Cataclysmic Transformation

Chapter 897: Xingshi asked the crime


A peaceful night.

The contiguous tents are almost all over the Hengros Plain. Ever since Adele won the Battle of Hengros, the Hengros Plain has been ruled by the Scourge.

In the camp, clusters of bonfires were raised, and the undead soldiers gathered together in twos and threes, eating dinner, and talking about today's fierce battle. From time to time, one or two painful groans could be heard from the tightly closed tent.

"Master Adele!"

"Lord Commander-in-Chief!"

Adele walked through the camp, and the undead soldiers of the "Scourge Legion" stood up and saluted one after another. Their expressions were full of respect. Adele nodded lightly. It is her habit to inspect the defense of the camp at night. If she is attacked by the enemy at night, it will be over. .

"What's going on over there?"

Adele asked indifferently, now she has a certain majesty in her gestures.

"Report your lord, there is no movement in the Forgotten City!"

An undead assassin saluted and replied, "However, I was discovered by the other party just as I approached the city wall, and I managed to escape back!"

Adele looked the undead assassin up and down, and nodded when she saw the scars on his body that had just recovered, "Go down!"

"Yes, Lord Adele!"

The undead assassin saluted and turned to leave. Adele looked in the direction of the Forgotten City with a thoughtful look on her face.

"Shouldn't it? Why hasn't that Ron appeared yet?"

Thinking of Ron claiming to be the "Lich King", Adele felt a little jealous, but then she gritted her teeth and made up her mind that no matter whether he was the Lich King or not, she must kill that guy.

At this time, an undead woman walked up to Adele and said with a blank expression, "Master Commander, Miss Scarlett, please go over!"


The person who came was Scarlett's maid, but Adele didn't like Scarlett very much, she shook her head and said, "Go back and tell Lord Overseer that I'm patrolling the camp and I'm not free!"

Seeing Adele's refusal, the maid's expression remained unchanged, "Miss Scarlett said, it's not her intention to ask you to go over, but..."

"His Majesty the Emperor wants to see me?"

Adele was taken aback when she heard the maid's words, she pondered for a while, "Lead the way!"

The maid brought Adele into a huge luxury tent, raised the curtain, and made a gesture of invitation, and Adele walked in with her head held high.

This is Scarlett's temporary tent. The furnishings in the tent are a bit simple. There is a bed and a table. Scarlett was sitting on the ground. When she saw Adele walk in, she stood up and looked at her with a half-smile .

"Your Majesty is here, explain to him yourself!"

His Majesty is here

Adele frowned, she couldn't understand Scarlett's meaning, His Majesty the God Emperor was far away in the Icecrown Castle, how could he come to the battlefield where the two sides were fighting

But Scarlett didn't explain to her, but turned and went out.


At this moment, a cloud of black mist suddenly rose from the table, and Adele saw that there was a simple magic circle carved on the table.

The black mist grew more and more, and gradually turned into a person.

"His Majesty the Emperor!"

When Adele saw it, she immediately knelt down and saluted.

What came was not the God Emperor of Calamity, but the clone of the God Emperor.

"Get up!"

God Emperor Fesmarck appeared in front of Adele in a light blue robe and appeared as a phantom. He looked Adele up and down and said calmly.

"Why stop attacking, Adele, I think you have to give me an explanation!"

As soon as Adele understood it, it turned out that Scarlett had already reported the whole thing to His Majesty the God Emperor, and she could imagine how Scarlett told His Majesty the whole thing in front of His Majesty the God Emperor, and she could hear His Majesty questioning her There was a trace of dissatisfaction in his tone.

"That's right, Your Majesty the God Emperor!"

Adele stood up and explained the ins and outs of the matter to the Calamity God Emperor. The reason why she stopped attacking was that she could not figure out the details of the opponent, the second was that the army needed to rest after repeated fierce battles, and the third was that she and the Spider Queen Rose fought hard, and although she was lucky enough to defeat her opponent, she suffered a lot, so she stopped her pursuit after winning the Battle of Constant Rose.

Adele is good at summarizing, and even the God Emperor can't find any faults after a few points.

The Emperor of Calamity was originally a very suspicious person, even if Adele explained it clearly, he couldn't let it go, Ron's appearance made him confused.

For the past 100,000 years, Fismer has always regarded himself as the heir of Heremus. Although he lacks the Scepter of Calamity as a token, no one is more qualified to inherit it than Saruman, Tito, and Rose. This seat, except for this Ron who came out of nowhere, holding a scepter of natural disasters and challenging his position, this is absolutely intolerable to Fismer.

In Fismer's view, this new Ron is more dangerous than Saruman who has been at war for 100,000 years. He desperately conquered the Forgotten City, but unexpectedly this great mission was rejected by Tito The reason was that he would never do anything to the Lich King, which made Emperor Fismer even more annoyed.

