Cataclysmic Transformation

Chapter 64: The City Guards were defeated


The skeleton brave rushed into the soldiers, raised his one-handed giant axe, and greeted the human soldiers fiercely.

Fighting in the narrow city, the scene was chaotic. Ron's bone stick was connected, and a large number of skeleton warriors crawled out of the ground, howling, and quickly joined the battle.

As soon as they came into contact with those skeleton warriors, the soldiers of the City Guards suddenly felt bad. These skeletons are so powerful, and they swung their swords with fighting spirit, and those skeletons would pick up their shields to block them. The guy can actually fight back. These soldiers who are not afraid of death, pain, and no consciousness or fear have become the biggest nightmare of the soldiers of the City Guards.

Hell, didn't they say these skeletons were vulnerable? Why is the attack power so perverted? Some city guard soldiers cursed in their hearts, but they didn't dare to back down. They had already issued a death order to Ron, the Holy See and the Holy Roman Empire. Yes, it will be a court-martial.

Ron's heart fell into a clear state. Faced with such adversity, he forced himself to calm down. After calming down, Ron broke out a powerful fighting force. On this chaotic battlefield, he stood in it like a wise commander. Similarly, mobilize your own forces to counterattack.

The battle was extremely fierce, and many residents in the city were also affected and fled one after another. Who would have thought that a scene like a military war would happen in the eastern and western military towns of the Holy Roman Empire. It has been many years since Asinaris has seen this scene. up.

There are more than a hundred city guards who came this time, most of them are trainee-level soldiers, a few junior professionals at the captain level, and there are more than a hundred skeleton warriors summoned by Ron in several batches. The army fought inextricably.



Bone spurs, bone arrows, and bone spears were summoned from Ron's bone staff. Necromancers aimed their long-range attacks not with their eyes, but with their souls. Ron chewed this sentence, holding Throwing them out mercilessly, these bone-piercing arrows seemed to have eyes, and went straight to the vital points of the city guard soldiers.


Bone-piercing arrows and bone spears pierced into the bodies of the city guard soldiers, and there was a scream. The soldiers who avoided the vital points could not escape the ax in the hands of the skeleton brave. When the giant ax struck, even their bodies were chopped into pieces two cuts.

"After my strength has improved, even the skeleton warriors are much stronger, and their bodies are much more flexible..." Ron thought.

Compared with the stupid skeleton warrior he summoned for the first time, as his strength improved, the skeleton warrior seemed to have opened up his wisdom, and his ability to resist was further strengthened.

"Flexible... yes flexible—" Ron suddenly thought of something at this time, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "By the way, the skeleton acceleration technique, this undead magic has not yet been cast, hehe, the powerful skeleton brave and the skeleton also Suju, I'm afraid it's enough for them to drink a pot!"

Ron raised the short bone staff in his hand, and a beam of blue light emitted from the top of the bone staff...

"Skeleton Acceleration Technique!"

A faint cyan light lit up, covering the entire battlefield. In the battlefield, the cyan light turned into stars and fell on the skeleton hero. I saw that the skeleton hero also emitted a cyan light, which matched the blue light of Ron's bone staff. echo each other.


The skeleton warriors all howled wildly, and a powerful sinister energy spread out in all directions. The entire battlefield was filled with a lot of death breath, and the soldiers of the city guard were also frightened.

But at this time, the city guard soldiers discovered in horror that the speed of these skeleton warriors had suddenly increased a lot, and their combat effectiveness had also risen sharply.



"What the hell are these things? So strong?"

The battle was a one-sided victory. Under the attack of powerful undead magic, the city guard army began to be defeated.

No one would not cherish their own lives. Once the rout opened its mouth, the consequences would naturally be panic. Many city guard soldiers fled. Ron took the opportunity to cover up and kill them, and a large number of city guard corpses fell on the ground.

After the war, the ground was in a mess, with fallen corpses everywhere, blood flowed all over the ground, stumps, broken arms, brains, and intestines were everywhere.

"This... Is this all caused by me?"

Looking at the Asura hell-like battlefield in front of him, Ron was shocked, but also felt a little bit of self-blame. Most of these city guard soldiers are innocent people!

Homelin said, "Look out, Ron, human beings have been fighting life-and-death struggles since the day they were born. If you want to embark on the road of the strong, the things you encounter in the future will only become more and more serious." More and more, not less and less!"

Ron took a deep breath and said, "Let's go 1" Athenaris' city guards have been wiped out, and the rest of them will die and escape. He can now leave Athena with a big swagger. Reese.

At this time, Ron felt Homelin's soul move, and he became anxious when speaking, "Ron, hurry up, a large number of people are coming, and among them... there are division-level experts!"

