Cataclysmic Transformation

Chapter 893: The Battle of Constant Ross (2)


"Kill... kill... kill..."

Nearly a million troops charged, shaking the entire earth. Around this war between the "Scourge Legion" and the "Scourge Legion", the Battle of Constant Ross officially started. Millions of undead launched an earth-shattering massacre.

A white cloud blocked the morning sun, and even the sun was hidden, as if afraid to watch the tragic civil war between undead and undead.

"kill… "

Rose's undead army had already prepared for battle. They were waiting for work, and under the command of the coach, they also launched a charge towards the opponent.

Countless banners waved, and both sides played the bloody skull battle flag of the Scourge Legion 100,000 years ago, but the bloody skull battle flag of Adele's side was a little different, wearing a golden crown on the terrifying and hideous skull head , compared to the blood-colored skeleton battle flag of 100,000 years ago, it has a touch of nobility.

The Hengros Basin is surrounded by mountains on all sides, low in the middle, and high on all sides like a bowl. This terrain prevents Adele's army of millions of undead from launching a full-scale attack, making up for the lack of numbers on Ron's side. One of the main reasons why Ronia chose the Hengros Basin as the main battlefield for both sides.

This is a head-to-head war, and there is no room for maneuver between the two sides.

The iron hooves of the death horses trampled the ground, led by Rose's undead army and death knights, followed by crypt spiders, skeleton army and ghouls, followed by zombies and abominations, a few meat grinders and ten win stone statues In the rear of the battle formation, it provides the guarantee of long-range attack and treatment for the army.

Adele knew in her heart that the mighty Frost Dragon could not take advantage of the massive crypt spiders on the other side. In this case, she could only launch a ground war. Under the advantage, the opponent will definitely collapse at the first touch.

However, Adele was wrong!


The soldiers and horses from both sides slammed into each other fiercely, and there was an earth-shattering noise. Under the powerful impact, the soldiers on both sides turned over, and some were even knocked into the air.

Before he had time to take a breath, the other party had already rushed towards her fiercely with a weapon, and Adele, who was charging ahead, quickly fell into a tight siege.

Murderous intent flashed in Adele's hands, and she saw the long sword in her hand raised high, her body glowing with green light, a powerful death power erupted, and with a single strike, the terrifying knight rushing forward was chopped into two pieces with one sword, The sword was still young, and it slammed into a death knight holding a two-handed epee. The death knight known for its strong defense was blown away.

The death knight with strong defensive power and strong recovery ability is not afraid of the opponent's overwhelming swords. Adele quickly broke into the opponent's position alone.

Adele seldom fights in person, but it doesn't mean that her strength is weak. On the contrary, even when she was a strong man in God's Domain, her strength was on par with Xia Ya. After getting Tito's death godhead, she was even more It's like a tiger with wings added. While fighting, she feels the continuous power of the death godhead in the depths of her soul.

"What a powerful force!"

Adele's heart was trembling. At this moment, she seemed to be standing on the pinnacle of the world. Looking around, all the creatures around her were ants. She could even see their movements and their strength clearly.

This is the gods, the gods who are high above, overlooking the humble creatures from a height that is difficult for all living beings to reach.

In the crowd, a pair of wonderful eyes stared at Adele, closely watching her every move.

"I thought who it was, it turned out to be the godhead of the old guy Tito!" Rose observed everything secretly, with an imperceptible smile on the corner of her mouth, at this moment, she felt the wind blowing in the back of her head.

A huge loathsome warrior came behind Rose at some point. It was like an ugly body made of corpses, with disgusting thick water flowing continuously. It let out a low growl and raised its hands high. The huge long knife slammed down behind Rose...

"Shua—" a sound.

Rose's speed was faster than it, and the eight spider legs behind her suddenly stretched out, piercing the heart of the abominable warrior like a sharp sword.

"Uh uh uh… "

An indistinct sound was found in the mouth of the stabbed hate warrior, and the ugly mouth opened on its stomach, spitting out blood continuously. It stepped back a few steps, panic and fear mixed on its face, following Rose's spider The legs were slowly retracted, and its huge body crashed down.

A cold smile flashed across the corner of Rose's mouth, and then, her body began to change, her body suddenly became several times larger, her slender hands began to twist and deform, and after a while, a huge one, covered in iron armor, held high Holding two big pincers, a huge bug-like monster appeared on the battlefield, and a strange and cold atmosphere enveloped the audience.


"Strange... monster..."

"Run away..."

The undead who had never seen Rose's real body were taken aback and fled in all directions.

"Jie Jie... want to run? It's not that easy..."

