Cataclysmic Transformation

Chapter 24: dark forest


In the early morning, in front of the gate of Naka Manor, the morning glow painted the castle-like Naka Manor golden.

A white, silver-winged pegasus covered in the morning light slowly landed in front of the gate of Naka Manor. The silver-winged pegasus stepped off a beautiful female knight in heavy armor, which shocked everyone in the manor.

"Who is she? Is she a guest of the owner?" a servant asked.

"I don't know, I don't know, her mount is Silver Winged Pegasus, she must be a strong person..." An old and heavy servant replied.

"She is so beautiful, if only she could be my wife..." A young servant stared at the other's towering chest, and swallowed hard a few times.

"Just dream..." Another female servant said nonstop, but her eyes were also full of jealousy.

The servants of Naka Manor whispered.

The beautiful female knight knocked on the door, and after a while, the door opened, and Kitley opened the door with a sleepy face, he had just woken up.

"Hey, who are you looking for? Huh?"

The beauty outside the door made Kitley's eyes light up, and he lost all sleepiness, "Is that you?"

It was Xia who came, she came to refund the money, the mission failed, there is nothing to say, of course, there is no guarantee for temporary missions, Xia can take the money and leave, but she has her own dignity, she will never do this .

Seeing Xia, Kitley revealed his complexion, and said with a smile, "Beauty, are you here to find me, ah—please come in quickly..."

However, at this moment, Xia Ya's face was covered with frost, and his big handsome eyes almost burst into flames. In this mission, the other party's information was wrong, which made her suffer a lot and suffer a lot of humiliation, especially by a The fifteen-year-old boy gave her a lesson, which made her lose face and had nowhere to send her.

Seeing the obsessed Kitley, Char only felt sick for a while, and she went crazy.

"Take back your stinky money, I won't do this task!"

Shaar took out a bag from his arms and threw it at Kitley fiercely.


Before Kitley could react, he just felt a pain in his head, and immediately felt a big bag, and the yellow gold coins scattered and scattered all over the ground.

Kitley froze.

Xia Ya didn't say anything, didn't explain a word, turned around and left.

"Oh, you... how did you hit someone? It hurts so much, you... don't go..."

Kitley covered half of his face and yelled, "Come on, stop her!"

The young master spoke, but none of the people in Naka Manor stepped forward. Everyone was naturally clear about the strength of the other party, and Naka Manor didn't have the qualifications to stop her at all.

You have to obey the young master's orders, but your own life is more important.

Shaar ignored Kitley, and got on the horse by himself. With a pull on the rein, the Silver Winged Pegasus ran up a few steps, and plunged into the sky.

Only the inexplicable Master Kitley was left in a daze.

In a dim forest, Ron built a small hut on a big tree by relying on the faint light. He also learned this skill from Grandpa Zari. At that time, Ron learned it just for fun. , Unexpectedly, it has come in handy now.

First use a few thick branches to build a simple frame on the tree, tie it tightly with strong straw ropes, and then spread thatch around it, leaving a small hole for easy access, which looks like a large bird's nest.

This kind of hut, the wind can't come in, the rain can't come in, people live in it, it is warm in winter and cool in summer, the only bad thing is that people sleep in it, and the hard branches hurt Ron's back.

Fortunately, he is used to living a hard life, so he can bear this little crime.

It has been three days and three nights since Ron left after the battle between Homelin and the Silver Winged Pegasus Knight Shaar. In the past few days, in order to prevent Geralt from sending people to hunt him down again, Ron has been traveling day and night, looking for some Off the beaten path.

After a few days, Ron had already developed a lot of blisters on his feet, so he came here.

What this place is, Ron doesn't know, he only knows that this is a deserted forest, all kinds of unknown big trees rise from the ground, and some big trees can't even be hugged by more than ten people.

There was no road on the ground, and it was covered with all kinds of weeds. These weeds rose to a height of more than one meter. When Ron walked among them, only his head could be exposed.

One characteristic of this forest is darkness.

Even in the daytime when the sun is the strongest, the forest is still as dark as dusk, let alone at night, it is normal to lose sight of your fingers.

A long time ago, Ron picked up a knight novel called "The Earl's Revenge". Go to uninhabited places.

And this forest gave Ron a feeling, this feeling is safety, as a necromancer walking in the dark, darkness is the best protection.

Ron slid down from the tree nimbly. Since practicing undead magic, he felt that his movements were much more flexible.

"Ron, you really don't plan to leave the Holy Roman Empire?" Homelin couldn't help asking, he knew that it would be dangerous for Ron to stay in the Holy Roman Empire. You must know that the Holy Roman Empire prohibited the practice of undead magic.

"Yes, Grandpa Homelin..." Regarding this matter, Ron insisted unexpectedly, "If I hadn't avenged Grandpa Zari, I wouldn't have left the Holy Roman Empire..."

