Cataclysmic Transformation

Chapter 19: temporary assignment


Kitley looked at this simple building with a little envy. He knew that the mercenaries here earned a lot of money. Thousands of gold coins a month were common, but he also knew that the money here was not so easy to obtain. .

Stepping into the door, an old beggar suddenly jumped out from the side, "All right, sir... I used to be a mercenary, until I was shot in the knee..."

Geralt waved his hand impatiently, and walked straight in. The old beggar didn't bother, and went back to the place where he sat down just now, and continued to wait for the next benefactor.

"Father, are we really going to issue a mission here?" Kitley asked puzzled, while frowning, he was not used to the stale air here.

Geralt nodded blankly, not in the mood to talk to him at the moment.

He walked to the counter, and a waiter in blue came out to greet him, "Sir, what service do you need?"

"I'm going to post a mission..." Geralt said.

"Okay, please wait a moment..." The waiter nodded, reached out and took out a book, wrote something on the book, and said without raising his head, "Go ahead..."

Geralt took a deep breath, "I'm going to kill someone, a kid about fifteen years old..."

"Hmm... what's the strength of the target?" the waiter asked.

"Strength, I don't know..." Geralt hesitated, "But he practiced undead magic..."

"Undead magic?" The waiter raised his head slightly in surprise. Practicing undead magic in the Holy Roman Empire is definitely tiresome. I never thought that someone would be so stupid. If you want to practice, you can go to the Roland Empire or other places Go, what's even more stupid is that the mission issuer didn't go to the Holy See, but went to the mercenary tavern to release the mission. It was the first time that the waiter accepted such a mission.

With the lesson from last time, Geralt didn't dare to go to Father Aryan, so he had to go to the mercenary union to issue the mission.

"Well, killing a practitioner of undead magic is not too difficult, just like killing an ordinary person..." the waiter muttered to himself, he was assessing the value of this task, so that he could pay for it. For these low-level tasks, the waiter have the right to self-assess.

"Sir, after my evaluation and calculation, this task is an E-level task. You need 1,000 gold coins to issue this task, plus a 5% handling fee, a total of 1,050 gold coins..." The waiter finished his calculations and said to Geralt. Said.

1050 gold coins. To be honest, Geralt was a little bit heartbroken. He didn't expect the mercenary union to charge such an expensive fee, but he had already figured it out, and took out 1050 gold coins from his pocket.

"Sir, please come out and register with the mercenary medal issued by the mercenary union..." the waiter said.

The mercenary medal is a medal registered and confirmed by the mercenary union, and it also represents the qualification of mercenary certification. With it, you can better accept the task.

Geralt froze for a moment, "I don't have a mercenary medal..."

"Oh, so that's the case, sir, it doesn't matter if you don't have a mercenary medal, but the price will change..." The waiter still said politely, "According to the rules of the mercenary union, you are not a mercenary. Posting tasks requires double fees, and the handling fee is 20%... "

"After my recalculation, sir, you need to pay 2,400 gold coins..." the waiter said quickly after calculating.

"What, so expensive?" Geralt froze after hearing the waiter's quotation.

"Yes, sorry sir, this is the rule of our mercenary union..." The waiter still smiled.

"Then...then how can I become a mercenary..." Kitley on the side was shocked when he heard that, 2,400 gold coins, equivalent to half a year's income of Naka Manor.

"It's very simple, as long as you complete three E-level tasks, or one D-level task, you can become a mercenary and be awarded a mercenary medal after being confirmed by the mercenary union..." the waiter said with a smile.

What's the use of this, if you want to do this, someone would have killed him long ago, Geralt cursed inwardly, but he couldn't do anything about the regulations of the mercenary union.

Of course, this is the overlord clause of the mercenary union. If everyone releases the mission regardless of the cost, no one will do the mission.

Geralt walked out of the mission hall dejectedly, 2400 gold coins, he couldn't take them out at all now.

"Father, what should we do now?" Kitley seemed to be the only one to ask.

Geralt replied angrily, "If you ask me, who should I ask?"

At this time, his eyes saw a mercenary who was drinking, and he frowned, thinking about it.

Geralt knew that in addition to issuing official missions in the mercenary tavern, temporary missions could also be issued.

The so-called temporary tasks refer to tasks that are not recognized by the mercenary union and that are negotiated privately between the employer and the mercenaries.

Not all mercenaries are willing to accept this kind of temporary mission, because this kind of mission is not protected by the mercenary union, and there is no guarantee. Not only the employer does not trust the mercenary, but the mercenary even less trusts the employer.

"Hey, hello..." Geralt came out of the lobby and came to the tavern. He walked up to a rough-looking man and said hello.

