Cataclysmic Transformation

Chapter 2: oath


"Sand... sand... sand..."

At this time, a traveler came from afar along the ancient maple forest road. This traveler was wearing a black burqa and a hood, his whole body was covered by a black cloak, and a black veil was also on his face. , showing only a pair of eyes, staring ahead vigilantly.

If he hadn't held a blue magic wand in his left hand, no one would know his occupation. Obviously, this is a magician, and seeing him alone, he is a lonely wandering magician .

It is said that magicians generally do not act alone, and most of them have followers. If you encounter a magician wandering alone, you should be careful, because such magicians are often powerful.

In the afternoon, the Fenglin Ancient Road was very peaceful, and a few bird calls came from time to time, which added a bit of tranquility to this small forest.

"Cross that bridge and enter Maple Leaf Town, so you can take a good rest." The black-robed magician showed a smile in his eyes, and he was a little tired after traveling for several days.

Suddenly, the black-robed magician suddenly stopped in his tracks, looked around vigilantly, and his face darkened, "Who is here? Come out for me..."

The woods were still very still, and the only answer he had was the rustling of the leaves as the breeze blew through them.

The black-robed magician frowned, took a step forward, slammed down the magic wand in his hand, and shouted sharply, "Whoever is here, come out quickly, if you don't come out again, don't blame me for being rude..."

As he said that, he was about to condense the magic with one move, which was the prelude to the attack.

"My lord magician, please calm down..."

At this moment, a thin figure emerged from the nearby grass in a panic.

It was Ron who came, and he came to the magician like "rolling", showing a humble look, nodding and bowing, and said, "Dear Mage, please calm down, my name is Ron, and I am a resident of Maple Leaf Town , I salute you here..." said the standard etiquette of Noah Continent.

"Damn it, you scared me. You thought it was an enemy?" Seeing Ron who looked like a little beggar, the black-robed magician cursed inwardly, but he also let go of his vigilance. what danger.

He put away his magic wand, and said impatiently, "Hmph, you little brat, what are you doing hiding there furtively?" If he hadn't seen that Ron was just a child and didn't bother to care about him, he would have already made a sound scolded.

"That's it, respected Mr. Magician, Ron has something to ask you..." Ron couldn't help feeling a little nervous when he said this.

"I want to learn magic, please accept me as an apprentice..."

Ron sincerely knelt on the ground, walked up to the wandering magician with his legs on his knees, prostrated himself at his feet, and gently kissed his boots. etiquette.

Ron raised his head, his eyes were nervously looking at the black-robed magician, with strong expectations in his eyes, his heart was beating wildly, and his palms were sweating involuntarily. .

"Apprenticeship?" The black-robed magician frowned and looked at him quietly, neither nodding nor refusing, just standing there quietly.

"He... he's thinking? He's actually thinking? Will he agree? Will he take me as an apprentice?" Ron's heart was already in his throat, and a few gleams of hope rose in his heart.

"Humph… "

The black-robed wandering magician snorted softly, turned around and left without saying a word, as if he had never seen him before, and ignored Ron's request, and even lacked interest in glancing at him. I don't want to say a word.

"Uh… "

Looking at the back of the magician in the distance, Ron's hopeful eyes suddenly dimmed. He knew that he had failed again this time, and he looked disappointed.

"Hey, I failed again..." Ron sighed, and stood up silently, "How many times is this? It's...the seventy-fifth time..."

"I've been rejected seventy-five times... I'm really unpopular..." Ron said self-deprecatingly. He patted the dirt on his body, returned to the place just now and sat down.

Although Ron is just a vagrant with nothing, he also has a dream of becoming a great magician, but for him, it is impossible.

You must know that it is not easy to learn magic in Noah's continent. One is to go to a special school to learn magic, but the tuition fee is not affordable for ordinary people, let alone Ron who is penniless.

Of course, you don't have to go to school to learn magic. If you want to learn something, as long as someone is willing to teach it, it's fine. It's the same anyway, but who wants to bother to teach a little beggar

So in the past seven years, Ron has ambushed here countless times waiting for opportunities. He dreams that one day, a powerful magician will pass by, and then he will be moved by his sincerity, and then he will accept him as an apprentice with great kindness, so that he You can learn magic.

Seven years have passed, and on this ancient maple forest road, many magicians passed by, but the magician Ron who "showed great kindness" has not met a single one.

When some magicians and mercenary groups passed by, Ron didn't dare to go forward to stop them. It would be a disaster if he was slaughtered by those mercenaries who didn't blink.

He only dared to stop those magicians who are few and alone. Generally speaking, a noble magician would not care too much about a little beggar like him. It's not good, I have tried being beaten up by others, and ignoring him like today is considered very good.

"Why did he reject me? Could it be that my attitude is not respectful enough? But I have already used the highest etiquette in Noah's Continent. Could it be that my words are inappropriate? Maybe, this should be improved next time..."

