Cataclysmic Transformation

Chapter 7: Useless undead magic


"An enemy? I don't have one?" The naive Ron was still at a loss. He never thought that he would provoke an enemy.

Huomelin's face was serious, "That's right, they are coming for you, hurry up, it will be too late..."

Ron's face also changed slightly. At this time, he had already heard the sound of chaotic footsteps.

When he looked up, three figures had appeared on the stone bridge.

These three were the killers sent by Naka Manor. They didn't cover their faces, maybe they didn't think they needed it at all.

"That's the kid?" said a man in ordinary clothes, with brown hair and two daggers stuck in his waist, his eyes looked at Ron a little bit.

"That's right, it's him. He's the one appointed by the boss to kill him..." Another middle-aged man in blue said in a deep voice. He is the chief steward of Naka Manor.

"Sending the three of us to kill this child, isn't it a bit of a fuss..." The brown-haired man was slightly dissatisfied. According to his idea, just anyone can come.

The man in black who had been silent all this time nodded lightly, his voice was hoarse and unpleasant, "Let's do it, third child, hurry up and complete the task assigned to us by the boss, and then go back to work..."

The brown-haired man smiled, "But since it's the boss's business, let's do what we can..."

He turned to Ron and said with a sinister smile, "Boy, you'd better kill yourself, so as not to stain my hands..."

Ron leaned his back against the wall, his heart was beating non-stop, and he really felt a little panic when he was stared at by the snake-like eyes of the brown-haired man.

"Run... Ron, you are not their opponent..." Huo Meilin also saw that the situation was extremely unfavorable to Ron, so he hurriedly reminded him, although these three are not very powerful, they are only at the apprentice level , but it is enough to deal with an ordinary thirteen-year-old child.

"Are you from the Naka Manor?" Ron is not stupid either. He has always been kind to others, and he has never had any enemies. The only people who can cause conflicts are the people from the Naka Manor. Ron would never understand why these people came to kill him at night after killing his grandfather this afternoon.

"Haha, smart." The brown-haired man smiled, not paying attention to children like Ron, and said with a smile, "Yes, we are from Naka Manor."

"Why?" Ron's hands were trembling, and his voice was trembling, "You just killed my grandpa this afternoon, why do you want to kill me?"

"It's very simple. They want to kill them all and don't give you a chance to take revenge. Even if you are a child, who knows how far you will go in the future." Homelin is a sophisticated person, so he naturally knows what these people are thinking.

"Hey, this is what the boss meant, boy, just accept your fate." The brown-haired man drew a dagger from his waist and approached Ron step by step.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense to him, do it quickly, lest you have long nights and dreams." The man in black urged.

"Yes, boss." The brown-haired man didn't dare to disobey what the man in black said, and he closed his mouth knowingly.

"Die, kid..." The brown-haired man raised his dagger and rushed towards Ron. The dagger shone faintly in the calm night.

"Ah..." Seeing the dagger coming, Ron dodged suddenly, dodged the dagger, and fell to the ground.

"Hey, good response..." the brown-haired man let out a grin and kicked.

Now Ron couldn't dodge it, he was kicked in the arm directly, he only felt a strong attack, "click..." and his arm dislocated.


Ron broke out in a cold sweat from the pain, but tried not to cry out, and staggered back a few steps.

"Help, murder..."

Ron was in a hurry and screamed at the top of his voice.

"It's useless, it's too far from the town."

The brown-haired man smiled. As a member of Naka Manor, he already knew the situation in Maple Leaf Town. After all, Naka Manor is not far from Maple Leaf Town.

Ron felt a burst of despair, why didn't he know this, he just hoped to scare the other party away, but the other party was unmoved.

The brown-haired man screamed strangely, and rushed towards Ron again, the dagger in his hand danced into a silver light.

Ron dodged left and right, and was hit several times, and blood flowed from the place where he was hit.

"It's bad, if this continues, Ron will be killed..." Huo Meilin was nervous. If Ron was killed, he would fall asleep again, and he didn't know where he would go when he woke up.

He gritted his teeth, "This is the only way..."

Not long after, Ron was knocked to the ground by the brown-haired man. He stomped heavily on Ron's chest and sneered, "You're really flexible... But you still can't escape the fate of death..."

It is impossible for an ordinary fifteen-year-old child to beat an adult, and this adult has obviously been trained as a trainee-level thief.

The brown-haired man raised the dagger in his hand high, and was about to stab Ron in the chest.

"I'm dying, Grandpa, I can't avenge you, wait for me, Ron will go find you right away..." Ron's heart was full of despair, and he simply closed his eyes.