Rose's eyes flashed, and the huge pincers like a sickle slammed into the ground.

"Carrion beetle!"

A crack appeared on the ground, and then countless black bugs erupted like a fountain. Each of these bugs was the size of a puppy, covered with a hard carapace, and supported on the ground with six claws like cockroaches. There are two spike-like protrusions on the front collar, which are daunting.

These "carrion beetles" are not powerful in terms of individual strength, but they are extremely numerous, and they are not afraid of death. They flap their white and transparent wings on their backs, and bite the undead dozens of times stronger than themselves.

The hard front jaw directly crushed the bones, making a "click... click..." sound, and there were bursts of screams from the front.

"Oh my god... what is this?"

"Don't bite me..."

"It hurts… "

"Legs... my legs..."

At this time, Rose launched a charge. She jumped up suddenly, her front pincers raised high, and with a powerful death power, she slashed straight down like a knife.

"Crack..." sounded.

The sharp front pincers pierced the death knight's thick armor, directly cutting the guy's body in half from shoulders to abdomen.

"Kill... kill..."

Rose rushed into the battle formation at once, and soon she was surrounded by a large number of undead and the undead creatures they summoned, but Rose was fearless, she waved the terrifying double stings, and rushed back and forth in the battlefield.


At this moment, behind Rose, a mass of black mist suddenly appeared, turning into an undead appearance. At the same time, a sharp dagger stabbed fiercely at Rose's back.

A grin appeared on the face of the undead assassin. He seemed to see the scene of a sharp dagger piercing the opponent's chest from the back of the heart, and blood spattered everywhere.

It's a pity that the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. There was a "dang-" sound, and the dagger in the hand of the undead assassin just touched the hard carapace on Rose's back, but it rebounded suddenly.

"how so?"

The undead assassin's eyeballs almost popped out, and what happened in front of him was far beyond his comprehension.

Without waiting for that guy to react, Rose turned her head abruptly, as if she had eyes behind her back, and blasted away the undead assassin who was sneaking up on her...

Strong, really too strong. At this moment, Rose is like an invincible tank. All obstacles in front of her have been cleared one by one. The powerful death power, the carapace harder than steel, and the densely packed The "carrion beetle" is invincible on the battlefield, and it looks like the most efficient killing machine.

"Spider Queen, Rose!"

Adele gasped. She knew that Rose was very strong, but she didn't expect her to be so strong. "It seems that it will be impossible if you don't make a move!"

Adele thought in her heart that she seldom went to battle in person, not because she was weak, but as the commander of the entire battle, she should grasp the situation of the entire battlefield and control the strength of the troops, instead of fighting like soldiers like crazy, but now Luo The appearance of Si overturned her long-standing thinking, except her, no one could stop this god-level steel monster.


In front of Adele, the head of an undead warrior soared into the sky, and the splashed blood sprayed into the air, and the terrifying figure of Spider Queen Rose appeared in the fallen body.

Between lightning and flint, both of them discovered the existence of the other, and in the interlaced eyes, there was a raging fighting spirit.

At this time, a "carrion beetle" suddenly jumped up, flapped its small wings, and rushed towards Adele with its teeth and claws.

"Bang -" a sound.

The body of the "Carrion Beetle" exploded violently, leaving turquoise blood all over the place. Adele raised the battle shield in her hand and stood there as if nothing had happened.

"Is this... the death knight... that old Tito's weapon?"

Rose's pupils shrank, and she recognized Tito's long sword and shield. Among other things, these two things are rare artifacts.

"Not bad! He is my most respected mentor..."

Adele didn't deny it, she nodded lightly and said.

Rose was stunned for a moment. In her mind was the scene of the two fighting side by side under the Lich King Herimus a hundred thousand years ago. Unfortunately, those days are gone forever.

"He passed on his godhead to you, right?"

Rose fixed her eyes on Adele, as if she wanted to find out the answer from her. Without the godhead, Tito could not live for long.

Adele smiled slightly, and said lightly, "Your Excellency Rose, don't you think that such a question is a bit redundant when you are on the battlefield?"

"Hehe, that's true!"

Rose's eyes flashed brightly, her huge body took half a step back, her weapon-like stings came together, her body leaned forward slightly - that was the prelude to attack.

"Then let me see, you have inherited a few percent of that old guy's power!"

Adele's heart trembled, she immediately put the long sword across her chest, and the shield hung on the left side.

On the chaotic battlefield, the sound of killing and screaming can be heard endlessly. From time to time, the huge roar of the frost dragon or the abyss bone dragon can be heard in the sky.

And in the center of the Hengros Basin, a duel between gods and gods is about to begin...