Cataclysmic Transformation

Chapter 10: A genius necromancer


"Grandpa Homelin... can we start now?" Ron couldn't wait.

Homelin smiled, "Okay, you can concentrate and sit down, and listen to my orders..."

"Yes, Grandpa Homelin..." Ron's eyes were firm. He sat cross-legged, looked at his nose and heart, and stared at Homelin motionlessly.

"Don't be so nervous, relax..." Homelin laughed, "It's started..."

Homelin's eyes moved, and his eyes became extremely sharp. He stretched out his fingertips, and a black light shot straight at Ron's brow.

"it hurts… "

Ron felt a pain in the head and almost cried out.

"Hold on, Ron, this is a necessary process." Homelin snorted coldly.


Ron gritted his teeth and endured it. However, this feeling was indeed painful. The pain hit his bones and the depths of his soul. He didn't know where the pain was, but the pain was so real.

Ron felt that his world was about to collapse, and the sky was overcast.

Beads of sweat rolled down Ron's cheeks, and his whole body was shaking.

Gritting his teeth, Ron kept admonishing himself, "Ron, didn't you always want to learn magic? Didn't you want to avenge grandpa? You can't even stand a little pain. What big things can you do?"

"No, I want to endure. In order to learn magic, I have to endure no matter how painful it is. In order to avenge my grandfather, I am not even afraid of death. Are you afraid of this little pain?"

Ron's heart gradually calmed down, and he began to slowly adapt to the pain.

Seeing this, Homelin couldn't help secretly praising him, "That's right, this kid's endurance is really strong."

Homelin said, "To test the strength of the soul, you need a special test tool. Unfortunately, I don't have it now, so I can only wrong you... Son, hold on."

What Homelin did was to separate the soul from Ron's body. The pain was unbearable, but Ron endured it without even groaning.

"Don't worry, Grandpa Homelin, I can bear it..." Ron's voice was also trembling.

"Kacha Kacha..."

At this moment, Ron felt his head was about to split open, and he seemed to hear a voice.

At this time, Ron's eyes, ears, mouth, and nose began to emit black air at the same time. This black air was faintly visible, making it unreal.

Under the guidance of Homelin, these blacks began to gradually condense on Ron's head, forming a black light cluster. The light cluster became bigger and bigger, turning into mist for a while, and turning into Ron's appearance for a while.

This is Ron's soul. Homelin pulled out his soul and carefully observed the power of his soul. This is the only way to do it.

"Huh? Such a strong soul power, even in the past Scourge Church, this child is a rare good seed..."

The black air mass kept shaking, but it was different in Homelin's eyes. He could tell at a glance that Ron's soul power was not weak.

Homelin nodded secretly, he made a gesture, pushed his hands flatly, and the black light cluster wrapped around Ron's head suddenly spread out, piercing through Ron's eyes, ears, mouth, and nose again. go back.

Ron felt his head lighten, and hid on the ground with a "boom-".

The pain was gone, and Ron's world was back to normal.


Ron groaned, got up from the ground, wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hand, and asked impatiently, "Grandpa Homelin, how is my talent?"

Homelin smiled, "Ron, congratulations, your talent is good, and you are definitely qualified to practice undead magic."


Ron jumped three feet high, jumped up and almost touched his head on the short mine. He was really happy that he could finally learn undead magic.

"Grandpa Homelin, you were so worried about me just now, I thought I couldn't hold on anymore..." Ron stuck out his tongue and said.

Homelin smiled slightly, "Ron, in fact, you don't have to worry. Our undead department is different from the magic department. Even if you can't become a necromancer, you can still become a death knight, shadow assassin, necromancer, and warlock. I want to report to your grandfather." Enough, no matter what, that's enough."

"There are so many professions in undead magic?" Ron couldn't help clicking his tongue, and then he turned to laugh, "Grandpa Homelin, can I practice undead magic now?"

Homelin shook his head and said with a smile, "Ron, do you know what undead magic is to practice?"

"Is it spiritual power?" Ron thought for a while and replied. He knew that magicians practiced spiritual power, and he thought the same was true for necromancers.

"No..." Homelin shook his head. Seeing that Ron didn't understand, he decided to start from the other side, "Ron, you must know that there are various elements in the world, they are fire, earth, and wind. , thunder, water, light, darkness, etc., these elements exist in the space around us."

"Surrounding space, do we have it here?" Ron asked in surprise.

