Cataclysmic Transformation

Chapter 69: Royal Order of the Griffon


The eagle's head, the lion's body, four huge claws exude a faint light, and a pair of huge wings grow on the back, soaring above the sky.

The Royal Griffon Knights of the Holy Roman Empire are all Griffin Knights. They are the trump cards of the Holy Roman Empire. They only accept the orders of His Majesty the King, and no one has the right to transfer them.

The Griffin was originally a level 6 beast, so it was not easy to domesticate it into a mount, but the Holy Roman Empire had its own method, which was also their biggest secret, and it was not easy to show it to others.

If it weren't for the request of the Holy See, King Charles would not be willing to let the Griffin Knights dispatch. Both the Griffin and the knights on its back are priceless treasures, and the loss of King Charles would also feel distressed for a long time.

The three Griffon Knights formed a small team. They wore uniform armor, with stern faces, and eagle eyes staring down, carefully searching for traces of Heretic Ron.

They have already come to the sky above the Kingdom of Barbarin. It is undoubtedly an act of aggression to directly enter the airspace of other countries without saying hello. However, these three people are obviously not worried about this. For one thing, they are supported and instructed by the powerful Holy Roman Empire. , Second, a small kingdom like Babarin does not have an air force at all.

Each of them is an elite of the Holy Roman Empire, and they all have a strength above level five, otherwise, it would be impossible to enter the Griffon Knights.

These people have been searching for the whole night, and their faces are already tired. One of them said, "Captain, go back and have a rest first, you see, we have been searching all day! We have searched all the mountains. I can't even find a single person."

"That's right! Captain, even if we can survive, the griffins can't!" Another person echoed.

The captain took a deep breath, took off his helmet, tidied his hair against the wind, glanced at them, and said, "Master Wharton from the Holy See has spoken, we must catch the heretic Ron, if He resisted, but he was executed on the spot, and he is leading the Holy Crusade to come at a fast speed, do you think we can rest?"

"Captain, then..." The soldier waited to say more, but the captain interrupted him with a sullen face, "Keep looking until you find it!"

"Yes!" The soldier could only answer.

"Captain, what do you think that is?" A soldier suddenly called out, pointing at the bright light in the distance.

The light on the ground is not obvious at first, but it is particularly dazzling when the sky is dim and bright.

The captain made a decisive decision, "If there is a situation, go and have a look!"


The three pulled the reins on the griffin's back, and the griffin turned a corner in the air and flew towards the shining place in the distance.

"Grandpa Huomelin, how do I take such a big corpse away? Do I just let him follow me?" After playing for a while, Ron was worried about how to deal with Aryan's corpse, so he had to ask Huo Meilin Merlin Road.

"Stupid! Of course it's in a space bag or a space ring!" Homelin never thought that Ron would ask such a mentally retarded question.

"Isn't the space ring only for pretending to be dead? But he came back to life!" Ron said as he glanced at Arya's body.

"Live!" Homelin said angrily, "He can move, but he is still a dead body. Go and see for yourself, is he alive?"

Ron approached and checked carefully. Sure enough, Aryan's body was still cold, and he wasn't breathing at all.

"Hey, I saw him move, and thought he was alive!" Ron smiled shyly. He stretched out his right hand, and saw a bright light from the soul ring in his right hand, which took Aryan's body into it. .

The soul ring also has the function of a space ring, and it can hold many more things than the space bag. Generally, Ron will put valuable things in the soul ring.

Not long after he left here, several griffins landed on the ground, and several figures walked down from the griffin's back. One of the griffin riders approached the fire, touched it with his hand, raised his head, and said in a deep voice, "The fire is still hot, it seems that they have just left not long ago!"

"Captain, come and see, what is this?" A soldier of the Griffon Knights pointed to the traces left by Ron's Corpse Refining Formation.

The captain walked over quickly and looked at it carefully for a while, "It seems to be a magic circle!"

The Corpse Refining Formation has long since failed, and there are only powders left after the bones have been weathered.

The captain flipped through it casually and took out a bone.


How could there be bones here? Could it be... Several people quickly exchanged a look, and they couldn't hide the ecstasy in their hearts.

"Looks like we've found the right owner!" The captain of the Griffin squad had a smile on his face, "Chasing after him!"

The three quickly mounted the griffin, and the griffin flapped its wings, soared into the air, and chased in the direction where Ron was escaping.

The Griffin was very fast, flying in the air, and had an excellent vision. After a while, they found Ron walking on the ground riding a skeleton warrior.

"It's him!" A griffin rider said in surprise.

"Necromancer, he rides a skeleton, that's right!" said another.

"Be careful, this necromancer is not easy to deal with!" The Griffin squad leader reminded at the right time, and then looked serious, "Everyone is in position, ready to fight!"

On the ground, Homelin looked at the sky suspiciously, "Huh? Why are there griffins in the sky? Could it be an enemy?" With Homelin's strength, he could easily spot the griffins in the sky. These griffin riders stood in front of Homelin. There is nothing to hide.

"What's that?" asked Ron, seeing a griffin for the first time.

