Cataclysmic Transformation

Chapter 27: New undead magic


A gloomy cold air was blowing in front of him, and Ron's body couldn't help shivering.

Smelling the musty smell in the castle, Ron inexplicably felt a long-lost intimacy. This feeling was like returning to his own home.

"What the hell is this place? Why does it look so familiar to me?"

No one told him the answer, so Ron had to squint his eyes and look at this magnificent building.

In the center of the castle is a hall, and Ron is standing on the edge of the hall.

The main hall is as big as three football fields, and it looks extremely wide and empty. The glass windows on the main hall reveal a faint light, adding a bit of bright scenery to the gloomy hall.

Suddenly, Ron's eyes fell on a pair of crystal coffins in the center of the hall. Walking over to take a look, Ron suddenly covered his mouth and screamed.

"Grandpa Homelin..."

The one hiding in the crystal coffin was none other than Huomelin, his eyes were closed tightly, as if he was asleep.

Ron stretched out his hand and gently pinched Homelin's hand, only to feel that the tentacles were cold and felt like a real thing. It was not like a soul body as usual.

Ron thought about it, and soon realized that this might be because he was also a soul body.

"It turns out that Grandpa Homelin is sleeping here. I don't think I should disturb him anymore. However, he asked me to come to him after my strength has advanced and teach me more advanced undead magic. But where is this undead magic?"

Ron didn't dare to disturb Homelin's deep sleep, bowed and walked away, but at the same time he was also puzzled, wondering where the undead magic left by Grandpa Homelin was.

Suddenly, Ron's eyes fell on a stone tablet not far from the crystal coffin. This stone tablet seemed to have a strong attraction, which made him walk over quickly.

The stone tablet was engraved with mysterious runes, like little tadpoles, but Ron didn't know any of the characters on it.

Ron stared blankly at the stele, otherwise why, he suddenly stretched out his hand to the stele.

Gently touching the stone tablet, as if touching a calm pool, suddenly, a water-like ripple spread rapidly, and the stone tablet changed in an instant.

The tadpoles on the stele seemed to come alive, and suddenly writhed wildly. At the same time, the stele also emitted a faint blue light.

Startled, Ron took a step back.

The faint blue light spread out, illuminating half of the hall extremely brightly. Gradually, the tadpoles on the stele dispersed, then re-condensed, and finally, they turned into characters one by one.

That is the text of Noah Continent.

Ron was dumbfounded, "This... is this the advanced undead magic that Grandpa Homelin left me?"

On the top of the stele, the one that ranked first was something that Ron had learned before—bone spurs...

Suddenly, the tadpole on the stele moved again and turned into a ball of blue light, which entered Ron's mind.

The soul slowly withdrew from the soul ring, and Ron's soul returned to his body.

It felt like a long time when Ron was in the soul ring, but in fact, only a quarter of an hour had passed in the real world.

The new undead magic made Ron inexplicably excited, and it was like a treasure. He didn't care about anything else, and immediately started to practice and understand.

This time Ron really gained a lot. On the stone tablet of the undead castle, in addition to the "bone spur", "skeleton summoning" and "bone shield" he had learned, he also learned three extremely useful undead magic.

The first is the "Bone Arrow", which acts like a bone spur, but has a longer range and more power.

The second is "crow", the undead magic used for reconnaissance, which can detect the enemy from a long distance without being discovered by the enemy.

The third is "Skeleton Acceleration Technique", as the name suggests, it can speed up the speed of skeleton warriors.

Only then did Ron know the horror of undead magic. If these three undead magics are integrated, there are "bone arrows" for long-range attacks, "crows" for reconnaissance above the sky, and "skeleton acceleration" for speeding up the speed and attack speed of skeletons. It will cause great trouble to the enemy.

Hunting just got easier for Ron, one step closer to avenging his grandpa.

The dark forest in the afternoon seemed extremely quiet. Although it still looked gloomy, the chirping of birds from time to time in the jungle where the sun shines through still gave the dark forest a hint of life.

Ron rested his chin on one hand and sat cross-legged on a large bluestone. In front of him was a piece of gurgling water. His eyes were half-opened and half-closed, as if he was sleeping or thinking.

Experience undead magic—the true meaning of crows.

Every magic and every combat skill needs to be learned and mastered. Undead magic is no exception. Knowing how to release it and being able to release it are completely different things. Being able to release it and being proficient in releasing it are two different things. .

Ron is in a learning process right now.

The gentle wind blows, rolling up the fallen leaves, and the wind in late autumn already makes people feel a little bit chilly.

After a long silence, Ron suddenly opened his eyes and stood up.

He took a deep breath, put his hands together, and silently chanted a mantra, and a large amount of soul power was mobilized through his thoughts.