Although Herremes has been dead for 100,000 years, he still has a high prestige among the undead.

Fismer pondered for a while, "No matter what, the army must move faster. I didn't give you so many troops to see the scenery in Hokan District!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Adele had no choice but to bite the bullet and replied. As the supreme commander of the Scourge, she was somewhat dissatisfied with His Majesty's intervention.

"Yeah!" Fismeck nodded lightly, and he glanced at Adele, "By the way, when you were fighting today, did you see that human named Ron, how strong is he? Scourge Scepter?"

Adele was startled, hesitated for a moment, and shook her head, "Sorry, Your Majesty, I haven't seen that human being, and I don't even know the Scepter of Calamity!"

"The Scepter of Calamity is a unique artifact. It has four large skulls, and a string of small skulls hangs under each skull. When fighting, these skulls will turn and make strange sounds..." Fismer carefully described the appearance of the Scourge Scepter to Adele. At this moment, there was a look of fanaticism in his eyes, "Adele, if you see it, you must bring it back to me!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Fismer nodded in satisfaction, "Adele, the commander of this war should have been Tito, but he recommended you to me, so I hope you can fight this battle well, and when you break through the Forgotten City and triumph And when I return, I—will...give you the highest honor on the throne of Icecrown Castle!"

With excitement in her heart, Adele immediately knelt down on one knee, "Yes, Adele will definitely live up to His Majesty's expectations!"

Fismer encouraged Adele a few more words before disappearing into a cloud of black mist...

In the Forgotten City, the lights were brightly lit all night. Groups of undead soldiers walked on the street. A curfew was enforced on the street. All the undead's nerves were tense, ready for a sudden war at any time.

In the Hall of the Dead, Rose, Shaar, Kronia and others were silent. The army of millions of undead in the Hengros Basin was stationed there, like a big stone, weighing heavily on everyone's hearts.

"No news from Ron yet?"

Rose opened her eyes and asked, she waved her hand to let the undead witch doctor who was healing her beside her back down.


Kronia said, "If he comes back... he will definitely not stand idly by in today's situation!"

"It was my fault!"

Rose's face was full of apology, "If I told him the name of that god-level beast, maybe he wouldn't..."

"never mind!"

Seeing Rose working so hard today, Xia Ya's only prejudice against Rose disappeared, she sighed, "There are many things that are unpredictable, and you don't have to worry about them!"

Although the main plane of the undead is very large, there are as many strange beasts as a cow's hair. In order to expand the living space, it is very necessary to eliminate those powerful strange beasts. Ron and the undead dragon will also have a battle sooner or later.


Rose glanced at Xia, with a look of gratitude in her eyes. Although her hands had grown back, her expression was a little sluggish, and her strength had not yet recovered.

Kronia looked at the two of them and breathed a sigh of relief, "The thing before us now is, what should we do next?"

"What else can I do? Tomorrow, I'll go for another fight, and let those guys have a taste of how powerful I am, Rose!"

Rose snorted coldly, traces of murderous intent surfaced on her face, she was not unable to beat Adele, it was just a little careless, today's defeat made her extremely unwilling.


Rose's proposal was rejected by Shaar.

"Although the enemy's strength is about the same as ours, their military strength is more than double that of ours. It's really a disadvantage to charge us head-on!" Shaar shook his head, "My suggestion is to rely on the favorable terrain of the Forgotten City to defend !"


Kronia pondered for a moment, thinking that this was also a solution. Forgotten City had built so many ghost towers and spider web monster towers. If the opponent dared to come, it would be enough to make them drink a pot, no matter whether it was in the sky or underground.

"This is also a good way!" Kronya said.

"The defense is good, but it's too passive!" Rose frowned, "Don't forget, the Forgotten City is our main city, even if it can withstand the enemy's attack, the buildings in the city, as well as the buildings in the city Residents will inevitably suffer losses."

"Of course I know that!" Kronia sighed, "But now, there is really no other way, the enemy is too powerful, 6 million troops, even if they fill them with people, they will probably be able to fill them up. it's..."

"Based on the character of Fismer, it's not surprising to do this!" Rose stroked her chin with a thoughtful expression on her face, "It seems that the appearance of Ron and the Scourge Scepter made him unable to sit still. !"

"Now I can only stick to the Forgotten City, and then wait for Ron to come back!" Xia Ya sighed, she hesitated, moved her mouth, and finally said, "If there is really no other way, then I have to give up the Forgotten City !"

"Abandon the Forgotten City?"

Everyone's heart sank when they heard that, they all knew what it meant to abandon the Forgotten City, and their faces were covered with a layer of worry.