Cataclysmic Transformation

Chapter 29: Alien beast


"Huh? What's that?"

The crow flew up, and Ron spotted an animal through its eyes, with its head down and biting something.


black wolf!

It was biting a newly caught aniseed antelope, and let out a dull growl from time to time.

"Hehe, it turned out to be a third-order black wolf..." Ron smiled, and he got the idea of this black wolf.

"This fur is really good. Now that it's cold, it's suitable for making a robe..."

Ron also killed a third-level black wolf. Unexpectedly, this black wolf was dismembered by the skeleton warrior. His wish to get the wolf skin was in vain. Now that he has this opportunity again, he must not let it go.

Just do it, make up your mind, Ron tiptoedly approached the black wolf, and at the same time the crow flew up, circled for a circle, and landed on the branch, quietly observing its every move.

Except for its sharp claws and dazzling speed, this third-level black wolf has no merits at all. Ron feels very easy to deal with such a creature.

"'re going to die this time, look at me..." There was a smile on the corner of Ron's mouth. At this time, it was in ambush to the best attack position, and he could even see that the black wolf was hit by his "Bone Arrow", wailing the scene of falling.

However, Ron's wishful thinking was wrong. What he was eyeing was not a third-level black wolf, but a fourth-level beast, the Scarlet Fire Wolf.

Alien beasts are different from ordinary beasts. They belong to the ranks of Warcraft. Ordinary beasts do not have magical powers, but alien beasts do.

But the strange thing is that the strange beast is both a monster and not a monster.

It is said that a long time ago, there were no such creatures as alien beasts in the world, until one day, the gate of hell opened, releasing a large amount of magic energy, and the monsters tainted with magic energy immediately mutated.

After the mutation, the Warcraft loses its sanity. As long as it is a creature, it will attack. It is as powerful as the Warcraft, or even stronger, and it fights extremely crazy.

They are alien beasts.

The most frightening thing is that these mutated monsters are not only powerful, but also doubled their reproductive ability and shortened their pregnancy time by two times.

Due to continuous reproduction, there are too many exotic animals. Think about it, a female mouse can give birth to ten litters a year, and each time she gives birth to 6-8, what is the concept of doubling the fecundity and shortening the pregnancy time by two times

The consequences of this mutation were catastrophic.

Fortunately, the reproductive ability of Warcraft is not strong. Even if many Warcraft become alien beasts, their fecundity will only increase a little, and they will not flood like ordinary mice.

Alien beasts and Warcraft are slightly different on the surface, but the biggest difference between them is the problem of sanity. Warcraft generally have their own wisdom, and some powerful monsters can even speak human words.

As for the strange beasts, no one can tell what they are. They look like monsters, but they have no mind. They form a group of their own and keep multiplying.

They seem to be born to kill without sanity, even if they are both alien beasts, they continue to kill each other.

It is precisely because of this that the alien beasts who kill each other will not cause disasters for mankind. If all the alien beasts in the Noah continent no longer kill each other, but work together to deal with creatures other than alien beasts, I am afraid that the entire world will be destroyed. There will be no living humans on the mainland.

At this moment, the Scarlet Flame Wolf in the distance suddenly raised its head and sniffed the air. Immediately afterwards, its gaze became sharp, and a pair of blood-red eyes stared at the crow not far away.

Strange beasts are also monsters. Although they have lost their sanity, they are still monsters in essence. Their vigilance is not low at all. Their instincts make them feel dangerous. There is a faint murderous aura on this crow, which makes it feel extremely uncomfortable. .


The Scarlet Fire Wolf suddenly let out a loud cry, and spewed out a fireball from its mouth. The fireball was like a cannonball, and it went straight to the crow.

The raging fire burned, and the crow couldn't dodge in time. It was burned into dust in the explosion of the fireball technique, and it turned into a cloud of black gas and dissipated in the air.


Ron's heart twitched suddenly. He wanted to sneak attack the black wolf, but he didn't expect to be attacked by the black wolf. What surprised him even more was that the black wolf spewed fireballs from its mouth.

Is this still a black wolf? A whole magician, and at this moment the red fire wolf also turned around, and Ron was stunned for a moment.

It has a body twice the size of the black wolf, with black and shiny fur, long and sharp fangs, and a long tongue protruding from the bloody mouth, dripping glistening blood continuously. The bloodthirsty and crazy taste appeared in the blood-red eyes.

"No, this is not a black wolf..." Ron also knew that he had made a mistake. The animal in front of him was obviously much stronger than the third-order black wolf.

The Scarlet Fire Wolf also spotted Ron. It roared and kept approaching Ron.

The scarlet fire wolf took a step forward, and Ron took a step back. His clothes were soaked in cold sweat, and the scarlet fire wolf was only about ten meters away from him.

"This... what the hell is this?"

Stared at by this unknown giant wolf, Ron's cold sweat flowed down with a "shua-" and a look of fear appeared on his face. Instinctively, Ron felt that the giant wolf in front of him was extremely dangerous.

"No matter what, let's fight first and then talk!"

At this time, a stern look appeared in Ron's eyes.

Ron muttered a magic spell in his mouth, and stretched out his hands, showing a large font. The soul power turned crazily as if it had been ordered.

These soul powers turned into traces of black air, which seeped out from Ron's hands and scattered in all directions.


