Cataclysmic Transformation

Chapter 3: Surprised



At this time, Ron's stomach growled in disbelief, and he looked up at the sky. It turned out that the sun began to go down quietly at some point.

"It's time to go back too." Ron said to himself, he got up, patted the dust off his body, and ran towards Maple Leaf Town.

He knew that his grandfather would definitely leave good food waiting for him. In his memory, that grandfather who was also a beggar was very kind to him, leaving him the best food, and sometimes he would rather go hungry by himself.

Stepping into the familiar Maple Leaf Town and walking on the path paved with gravel, Ron felt a sense of kindness in his heart. Since he was sensible, he grew up in this town and never took a step outside the town. , As for some things in the outside world, many of them are heard from the townspeople. Maple Leaf Town is considered Ron's home.

A fat figure ran towards Ron quickly, looking flustered.

Ron took a closer look, and it turned out to be Aunt Susan. She was very kind to Ron and Grandpa Zari, and often gave some endless meals to Ron and his father. Ron also often went to her house to help her with some work, so he was very familiar with it.

Aunt Susan saw Ron and hurriedly shouted, "Ron, it's not good, something happened to your grandpa..."

"Ah?" Ron's eyes widened all of a sudden. Could it be... Ron had a bad feeling in his heart. Grandpa's health has always been bad, especially since autumn, coughing has increased significantly. At that time, he couldn't sleep all night, and the first thing Ron thought of was whether his grandfather's condition had worsened again.

He hurriedly greeted Aunt Susan, and hurried towards home.

On the stone bridge in Maple Leaf Town.

Several luxuriously dressed youths were surrounding a grey-haired old man, constantly booing, while the townspeople of Maple Leaf Town were watching. Their faces were full of anger, but no one dared to step forward to stop him.

Those young men could tell they were nobles at a glance. They could be seen from their clothes, demeanor and temperament. One of the townspeople knew each other. He was Master Kitley from the Naka Manor not far from Maple Leaf Town. One of them was wearing blue clothes, with blond hair, and an extremely arrogant look, and the other was wearing black clothes, with dark brown hair, a hooked nose, and a gloomy smile. They were both friends of Master Keetley, Looks like an aristocrat.

There were a few servant-like people standing beside them.

"Young masters, I was wrong, and I will never dare again..." Ron's grandfather, Zari, begged for mercy, his gray head kept touching the ground. He just saw a few young masters in luxurious clothes, and he knew that there was something wrong at a glance. The son of the Qian family, so he boldly stepped forward to beg, but accidentally soiled one of them's clothes.

In fact, those aristocratic youths were also bored. They came to visit Maple Leaf Town to see if they could have some fun, but unexpectedly bumped into something that didn't have long eyes. It just so happened that someone came to their door to entertain them.

"Old man, do you know how much this dress costs? At least seven gold coins. You old man can't even afford me a single button. Now that you've soiled it, what do you say?"

The boy in blue said viciously.

The boy in blue is called Jordin, heir to the Salter family of the Holy Roman Empire, and Kitley's cousin. He is here to visit his uncle at the order of his mother, and he is walking around with Kitley today. , I came to Maple Leaf Town with nothing to do.

Looking at the dirty black handprints on the gorgeous clothes on his body, Qiaodin only felt disgusted for a while. As a nobleman, he has been clean since childhood. Apart from nausea, he also felt that the dignity of the nobleman had been challenged, so he had to take the poor man in front of him. The old man vented his anger.

"Hehe, Cousin Jordin, why are you talking so much nonsense? Look at this untouchable, penniless, and probably can't afford to pay for it..." Kitley booed from the side.

The sullen young man next to him said with a sinister smile, "Poor little Qiaoding, it looks like you're bound to suffer from this loss..."

As a nobleman, Jordin was proud and arrogant. With a sneer, he drew his sword from his body with a "swish," "Kitley, you're right..."

"Since you have no money to pay, don't blame me for being rude... Do you know? Everyone has to pay for their actions, and you are no exception..." Qiao Ding said with a grin.

Qiao Ding's long sword was shining with a strange blue light, exuding a piercing cold air, and one could tell it was not ordinary. The sword kept gesticulating on Zari, and Zari was trembling with fright. But he laughed out loud.

Kitley glanced at the long sword in Jordin's hand, and couldn't move his eyes away. With an envious look on his face, he said with a smile, "Cousin Jordin, if you don't, you can kill this lowly bastard!" Just kill him and let it go, he can't afford to pay anyway."

"Hehe, right..." McKinsey clapped his hands and laughed.

"Okay..." Qiaodin smiled, raised the saber in his hand, and wanted to strike.

"No, master, please forgive me..."

Zari was terrified, and fell to the ground suddenly, his limped legs kicked weakly, and the four-wheeled flatbed scooter under him also overturned, his eyes were full of horror.

"Hahaha… "

Several noble teenagers laughed wildly, full of pride in their laughter, looking at the angry townspeople who were watching but did not dare to step forward.

"Just kill him, he's a pariah anyway, it's not a pity to die..." Kitley said agitatedly, he stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, his eyes gleamed with cruelty, he was looking forward to the splash Blood came out.

"Killing, hmph..." Looking at the terrified and helpless eyes of the old man, Jodin's eyes flashed with hesitation. As a nobleman, killing civilians is not a big deal at all. People like beggars can be killed without much trouble.