"Of course there is."

"Then why can't I see it?"

"They're so tiny you can't see them, but they're everywhere!"

"Oh—" Ron nodded half-understanding.

"The essence of magic and battle qi are actually the same. They are both the use of various elemental powers in the world. However, they also have differences. Magic is about control, controlling various elemental powers in the world. Magicians themselves have no Strength, his strength lies in 'mobilization'."

"While grudge is the opposite, it is a manifestation of absorbing a certain element between heaven and earth into the body and releasing the power of the element from the body. This requires a very strong physique to accommodate so many elements of heaven and earth. But his elemental power is not Unlimited, if used for fighting, it will be consumed, and when it is exhausted, it needs to be recovered, and recovery means absorbing the elements of heaven and earth again before continuing to fight." Homelin said.

"That is to say, magic and battle qi are actually the difference between one is inside the body and the other is outside the body..." Ron thought for a while and said.

"Smart—" Homelin smiled.

"Oh, no wonder magicians are much stronger than warriors. It turns out that they can mobilize the elements outside the body, and the elemental power outside the body is naturally much more powerful than those inside the body..." Ron understood a little bit.

"That's not exactly the case..." Homelin shook his head, "Although a magician can mobilize elements, he can't mobilize too many elements. How much he can mobilize is determined by his own spiritual power, and he can't mobilize them unlimitedly." The elements of heaven and earth... "

Huo Meilin said slowly, "If you can do this... you will be a god..."

"I see—" Ron nodded, "The starting point of a magician and a warrior is not much different..."

"You're wrong again. The reason why magicians are noble is because they are rarer than warriors, and secondly, most of magic is group skills, which are much more practical than single-body skills of warriors..."

Homelin smiled, "Of course, we necromancers also have group skills. However, the practice of our necromancer magic is different from magic and battle qi. What we practice is soul power, which is the power of the soul."

"The power of the soul?" Ron was a little confused. "The soul also has power?"

"Of course, the size of your soul power determines the level of your magic. With enough soul power, you can use undead magic, even extremely powerful undead magic. All of these require strong soul power to support. said Homelin.

"So that's the case, so how to cultivate soul power?" Ron thought for a while.

"Concentrate and feel your soul first..."

In the abandoned mine, Ron was sitting in a weird posture. His eyes were closed, his hands were stretched out flat, and his five fingers were bent into a grasping shape, quietly feeling his soul power.

Soul power, soul power...

Ron kept chanting this sentence in his heart, but it was strange that he didn't feel the slightest thing after sitting for a long time.

Ron was so anxious that he was sweating profusely. He was afraid that he would not be able to feel the power of the soul and practice undead magic. The more anxious he was, the less he would be able to feel it.

"No, Grandpa Homelin, I can't feel anything..." Ron was a little discouraged, and put his hands down.

Homelin smiled, "Ron, you are too impatient. I know that you are eager to avenge your grandfather, but it affects your state of mind. The more anxious you are, the worse it will be. In this way, you should empty your mind, don't think about anything, and feel quietly. own soul."

"Yes, Grandpa Homelin..." Ron nodded heavily, and made that weird pose again.

don't think about it... don't think about it...

a blank... a blank...

I don't know how long it took, Ron began to gradually enter the state, and the mysterious undead magic finally opened a door for him.

"What is this place?"

Ron seemed to have entered an illusion. It was blank at first, and slowly, his world began to emerge clearly. First, there was a little bit of blackness. He rubbed his eyes, and then saw a little bit.

The black air is getting bigger and bigger, and slowly, a figure is outlined.

Ron opened his mouth wide in surprise. The figure was none other than himself. He saw himself sitting there in a strange posture. A cloud of black air appeared between his brows and was constantly spinning. A trace of power was emitted, although these powers were small, Ron could feel them very clearly.

"I feel it, Grandpa Homelin, I feel it, this is the power of the soul..." Ron shouted excitedly.

"Genius..." There was a smile on the corner of Homelin's mouth. He entered the state so quickly and felt the power of the soul so quickly. Ron's aptitude can only be described as a genius. Well, there is such a high talent in soul cultivation.

The light cluster dissipated, Ron opened his eyes, his face was full of excitement, "Grandpa Homelin, I feel it, I finally feel it..."

"Very good..." Huo Meilin smiled, and then he stopped smiling, "Since that's the case, let's start practicing right now..."