Cataclysmic Transformation

Chapter 898: Emily's memories


The sky is full of stars, night covers the earth, the temperature drops to freezing point, and the grass is covered with a layer of hoarfrost.

"Master Emily, shall we continue watching?"

On a small hillside, facing the biting cold wind, John walked up to Emily and asked softly.


Emily opened her eyes. At this moment, she was sitting on a rock on the hillside. Looking down from here, she could see the camp below Adele's army.

John frowned. For the two great figures of the Holy Light Angel Legion, it was not a wise move to drop what they were doing to watch the duel between the two teams of undead.

"Lord Emily, you seem to be very interested in that guy from Ron?" John asked after thinking about it.

Emily sighed slightly and nodded, "Yes, to be precise, I'm a little worried!"

"Worried?" John's eyes flashed with astonishment. He didn't expect that the word "worried" came from the mouth of Holy Light Angel Emily.

John once lost to Ron, but he always thought that the opponent was just a fluke. He wanted to lead the angel army back to the Forgotten City countless times to wash away the shame of this battle, but was stopped by Emily.

"What are you afraid of?"

"Worried about this human being, becoming a new generation of Lich King, I heard you said that when he fought you, he used the Scourge Scepter!"

"It's just an artifact!" John waved his hand, "Maybe his strength has been improved to a certain extent through the artifact, but it's nothing special."

"No, the Scourge Scepter is not just an artifact..." Emily shook her head and said, "The Scourge Scepter is a symbol of the Scourge Legion. Although Fismer inherited the Scourge Legion, it has never been recognized by the undead. , that's why!"

"So they split into the Scourge Legion and the Plague Legion..." John nodded, "I know this, but what does it matter? Even if the undead are unified, they are just undead. The demon legion is not afraid, so how can they be afraid of these undead?"

"You don't understand at all that the unified undead, under the leadership of the Lich King, will erupt with extremely powerful power..." Emily said here, with a look of fear in her eyes.

John was silent. He did not participate in that war, and no one dared to mention it. In the main plane of order, the war was kept secret.

"What happened in the war a hundred thousand years ago?" John took a deep breath and asked.

"A hundred thousand years ago..." Emily sighed, looking at the distant night sky, her thoughts were lost in memories.

"The situation a hundred thousand years ago was different from what it is now. At that time, on the main plane, the Scourge Legion on the main plane of undead was the most powerful, and the Legion of Holy Angels on the main plane of Order. Our Holy Light Angels Legion, just Just a small legion of angels in the shadow of the Holy Angel Legion, oh yes, there was no Justice League or Evil League at that time... "

"The beginning of that war of planes was also an accident. At that time, the major legions were keen to develop their own power in the sub-plane. On the sub-plane called Omros, the Holy Angel Corps and the Scourge There's a clash of legions!"

"Omroth?" John asked in surprise.

"Yes, Omroth!" Emily nodded, "If Michael hadn't mentioned it to me, I would have almost forgotten the name. The cause of the incident seems to be that Michael sent an angel to the next plane to kill Hercules. A spokesperson installed by Remus, and then unite with those indigenous forces to wipe out the forces called the Scourge Church there!"

"Oh?" There was a hint of surprise in John's eyes, "Then Herremes shouldn't let it go, right?"

"Of course, if he can swallow this breath, he won't be Hermes!" Emily laughed, "He led the Scourge army back quickly, just in time to meet Michael's angel army, A big battle broke out between the two sides in that place called Omros!"

John was fascinated when he heard it, "What's the result? Which side won?"

"No one wins!" Emily shook her head, "It just destroyed the subplane continent called Omrose..."

"The war between the Holy Angel Legion and the Scourge Legion spread from the secondary plane to the main plane. The main plane established the Justice League headed by the Holy Angel Legion and the Evil Alliance headed by the Scourge Legion. The Alliance Army and the Alliance Army broke out. One after another, all major forces are forced to get involved in the shocking battles..."

Speaking of this, Emily looked down and smiled. Compared with the earth-shattering war of planes a hundred thousand years ago, the confrontation between the undead and the undead is nothing more than a small fight.

"Forced to get involved? Then our Holy Light Angels Legion will also..." John froze for a moment, then smiled and said, "Can't we choose to be neutral?"

"No!" Emily shook her head without a trace of hesitation, "At that time, there was no neutrality in the main plane. If you didn't join any of them, you would have to wait for death. Our Holy Light Angel Corps can only join On the side of the Justice League, let alone the Scourge, Michael will not let us go... The reason is very simple, no force will give others a chance to stab us in the back... "

John gasped when he heard that, smiled and said, "Fortunately, we joined the Justice League and defeated them..."

"It's that simple!"

Emily sighed, "Actually, what you said is wrong. The Justice League has been suppressed and beaten by the Evil Alliance since its inception. After all, the Scourge is too powerful, and the undead are all over the mountains and plains. It's chilling to think about..."

"No one can resist the crazy undead. The elves on the main plane of life have been defeated, the elemental family on the main plane of elements have been defeated, the Ironforge of the dwarves was almost flattened by the natural disaster army, and the king of the hill led the remnants The defeated generals fled everywhere, and the giant family was directly wiped out... "

"The Legion of the Holy Angels retreated steadily. Our Legion of the Angels of Light was defeated. The two angelic legions of Glory and Hymn were besieged and annihilated in the Holy Garden of Eden. In front of them, the siege of Yunzhong City started the final battle... "

The thrilling battle was narrated in Emily's mouth. Even though he knew the final result of the war, John was still terrified.

John's mouth was full of bitterness, "The last is it..."

"I don't know either!" To John's surprise, Emily shook her head and gave an answer that left him at a loss.

"Everything happened so suddenly. I suddenly heard the news that the Lich King Hermes died in battle. Then, the billions of undead of the Scourge were in chaos. We took the opportunity to counterattack and defeated the Scourge. There was no Scourge. The evil alliance is like a shelf that has lost its support, and it will fall with a slight push... "

John nodded, and he also knew what happened later. Races such as elves, elementals, and dwarves returned to their homes one after another, while the Scourge fell into division. Saruman left Icecrown Castle with his undead army. Became an independent plague army, and the orcs took advantage of the chaos to seize the Hokkan District of the main plane of the undead.

"No matter what, we always win in the end!" John said with lingering fear.

Emily shook her head, "There is no winner in this war!"

In fact, what Emily didn't say was that after the decline of the Holy Angel Legion, their Holy Light Angel Legion had grown stronger. It can be said that they were the winners in the war a hundred thousand years ago.

Emily continued, "But what I can't figure out is that Hermes' sudden death was impossible at the time. It's a pity that my level was too low to have access to this secret!"

John slapped his head, "That's right, even if the Lich King dies in battle, he can still be resurrected using the Dark Altar, why?"

Emily's eyes sparkled, "This is not the strangest thing, the strangest thing is that I haven't seen Michael since the end of this battle!"

John was taken aback, "No, didn't we see him last month?"

"That's just his projection. When did you see his real body?" Emily said lightly.

"What, this..." John's pupils shrank, and they opened wide...

"Report, come in!" Adele said.

The undead soldier said a few words beside Adele.

"What?" Adele's face changed, and she was overjoyed.

"Pass down the order and attack immediately!"