However, although Qiao Ding is not afraid of trouble, he is still a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy in the final analysis. If he wants to kill people for no reason, he will always feel a little bit unbearable.

Jodin raised his sword, but hesitated whether to strike it or not.

"What? He's going to kill someone?"

"Isn't it? Just such a small matter..." A townsman was shocked and angry.

"Hmph, what can't those nobles do?" Another townsman was indignant.

"It would be great if I were a nobleman, look at how majestic this is..." Some townspeople had envious eyes in their eyes.

The townspeople started talking about it one after another. A few strong young men couldn't stand it any longer and wanted to stand up to stop it, but they were held back by some older townspeople.

"Don't go, they are impulsive noble children who can do anything..."

Seeing that the young man still wanted to be brave, the old man added, "The strength of those young masters is at least junior swordsmen, you are no match for them at all..."

Hearing this, many people hesitated and began to shrink back. These nobles have the right to receive education from birth. They learn fighting spirit, swordsmanship, and even magic. Judging by the strength of these young people, the townspeople of Maple Leaf Town They simply have no power to stop them from doing anything.

Sixteen or seventeen years old is the age of impulsiveness, coupled with the amulet of nobility, and the guarantee of strength, he can do whatever he wants.

In a word, if they kill you, there is no way to get justice. Who would be so stupid to rush to die

"How is it? Jordyn, you dare not do it?" Seeing that Jordyn was still refusing to do it, McKinsey laughed and said, "When did my little Jordyn become so timid? If you dare not, Let me do it, my Xijin family is not afraid of this little trouble... "

"Who dare you say?" Qiaodin was stabbed by McKinsey's words, his face was red and his neck was thick, and he bit him, "In that case, I will kill you to prove that I, Qiaodin, am definitely not a coward..."

"The old beggar is finished..."

Some townspeople turned their heads in unison, closed their eyes, and couldn't bear to watch this scene.

When Ron ran to the bridge in Maple Leaf Town, he found that things were completely different from what he thought. It turned out that grandpa was not sick.

When Ron saw the grandfather who had fallen to the ground, the young man with a murderous face, his eyes turned red.

"Don't hurt my grandpa..." The thin and small Ron rushed out from the slope, and he didn't know where the strength came from, and suddenly pushed the blue-clothed boy, Jordyn, back and forth.

Qiaodin was caught off guard for a moment, and was pushed back a few steps and fell to the ground.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with you?" Ron ignored the noble young masters and helped his grandfather up first.

"Ron, I... I'm fine." Zari was a little startled, but okay, nothing serious.

Seeing that the old beggar escaped unharmed, the townspeople breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time became nervous. Ron offended the noble young master, so what should he do.

"Jordin, are you okay?" McKinsey helped him up and asked pretending to be concerned, "Why are you so careless?"

"Go away..."

Jordyn was pushed and fell by Ron, and made a big embarrassment in front of everyone. He stood up angrily, gritted his teeth, and said, "Hit me, kill this kid."

The gang of dog legs were ordered, and immediately rushed up, punching and kicking Ron.

"Bang bang bang..."

Qiao Ding lost face and didn't care about his image, so he also rushed up and beat him. As a cousin and friend, he naturally went up to help when he saw this.

Countless fists and big feet rained down on Ron, making a dull sound. Ron gritted his teeth and kept silent, protecting his grandfather and letting them have a good fight. Anyway, it was not the first time he was beaten.

"Master, master, please spare Ron, he is still a child, he is still young..." Zari tremblingly climbed up on hands and feet to protect his little grandson Ron.


At this moment Kitley kicked Ron right on the bone, and it hurt him.

"Hey, this kid is thin, but his bones are very hard..."

Kitley was in pain, and his face became ferocious. He was afraid, and kicked Ron with all his strength, "Go to hell..."

This kick didn't hit Ron, but it was impartial. It just hit Zari's chest, and with a click, there was a sound of brittle fractures.

Ron was stunned, and everyone was stunned, not to mention the dying Zari, even an ordinary strong guy couldn't bear this kick.

"Porphyrin—" Zari fell powerlessly to the ground, and passed out suddenly, his face was like gold paper, and black blood flowed from his mouth.

"grandfather… "

Regardless of the pain on his body, Ron let out a mournful cry, and threw himself on Zari frantically, "Grandpa, grandpa, what's wrong with you?" The blood at the corner of Zari's mouth became more and more, and the black blood gradually turned red. Breathing is getting weaker and weaker.

"Grandpa, don't scare me..." Seeing this, Ron was so anxious that he was about to cry, and he was in a hurry.

The eyes of the townspeople turned from panic to anger. They witnessed a fresh life die on the body of several noble boys who didn't know the severity. The simple residents of Maple Leaf Town couldn't hold back anymore.

Seeing that he had gotten into trouble, Kitley glanced at the crowd around him and threw up his hands helplessly, "It's none of my business, he ran into it himself."

"Let's go." Seeing the current state, Jordin had no intention of making trouble, and pulled Rakitley.

McKinsey nodded without saying anything.

A few noble young masters left under the escort of their attendants. Although the townspeople were angry, no one dared to stop them. The few noble youths who committed the crime just swaggered away.