Cataclysmic Transformation

Chapter 894: The Battle of Constant Ross (3)


The banners were rolled up, and the sound of killing shook the sky. At this moment, the Hengluo Basin has become a terrifying slaughterhouse of blood.

A necromancer kept chanting obscure incantations. After a while, ugly and disgusting undead creatures stood up unsteadily. The necromancer swung his staff violently. Those undead creatures were like hounds seeing blood. Pounced forward, at this moment, a strange black shadow approached quietly...


I saw a flash of light, a big head shot up into the sky, and the jet of blood splashed more than three meters high...

At the moment of the attack, the undead assassin appeared. He looked at the fallen corpse contemptuously, with a grin on the corner of his mouth. At this moment, he suddenly felt a pain in his chest. He looked down, and a sharp knife The long sword pierced through his back and pierced his chest at once. The Undead Assassin's eyes showed a strong and unbelievable expression. His body swayed and finally fell powerlessly...

On the battlefield, countless scenes like this were constantly staged. On the Hengluo Basin, the two sides invested nearly a million troops. Every inch of land and every trench was repeatedly fought over. The blood stained the land and accumulated one after another. Small puddles.

Although the army of undead led by Rose was much smaller than Adele and the others, with only over a million people, they fought extremely tenaciously. They were like a great steel wall made of blood, and they forced Adele's More than 6 million troops were standing outside, unable to move forward.

On the ground, the fierce fighting continued, and the fighting in the air was particularly fierce. The two sides invested hundreds of thousands of frost dragons, tens of thousands of abyss bone dragons, and hundreds of thousands of elite gargoyles, forming a dense mass in the sky. cloudy.

"Boom... Boom... Boom..."

On the other side of the battlefield, the death knight Adele and the spider queen Rose fought back and forth. , lighting up the entire sky.

"when… "

Adele slashed fiercely on Rose's back with a sword, and the rebound force from the hard carapace shocked her with pain, but the death horse under her crotch couldn't stand the powerful force and was shocked. Had to take a few steps back.

"What a powerful defense!"

The more Adele fought, the more frightened she became. Unexpectedly, she inherited Tito's godhead, and she was still a step behind in terms of strength. She didn't know that a hundred thousand years ago, the Spider Queen's reputation far surpassed that of the Queen's. Tito.

Although the hard carapace on Rose's body blocked Adele's long sword, Adele's powerful strength still made her heartbroken. With a low growl, she slashed at Adele with her backhand.

The distance was too close, and Adele couldn't dodge it, so she had to roll on the spot, dodging Rose's heavy blow that contained the divine power of death.


Rose's hands that turned into double stings hit the ground hard, making a loud noise.

Adele only felt a shock on the ground, a light blue light diffused, and with Rose as the center, cracks like spider webs scattered in all directions, and the undead soldiers around stood motionless as if they had been struck by lightning, slowly. Slowly, the corners of their mouths were bleeding miserably, but they were shocked to death.

Despite being a bit embarrassed, Adele was lucky enough to escape Rose's heavy blow, but her mount "Death Charger" was not so lucky, and the "Carrion Beetle" summoned by Rose would not let this opportunity go. , swarmed on them, and in a blink of an eye, there were not even bones left.

"What a terrifying power!"

Adele was horrified. She had made sufficient mental preparations for this battle, but she still underestimated Rose's strength.

"Hehe, although you have inherited Tito's power and have been promoted to a god, there is still a difference in strength between gods and gods!"

Rose sneered coldly, her feet kept moving, her six articulated giant feet moved quickly, and rushed towards Adele, the speed was no less than that of a galloping war horse.

"Go to hell!"

At this time, Rose had already rushed in front of Adele, lifted up the huge double stinger, and smashed it hard.

"bring it on!"

Not to be outdone, Adele, who had lost her war horse, raised her shield to block it, and fought Rose again.

"Boom... Boom... Boom..."

This is a duel between gods and gods. Since both sides use the power of death, every collision will cause the air to tremble. In terms of body size, Rose who turned into a crypt lord is nearly twice as big as Adele who is a death knight. , but covered by a hard carapace, her body is heavy and indestructible. Also known for her defensive power is the death knight Adele. She has high martial arts skills and has an "evil halo" more than Rose. can recover instantly.

However, in terms of overall strength, Rose still had the upper hand, pressing on Adele every step of the way, causing her to retreat steadily.

The war has become increasingly fierce. As more and more undead army flooded into the battlefield, the undead on Rose's side gradually lost.


Rose also saw this scene, and her heart sank. In a grand battle, the outcome of a duel between heroes has a great impact on morale, but it doesn't play a decisive role. Even Rose Her strength is stronger than Adele's. If her own army is wiped out by the opponent, she alone will not be able to save the defeat.

Although Rose was beaten into an extremely embarrassing situation, Adele knew that as long as she was undefeated, the battle would be won. After destroying the undead army in the Hengros Basin, the Forgotten City was like a stripped-down city. Appeared in front of the "Scourge Legion" like a young woman.

"Huh... huh... huh... hehe, surrender, with your strength... how can you compete with His Majesty the Emperor?"

Adele said to Rose while panting heavily, but at this moment, there was a rare smile on her face.

"You mean Fismer?" Rose narrowed her eyes, "I'm sorry, I have no interest in this guy. Our crypt spiders will only serve the Lich King!"

"His Majesty the God Emperor is the true successor of Lord Lich King!" Adele said firmly.

"Unfortunately, I never admit this... Even if it has been a hundred thousand years..." Rose smiled and said seriously, "However, the real successor of the Lich King has appeared, and he is in the Forgotten City, and You guys are nothing but rebels under the banner of the Scourge!"

"Hahaha, you mean that human named Ron?" Adele laughed out loud when she heard that. "When do we undead need to be loyal to a lowly human?"

"His Majesty the God Emperor... Only His Majesty the God Emperor can revitalize the undead clan! He is the hope of all the undead!" Adele said, her eyes showed a hint of fanaticism.

"Leave this nonsense to His Majesty the God Emperor!" Rose said disapprovingly, she was too lazy to argue with Adele now.

Adele pointed to the surroundings and sneered, "Do you think you still have a chance?"

Relying on the superiority in numbers, Adele's army began to divide and encircle Rose's army, and the balance of the war gradually tilted towards Adele's side.

"Even so, I will kill you first!" Rose's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and she rushed towards Adele.

"Very good, come on!"

Adele shouted loudly, but secretly groaned in her heart. Facing Rose, who was stronger than her, she had no choice but to bite the bullet and go forward...