Cataclysmic Transformation

Chapter 78: Kirbitt's curiosity


The mercenary station had been destroyed long ago, and all the mercenaries looked at each other in blank dismay. They never expected that the duel between the two powerful saints would end in such a way.

"Oh my god, I actually saw the battle of the strong in the sanctuary!" A mercenary said excitedly.

"Yes, it's amazing! When will I have such strength?" Another mercenary said.

"That... that drunkard is so powerful!" Ron was also shocked by Kirbitt's strength. It was such a perfect sword. A sword seemed to have no power, but it was this sword that made Wharton's powerful flame attack invisible.

Although Wharton was not injured, he knew that he was defeated. He really lost. He had tried his best, but the opponent still had leeway. He could dispel his fighting technique at no cost. Wharton knew that the strength of the opponent Better than him.

Wharton's face was tense, "Your Excellency Kirbett, although I lost, that heresy is extremely important to the Holy See. I hope you can give me face and let me take him away. We can pay a considerable price for this." !” He saluted as he spoke.

Wharton already knew that hard things are not enough, only soft ones. In this world, everything has its value, as long as the value paid is enough, there is nothing that cannot be bought.

The Holy See has a lot of money, but it’s not just money. The Holy See can have whatever it wants. Wharton believes that as long as he agrees, the Holy See can offer a price that makes him feel tempted.

Kirbitt smiled faintly, "I'm sorry, I refuse!"

When Wharton heard this, his face turned red and then turned pale. He said coldly, "Your Excellency Kirbett, I have to remind you that there is no good end to being an enemy of the Holy See, and you should do it yourself!"

"let's go!"

Wharton was straightforward. He knew that with Kirbitt here today, he would not be able to take Ron away. Although he brought a whole army, the number was meaningless in front of the strong in the sanctuary.

This world always pays attention to strength, and strength is the most important thing. Although Wharton is also a strong man in the sanctuary and a fire-type sword master, he is still a little immature in front of Corbitt, who has been famous for many years.

The Holy Crusaders withdrew quickly, and more than 10,000 people around the periphery left in a blink of an eye. The Griffin Legion in the sky also quickly evacuated without leaving any traces.

"Huh! He's finally gone!" Those mercenaries felt their hearts relax, as if a big rock had been dropped, and the invisible coercion that had been lingering on them suddenly disappeared without a trace. Fortunately, if two sanctuary powerhouses were to fight to the death here, they would inevitably be affected.

Corbitt also breathed a sigh of relief. He also felt uncomfortable as the victor in the conflict with Wharton. The strength of the Holy See is too strong. This is just an ordinary strong man in the sanctuary. But the strength of the Holy See is obviously more than that.

Strictly speaking, the Holy Crusaders of the Holy See entered the territory of other countries without warning. Strictly speaking, it can be classified as an act of aggression. Leaving aside Corbitt’s status as the guardian of the Kingdom of Barbarin, just because Barbarin is his hometown, Kirbitt Bit isn't going to sit idly by either.

Against the Holy See, Corbitt is still a little worried. He is not worried about himself, but the people in his hometown. If the Holy Roman Empire decides to take revenge, the Barbarin Kingdom is absolutely irresistible. The only possibility is to ask the Roland Empire for help.

"Forget it, since everything has already happened, no matter how much you think about it, it won't help!" Kirbett shook his head. At this moment, he raised his head, and just happened to see Ron, who was standing among the ruins at that moment. In the middle, looking at him with his head probing, Kirbit smiled, "Little brother, come here!"

Ron was taken aback, "You called me?"

The eyes of the surrounding mercenaries showed envy and jealousy. It seemed that the boy in ordinary clothes was valued by the strong man in the sanctuary, Corbitt, and his words were still very important in the entire continent.

"Don't worry, he has no ill intentions towards you!" Just as Ron was hesitating, Homelin spoke. He had seen countless people, and he could tell what kind of person the other party was at a glance, so Ron walked over with confidence.

Corbitt looked Ron up and down, and at this time, he returned to his old urchin look, and said with a smile, "Thank you for the wine, hehe, that red rose wine is really good!"

Now it was Ron's turn to be embarrassed. The other party repelled the strong man in the sanctuary, and it could be said that he saved his life indirectly. How could it be compared with a few glasses of red rose wine, although the wine was very expensive.

"Grandpa, I should thank you! If you hadn't beaten them away, I would have been captured and died at their hands!"

"It's okay, I don't think it's pleasing to help my grandson..." Kirbitt said with a smile.

"By the way, why did they chase you down?" Kirbitt asked after thinking for a while.

Ron sighed, "I'm a necromancer, and I'm also a heretic in their eyes, so..."

"Necromancer?" Kirbitt stared in surprise, shook his head and said, "Impossible, impossible..."

Seeing Ron's puzzled expression, Kirbitt explained, "The profession of Necromancer is indeed a heretic in the eyes of the Holy See. That's right. The problem is that the Holy See can't hunt you across borders for a heretic, and even dispatched Sanctuary powerhouses, if you want to say this, there are too many necromancers in the Roland Empire, and the Holy See has not seen the sanctuary powerhouses hunt them down."

Ron tightened his lips and fell silent.

Kirbit smiled, "Why, what's the secret? If that's the case, I won't ask any more!"

Ron felt that the old man was very kind and had no malice towards him, not to mention he had saved his life just now, so he said, "They say I'm an ancient necromancer..."

