Cataclysmic Transformation

Chapter 50: uninvited guest


"I succeeded, Grandpa Homelin!" Holding the bluish pig bone staff in his hand, Ron's excitement was not to mention his heart, and his face was full of joy.

Homelin's eyes were full of smiles.

"Let me see, how much has the power of the azure-level bone staff increased?" Ron couldn't wait.

Holding the bone staff in his hand, he silently recited a spell in his heart. He was already familiar with such low-level undead magic as "bone spurs", and he could do it "silently".

Not long after, a white "bone spur" formed and appeared in his palm.

"Go—" Ron raised his hand, and the "bone spur" shot straight at the stone wall of the cave like a hidden weapon.

With a sound of "Porf-", the "bone spur" went straight into the stone wall, leaving an unfathomable small hole.

This gave Ron a good start. What surprised him was not the power of the "Bone Spur", but its speed. Now the speed of the "Bone Spur" is more than twice as fast as before.

"It's so fast, it's really different when I use the azure-level bone staff!" Ron stuck out his tongue, "Not only that, but my speed of using undead magic has also been greatly improved!"

"Hehe, there is a big difference between having a weapon and not having a weapon. Even if an ordinary person holds a kitchen knife, he is much more powerful than an ordinary person..." Huo Meilin laughed.

Holding the bone staff about 30 centimeters long, feeling the flow of energy in it, Ron was suddenly full of confidence.

A kind face suddenly flashed in Ron's mind, looking at him with concern.

"Grandpa!" Ron's eyes were red, tears were about to fall.

"Grandpa Huomelin, I want to take revenge..." Ron grasped the bone staff in his hand, and said firmly, "Grandpa treated me so well, but in the end he died in the hands of evil people. I have some strength now. If If I don't help him avenge me, I'm ashamed to be his grandson!"

Ron raised his head and looked at Homelin.

Huo Meilin smiled slightly, "Go, child, you have endured for a long time because of hatred, and it's time to explode!"

With Homelin's support, Ron was even more confident. At this moment, Homelin continued, "Ron, but remember one thing, the wrong has its own debt, and remember, don't insist on your strength and kill innocent people indiscriminately! "

Homelin is worried that excessive killing will accumulate hostility in Ron's heart. The more hostility accumulates, the more murderous he will become. When killing becomes a habit, people will lose themselves.

Homelin hopes that Ron can become a strong man standing on the top of the world, not a demon who can only kill.

Ron's heart trembled when he heard this, he lowered his head and thought about it, during this period of time, he killed a lot of people, although it was a life-and-death struggle, but every time he made a deadly attack, he never left anyone alive.

In just a few months, Ron almost couldn't recognize himself, looking at his hands, it seemed to be covered with blood.

"Have I really changed?" Ron was stunned for a while, then he raised his head, looked at Homelin, and nodded heavily, "Grandpa, I understand!"

The snow is falling less and less, which indicates that spring is coming. Even so, the wind at night is still piercingly cold, the snow turns into water, and the water condenses into ice. When people walk on the slippery path, it is easy to be careless. slip.

A thin figure appeared outside the Naka Manor at some point, and a pair of dark eyes shot out hatred.

Like a cat, Ron approached the wall on tiptoe, touched the blue bone stick in his hand, and a black light ball appeared in his palm. The black light ball became bigger and bigger, and gradually turned into a bird's head. He raised his hand, and the bird flew into the air in a "fluttering" manner.

The crow flew close to the window sill of the castle-like Naka Manor, and a pair of small mung bean-like eyes looked inside through the crow's eyes, allowing Ron to see clearly the situation inside.

The Naka Manor is still lit, and the fireplace inside is burning, making the whole room warm. There is a long square table inside, and the table is full of gorgeous lamps. When the food is served on the table, the cover is lifted, and there is extremely delicate food inside.

There were three people sitting at the table, namely Geralt, Kitley, and a girl. Since his back was facing him, Ron couldn't see her face, only the golden curly hair behind him. For some reason, Jay Both Rattle and Kitley were extremely polite to her.

Looking across the faces of Kitley and Gerald, Ron's eyes flashed with murderous intent. He will never forget how these nobles disregarded human lives. With no ability to resist, he was driven to a dead end. If Grandpa Homelin hadn't taught him undead magic, Ron might not even have the chance to take revenge.

At this time, Ron heard a voice saying: "Uncle Geralt, I think you are making a fuss out of a molehill!"

Ron was taken aback, the voice obviously had a childlike voice, and it seemed that he was not very old.

Geralt smiled bitterly, "I don't want to, but this kid is unpredictable, and I don't know his strength, alas..."

