, they had no story to listen to, so they dispersed, leaving only Ron standing there alone.

The autumn wind blew, and a few leaves were blown up. Standing on the empty avenue, Ron couldn't help but feel a bit of chill. He couldn't help tightening his clothes, and said to himself, "Is this the end? I I haven't finished asking the question, what happened to Noah in the end? Where is the Ark now? Sigh..." He shook his head helplessly.

As a vagrant, Ron has received countless people's stares since he was a child. The ridicule has already made him numb. It's just that he didn't finish listening to the story, and he felt somewhat regretful.

Ron looked up at the sky. There was still some time before the sun went down, and his mind became active again.

"Hey, it's still early, I'll go to Fenglin Ancient Road to try my luck..."

Immediately afterwards, Ron let go of his feet and ran towards the direction of Fenglin Ancient Road.

The Ancient Maple Forest Road is the only way to go back and forth to Maple Leaf Town in the west. Countless adventurers will pass by here, and this is where Ron is going to come.

The maple leaf ancient road is covered with fallen maple leaves all over the ground, and the autumn wind blows, blowing a piece of withered yellow.

"Well, just wait here for a while..."

Ron looked around for no one, found a clean place and sat down, watching the deserted Fenglin Ancient Road vigilantly, with his ears pricked up, as if he was waiting for something.

Maple Leaf Town is located in a remote place, not a lively place. There are no resources, no treasures, and no beautiful scenery. The only thing worth seeing is the falling maple leaves in autumn, but this obviously does not attract those adventurers. arrival.

The number of people who walk through the Maple Leaf Ancient Road every day can be counted on ten fingers, and it is normal that no one passes by in a day.

The life of the townspeople in Maple Leaf Town is peaceful, just like a pool of stagnant water. The townspeople work at sunrise and rest at sunset every day. Their small life is dull and fulfilling.

The folk customs here are very simple. Even for penniless homeless people like Ron and his grandfather, the townspeople in Maple Leaf Town did not violently drive them away. They even extended a helping hand. The leftovers will be taken out.

Over the years, Ron can be said to have grown up in the small town of Fenglin, but due to poor nutrition, he has never grown tall, and even looks a little thin.

Ron and his grandfather lived in Maple Leaf Town in this way. They lived in the only small river in the town, under the bridge next to it, and built a shed casually. His legs are disabled and he can't walk, so naturally he can't do much work. Every day, he pushes the four-wheeled flatbed to the bridge with his own hands, waiting for the townspeople to give him alms.

In Maple Leaf Town, you can basically get some leftovers every day, and sometimes you can get a few copper coins as a reward during festivals or when there are happy events in the townspeople’s homes.

And Ron will help the townspeople to do some work in the morning. There is no wages, and it would be good to have a meal. In the afternoon, he will come to this ancient maple leaf road and wait quietly. Hei, reluctantly returned to his humble "home".

Since Ron was eight years old, this habit has persisted for seven years. Until now, Ron is fifteen years old.

What is he waiting for

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