Cataclysmic Transformation

Chapter 14: care


"Ah..." Ron's eyes were wide open. Being in the Holy Roman Empire, he naturally knew how powerful the Holy See was, especially the Aryan priest, who held a supreme position in this area. He saw the town of Maple Leaf with his own eyes. The mayor bowed before Father Aryan.

Judging from Aunt Susan's tone, it seems that the Holy See is also looking for him.

"Could it be that my murder has alarmed even the Holy See?" Ron took a deep breath, "This is unbelievable..."

"No, it's because you learned undead magic..." Aunt Susan sighed and said, "Ron, do you know that in the Holy Roman Empire, practicing undead magic is not allowed, you violated their big taboo, If they find out, they will be burned as heretics..."

"I... I'm here to avenge grandpa..." Ron's eyes were red. For revenge, he longed for power, even if he practiced undead magic. Do not hesitate to practice undead magic.

"Ron, this, it's better not to learn it, otherwise, you will really be killed by them, Aunt Susan is not joking..." Aunt Susan sighed, "It's okay, today Ya Father Lian didn't find any evidence, but it seems that he is a little skeptical, otherwise... "

Aunt Susan didn't finish her sentence, but come to think of it, Ron should know what she meant.

If he was under the full pursuit of the Holy See, Ron would not be so relaxed.

In fact, the result is not that bad. Ron killed someone, and he would die if he was caught. He practiced undead magic in the Holy Roman Empire, and the result was death, so there was no difference.

"Ron, I can understand your feelings..." Aunt Susan glanced at Ron and said hesitantly, "How about this, the Aryan priest in Gold Shining Town is more fair, I think, if you go to His words, at least he can get a fair... "

"Fairness? Aunt Susan, I used to believe in justice and justice in the world, but now... hehe..." Ron became excited and sneered.

Since Grandpa Zari died, Ron hadn't trusted anyone but Grandpa Homelin.

Ron took a deep breath, fell into the memory, and murmured, "Grandpa Zari, what a good person he is, he never argues with others, begs for food, and if others give it, he will give it. Still laughing, he has never quarreled with anyone, nor has he blushed, just such a person was actually beaten to death by those so-called nobles... "

Ron's eyes were a little red. He turned around and wiped his tears quietly.

Aunt Susan was silent.

"I can see through it. There has never been a so-called justice in this world. Even if there is, this justice is no match for money, and money is no match for power, and power is no match for strength. In this world, only strength is the best." The kingly way, only strength is everything!!"

"I learned undead magic, so I have the opportunity to avenge my grandfather..." Turning around, Ron's eyes shot out hatred, "Sooner or later, I will cut them... one by one, into thousands of pieces..."

Aunt Susan bit her lips, "Ron, I can't control you anymore, anyway, you should be careful..."

"I will, thank you, Aunt Susan, I know, you've been very good to me..." Ron said softly.

At this time Ron said shyly, "Aunt Susan, I'm hungry, what can I eat?"

Aunt Susan nodded, sighed, and turned to go to the kitchen. When she came out, she had a hearty meal in her hand.

Ron was not picky, and started to eat after receiving it. He ate very quickly. He hadn't eaten all day and night. He was really hungry.

Seeing Ron who was wolfing down in front of her, Aunt Susan became ruthless, and said hesitantly, "Ron... I... I'm afraid I can't take you here... Look..."

Ron raised his head, glanced at Aunt Susan, and nodded. Aunt Susan was just an ordinary civilian, and she had treated him very well by doing this.

"I understand, Aunt Suzanne, I won't give you trouble..."

Ron wiped his mouth embarrassingly after finishing the food, "I'm leaving, Aunt Susan..."

After speaking, he turned and left.

"Wait..." Aunt Susan stopped him.

Aunt Susan handed a package to Ron, who took it and looked at her puzzled.

"Ron, you leave here and never come back, this is three days' worth of food, I can only help you so much..."

"Thank you..." Ron's eyes watered.

"Go through the back door..."

The back door opened, and Aunt Susan watched vigilantly. No one was there, so she let Ron go out. Although she was just a village woman, she was still very shrewd.

Before leaving, Aunt Susan's eyes were a little bit sad, and she sighed and said to Ron, "Ron, since you have already embarked on this road, I won't say anything, just be careful..."

Ron nodded, "I will."

