Cataclysmic Transformation

Chapter 13: Return to Maple Leaf Town


"What's going on here? I feel full of power, and it doesn't seem to come from the body..." Ron said in amazement.

"It comes from your soul." Homelin said with a smile, "Your soul has become stronger."

The source of power is the same, whether it comes from body, mental power or soul, although Ron's body has not changed, he really feels the growth of power.

Homelin smiled, pointed to the ring in his hand and said, "Ron, the ring in your hand is not an ordinary thing. It can speed up the recovery of your soul power. For necromancers, it is something that dreams of..."

Homelin smiled, "Don't underestimate the function of this ring, to speed up the recovery of soul power, which means to speed up the speed of cultivation, you can practice two to three cycles in the time that others practice one cycle, and the speed of cultivation is at least doubled , and, in battle, this ring is even more useful... "

Ron took it off, and sure enough, the feeling of taking it off was completely different, with a feeling of emptiness. He looked at the inconspicuous ring in his hand, but he didn't expect it to have such a heaven-defying effect. Grandpa picked it up from a street stall, it was a real profit.

You must know that in the era of undead magic rampant in the continent of Omros, a ring like this is absolutely priceless, as long as it appears, it will cause bloody competition. Only strong people with status like Homelin deserve to have it. Otherwise, it will only bring death.

"Grandpa Homelin, what's the name of this ring?" Ron asked with interest.

"Soul ring! This is the name I gave..." Huo Meilin smiled lightly and said, "Ron, this ring is for you, um, let it be a gift from the apprentice!"

"Thank you, Grandpa Homelin." Ron happily put on the ring, and the familiar sense of fulfillment returned.

Feeling the filling of soul power, Ron rubbed his hands excitedly, "Grandpa Homelin, can I take revenge now?"

"Revenge? Is it too early?" Homelin smiled faintly, "You have only mastered the method of cultivation now, and you have also cultivated soul power, and the control of power is still relatively unfamiliar. Most importantly, you still have Do not understand the use of soul power."

"The use of soul power?" Ron's eyes widened.

"Yes, having soul power but not being able to use it is like a rich man earning a lot of money but not being able to spend it." Homelin paused, "Now, I will teach you the most basic magic of undead magic, skeleton summoning technique."

"Soldier from the underworld, please accept my call, come out, skeleton warrior..."

Ron was chanting a spell, and his hands were constantly changing gestures. A trace of black air emerged from his palm, and more and more black air continued to fall to the ground.

The ground began to blacken, and the blackened ground formed a strong contrast with the yellow soil.

The black area is getting bigger and bigger, and has become an area of about one foot square. At this moment, the ground trembles, and a white skull emerges from the soil. It uses both hands and feet to crawl out of the soil deftly.

The skeleton warrior held a short bone knife in his hand, and looked dumbfounded, which was completely out of proportion to the ferocious skeleton warrior summoned by Homelin.

Ron was a little dumbfounded, this is the skeleton warrior I summoned? Why doesn't it seem like it's not great at all.

"Okay, okay, okay..." Homelin said three good words in a row, his face full of excitement, "Ron, I didn't expect you to summon the skeleton warrior in such a short period of time, not bad!!"

"But... can... Grandpa Homelin, this skeleton warrior is completely different from those skeleton warriors last night!" Ron asked stutteringly.

Homelin smiled, and persuaded, "Ron, you have to eat food bite by bite, and you have to walk step by step on the road. It's really good that you can do this after only one day of practice. If you want to reach my level, Without more than ten years, it is impossible."

Ron thought about it. He was indeed a little too impatient. He had only learned undead magic for a day. Such progress is already remarkable. It is impossible to imagine reaching the sky in one step.

Looking at the skeleton warrior in front of him, because he didn't receive Ron's order, he always looked dumbfounded.

"Just don't know how much..." thought Ron.

Homelin seemed to have read Ron's mind, and said, "Ron, why don't you try it? You will have a deeper understanding of the strength of the skeleton warrior."

Ron nodded, and led the skeleton warrior out of the cave.

Judging from the weather, it was already afternoon, and before I knew it, a day had passed.

Ron looked around, selected a tree with a thick bowl mouth, and stretched out his hand to pat the trunk.

"Just try it out!"

"Chop this tree down for me!" Ron said.

Unexpectedly, the skeleton warrior did not move at all.

Ron tried again, but the skeleton warrior still didn't move.

Ron didn't know what to do.

At this moment, Huo Meilin's voice came, "It is not words that control the skeleton warriors, but heart..."

"Heart?" Ron was a little puzzled.