After a while, layers of black air floated on his palm, and the black air gradually condensed and turned into a small black ball, which continued to expand and gradually formed...

With a pointed beak, two small wings, and bright red claws exposed under the ball, a lifelike crow appeared in Ron's palm.

It shook its head and kept flapping its two pitch-black wings, as if it was about to struggle out of Ron's palm. It looked no different from a real crow.

"Undead magic—crow..."

There was no joy on Ron's face. He looked at the bird in his hand quietly. It was really hard to say whether the undead magic was successful or not. Appearance alone was useless. He had failed many times.

The crow is used as undead magic for reconnaissance. It will be connected with the soul of the summoner, just like the eyes of the necromancer, through the eyes of the crow, you can observe every move around you.

"It's up to you whether you can succeed this time..." Ron said to himself, and as soon as he let go of his hand, the crow flew into the sky "flutteringly" and plunged straight into the sky.

Ron spread his soul power, sensing everything around him.

"Huh?" Ron suddenly exclaimed in surprise.

He saw it, he really saw it, high mountains, small rivers, passing through the sky above the dark forest, and the bright sun shone down, making people feel warm.

He also saw all kinds of animals and beasts living in the dark forest, with a panoramic view of all the scenery. Ron looked at everything greedily, enjoying the beautiful dark forest to his heart's content.

Ron, who was connected to the crow's soul, felt like a flying bird.

The crow flew higher and higher, farther and farther away. Suddenly, Ron felt his eyes go dark, lost contact with the crow, and changed back to the scene in front of him.

"Come back..." Ron made a decisive decision, and immediately ordered the crow to fly back and stop on a big tree.

"I understand. It turns out that my soul connection has a limit. If it exceeds this limit, if I lose the connection, I won't be able to see anything..." Ron said to himself.

"Goo... Goo... Goo..."

At this moment, Ron's stomach growled indisputably.

"No way? Are you hungry so soon?" Ron wondered, didn't he eat something just now

In fact, Ron didn't know that three days had passed since he was sitting and cultivating. In other words, Ron hadn't eaten a grain of rice in the past three days, so it's no wonder he was hungry.

"Never mind, since you're hungry, let's find something to eat..." Ron thought.

After a while, through the eyes of the crow, he saw a long-tusked wild boar hidden in the grass in the distance. The crow was flying in the air, and the creatures on the ground had nowhere to hide.

A smile crept onto Ron's face.

"Great god of death, let your anger turn into feathered arrows and stab at my enemies..."

Ron waved his hands, and the power of the soul was pulled out one by one, and slowly condensed into shape. After a while, an arrow made of white bones appeared in his hand.

The "Bone Arrow" in Ron's hand was about 70 centimeters long, with a heavy prismatic arrowhead at the top, a heart-pounding cold glow from the tip, and rows of tiny bone spurs at the end, forming a tail feather. shape.

This is the undead magic - "Bone Arrow".

"Let me try how powerful this is..."

Facing the third-level wild boar, Ron is full of confidence. You know, this was not an advantage when he met the long-tused boar alone in the past, and sometimes he was chased by the long-tused boar instead.

But now that his strength has improved, Ron feels that the tusked boar is no longer a threat.


With a flick of Ron, the "Bone Arrow" in his hand flew out, soundlessly, and went straight to the tusk boar.

You know, where Ron is standing now is nearly a hundred meters away from the tusked wild boar. For some reason, Ron feels that this "bone arrow" must be able to hit it.


Sure enough, the "bone arrow" pierced deeply into the body of the tusked boar, almost reaching the handle.

Ron was also taken aback. The "Bone Arrow" was too powerful. You know, if you used the "Bone Spur", it wouldn't be able to pierce through the thick and hard skin on the back of the long-toothed wild boar from such a long distance.

"Oh—" the long-toothed boar cried out in pain. It turned around and saw Ron, and immediately rushed over with red eyes like a bull.

If it was Ron in the past, he would have to run away from the furious tusked boar, but now he is extremely calm.

I saw that Ron was not in a hurry, his hands were constantly changing gestures, and he was chanting words. After a while, five skeleton warriors rushed out of the ground and rushed towards the tusked wild boar.

"Bang -" a sound.

The long-toothed boar rushed over and smashed the skeleton warrior in front of it. The skeleton warrior was as fragile as scum in front of it, and fell apart all of a sudden.

In a blink of an eye, one of the five skeleton warriors was reimbursed.

Ron was still unhurried. As soon as he raised his hand, the black air in his palm gradually condensed. Looking at the long-tused wild boar rushing towards him, his eyes flashed a gleam.

"Skeleton Acceleration Technique..."