Cataclysmic Transformation

Chapter 115: Identity revealed


"I don't know!" Platts shook his head, "This guy looks like a human being, but now, human beings don't have God's Domain powerhouses anymore. It might be someone in history, but I don't know who it is..."

Hill clenched his teeth and said fiercely, "I'm more interested in who brought this guy back to life?"

No one answered, because no one knew the question, not even Platz, why the headless monster suddenly appeared.

Montegote yelled, "The destructive power caused by our battle is too strong, he must be led to a higher place, otherwise the ground will be destroyed!"

"Okay!" Platts and Xier Qiqi agreed, and the three figures fought and retreated, and quickly rose to the sky. The fearless headless corpse kicked its legs and pursued like an arrow leaving the string. and go.

"Ah—they flew away!" said a student who made a tent with his hands and looked at the height.

"I don't want to cause too much damage, after all, their fighting power is too strong!" Another student said.

Huo Meilin looked at the sky and muttered, "It's amazing to hit this level without a weapon. This corpse is really awesome..."

The headless god corpse had no weapons, and the other three held at least dark gold-level equipment, and some even had more than one piece.

The three of them had already risen into the air and started a fierce battle in mid-air.

At this time Platz shouted loudly, "You drag him, give me some time, I want to cast the forbidden spell..."

"Forbidden spell?" Hill and Montgomery were stunned for a moment, a serious look flashed in their eyes. The power of the forbidden spell was enough to destroy the world. Out.

Hill couldn't help laughing and cursing, "Good old Platts, you only thought of casting the forbidden spell now, why did you go!" As he spoke, the frequency of attacks became higher, driving the headless corpse into a frenzy .

Not to be outdone, Montegoth's dark-gold-level dragon spear danced imperceptibly. The powerful earth-type grudge and the strength of the sanctuary added several terrifying wounds to the headless corpse.

Platts ignored the two, but specifically gathered the fire elements floating in the air.

"O flames surging deep underground, I pray to you in the name of a devout believer... Burn, bird of Vulcan, let your eyes become a sea of flames..."

The heat wave around Platts was overwhelming, and even Hill and Montegoth, who were far apart, felt a burst of heat. I saw Platts waving the magic wand in his hand, and the powerful fire element quickly condensed, turning into a huge monster. In the form of a firebird, the firebird flapped its wings and let out a soft cry that shocked the nine heavens.

Hill and Montgomery were shocked, "What's going on? This old ghost's strength has increased a lot..."

The headless corpse paused, and it seemed to feel the increasing pressure, which came from the burning firebird.

"Go! The awakened flamingo..." Platz's eyes flickered, and he pointed his magic wand, and the flamingo floating in mid-air turned into a stream of light, heading straight for the headless corpse.

"Hehe!" Hill looked up to the sky with a long smile, "Platz, old man, I'm going to retire, and the rest is up to you..." As he spoke, his figure disappeared into the air.

Montegote also drove the golden dragon to leave.

The flame bird was extremely fast, and it bumped into the headless god corpse. In an instant, time seemed to stand still.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of "boom," as if there was a huge sun in the sky, shining brightly, the dark night sky instantly turned into day, and gorgeous sparks bloomed and bloomed in the sky.

The strong explosion sound spread for ten miles, and the power in the sky also caused a slight tremor when it reached the ground.

"It's so shocking, is this the power of the forbidden spell?" Ron stared at the sky in a daze, "Mage, after all, he is still so powerful..."

Homelin smiled proudly, "The power of this magic is pretty good, almost reaching 80% of my level back then..."

Ron was startled, "Grandpa Homelin, were you so powerful back then? How strong is it?"

Homelin hesitated for a moment, and softly uttered a few words, "Peak of the Sanctuary!"

After the powerful explosion, the pitch-black sky regained its calm, as if nothing had happened, and the extremely powerful headless corpse had long since disappeared.

"It's dead?" Hill asked. He searched around, but where did he see the headless corpse

"No!" Platts shook his head. "It got away!"

"What?" There was a flash of astonishment in Montegoth's eyes, he took a deep breath, and replied calmly, "It can't be killed, so we will never have peace..."

It's no wonder that Montegoth regarded the headless corpse as an ordinary sanctuary powerhouse, but in fact, it was just a corpse.

"That guy has lost his mind, attacking is just instinct, he may not continue to deal with us!" Hill said softly, but he still has lingering fears about the strength of the headless corpse. If it goes and comes back, Hill alone will Power simply cannot deal with it.

"I hope so!" Platts said, looking down at the ruined academy and losing interest in the conversation.

"Since it escaped, I have nothing to worry about. If it comes back, please call me!"