"Well, it's also possible that I scared him before and made him angry. If I had come out earlier, the chance of success would have been greater. Unfortunately, why did I think so long?" Ron kept looking for reasons for failure , he slapped his head in frustration.

What Ron thought was that he was thinking about how to answer this noble magician just now, and he came out a bit late, which led to his failure. In fact, those proud magicians would never let such a commoner little beggar go. In his eyes, it would be fine if he didn't beat him up, even if he killed him, Ron couldn't help it.

As Ron, living an ordinary life may be a good ending, but even a little beggar has his own dreams.

Ron sat down on the grass, lay down directly, picked a blade of grass, put it in his mouth, and continued to wait for a long and fruitless.

"Magician, I'm really looking forward to it... If only I could become a magician, as long as I have a chance, I will definitely study hard and never be lazy..."

Thinking of the magician, Ron's heart warmed up again, these three words seemed to be imprinted in his heart.

He will never forget that day, that powerful magician, this is also the first time he saw a magician, she is a female magician, and saw the magic wand in her hand lightly waved, and a mass of blazing hot The flame appeared in her hand, and immediately after that, the flame seemed to have eyes, and flew towards its target. In a blink of an eye, the rogue without eyes was caught alive by the flame of the female magician. Burned to ashes.

The strength of the magician shocked him, and Ron made an oath to become a magician from then on.

"Am I destined not to be a magician in my life?" Ron thought, his dark eyes looked helplessly at the blue sky, as if the sky would tell him the answer, but the repeated failures had already made him feel heartbroken. It's getting cold.

"No... no... I will never..." Suddenly, Ron got excited and sat up, "Grandpa said that as long as you work hard, everything is possible. Charles I, the founding emperor of the great Holy Roman Empire, was born Commoner, the mighty Sanctuary Sword Master Wind Sword Master was just a lowly servant in the beginning, can't I, Ron, become a magician? I don't believe it, there is no such thing as a small person like me in this world... "

He clenched his fists violently, "I don't want to spend my whole life doing nothing like this. I want to become a strong man. It doesn't matter if the opportunity doesn't come. I am willing to wait. If one day is not enough, I will wait for a year. If one year is not enough, I will wait." Ten years, ten years is not enough, I will wait forever, I don't believe that I can't become a magician... "

Suddenly, Ron stood up with a "shua-", he put his hands around his mouth like a trumpet, and shouted to the sky with all his strength.


Ron's voice kept echoing in the valley, as if laughing at his unrealistic ideas.

After Ron yelled, he seemed to have a little more confidence in his heart. He looked at the sky, "It's still early, if you don't wait, maybe there will be a magician passing by..."

He burrowed into the grass again, found a place to sit down, and continued to pay attention to the movement of the Fenglin Ancient Road.

Unfortunately, until the sun went down, there was no one on the Maple Leaf Trail, let alone a magician. Ron could only go home disappointed.

In this way, day after day, year after year, Ron continued to wait in the Maple Leaf Ancient Road, waiting for those magicians who had only three or five people to pass by alone. Even so, Ron was not discouraged.

On this day, a magician came from afar along the ancient maple forest road. He was a benevolent old man, wearing a white magician's robe, with a red face, and riding a handsome white horse.

Naturally, Ron would not let this opportunity go, he rushed out to stop the old man, knelt down in front of him, "Dear Mr. Magician, I want to learn magic, please accept me as your apprentice..."

He made a big gift, and his eyes showed anticipation.

Unbelievably, the old magician in white robe actually reined in his horse, smiled slightly, and asked kindly, "Do you want to learn magic?"

When Ron heard it, his beating heart turned into ecstasy, "Yes, respected Mr. Magician, are you willing to teach me?"

The old magician in white robe smiled softly, "Learning magic is a very difficult thing? Are you not afraid of suffering?"

When Ron heard this, he nodded quickly, his face was full of joy, "Dear Mr. Magician, I am not afraid of hardship, please accept me as an apprentice..."

"Hehe..." The white-robed magician laughed heartily, "Since you have such perseverance and perseverance, I will make an exception and accept you as a disciple..."

"Thank you... Thank you, my lord magician..." Ron couldn't imagine that his dream for many years had finally become a reality, and he bowed deeply, kissing the boots of the white-robed magician at the same time.

"I'm leaving. If you want to be my apprentice, pack up your things and follow me..." The white-robed old magician patted Ron's head kindly and smiled.

"Hmm..." Ron wiped his nose with his index finger excitedly.

"Ouch..." Ron snorted, sat up, and at the same time drove away the bird on his nose, which had just pecked his nose hard a few times.

"It's a dream..." Ron woke up and rubbed his nose in disappointment. It turned out that he fell asleep without knowing it just now. He got up and said mockingly, "I knew that such a good thing wouldn't happen... "