"Now the Holy See is busy all over, sending people everywhere to find this Necromancer Ron, even the Holy Son Guderian has been dispatched, but there is no news at all!"

Geralt said annoyedly, and cast a dissatisfied glance at Kitley, "It's all useless to your cousin. If you had been more ruthless and killed him with a single sword, you wouldn't have so much trouble now. !"

Kitley said aggrievedly, "I didn't expect this untouchable to cause such a big trouble. If I had known..."

"Okay, okay!" The woman waved her hand annoyed, "My ears are callused after listening to your complaints!"

Geralt has been like a frightened bird during this period of time. He has been worried day and night, especially after the death of Groot. After the failure of the temporary mission, Geralt and his son were even more panicked. He was not sure of Ron's strength, so he had to ask the Salter family for help. .

But the Salter family didn't want to care about this nonsense. They had an enmity with a necromancer, and they were afraid of the other party's revenge. Isn't it funny? So the Salter family also let it go.

Geralt was very anxious about this, and through various methods, even using his sister's power, he invited the young lady of the Salter family, the talented girl Gordelli.

Godely is a genius of the Salter family. At a young age, she has already demonstrated a very high talent in magic. At the age of thirteen, she has already obtained the qualification of a junior magician, and now she is marching towards an intermediate magician.

If Jordyn's mother hadn't begged hard, and she was always nice to her, Gordelli would never have come to Naka Manor.

"Uncle Geralt, there's no way to go on like this. I can't let me protect you for the rest of your life, can you?" Godelli made a helpless gesture, her voice slightly dissatisfied, "I've been here for seven days, and you still plan to Let me stay for a few days? If this continues, my studies will be wasted... "

"This..." Geralt and his son looked at each other, and they had no choice but to take one step at a time, especially Geralt, who always felt his right eyelid twitch these two days, as if it meant something bad was going to happen Same.

"No!" At this moment, Godeli frowned, "I don't know why, since just now, I always feel that something is spying on us..."

Godeli stood up and glanced around. Ron saw a pretty side face. Although it was not as beautiful as Dilin who turned into a human body, it was still very beautiful.

Godelie is about thirteen or fourteen years old. She is like a born noble girl, with a generous and elegant manner. She has a maturity that does not correspond to her age at such a young age. Perhaps it is this maturity that creates her genius. name.

In the Salter family, her status is higher than that of Jordin.

Godeli's eyes fell on the crow on the window sill, her brows frowned even tighter, "It's so cold, why is there a bird on the window sill? No, it's not a bird..."

A magician cultivates mental power and is extremely sensitive to the actions of the outside world. She immediately found out that something was wrong.

"Who is pretending to be a ghost, get out!" Godelli shouted coquettishly, took out a long magic wand from the interspatial bag, released a fireball without thinking, and blasted at the crow outside the window.

"It was discovered!" Ron was taken aback.

With a sound of "Boom," the window was shattered, the transparent glass shattered, and the crow summoned by Ron was also wiped out.

After eliminating the peeping "eyes", Godeli refused to let go, and shouted loudly, "I know you are nearby, if you don't come out again, I will not be polite!"

"It's interesting, this little girl has reached the level of a junior magician at such a young age, Ron, this girl's talent is not inferior to yours!" Homelin said with a smile.

Homelin's words aroused Ron's arrogance, and he sneered, "This little girl should be a relative of their family, I'm afraid it will stop me from taking revenge, but that's okay, let me clean her up in one go Already!"

Ron patted the skeleton warrior under him, and the skeleton warrior rose into the air.

"Ron, your way of riding a skeleton is really good. It makes up for the lack of movement speed of the necromancer in the early stage. I dare say that in the tens of thousands of years since the Scourge Church ruled the Omros continent, no one has ever thought of such a method. This is an epoch-making innovation! Ron, you are also a genius in the history of necromancer cultivation!" Homelin praised.

After listening to Homelin's words, Ron's chest stood tall, and he became more confident in dealing with that same talented girl.


Ron blasted through the gate of Naka Manor and broke in directly.

"What's wrong?"

"what happened?"

All the servants of Naka Manor were stunned by the loud noise, and saw a monster appearing in front of them. This monster was wearing a long black cloak, a black mask covered his face, and his crotch Riding on it was a ferocious skeleton, howling with teeth and claws.

Ron yanked off the mask on his face, revealing a sharp-edged face.

"You... who are you?"

Looking at the uninvited guest, a servant asked boldly and tremblingly.

There was a slight smile on Ron's face, "Go and tell Kitley, and Geralt, the killer is coming, I'm going to kill at Naka Manor tonight, no one who has nothing to do will leave as soon as possible, Those who stay will be killed!"