"Well..." Homelin nodded, looking a little relieved at Ron's eyes.

He felt that there were dangers lurking everywhere in this dark forest, and such a place was an ideal place for cultivation.

Simple shacks, a hard life, and various fierce battles to obtain food every day, such an environment can best exercise a person's will. Ron's choice was not wrong.

In Huo Meilin's eyes, this is the real cultivation. Compared with those noble children, lying on a soft bed every day, eating all kinds of exquisite food, and waving symbolically a few times in the luxurious training room, they are tired. There are also beautiful maids who massage gently. Growing up in such an environment, it is easy for people to lose their ambition.

And a strong aggressiveness is a necessary condition for becoming a strong person.

"Hehe, Ron, the place where you live is settled, what about the food?" Homelin smiled and said.

"Don't worry, Grandpa Homelin." Ron replied, "I can cook myself... Of course, if I can catch prey..."

When Ron faced Maple Leaf Town, in the small woods behind the ancient maple forest road, it was also common to catch a pheasant and a hare for tooth-beating sacrifices. Now his strength has greatly improved, and he has great confidence in hunting.

"Then I'm relieved..." Huo Meilin said with a smile, and then he straightened his face and said seriously, "Ron, since you choose to take the path of necromancer, it means you are against the Holy See, and, You still have to avenge grandpa, I won't go into details about the hardships involved..."

Homerington continued, "The strong always grow under pressure, Ron, the first task I give you is to survive in this dangerous place..."

Ron nodded emphatically.

Homelin smiled again, "So, from now on, I will not help you with anything other than teaching you how to practice, let alone enter your body to solve your crisis, so, to survive here, everything must On your own."

There was a slight change in Ron's gaze, but after thinking about it, he nodded and said firmly.

"I see, Grandpa Homelin..."

Homelin smiled and said, "Ron, how many undead spells have you learned?"

"Three..." Ron tilted his head and thought for a while, then pointed his fingers and said, "The first is the skeleton summoning technique, the second is the bone spur, and the third is the skeleton recovery technique..."

"That's right..." Homelin smiled, "I'm going to pass on your fourth undead magic—bone shield..."

Bone shield is the most basic defensive magic of a necromancer. Homelin passed on three undead magics to Ron. The first is summoning magic, the second is offensive magic, the third is auxiliary magic, and the fourth, It is defensive magic. In this perilous forest, Ron learns a defensive magic, which greatly increases his chances of survival.

While Ron was in a daze, Homelin pointed his finger, and a green light shot out from his finger, shot into Ron's forehead, and disappeared immediately.

After thinking about it, Ron found that there was something more in his mind, which was the method of bone shield cultivation.

Huo Meilin looked a little confused, "Ron, with your current strength, I can only teach you these things. You can't learn more advanced undead magic..."

He waved his hand, "I lost a lot of soul power after fighting that female knight..."

As he spoke, he smiled wryly, "At first I thought my soul power could be recovered, but in reality it took a little less. Ron, I'm afraid I'll need a period of deep sleep to recover. During this time, I'm afraid I'll have to rely on you it's..."

Ron took a closer look, and sure enough, Homelin lost a lot of soul power, and his body became much darker.

"Grandpa Homelin, thank you..." Ron was a little moved in his heart, "If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have lost so much soul power."

"Stupid boy, what are you talking about?" Huo Meilin smiled, "I am connected with your soul now, do you think I can still live after you die?"

As he spoke, he sighed, "However, even if I recover some soul power, I'm afraid I won't be able to help you too much. Everything in the future depends on you—"

"Grandpa Homelin... will you..." Ron asked a little worriedly.

He is a necromancer, and he also cultivates soul power. He naturally knows how important the loss of soul power is to Homelin's soul body. When his soul power is lost to a certain extent, Homelin will even disappear directly, because he originally It is a living body composed of soul power.

Homelin smiled, "It's okay, deep sleep can restore part of my soul power..."

He glanced at the soul ring in Ron's hand and smiled, "This is all due to it..."

He paused again and said, "Ron, you have to make good use of this soul ring. Although I have obtained this soul ring for many years, I have never penetrated its secrets. I always feel that its origin is not what it seems. So easy... ”

"Ron, if you break through as a junior necromancer, let your soul enter this ring. At that time, I will teach you more advanced necromancer magic..."

After Homelin finished speaking, his figure gradually faded until he disappeared, and he returned to the ring.

The forest returned to calm, Homelin's soul fell asleep again, and Ron stood alone under the tree. In this dark and quiet forest, Ron felt unprecedentedly lonely for the first time.

"In this way, I can only rely on myself..." Ron clenched his fists tightly, "I will definitely survive here until I avenge Grandpa Zari..."

Ron told himself so.

But he didn't know that this dark forest was in the westernmost part of the Holy Roman Empire, and it was a famous dangerous place - Dark Forest.