The giant black wolf screamed wildly, kicked its hind paws, and several deep paw prints appeared on the black soil. It shot at Ron like a shell.

A crazy murderous intent rushed towards his face, and Ron only felt his heart tremble.

At this time, Ron also completed his summoning.

"Undead magic—skull summoning..."

The ground under Ron's feet condensed like ice crystals, and the black ground faintly glowed with turquoise light. Not long after, skeleton warriors stood in front of Ron like soldiers who had received orders.

"Kill... kill it for me..."

At this moment, Ron roared desperately. At the same time, more than one bone arrow appeared in his hand. The black bone arrow was suspended in the air, emitting a strange light.

The skeleton warrior roared and rushed forward, holding the bone knife in his hand high. Like a well-trained army, they surrounded the red fire wolf from different angles.

The morale is like a rainbow, and they are going forward indomitably. The eyes of the skeleton warriors have no fear, they only know how to charge, and then charge.

The sharp bone knife slashed at the giant black wolf, blood spurted out, and the red fire wolf screamed. It can avoid the attack of one skeleton warrior, but it doesn't mean it can escape the attack of all skeleton warriors. Its body is dripping with blood.

However, the skeleton warriors also suffered losses. The three skeleton warriors were shattered into pieces under the attack of the red fire wolf.

But at this time, Ron made a move, and several bone spurs attacked the Scarlet Fire Wolf from different angles. The attack pattern was exactly the same as when the Shadow Cat was killed.

"Porphyrin... porphyrin... porphyrin..."

The speed of the bone arrow was extremely fast, and at such a short distance, the Scarlet Fire Wolf couldn't dodge at all.

"bingo… "

Ron's heart almost jumped out of his body, and he seemed to see the dawn of victory.

But he was too happy.

The scarlet fire wolf that suffered the loss became even crazier. It howled wildly, and blazing flames erupted from its body. In an instant, the bone arrow that was deeply inserted into its body disappeared, turning into powder and disappearing into the air.


Ron was taken aback, but what happened next made him even more terrified.

The Scarlet Fire Wolf took a deep breath, and then a fiery pillar of fire erupted without warning. The skeleton warriors standing in front of Ron were quickly hit, even if Ron was a little far away. .

The skeleton warriors were burning with raging flames, making a crackling sound. After a while, all the skeleton warriors fell to the ground and disappeared into a cloud of black gas.

"Damn, no way..."

It was only at this time that Ron really understood one thing. He encountered an extremely powerful existence, and this existence was something he couldn't afford to provoke at the moment.


There was only one thought in Ron's mind at the moment.

He no longer hesitated, turned and ran.

The enraged Scarlet Flame Wolf would not be run away by the prey in its eyes. It spread four giant red flame claws and chased after Ron. After a while, it was only three or four meters away from Ron.

"Not good!! Being caught up..."

Ron was extremely flustered, and at this moment he didn't know what to do.

But at this time, the Scarlet Fire Wolf roared violently, and opened its mouth to spit out a pillar of fire, intending to burn Ron into coke.

"Bone Shield—"

At the critical juncture, Ron finally did not forget Homelin's teachings, and released the only defensive undead magic to protect himself.

Ron only felt a heat on his back, as if he was in hell, and the intense burning sensation made him cry out in pain.

The pillar of fire at the back unleashed an extremely powerful impact, which pushed Ron's small body forward more than ten meters at once, shortening the distance from the red fire wolf.

But the bone shield that was summoned just now has completed its glorious mission and disappeared into the air all of a sudden.

"It hurts… "

Ron stumbled up, only to feel the heat behind him, as if he had lost consciousness.

He secretly rejoiced in his heart, fortunately the "bone shield" blocked it, otherwise he would have become a burning pig.

The scarlet fire wolf felt annoyed, unexpectedly, it made itself farther away from its prey, so it pounced on it again without thinking about it.

"Go, drag it for me..."

Ron made a decisive decision. He immediately summoned a few skeleton warriors to block in front of the red fire wolf, while he accelerated and ran backwards.

Unfortunately, the skeleton warrior only delayed for a few minutes, and the fragile skeleton warrior couldn't stop the scarlet fire wolf in a berserk state.

The Scarlet Fire Wolf who dealt with the Skeleton Warrior immediately rushed forward with a roar.

Four legs can't run with two legs, and after a while, Ron was caught up again.

"How to do how to do?"

Ron was anxious in his heart. He ran with all his strength, but the distance between him and the Red Fire Wolf was getting closer and closer, and he even touched his clothes a few times, and Ron's heart was beating wildly.

The Scarlet Fire Wolf also learned to behave, and no longer breathed fire, but planned to tear the human into pieces with its sharp claws.

Just when Ron was in despair, suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind.


Ron came up with a brilliant idea.

"Skeleton Acceleration Technique..."

He blessed the "Skeleton Acceleration Technique" on the skeleton warriors, and then let these skeleton warriors drag the angry giant wolf.

When the giant wolf was entangled with the skeleton warriors, Ron quickly jumped onto the back of one of the skeleton warriors.

"Go... go... go..."

Ron cried anxiously.

The skeleton warrior got Ron's order, and immediately ran quickly with him on his back. The skeleton warrior blessed with the "Skeleton Acceleration Technique" ran very fast and ran far away.