"Ancient Necromancer?" Kirbitt's eyes were wide open, and his face showed an expression of disbelief. He looked Ron up and down, nodded and said, "Is this true? Well, the Holy See has dispatched the Sanctuary The matter of the strong can be explained, but..."

Kirbitt thought for a while, then asked hesitantly, "I've heard the legend of the ancient necromancer, but I don't know if it's true!"

He looked at Ron with a fiery look in his eyes, "Ron! You... come with me..."

"Huh? Where are you going?" Ron asked in amazement.

Kirbitt grabbed his hand, "Go to a place where there is no one, I want to see if the ancient undead magic is really as powerful as it is said in the legend!"

Corbitt is a martial idiot and has a strong interest in cultivation. He once saw necromancers in the Roland Empire and scoffed at the legends of ancient necromancers. Now that he has the opportunity to see a real necromancer, he has long been itching He meant no ill will to Ron, just curiosity.

"Go! Let him see the power of undead magic!" In his mind, Homelin encouraged him.

Ron was held by him, and Kirbitt moved, and flew into the air with a "shua-" sound, and the rest of the mercenaries on the ground stared wide-eyed. Due to the distance, they didn't hear the two of them say anything. What, but seeing Ron being favored by the legendary aqua blue sword master Corbitt, there was still a look of envy in his eyes.

The chubby store owner wanted to cry but had no tears. The mercenary station he ran was destroyed by a strong man in the sanctuary, and it was fine to lose money. The most difficult thing was that he didn't know how to explain to the mercenary union.

The mercenary station is a form of cooperation between the merchant and the mercenary union. Backed by the huge influence of the mercenary union, the mercenary station is fully deployed in various places to provide services for mercenaries, and a part of it is handed over every year. Profits, relying on the countless mercenary stations all over the mainland, the mercenary union can make a lot of money from this alone.

"Now! Attack me with your strongest attack!" Kirbitt said with a smile, "Don't worry, Ron, I won't hurt you."

Ron nodded. He took out the bone staff and chanted a spell softly. After a while, a dozen skeleton warriors crawled out from the ground.

Kirbit frowned, "That's it? Summoning some useless skeletons doesn't seem to be very powerful, it's no different from those ordinary necromancers!"

Ron raised his head slowly, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and he said softly, "Go!"

The skeleton brave waved the bone ax in his hand, and rushed towards Corbitt without fear of death.

"Small tricks!" Kirbit waved his hand lightly, and he didn't see how he used his strength. An invisible force came out from his hand and pushed towards the skeleton hero. He only used half of his strength.

"Huh?" Surprise finally appeared in Kirbit's eyes, and he saw that these skeletons easily defeated the force as if nothing had happened, and rushed towards the real master Kirbit crazily.

"Interesting! Interesting!" Kirbitt was as excited as if he had discovered a new world. He increased his strength to 10%, and these skeleton warriors still resisted. Not only that, the sharp ax in the hands of the skeleton warriors was extremely flexible. It is still a bit difficult to deal with it with 10% of the strength.

At this time, the corner of his eyes turned, and he saw on the other side, the second wave of skeleton warriors had been summoned by Ron, ready to go.

"Hehe, the ancient necromancer really lives up to his reputation!" Kirbitt gave a thumbs up with a smile, "With these skeletons, at least senior soldiers will not be your opponents!" Kirbitt told Ron Strength.

"Grandpa, I haven't cultivated enough!" Ron said shyly, and he stopped his hands knowingly, and the skeleton warrior disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"It's pretty good to have such strength at your age! Over time, your strength will definitely be further improved, hehe, I can understand why the Holy See is so nervous." Kirbitt said with a smile, his eyes did not hide his love for Ron. Appreciate, "But I'm very strange, the ancient undead magic has disappeared for more than 100,000 years, why did it appear on you?"

"Uh... this, this can't be said!" Ron thought that he shouldn't tell about Grandpa Homelin.

"Okay, I know you're in trouble, so I won't ask any more!" Kirbett also knew that he had asked the wrong question. When the two met for the first time, there was no secret that they would spill out. He said with a smile, "I'm looking forward to seeing you soon." Strength, I look forward to the day you become a strong man in the sanctuary, I have a hunch that you will definitely be able to reach this level!"

Ron also showed a determined look on his face, "Well, grandpa, I will work hard!"

Kirbit smiled, "If my guess is correct, you should be going to the Roland Empire, right?"

Ron nodded without denying it.

"The Roland Empire is very good, much stronger than the Holy Roman Empire. It is known as the country of magic freedom, and you can practice anything."

Kirbitt said with a smile, "If you have a chance, you can visit my granddaughter at Roland Empire Barovacs Academy. Hehe, I haven't seen her for many years. I miss her! You let her have time to go back The Kingdom of Barbarin pays a visit to me, an old man..."

Ron nodded, "If I pass by Balovacs College, I will pass this on!"

"Okay, Ron, I won't waste your time anymore! Let's say goodbye now..." Kirbitt smiled, his figure slowly floated up, and with a movement of his body, he disappeared into the sky with a "swish-".

"Uh, by the way, what's your granddaughter's name?" Ron shouted, only then did he remember that he hadn't asked Kirbitt's granddaughter's name, and he didn't know how to pass the message.

After a while, Kirbitt's thick voice came from the distant sky, "Her... called... Xia... Ya..."

(End of Volume 1)

Volume II Balovacian Academy