Cataclysmic Transformation

Chapter 45: San Chiaro


"Huh? Throw it away? Why?" Ron was puzzled.

Homelin smiled and pointed to his finger, and said with a smile, "The soul ring in your hand already has the function of a space ring, and it holds a lot of things. Why do you still keep these useless space bags?"

"Huh? It can actually hold things?" Ron was startled and looked at his hand.

"Of course, it still has many functions, but your current strength is too low, and some functions can't be used..." Homelin said proudly, "If your strength has reached a certain level, you will naturally know how powerful it is!"

"Oh—" Ron nodded, and after thinking for a while, he said, "But Grandpa Homelin, these interspatial bags can't be thrown away yet, they can be sold for money..."

San Chiaro is a medium-sized town in the western part of the Holy Roman Empire. An ancient city wall more than ten meters high surrounds the entire city of San Chiaro. The city gate with a span of twenty meters is open to welcome guests from all sides. At the gate of the city stood a few guards of the Holy Roman Empire. They wore simple armor and held sharp spears in their hands. They were watching everyone passing by with vigilant eyes.

The city of San Chialo is small compared to other big cities, but in fact, the trade here is extremely developed.

Walking on the streets of San Chiaro, Ron was at a loss. There were too many people here. Ron, who had stayed in Maple Leaf Town since he was a child, had never seen so many people.

At the gate of the city, Ron found a portrait of himself being wanted, and he covered his face knowingly.

"Where should I go?" Looking at the pedestrians coming and going, Ron was unwilling to hesitate. He held a lot of weapons and equipment in his hand, but he didn't know how to shoot them, just like having a lot of wealth and don't know how to deal with it. Flowers are the same.

It is not difficult to find the Chamber of Commerce, but can the things in his hands be traded openly

However, there is no need for Ron to worry about these things at all, because in the city of San Chialo, there is such a group of people who specialize in solving problems for passing merchants.

They have an official name called wizards, but in the mercenary world, they are called "roads".

In every city, there are such people. They provide guide services for mercenaries and merchants coming from afar, and also contact transactions, etc., and collect tips or commissions.

They are the local snakes in the city, and there is nothing they don't know, ranging from trading at the chamber of commerce, to eating and lodging, even if you want to find a woman, as long as you can afford it, they will take you to the most famous gold selling cave in the city , as long as you find them, it's like getting a living map of the city.

They are "roads".

Ron, who was shaking his head in the city of San Chiaro, happened to be targeted by a "luzi". He wore a worn-out felt hat and a thick cotton coat with holes in it. Respectable as possible, with shrewd eyes in small eyes.

Seeing Ron, his eyes lit up, as if seeing a golden mountain.

Doing "Luzi" requires vision. The first rule of "Luzi" is, "Never judge people by their cover."

They serve not only wealthy businessmen, but also dirty and sloppy mercenaries. They may have just returned from hunting in places where strange beasts infested. The core and fur of Warcraft. There are also various materials.

Carrying merchants may be stingy, while those mercenaries who have just returned from hunting are often generous.

The rogue-headed guy walked up to Ron quickly, and bowed deeply, "Master Brave Mercenary, do you need a 'way' to serve you? Please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Peeples, It is the 'path' of San Chiaro... ”

Facing this person who suddenly appeared in front of him, Ron was full of vigilance. He tightened the package in his hand and asked, "The way?"

At this moment, a circle of people surrounded Ron. These were all peers of Peeples, and they were also "paths". Obviously, they also discovered Ron, the benefactor.

Ron's current clothes looked nondescript. He was wearing armor, a leather robe, and a magician's cloak. He was holding a large package in his hand. He hadn't showered in a long time, and his body exuded a sour smell. It is as miserable as it is, and as different as it is.

But it is different in the eyes of those "roads". The big package may be full of space bags, the worn-out clothes may be a fierce battle with alien beasts, and those clothes that don't know the so-called may be the same as other people. It is even more normal for the victorious prize after the mercenary fight not to take a bath. How can there be such a condition in the wild

"Master Mercenary, I am the best 'Lu Zi' in this city, and I can provide you with all services!" A "Lu Zi" took off his hat and said politely.

"Master Mercenary, I'll take you to a place where there are many beautiful women with beautiful looks, tall figures, first-class kung fu, and the most important thing is that the price is fair! Hehe." A wretched man with a lewd smile, he He took out his biggest selling point, and many mercenaries liked it.

"Master Mercenary, are you going to sell exotic animal materials? I'll take you there, and you can tip whatever you want, and the price is guaranteed to be reasonable..." The other one obviously wants to fight a price war.