"Yes, heart." Homelin patiently explained, "Since you summoned the skeleton warrior, it is connected to your soul. As long as you control it with your heart, you will surely succeed."

According to what Grandpa Homelin said, Ron meditated on the idea of attacking in his mind. Now, the skeleton moved, and it sprinted, and it quickly arrived in front of the tree. The tree fell down.

"It's amazing." Ron clapped his hands excitedly, and he had a strong sense of accomplishment for the first time.

"Try this again..." Ron once again cast another undead magic skill he had just learned - bone spurs.

As he chanted in a low voice, a small bone spur formed in his hand.

"Undead magic—bone spur is one of the single-target undead magic that can damage short-distance. It has the characteristics of short summoning time, low consumption, and strong concealment. The attack distance is generally only a dozen meters, depending on the size of the soul. It can be used for sneak attacks It has a surprising effect." Homelin's voice sounded in Ron's ear.

With a thought in Ron's mind, the small bone spur flew out of his hand, and with a sound of "pow-", the small bone spur had already sunk into the hard tree, leaving only a short section outside.

It was so powerful that Ron was taken aback. If this stab was on an ordinary person, it might be pierced directly. Although this bone spur is small, its power is extraordinary.

With them, Ron was suddenly full of confidence in his revenge plan.

Homelin seemed to know what Ron was thinking, and immediately poured cold water on him, "Don't think of others simply, your current strength can only deal with ordinary people who have not practiced, if you meet those people last night , you are definitely not their opponent."

"Grandpa Huomelin, don't worry, I know what to do..." Ron accepted Huomelin's lesson humbly. He understood that under the circumstances of insufficient strength, reckless revenge can only be death, and Ron would not do that It's a silly thing, the key is that he is still young, only fifteen years old, and he has plenty of time to wait.

Huomelin nodded, Ron is a smart boy, he knows everything.

Ron was still waiting to practice. At this moment, a voice sounded, "Coo... Coo..."

Ron was a little embarrassed, but Homelin smiled, "You must be hungry." He is a soul body, so of course he won't feel hungry, but Ron is different.

Ron nodded. He hadn't eaten since last night, and he was very hungry by now.

"Let's find something to eat first."

Maple Leaf Town, since the withdrawal of the Holy See guards, has returned to calm, as if nothing had happened, and the two corpses by the stone bridge have long been cleaned up.

Knowing that he had killed someone, Ron naturally wouldn't show up in Maple Leaf Town ostentatiously, but sneaked back.

At the bottom of the stone bridge in Maple Leaf Town, Ron's "home" was in a mess, and everything had been searched. Of course, except for a few clothes he picked up, he didn't have any valuable things.

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Ron turned around and ran towards Aunt Susan's house.

When he came to Aunt Susan's door, Ron knocked on the door lightly, and the door opened, and the fat Aunt Susan appeared in front of the door. When she saw Ron, her expression changed suddenly.

He dragged Ron into the room, then looked around vigilantly, and found no one, so he closed the door with confidence.

As soon as she entered the door, Aunt Susan lowered her voice and asked, "Ron, why are you back?"

Ron seemed to see something from Aunt Susan's sensitive gaze, "Aunt Susan, what happened?"

"Ron, did you kill someone?" Aunt Susan asked nervously.

Ron froze for a moment. He didn't want to deceive the kind Aunt Susan, and nodded slightly.

"It's broken now..." Aunt Susan sighed and said, "The people of Naka Manor are looking for you everywhere. For some reason, Geralt was very angry today and vowed to find you..."

"He also issued a reward of fifty gold coins, just to find you..."

"Is it because I killed his people?" Ron's eyes became angry. "His son killed my grandfather and sent someone to kill me. Now his people are dead, but he blamed me. Should I stand obediently and be killed by him?"

Seeing Ron's serious expression, Aunt Susan shook her head, sighed and said, "Ron, there is no way to reason with those nobles. In their eyes, what are we? Unless..."

"Unless, I'm stronger than them..." Ron's gaze was full of vengeful coldness, he clenched his head tightly, and gritted his teeth.

Aunt Susan was silent for a moment and did not speak.

Suddenly, Aunt Susan grabbed Ron's arm as if remembering something, and asked in horror, "Ron, tell me the truth, did you learn some undead magic?"

Ron hesitated, but nodded.

"It's broken now!" Aunt Susan rubbed her hands nervously and kept muttering, "What should I do? What should I do now?"

"What's going on? Aunt Susan?" Ron asked strangely, "How do you know?"

Aunt Susan glanced at Ron, and replied, "This morning, people from the Holy See came, and even the Aryan priest of the Cathedral of Gold Town was alarmed..."