No, they came after them! At this time, Ron's expression changed, and he quickly took the azure-level pig bone staff in his hand, because he saw the knight's logo on the back of the griffin. Except for the Holy Roman Empire, who would use this double-winged angel logo

The roar of the griffin came from the sky. After the griffin rider found Ron, he didn't say hello, but swooped down and rushed towards Ron viciously.

The speed of the griffin was extremely fast, and it came to Ron in an instant. Ron could even see the grin on the face of the leading griffin rider.

"Be careful!" Homelin couldn't help reminding.

"What a speed!" Ron couldn't help feeling awe-inspiring, he rolled on the spot, avoiding the attack of the huge lance in the hands of the Griffin Rider.

"Boom—" the huge body of the griffin was pressed to the ground, making a loud noise, and a lot of smoke and dust rose. The force of the griffin's dive and its own weight were enough to crush a person into a meat paste.

Ron dodged, but the skeleton warrior he was riding was crushed into powder.

If Ron hides slowly, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Cough...cough..." A large amount of smoke and dust fascinated Ron's eyes, and he couldn't help coughing. He opened his eyes, and finally saw the monster in front of him.

It was a monster that weighed at least two tons, with a white eagle-like head, long beak, two small mung bean-like eyes that shone fiercely, thick and powerful limbs, sharp claws that shone coldly, and a The huge lion tail was slowly swinging behind him.

This is the griffin, the beast griffin, the adult griffin has the strength of about six levels, not only powerful in hand-to-hand combat, but also able to fly into the air, coupled with the elite-level strength of the griffin rider on the back, in the Among the non-commissioned level professionals, it can be called invincible.

Being able to send the Holy Roman Empire to send out his most proud Griffin Knights shows that the Holy See attaches great importance to Ron.

"Ron, put down your weapons and surrender, we can consider saving your life!" At this time, another soldier of the Griffin Knights also landed behind Ron, surrounded him, and said coldly.

"Dream!" Ron sneered, he tapped the bone stick in his hand, and muttered a spell in his heart.

"Skeleton Warrior!"

As Ron's soul power spread rapidly, a large number of skeleton warriors scrambled out of the ground.

"Huh! Obsessed with obsession!" The Griffin squad leader snorted coldly. As a soldier, what he dislikes the most is talking nonsense. He only persuaded him to surrender, and when he saw that the other party didn't respond, he immediately killed him.

The captain raised his huge lance, and his body was filled with water-blue fighting energy. He was a strong man who cultivated water-type fighting energy.

"Boom -" a sound.

The power of the griffin is huge, coupled with the power brought by the charge, it immediately lifted a skeleton hero into the air, and the long and sharp lance directly penetrated the body of the skeleton hero.

Ron was horrified. With the powerful defense of the skeleton warrior, he couldn't resist the fatal shot of the Griffin Knight.

"Go to hell!" The captain's face was full of murderous intent, and he swung his gun to stab Ron, and the other Griffon Knight was not to be outdone, and attacked Ron at the same time.

Ron was double-teamed by both sides, and he was in crisis all of a sudden.

"Ron, use the bone prison!" Homelin reminded at the right time. He has rich combat experience and knows when to use which magic.

"Bone Prison!" Ron didn't dare to be negligent, and he muttered a spell silently in his heart. A "Bone Prison" suddenly rose from the ground and trapped the Griffin Captain.

While the Griffin Squad Leader couldn't move, Ron quickly escaped from the encirclement. The feeling of being surrounded by both sides was uncomfortable.

At this time, Homelin exclaimed, "Ron, watch out!"

Someone sneaked up! Out of the corner of Ron's eye, he saw the cold sword light behind him, the coldness was overwhelming.

The third griffin rider, who had been hovering in the air, swooped down and attacked suddenly.

There are three of them in a team, and they have cooperated tacitly for a long time. The two are fighting below, and the one is looking for opportunities in the air, and when the time is right, they will kill the enemy with one blow.

If Homelin hadn't reminded him, Ron would have died, but even so, Ron still couldn't escape.

"Skeleton battle armor!"

Ron was in a hurry, and immediately released the skeletal armor to protect his body, only to see a burst of bone-like things suddenly grow from his back, covering him with a gorgeous armor.


The long sword behind slashed at Ron, and the huge momentum made his whole body fly out, and he rolled several times before stopping.

Ron broke out in a cold sweat from the pain. If it weren't for the bone armor that offset most of the damage, he might be dead now.

Even so, Ron was seriously injured.

Homelin tensed up, "Ron, are you okay?"

Ron gritted his teeth, spat out a mouthful of blood, and got up with difficulty, "I'm fine!"

The power of the Griffin is so great that low-level magic like the Bone Prison can't trap it at all. I saw the Griffin Team Leader's front paw of the Griffon wave, the "Bone Prison" shattered, and he walked out leisurely riding the Griffin.

The three of them showed the word "pin", and their sharp eyes were on Ron. At this time, the captain of the Griffin spoke, and he said slowly, "Sure enough, the information is correct, Ron, you necromancer It is indeed very powerful, even stronger than I expected! The three of us did not take advantage of you! But Ron, I have to remind you that your struggle is in vain!"