While Ron was closing his eyes and waiting to die, a voice came from the bottom of his heart.

"Ron, open your defenses and let me enter your body..."

Ron was startled, "'s Grandpa Homelin, he..."

Before he could react, he felt his heart vibrate, and a powerful force invaded his soul.

"Grandpa Homelin, you..."

"Don't talk, watch carefully..." Homelin's voice came from the depths of the soul.

Ron opened his eyes, and a cold light quickly fell on his chest. He wanted to scream, but he couldn't make a sound. He wanted to move, but he couldn't move.

"Soul pain..."

A strange consciousness came.

The brown-haired man howled in pain, covered his head with his hand, and the dagger in his hand was thrown somewhere.

The mutant was born, the behavior of the brown-haired man made the two of them stunned, what the hell is this youngest doing

"Third brother, how are you?" The man in black was the first to notice something was wrong.

"Third..." The big housekeeper also shouted.

"It's okay, it hurts for some reason..." The brown-haired man seemed to feel back to normal.

"Why does a good head suddenly hurt?" The man in black snorted coldly, as if expressing disbelief.

"I don't know, uh, it seems to be all right..." the brown-haired man shook his head and said.

At this time, the head housekeeper trembled as if he had seen a ghost, "He... what happened to him?"

"Huh?" The black-clothed boss looked away, his eyes fixed, and he saw that the child called the target had undergone a strange change.

The child stood up at some point, his body was entwined with black air, there was a persistent sneer on the corner of his mouth, and a pair of green eyes glowed faintly, and he sneered at the three of them.

" don't need to play tricks, it's useless..." The brown-haired man was frightened, and his momentum weakened a lot.

Ron's body was occupied by Homelin, he could only watch all this, but his body didn't obey.

When "Ron" moved, he felt a sharp pain. It turned out that his left arm was dislocated. "There is only one arm, but... enough..."

Ron pointed at the three of them, and said in a hoarse voice, "You all will die..."

"Skeleton warrior, come out for me..." I saw "Ron" making a move, but I didn't see how he chanted a spell. A black line spread from under his feet, and the ground began to harden.

Immediately afterwards, a strange thing happened, the hardened ground trembled for a while, and gradually turned gray, and three or four skulls emerged from the ground.

"This... what is this?" The man in black was startled.

The four skeleton warriors scrambled out of the ground, like ghosts from hell, standing in front of the three men, and let out a heart-shattering roar.

"Ah?" Seeing the appearance of four skeleton warriors, the three of them froze.

The brown-haired man looked at the skeletons in front of him, rubbed his eyes, and said to the man in black, "Boss, why do these things look so familiar, I seem to have seen them somewhere."

"We saw this thing in Lance City of the Roland Empire..." the man in black felt relieved, "Hehe, I remembered, this is the legendary necromancer, haha, it's actually a necromancer, you kid learned Undead magic..."

"You know you're afraid..." Huo Meilin couldn't help but feel proud. Of course, his strength is more than that, but now he is in the state of soul, and a lot of soul power is needed to achieve this step.

But the words of the next conversation were like a plate of cold water pouring down on Homelin, which made him extremely depressed.

"Hehe, so it's undead magic..." The brown-haired man couldn't help laughing. "Tch, do you think you can resist us after learning this shit-like undead magic? It's okay to bluff people, but fighting is like garbage..."

"What's going on here?" The butler was still at a loss. He was from Naka Manor and had never been to Lance City.

The man in black sneered and said to him, "My lord, if you haven't seen it before, you will still be bluffed by this thing. In fact, it is undead magic, also known as the magic of the poor. But in fact, it’s useless. In Lance City, one gold coin can be used to learn, and it also includes the church... "

"Oh, that's how it is..." The butler suddenly realized.

"Third brother, kill this kid quickly, don't delay..." the man in black said.

"Okay..." the brown-haired man grinned grinningly, "Boy, don't do so many tricks, it's useless to do it anyway, just come here and die!"

"I'll fuck your grandma..." No matter how well-mannered Homelin was, he couldn't help it anymore. He never imagined that the powerful, mysterious, and terrifying undead magic would be given the title of "garbage magic". Provoking his bottom line again and again, Homelin was already surprisingly angry.

He sneered and said, "Since this is the case, you guys should try the power of this garbage magic..."

"Give it to me, kill these guys..."

With a light wave of his hand, the four skeleton warriors rushed towards the three of them as if they were ordered by the commander.

The first target of the skeleton warrior was the brown-haired man.