What? Master level powerhouse? Ron was taken aback.

At this moment, not far from Ron, suddenly a large number of figures flashed densely. These people were wearing white heavy armor, fully armed, only a pair of eyes were exposed, the armor on their bodies, the shield in their hands, and the huge shoulder armor. All of them have a very eye-catching symbol - the Holy Cross.

It is the Holy Crusade of the Holy See!

The Holy Crusaders belong to the largest armed forces of the Holy See. Compared with the Holy Guardians, their strength is even better.

The Holy Crusaders only accept the orders of the Holy See and are not under the jurisdiction of the Holy Roman Empire.

In the Holy Crusade, a middle-aged man slowly walked out, wearing a black robe, with a thick beard on his chin, and holding a priest's staff symbolizing holiness, looking at Ron with a smile in his eyes.

Goldshire Cathedral, Aryan Priest.

However, the current Aryan is no longer a priest. In Mount Hyjal, because of the heresy that shocked the entire high-level, Aryan was appreciated by Pope Ernst in the process of returning Guderian's body.

It is not so easy to get the Pope's appreciation. The Holy See does not raise waste. Aryan must prove his strength, so he was appointed as the head of the Third Legion of the Holy Crusade. The task is to capture the heretic Ron. Aryan is a good at Those who seize the opportunity, he knows that as long as this task is successfully completed, Aryan will be able to get Pope Ernst's attention, and he will be on the rise ever since.

For the sake of power, Aryan went crazy looking for Ron from the moment he received the order. On the first day, he judged that Ron had left St. Paul, so he decided to hunt him down across the country.

Where would you go if you committed a crime as a heretic? There was no doubt that it was the Roland Empire. Aryan guessed it accurately. He ran to the important border town of Asinaris without stopping. Sure enough, he stopped Ron the moment he left.

"Hehe, you are Ron, Ron from Maple Leaf Town, we finally met, but I think we should meet sooner!" said the head of the Aryan Legion with a smile.

"Master-level powerhouse?" Ron's heart moved, knowing that the division-level powerhouse Huo Meilin was talking about was undoubtedly him. He frowned and asked, "Who are you? Why do you seem to be familiar with me!"

"Of course I'm familiar!" Father Aryan smiled and said, "I went to Maple Leaf Town to investigate you the day after your grandfather died! At that time, I didn't believe that you had learned the evil undead magic. Come on, I was mistaken at the beginning, but I still have to thank you, if it weren't for your appearance, I'm afraid I would still be hiding in that place where no shit in Shining Gold Town!"

"Golden Town? Are you Father Aryan?" Ron was taken aback, unexpectedly the person in front of him was Father Aryan.

Father Aryan is very famous in the area of Gold Shining Town. Maple Leaf Town is not far from Gold Shining Town. Although Ron has never seen him, he has heard of Father Aryan's name.

"Hehe!" Aryan laughed, "Ron, you know me too, that's great, but I'm no longer a priest, and I'm now the commander of the Holy Crusaders Third Legion. Just to find you, Ron, follow me back to the Holy See, I swear in the name of the God of Light, I will not harm your life!"

Hehe, it sounds better than singing, Ron felt a little disdain in his heart, he had already seen the hypocrisy and shamelessness of the Holy See, and said with a sneer, "Hehe, in your opinion, am I not a heretic? Shouldn't I be Burned to death? When did the Holy See change the law?"

To Ron's question, Arya seemed to be a bit confident, he smiled and said, "Ron, don't you understand? The so-called heresy is only aimed at ordinary necromancers, but you are Ancient Necromancer, don't you know the difference?"

Ron narrowed his eyes slightly, "Ancient Necromancer? I really don't know what's the difference!"

Aryan smiled, "Ron, if you don't understand it yet, you may have heard of a term!"

"Omroth—" Aryan spit out this sentence slowly.

Omrose? Ron's eyes were wide open. At this moment, he felt Grandpa Homelin's soul beating suddenly, and his breathing was a little short. He finally heard about the continent of Omros.

"Answer him, say you don't know what Omros continent is!" Homelin's voice regained his composure, and reminded Ron.

Ron shook his head and said to Arya, "Sorry, I don't know anything about Omros!"

"Really?" Aryan shrugged indifferently. He sensitively captured Ron's momentary loss of consciousness when he heard the word Omros, and smiled, "The legendary ancient necromancer only existed one hundred thousand years ago. The continent of Omros, the current ancient necromancer, is extinct!"

"You should have heard of the legend of Noah's Continent. Before Noah found the new continent, the one that was condemned by the gods and became the lost continent was called Omros..."