Cataclysmic Transformation

Chapter 891: Rose's pride


The Scourge led by Adele captured multiple strongholds like a bamboo shoot, crossed the huge Red Bone River, and headed directly to Hokan District, not far from the Forgotten City.

At this time, the Forgotten City is in chaos.

The Lich King Ron, who went out to hunt the god-level beasts, disappeared. At the same time, Fismer's undead army was advancing step by step, and the entire Scourge was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

"Report... The rebels have crossed the Bone River and come to the graveyard..."

"Report... the rebels are moving fast, they've reached the Boneyard..."

"Report… "

Battle reports from the frontline are flying like snowflakes. Even in the distant Forgotten City, you can smell the breath of war. Countless heavily armed undead patrol the streets. Those high-level weapons and equipment that are usually unattainable, It was distributed directly on the street, and some necromancers in black robes and white armor took to the streets and delivered emotional speeches, calling on all the undead to take up arms and join the army to resist the coming rebels.

Since the war started, the "Scourge Legion" on both sides have declared each other as rebels and questioned the legitimacy of the other party's heir.

"Hehe, interesting... interesting..."

In a room in a certain city on the main plane of power, Long in heavy armor held a battle report in his hand and read it softly, with a look of joy flashing in his eyes.

"You bastard, Fismer, can't help but do it now. If it weren't for us orcs, your army of undead would have come here long ago..."

The corners of Long's mouth turned up slightly, he squeezed the battle report in his hand violently, and threw it on the ground.

"Ron, don't let me down!"

In the Hall of the Dead in the Forgotten City, there was silence, and the atmosphere was terribly dull.

"Shaar, is the Lich King really okay?"

Kronya raised her head and looked at Shaar, the anxious expression in her beautiful eyes was fully revealed.

Shaar hesitated for a moment, then nodded silently, "I can't sense his presence, but... I know he should be fine..."

Through the connection of souls, Shaar knew Ron's safety, but she didn't know Ron's specific location or situation.

Rose, the Spider Queen, sat quietly on the huge wooden sofa, without saying a word, with a coy and uneasy expression on her face.

"It's been more than twenty days... What kind of god-level beast is it? Can't even Ron defeat it?" Shaar clenched his fists tightly, looking out the window with his dark eyes. Discoloration.

"War is coming..."

Fismarck's 6 million army is like a cloud hanging over everyone's heads, while the Scourge on Ron's side has only 4 million soldiers at full strength, including the old, weak, sick and disabled who are not strong enough. In contrast, Ron's "Scourge Legion" is obviously at a disadvantage. The development time of the Forgotten City is too short. Under the current situation, Ron, Lord Lich King, who is the supreme spiritual leader, has disappeared, and things are already bad enough.

Kronia stood up irritably and paced in the hall. In order to eliminate the two god-level beasts in the territory, two hunting teams set off at the same time. Rose and the others had already returned. Why did Ron...

Kronia glanced at Rose, her heart sank, as if she understood something, "Master Rose, do you know what is the god-level beast that Ron is going to hunt?"

"Uh… "

Rose's face flushed, and she felt a little embarrassed, "Yes... I know, it's a... undead dragon in the Weeping Valley!"

"What? Undead dragon?"

When everyone in the hall heard this, their faces turned pale with a "shua-". Everyone knew that the undead dragon was the most difficult god-level beast. I don't know how many times the beast has become tyrannical.

What Rose had to deal with was a tree demon. It looked like a tree on the surface, but in fact it was a god-level beast. It liked to disguise itself as a tree and attack passing undead or beasts. It was very powerful.

But this god-level beast tree demon is nothing compared to the undead dragon. As long as it is a normal-minded undead, it will not be willing to deal with the undead dragon, which has endless attack methods and strange soul attacks.

"What? You already knew? Then why didn't you say it? And just watched Ron go to die?"

Shaar was so angry that she punched the table with a "bang—" and the hard stone table was instantly torn apart. She stared fiercely at Rose, the Spider Queen, her eyes seemed to burst into flames.

"I... I don't really have a choice..."

Rose sighed, her face full of sadness, "With my strength, I can't deal with the undead dragon at all, and I can deal with that tree demon... But... Actually... Actually, I should tell him... I'm sorry..."

For that boring self-esteem, Rose chose to hide it very shamelessly, but this move put Ron in a dangerous situation. Originally, she estimated that Ron, who had obtained the inheritance of the Lich King, would be able to easily deal with the undead dragon and return in triumph. , but now it seems that this god-level beast is still underestimated.

At this moment, Rose felt a lot of regret in her heart.

"You... you bastard... I... I fought with you..."

Shaar was so angry that she lost her mind. At this moment, she seemed to forget that the other party was a powerful god, and suddenly drew out her long sword, slashing at Rose frantically.

The strange thing is that the spider queen who possesses great strength does not dodge or evade, standing there like a fool, motionless.

"Ding -" a sound.

The long sword attacked, but Kronia blocked it.

"Shaar, calm down!" Kronia said anxiously, "We can basically confirm that Ron's life is not in danger, but there may be some delays, and besides... even if Ron unfortunately died in battle, we can't Resurrect him with a dark altar?"

After listening to Kronya's words, Shaar calmed down a little. She gave the Spider Queen Rose a hard look, and put away the sword without saying a word.

"That's right!" Kronia breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on her face, "Now that the war is in progress, we should not fight among ourselves. Only by uniting can we defeat them..."

At this time, Rose who was standing behind Kronia suddenly stood up and walked out without saying a word.

Cronia and Shaar were taken aback for a moment, and looked at each other.

Kronia couldn't help asking, "Miss Rose, where are you going?"

"War is coming!"

Rose stood still and looked at the distant sky quietly. She turned her head and smiled at the two of them.

"It is undeniable that... I did do a stupid thing... that Lord Ron... may have fallen into some kind of danger..."

"Then... this responsibility, let me take it all on my own!"

"Let me fight the battle of Heng Ross!"

The calm voice echoed in the hall of the dead, revealing a trace of determination.

And Rose, at this time, has disappeared...