"That's right, the three of us join forces, so we won't be afraid of him!" Montegoto nodded.

There are some open and covert battles between the powerful in the sanctuary, but if facing external threats, cooperation will always be the main line, after all, they are all in the city of Balovax.

The two bid farewell to Platz, and each led their troops back. At this moment, the sky was already slightly bright, and Platz's figure slowly descended.

"Master Dean!"

"Master Dean!"

A group of instructors from the academy greeted them, among them Dabs said with a smile, "Mr. Dean's strength has broken through to the fifth floor of the sanctuary. Congratulations."

"The fifth floor of the sanctuary!" Platts smiled reluctantly, "I'm already on the sixth floor of the sanctuary!"

The restoration work of the Balovaks Academy was proceeding in an orderly manner. Most of the fierce battles with the headless corpses were in the air. The damage on the ground was not serious, and the academy could fully afford it with its financial resources.

That morning, Platz met Ron in his separate office, along with Dabs and several mentors.

A small desk with a few chairs at the bottom. The entire office is relatively simple in furnishings, not much different from an ordinary tutor's office. If it weren't for the big characters "Dean's Office" written on the pear wood door outside, who would Nor will it be linked to a place where a sanctuary powerhouse works.

Platts disliked luxury, a fact that was well known throughout the academy.

Platts looked Ron up and down, showing great interest. He wanted to know how a necromancer known as a waste injured so many students. None of these students were ordinary people, and some of them were even seniors. professional.

Standing in front of Platts, Ron was a little embarrassed. Although it was not the first time he had dealt with a strong man in the sanctuary, he felt that the dean's eyes seemed to be able to see through his body.

The sense of touch of the strong in the sanctuary is extremely keen, and Homelin didn't want to cause trouble for Ron, so he fell into the deep sleep of the soul ring early.

"Are you Ron?" Platz asked with a smile. He recognized this person as the one who lifted him up from the ground when he was injured yesterday.

"Yes, Dean!" Ron nodded.

At this time, Dabs quickly walked up to Platts, "My lord, Vivienne is here!"

Platts nodded, and saw Vivienne wearing a gray-black magic robe, her slightly curly hair was naturally draped behind her head, and walked in quickly. When she passed by Ron, she gave him a strange look.

"Master Dean!" Vivian gave a deep salute.

"Hehe!" Platz smiled heartily, "Vivian, you student is much better than you..."

Platts is very familiar with Vivian, thanks to her father Jarod. When the college decided to cancel the undead department, it was Platts who objected and suppressed the matter.

Vivienne was excited. She knew that what the dean said was not malicious. The dean offered to see Ron, showing his concern for the undead department.

She took a deep breath, nodded and smiled, "Of course, Ron is the real ancient necromancer..."

"The ancient necromancer?"

Vivienne's words were like a bomb, shocking everyone at once. The instructors looked at me and couldn't believe this fact. Even Platz showed a shocked look on his face.

Ron looked calm on the surface, but there was a storm in his heart. His identity was completely revealed, but he didn't know whether the Roland Empire would kill him as a heretic like the Holy Roman Empire.

Platts was shocked, "Vivian, isn't the ancient undead magic you mentioned a legend?"

"No!" Vivian glanced at Ron, "The ancient undead magic really existed, and Ron is its successor!"

"Successor?" Dabs asked in a surprised tone, "Ron, is this true?"

Now that the matter has come to an end, Ron also knows that he can't hide it any longer. He has fully demonstrated his strength. Anyone who has fought against him will know the difference between the ancient necromancer and the current necromancer.

He took a deep breath, "Yes, I am the ancient necromancer you mentioned!"

Vivienne's eyes shone, and she looked at Ron with a smile. She finally heard Ron admit that as a researcher of undead magic, there is nothing more exciting than seeing ancient undead magic.

At this time, Ron thought for a while and said, "But in my eyes, there has never been a difference between ancient undead magic and modern undead magic. There is only one kind of undead magic, and the popular undead magic is wrong!"

"Indeed!" Platts nodded, "Undead magic has been lost for a long time, and it was re-researched by Master Kahn about five thousand years ago. The books were all lost, and finally came out after researching a four-dimensional phenomenon. At this time, there was no real ancient necromancer, so naturally no one would point out the fallacy of undead magic, and it ended up like this! Vivienne, isn’t it like this. "

Ron looked up in astonishment. He didn't expect Dean Platts to guess the matter based on a few clues.

"Yes, Mr. Dean!" Vivian also deeply admires Platz. She came to the conclusion after ten years of research, and Platz hit it off with a casual statement.

Platz thought for a while, then tilted his head and asked, "But then again, Ron, the real undead magic has disappeared for a hundred thousand years, how do you know?"