Cataclysmic Transformation

Chapter 46: black shop


Ron nodded, he glanced at the fat woman and Peeples, the two understood, looked at each other, and retreated out with interest.

As Peeples backed out, he closed the door behind him.

"Boss, how do you look at these things?" When Ron spoke, he revealed a trace of immature childish voice. Now he is in the period of changing his voice, and his voice is a bit hoarse.

Hearing Ron's voice, Scarfe couldn't help being stunned, and looked Ron up and down a few times, only to see that Ron opened the bag, and then fell to the ground.

With a "crash -" sound, a lot of things dumped on the ground.

"What?" Scarf was also surprised by the things on the ground. Space bags, these are all space bags, and there are more than 30 of them. Not to mention, the value of the space bags alone is not low.

"Interspatial bags, these are all interspatial bags..." Scarf was so excited that he lay down on the ground and looked through the space bags in his hand one by one, "Ah—there are things inside, weapons, equipment, everything..." Scarf The husband lost his composure and exclaimed.

However, when Scarf's eyes fell on the logo on the interspatial bag, he was stunned for a moment, and cried out, "Holy Holy See?"

"That's right, it's the Holy See..." Ron nodded calmly.

Scarf raised his head, his gaze towards Ron had changed, and he became a little awed.

"There are so many interspatial pockets. Could it be that you slaughtered a team from the Holy See... Oh my god, this world is so crazy..."

"How about it, do you dare to accept this kind of goods?" Ron didn't answer his question, but changed the subject. At the same time, he stopped Scarfe from looking through the contents of the space bag. Before reaching a transaction intention, it is better not to show him some things.

"This... let me think about it..." Scarf sat down, his eyes kept scanning those interspatial pockets. In his view, each interspatial pocket was the life of a soldier of the Holy See.

To live in the Holy Roman Empire, you need to know some basic things. The Holy See is definitely one of the super powers that cannot be offended. Accepting these things means that you are an enemy of the Holy See. I can't eat and walk around. Scarfe is only a small shopkeeper, and he has no guts to do such things.

However, the pile of goods in front of him is a pile of shining gold coins, which makes him want to stop. If the quantity is too small, Scarf really dare not accept it, but there are quite a lot of these things in front of him, a total of thirty-four space bags, plus Looking at the weapons and equipment inside, these things are more valuable than the interspatial bag. When he accidentally explored it, he found an azure-level one-handed sword.

This is definitely a big deal! It's up to Scarfe if he's brave enough to do it.

Scarfe didn't ask the source of these goods, because he knew that the other party would definitely not answer. If the source was legal, would they still be sold in black shops

In Scarfe's mind, heaven and man were at war, and finally, money defeated reason, he gritted his teeth, slammed the table hard, and made up his mind, "Okay, respected Mr. Mercenary, I'll take this... "

Black shops are a high-risk and high-return industry. If you don't have the guts, then you don't have to do anything. Such a big deal is enough for him to spend for several years.

At this time, he continued, "However, respected Mr. Mercenary, you also know that our business is a high-risk industry, and the price we give you is naturally not comparable to that of a regular chamber of commerce. Please forgive me..."

Scarfe also became polite to Ron, a big client. First, he couldn't figure out the opponent's occupation, and second, he couldn't figure out the opponent's strength. In addition, the impressive records on the ground also made him feel helpless. Not to be taken seriously.

Ron nodded slightly.

With Ron's consent, Scarfe pounced on the pile of space bags like a hungry tiger, looking through them one by one.

"One-handed sword, magic wand, spear, heavy hammer, scepter, shield..." They were placed on the table one by one, and Scarf counted and calculated carefully, with a greedy gleam in his eyes.

There are some things that Ron did not show, that is, the two-handed heavy hammer of the Holy Son Guderian. I learned from Homelin that the value of this weapon is far from what this small shop can eat, and Ron also I don't want to cause unnecessary trouble, you must know that the owner of this heavy hammer is the Holy Son of the Holy See.

After a while, Scarfe finished counting, and said to Ron, "Dear Mr. Mercenary, after my counting and calculation, the total value of these things is about 3,000 gold coins, and the two most valuable weapons are an azure A level magic wand, an azure-level long sword, worth more than a thousand gold coins, and thirty-four space bags. The price we charge is 30 gold coins each, which is one thousand gold coins. Although the equipment is not worth much, it is better in quantity, worth 800, I will add another one, let it be 1,000, a total of 3,000 gold coins... "

Scarf said kindly.

"Low..." Ron frowned.

"Dear Mr. Mercenary, this price is already not low among the peers. You know that we are running a black shop. If we want to buy these things, they are useless and we have to resell them. The risk is not low." Scarfe continued. He wiped his sweat and said.