That guy was leisurely drinking bad yellow wine, while keeping his eyes on the tall bulletin board on the wall, for fear that he might miss a task that suits him.

"Who are you? I don't know you..." The rough man raised his drunken eyes, opened his mouth and hiccupped.

Geralt couldn't help but frowned when a stench was sprayed in his face, but he was still polite, and he first boasted about this guy.

"What a handsome and brave mercenary, it seems that your strength is very remarkable..."

"It goes without saying that my strength is already at the junior level... Hey, junior swordsman..." The man was full of drunkenness, "I'm not afraid to tell you that I have completed a D-level mission, haha..."

"It's really amazing..." Geralt was overjoyed when he heard that. The strength of a junior swordsman should be enough to kill a child.

"Warrior, I have a temporary task in hand now, I wonder if you are interested?" Geralt took the opportunity to say.

"Mission... um? What, a temporary mission?" The man's drunkenness was mostly sober.

"Yeah, a temporary mission, but don't worry, I will definitely pay you on time..." Geralt said with a smile.

The man shook his head like a rattle, "No answer, no answer, it's not a formal task, hey, I thought there was something good..."

After speaking, the man went to drink on his own and ignored Geralt.

Geralt had no choice but to turn to others. Unfortunately, after asking several times in a row, when the other party heard that it was a temporary mission, they all refused, and they were not even interested in knowing the content of the mission.

Geralt couldn't help but feel a little discouraged. It seems that the status of a mercenary is sometimes quite useful.

"Father, it seems that no one will take up our temporary mission, let's go back..." Kitley said softly.

Geralt nodded, turned around and left, at this moment, a crisp voice came.

"Excuse me, are you posting a temporary mission?"

Geralt and Kitrich looked up and were stunned for a moment.

What appeared in front of them was an extremely beautiful woman, with a tall and slender figure, with black curly hair hanging down casually, exquisite facial features seemed to be inlaid on a fair and pretty face, and she was wrapped in a woman's light armor. The graceful curves of the chest are fully exposed, the snow-white thighs are exposed on the black deerskin boots, and the big dark brown eyes are staring at them quietly. Among the rough mercenaries, they are like a beautiful red flower. Rose.

Geralt and Kitley were stunned. They had never seen such a beautiful woman in a small place like Maple Leaf Town.

Looking at it with lecherous eyes, the woman frowned displeasedly, and asked politely, "Excuse me, sir, are you posting a temporary mission?"

"Oh... oh... yes... yes..." Geralt was the first to react and replied, while Kitley at the side was still in a daze, with saliva flowing down the corner of his mouth.

"Excuse me, what kind of mission is this?" the woman asked softly.

"Uh...uh, it's like this..." Geralt came back to his senses, "This is a killing mission, just to kill a person?"

"Who is the target?" The woman turned her eyes and asked.

"The target is a fifteen-year-old kid, his name is Ron, er, by the way, he has practiced undead magic..." Geralt replied honestly.

"Undead magic?" The woman frowned again, showing a thoughtful expression, "This is the Holy Roman Empire, why don't you go to the Holy See?"

"This, it's not very convenient..." Geralt stiffened at this moment, thinking that I was the one who issued the task, he paused and said, "You can just say whether to do it or not, I'll say it first, this is Temporary mission..."

"How much?" The woman asked hesitantly.

"500 gold coins..." Geralt cut the price in half.

"Too little..." The woman shook her head, "Even if you release a D-level mission, you need 1,000 gold coins, um, how about this, I will accept this mission for 1,000 gold coins, but I won't help you kill people, I'm only responsible for bringing the child back …”

"1000 gold coins..." Geralt thought for a while, and said decisively, "Deal..."

The woman smiled, showing her white teeth, and stretched out a small white hand, "According to the rules of our mercenaries, we need to pay half of the deposit for temporary missions, which is 500 gold coins..."

Geralt also knew this rule, but when it came time to give money, he always hesitated. He asked, "Should I trust you?"

The woman smiled again, "I'm a student of Roland Empire's Balovakia Academy, my name is Char, Silver Wing Pegasus Knight Char, advanced knight strength, as for whether you believe me or not, it's up to you..."

Before Geralt could speak, Kitley beside him yelled, "Father, you can trust this sister, she is so beautiful, she will definitely not lie to us..."

Kitley's satyr looks have been exposed.

Shaar gave him a disgusted look, and Kitley's lustful eyes made her extremely uncomfortable.

"Okay..." Geralt sighed, "I've heard of the name of Roland Empire Barovacus Academy, and you should be a trustworthy person, so I'll leave this temporary task to you it's..."

After speaking, he reached out and took out 500 gold coins from his pocket, and at the same time handed over the portrait of Ron that had been prepared.