Aunt Susan smiled, lowered her voice, and said softly, "Ron, you should leave the Holy Roman Empire immediately and go to the Roland Empire..."

Ron's small figure left slowly, walked a few steps, then suddenly came back and bowed deeply towards Aunt Susan's room.

A fat figure appeared in front of the window. She looked at Ron's back and sighed weakly.

Although Ron was extremely careful, when he reached Maple Leaf Town, he was still discovered by three townspeople.

"Huh? Isn't that the Ron that Naka Manor is looking for?" A townsman rubbed his eyes and pointed at Ron's back.

"He really appeared..." Another young townsman in blue rubbed his hands excitedly.

"Catch him and hand it over to Naka Manor, we will get a lot of rewards..." The blue-clothed youth's eyes flashed greedily, "Hey, have you heard? Naka Manor offers fifty gold coins , inquire about Ron's whereabouts, if he can be caught, one hundred gold coins..."

"However, according to the people there, that kid has learned the magic of Laoshizi's undead..." Another townsman in Tsing Yi said hesitantly. "It seems to have become very powerful, and killed two people last night..."

"Hmph, listen to them bragging..." The young man in blue said nonstop, "How many years has that kid been in Maple Leaf Town? When did you see him using undead magic? If he has the ability, is he still begging?"

"That's true..." The first townsman nodded, and he thought for a while, "You still have to be careful, I believe the Holy See should not be groundless..."

"So what if it's true? Undead magic, isn't that the most rubbish magic? No, it shouldn't be called magic at all..." The young man in blue sneered and said, "Some people say that undead magic is so powerful. It’s amazing, it’s just a legend.”

The saying that undead magic is garbage magic has long been spread, even people in remote towns in the Holy Roman Empire know it.

"But I think you have to be careful..." a townsman whispered.

"Okay then..." The blue-clothed youth nodded, "There are a few people from Naka Manor outside the town, go and call them, I'll go forward and stop him..."

"OK… "

The two ran away quickly, one went to the Naka Manor outside the town, and the other went back to call someone.

"If I catch this kid, I'll be rich..." The blue-clothed townsman and the other two figures who were walking away sneered.

The reward of one hundred gold coins is still very attractive to these poor and accustomed townspeople.

He pinched his chin with his hands, and couldn't help feeling flirty in his heart.

"Hey, my Ron, where are you going?" The blue-clothed youth walked up to stop Ron in three steps at a time, and said with a smile on his face.

Seeing this man, Ron became vigilant. He knew this young man in blue. He was a well-known hooligan and scoundrel in Maple Leaf Town. He had done all kinds of bad things except good things. He had bullied Ron many times before. Let him remember.

"What's your business?"

"It's nothing, Ron, you haven't eaten yet, how about eating at my house?" The young man in blue stopped him and said kindly. In his eyes, there was a feeling of malice.

"No need..." Ron shook his head without hesitation, "I still have something to do, let's go first..."

He didn't talk nonsense to him after finishing speaking, and turned his head to leave.

"Hey... hey... why did you leave?" the blue-clothed youth shouted loudly, and immediately called Ron to stop.

Ron turned his head and forced a smile, "I'm leaving here, thanks to your care all these years..."

"Damn it, why did that guy take so long and still not come?" The young man in blue looked around, cursing inwardly, seeing Ron ignoring him and about to leave, he was in a hurry.

Seeing that the cooked duck was about to fly away, he couldn't care less. He grabbed Ron's arm and shouted, "You can't go..."

"Let go..." Ron glared at him, and tried hard, but couldn't break free, the man's hand was tightly held.

The smile on the face of the blue-clothed youth disappeared, and he finally showed his true colors. He said with a sinister smile, "Ron, what will happen to my money when you leave?"

Ron finally knew what he was going to do. This man was going to catch him and hand him over to Naka Manor to receive the reward.

Ron's face turned cold all of a sudden, "If you don't let go, I won't be polite..."

"Hehe, try it? Don't think that you have learned some undead magic, I tell you, I am not afraid..." The blue-clothed youth laughed loudly.

Immediately afterwards, his laughter turned into a hog-killing cry. It turned out that Ron had bitten his arm hard, and he let go after the pain, and Ron turned and ran away.

"Oh, you little bastard, you actually belong to the dog, oh, don't run away, boy..." The blue-clothed youth endured the pain and chased after him.