Ron was noncommittal, reaching for the interspatial bags.

"Don't—" Scarfe stopped him loudly, and said after thinking for a while, "My lord, can I add 10% to the price?"

"Twenty percent—"

"One thousand... plus another thousand, a total of four thousand gold coins..." Scarf cried out, clutching those space bags tightly, for fear that Ron would take them back.

"Okay..." After thinking for a long time, Ron finally nodded. It's not bad that these things can be sold. Of course, the higher the price, the better.

Scarf paid the money readily, and politely sent Ron out the door.

The door opened, and Peeples was standing outside the door. Seeing Scarfe's expression, he knew that the business was done. He approached quickly, bowed to Ron first, and then said to Scarfe, "How about it?" , Boss Scarfe, is my guest all right?"

"Of course, you have a good eye this time and brought me a big client..." Scarf said with a smile, he took out two gold coins from his pocket and threw them over casually, "Here, I'll reward you , next time there is such a customer, you must bring it to me... "

If those things were sold successfully, Scarfe could make three times as much money, so it's no wonder he was so happy.

Peeples was overjoyed. It was rare for the always stingy boss Scarf to sell two gold coins. It can be seen that there must be a lot of business this time. He couldn't stop thanking him, and looked at Ron with a more respectful expression.

"Let's go, I still need to buy some materials..." Ron said lightly, "Lead the way ahead, I'm going to the largest chamber of commerce in San Chialo City!"

"Thank you, Boss Scarfe, I'll go to work first..." Peeples, who had won the reward, worked harder. He saluted Scarfe, and then quickly walked in front of Ron, leading the way respectfully, with more polite words I was afraid that I would be rude and offend Ron, the big benefactor.

Followed Peeples out of the alley, came to the street, and after a while, walked in front of a large and magnificent house, Peeples said, "My lord, this is the place, this is the largest building in San Chiaro City. Trade fair, I think you should be able to find what you want, my lord... ”

Ron looked up and saw the sign said "Continental Chamber of Commerce".

Ron nodded and walked in, followed by Peeples.

"Hi sir, may I help you?" As soon as he entered the door, a sweet-looking girl walked up to him, and it was she who received Ron.

The girl was wearing the uniform professional attire of the chamber of commerce. She looked tall and beautiful. She had long hair, a professional smile on her face, and a polite look.

"Oh, I have some materials here, do you have any here?" Ron said, and took out a piece of paper that had already been written from his arms and handed it over.

"Our Continental Chamber of Commerce is the largest Chamber of Commerce in San Chialo City. Even in the Human League, our influence is among the best..." the long-haired girl said confidently, and she took the paper with a smile.

"Sir, please wait a moment..." The long-haired girl glanced at the content on the paper, frowned slightly, then turned around and hurried back, and came back after a while and said, "Sir, all the materials you want are here. , do you want all of them?"

"All of them?" Ron listed dozens of materials on the paper, and it was quite difficult to buy them all at once.

"Yes, sir!" The long-haired girl nodded.

"How much?" Ron asked hesitantly.

"The total value of these materials is 3,200 gold coins..." the long-haired girl said, and handed over the list in her hand. On the list, the unit price and quantity of each material were listed.

The European Chamber of Commerce is a first-class professional in the business field. Customers can buy what they want without running errands, and the price is fair, so the business is booming, and it is not an exaggeration to make money every day.

"Well, I want them all..." Ron nodded, not talking nonsense. In fact, he didn't understand the price, as long as he had enough money, he counted out 3,200 gold coins from his pocket and handed them over.

The 3,000 gold coins obtained from Scafli were given away in this way, and some were also obtained from the guards of the Holy See, not much, just over 1,000 gold coins, which was enough to pay for the transaction.

"These materials are really expensive!" Ron couldn't help feeling a little heartbroken as he watched the gold coins fly into the girl's hands. Thousands of gold coins are sky-high prices for ordinary people, but for these professionals, no matter how many Money is not enough. Weapons, equipment, materials, and potions are free of money. Although the income is high, the expenses are quite high.

The long-haired girl quickly collected the money, and left after counting. After a while, a man brought all the materials Ron asked for.

"Sure enough, it's a big chamber of commerce..." Ron nodded secretly, and in less than ten minutes, he made a big business worth a thousand gold coins. The strength of this chamber of commerce is not comparable to Scarfe's black shop.

After buying something, Ron quickly left the chamber of commerce. Peeples took Ron back to the gate of San Chiaro and waved goodbye to him.

He was very happy in his heart, the benefactor was generous, and he rewarded him with a tip of twenty gold coins.

Like this kind of funder, the general "path" can't meet one in ten years. Ron himself came from a poor background, so he has a better understanding of their suffering.

When Ron returned to the cave in the dark forest, it was already dark.