"Master Mercenary..."

The "Luzi" introduced themselves one after another. It looked like a group of prostitutes seeing a bold client.

It took a long time for Ron to understand that these guys called "Luzi" are a group of guides. They can take you anywhere and save you the trouble of finding the way. Of course, tips must be given.

The "Luzi" looked at Ron eagerly, with a hint of expectation in their eyes.

"I really want to sell something..." Ron hesitated for a while, and he pointed at Peeples casually, "Just him, he came first!"

"Oh—" Except for Peeples, the other "paths" showed disappointment in their eyes. They saluted professionally and left.

"Thank you mercenary, Peeples is honored to serve you..." Peeples blushed with excitement, he took off his hat and saluted, "You can just give the tip as you see, my lord, I don't want much. "

Ron nodded. He seized a lot of gold coins from the guards of the Holy See, adding up to a thousand coins.

A thousand pieces, Ron in the past never even dared to think that he would own such a large amount of wealth one day. Such a wealth is enough for ordinary people to live comfortably for decades.

"Dear mercenary, where are you going?" Peeples tidied up his clothes, looking more formal, and started his work.

Ron pondered for a while. The things he wanted to sell were mainly the equipment and weapons of the guards of the Holy See, as well as some miscellaneous things, etc. These things were not seen in the Holy Roman Empire.

If someone reported this, Ron might not be able to get out of San Chiaro.

Seeing Ron's hesitant expression, Peeples suddenly thought of something, he pulled Ron to an empty corner, then lowered his voice and said, "Master Mercenary, are there some things that are inconvenient to deal with? "

Ron nodded.

"So it's like this..." Peeples laughed, patted his chest and said, "My lord, you have found the right person. In the entire city of San Chiaro, I am the only one who has such a 'way' and a channel to help you solve the problem." this problem… "

Peeples is bragging, and he is naturally more than one "way" to provide the same service. He said this to highlight his own service advantages.

"Black shops! Those whose sources are not clear can only be sold in black shops. They dare to accept anything, even if you killed someone yesterday and robbed the things, but the price will be lower. Sir, you need to be mentally prepared. Of course, if It’s not a problem to go to a formal chamber of commerce for transactions, I can take you there, but I won’t do it if you bother me!” Peeples said softly.

They are just guides, so naturally they dare not and will not cause trouble.

Ron thought for a while, "The things I sell will indeed cause some unnecessary troubles, well, then go to the place you said!"

"Lead the way ahead!"

Peeples was overjoyed when he heard that, "Okay, my lord, please come with me, the owner of the store knows me very well, I believe he will give you a very good price..."

Ron followed Peeples all the way, along the main road and into the alley. After turning around seven times and making Ron faint, he came to a house where ordinary people lived.

"My lord, here we are!" Peeples stepped forward and knocked on the door.

The door opened, and a fat woman came out, and when she saw Peeples, she yelled, "Well, Peeples, I haven't been able to find you these days, and you still have the face? You whore me When will the money be given?"

Seeing the fat woman, Peeples' face was a little embarrassed, "Don't shout, I brought a mercenary here this time, is Scarf here? We have a big business to discuss..."

The fat woman saw Ron following behind, and immediately changed her face, and said with a smile, "Oh, it turned out to be a mercenary, please come in, please come in..."

Ron covered his face and couldn't tell his age, so the fat woman had to be called "Master Mercenary".

This unremarkable house is what Peeples called a "black shop". The owner of the shop, Scarfe, is a miser. In addition to running a small business, even his daughter has become a tool for making money, but it is obvious that her business Not very good.

Ron Subaru walked in, and the "black shop" was not dark at all, on the contrary, it was bright and majestic, no different from ordinary people's houses. At this time, he heard the fat woman ask softly, "Master Peeples, the mercenary you brought No problem, I won't bring a fool in like last time, who doesn't even understand the rules."

"No way, I think he's pretty good!" Peeples said softly, "It's not like he doesn't even understand the rules."

Last time he was quite ashamed and brought in an unknown mercenary. When that guy heard Scarfe's quotation, he immediately became anxious and threatened to demolish his black shop. In the end, Scarfe found someone to settle the matter.

For the same goods, the prices offered by black shops must be lower, as everyone in the industry knows.

Walking into an ordinary house, an equally obese old man stood up, nodded slightly to Ron, and said straight to the point, "You are the mercenary brought by Peeples? Very good, sit down..."

He glanced at Ron, with a smile on his face, "Take out what you have, as long as it is valuable, we dare to accept any kind of goods..."