Cataclysmic Transformation

Chapter 9: To kill with a knife


Naka Manor.

A fast horse quickly knocked open the gate of the manor, awakening the servants in the manor.

"Huh? Isn't that the butler?"

"He seems to be hurt..."

The servant quickly opened the door and helped the butler, who was almost dying, into the door.

"Where is the master? I want to see the master..." The butler looked quite miserable. There was a large bloodstain on his left shoulder blade, and the blood couldn't stop flowing down, and he didn't seem to have much energy.

Needless to say, the movement in the manor had already alarmed Geralt, and he got up immediately.

In the front hall of the Naka Manor, Geralt was taken aback when he saw the wilting butler, and asked, "What's wrong with you? You're injured like this? Are you alone? Are there others?"

In Geralt's view, sending three people to assassinate a child should be a sure thing, so he didn't worry too much, and went to sleep directly after confessing, who knows that the mission failed, and he felt very happy Incredible.

"Dead, they are all dead..." the head steward lowered his head in pain, the other two are his sworn brothers, the man in black is the eldest, the brown-haired man is the third, he is the second, but in the end only he lived down.

"How?" Geralt was shocked, and he asked in a deep voice, "Who did it? Did you get into trouble on the way?"

In his opinion, the factor of Ron was directly ruled out, and the murderer must be someone else.

"It's that child..." The butler blushed. He was embarrassed to mention that a child had brought him into such a miserable situation, but it was impossible not to mention it. Most importantly, it was the truth.

"Impossible." Geralt's first reaction was disbelief.

"It's true, he learned undead magic..." the butler insisted.

"Undead magic?" Geralt didn't realize it all at once, and asked after a while, "Is that the legendary undead magic?"

The butler nodded.

"You mean, that kid learned undead magic and hurt you?" Geralt asked again.

The butler nodded again.

"Are you sure you're not dazzled?" Geralt couldn't laugh or cry, "Undead magic can hurt people?"

"Ha ha… "

At this time, many servants had already appeared in the front hall of Naka Manor. After hearing what the butler said, many of them covered their mouths and laughed.

The butler didn't smile, his expression was serious and serious, "It's true, sir..."

Geralt thought about it, and decided to remind the servant who is not good at thinking.

"My lord, it's not that I don't believe you, but what you said is too unbelievable. The existence of undead magic has been proven to be a complete lie. Some people once tried their best to advocate that undead magic was once the world's most powerful lie." The oldest and most powerful magic, its power is on par with magic, but now it is lost, but it was later confirmed that he was just trying to cheat research funding."

Geralt paused, "The latest popular theory is that undead magic did exist in ancient times, that is, in the era of the Lost Continent. It has been passed down to the present, and it should be said that part of it has been lost, but I believe there is absolutely no legend. So powerful in…”

Geralt glanced at the butler, "So you understand..."

The butler was in a hurry, he didn't expect that no one would believe his words, "But...but..."

"Uncle Geralt... what are you doing here?"

The butler's speech was interrupted by a voice. Geralt saw that it was his nephew Jordin, and he immediately put on a smile, which was even flattering.

"Jordin, are you here?"

There was a lot of movement in Naka Manor, Jordin had already been awakened, and McKinsey was no exception.

"What's going on?" Qiao Ding asked. Although he was only sixteen years old, he was cultivated by aristocratic temperament and etiquette since he was a child, and he seemed quite mature.

Geralt didn't dare to hide anything, and told Jordin and the others in detail.

McKinsey laughed after hearing this, "Uncle Geralt, you are too narrow-minded. I don't pay attention to such a trivial matter. It is superfluous for anyone to ask you to kill the grass. Our dignified Xijin family is actually afraid of a small The child's revenge? Spread the word and don't laugh other people's big teeth."

"That's right..." Qiao Ding also stared, and echoed, "Doesn't this show that we are obviously afraid of him? It's a shame to our family..."

Geralt didn't dare to argue, and sneered a few times, "I'm here to be safe..."

He paused, "But this kid seems to have learned undead magic, although I don't know how he learned it, and he hurt my people..."

In front of outsiders, Geralt still chooses to believe what his own man, the butler, said.

"Impossible." After hearing this, Jordin shook his head without hesitation. He stretched out a finger and said triumphantly, "I think it is impossible for three reasons. First, in the territory of the Holy Roman Empire, undead magic practitioners are strictly prohibited. Entering, once found, he will be executed on the spot, and he must learn undead magic, unless he is in the Roland Empire, where it is not forbidden to practice any magic, how can he learn undead magic in the empire?"

"Second, even if he has learned undead magic, how can he hurt the butler? Undead magic has long been proven useless."

Jordin stretched out three fingers, "Third, if he has really learned undead magic and has considerable strength, then he should use it when we argue, but unfortunately he didn't..."

One, two, three, Jordyn's analysis was clear and logical, and even Geralt nodded secretly. He really deserved to be a child from a big family, and Kitley couldn't compare with him at all.

Qiao Ding smiled, "In the end, my conclusion is that when the butler was chasing and killing that kid, someone spotted him and hurt him. Well, I guess he will be a thief. Only thieves have the ability to hide." .”

Jordin then turned to McKinsey, "Am I right?"

McKinsey nodded and stretched out a thumb to him. He smiled sinisterly and said, "Although I don't know why the butler was injured, this kid is indeed unforgivable."

"That's right, I really need to teach him a lesson, otherwise this kid will be too arrogant..." Jordin also quite agreed with this.

McKinsey smiled and turned to Geralt, "Uncle Geralt, do you want to make a little money?"

Geralt's heart moved, and he said with a smile, "Master McKinsey has any good ideas?"

A hint of sinister flashed in McKinsey's eyes, "Uncle Geralt, in fact, you don't have to do it yourself..."

"Undead magic is not allowed to be practiced in the territory of the Holy Roman Empire, and even undead magic practitioners are not allowed to enter. Once discovered, the Holy See has the right to execute on the spot, and reward 500 gold coins for anyone who provides information about the necromancer. If the child really practices it For undead magic, haha, Uncle Geralt, isn’t this a small fortune?”

For the wealthy Xijin family, the five hundred gold coins were not considered at all, but it was different in the eyes of Geralt of the Naka Manor.

His eyes lit up, "Master McKinsey's words are serious?"

"Of course." McKinsey smiled and said, "There is a holy church in Shining Gold Town not far from Naka Manor. You can go there with the butler tomorrow morning. For the future, the Holy See will Will deal with…”

"Thank you, Master McKinsey..." Geralt thanked happily.

The Holy See is the largest church in the Human Alliance. It has established a church-theocratic organization based on the Holy Roman Empire and the United States. Within the scope of the Holy Roman Empire and its influence, all evil magic practitioners and evil Creatures appear, otherwise they will be executed in the name of heresy, and the necromancer is one of the professions banned from entering the Holy Roman Empire.

At this moment, a figure appeared on the stairs, yawned, looked at everyone with sleepy eyes, it was Kitley.

"What are you all doing?"


Everyone was speechless.

"Grandpa Homelin, shall we start learning undead magic now?"

In an abandoned mine, Ron sat cross-legged on the ground, looking at Homelin quietly, his eyes shining with anticipation.

"We must first do a talent test to see if you have the talent to practice undead magic..." Homelin said with a smile.

"Huh? If you don't have talent, you can't become a necromancer?" Ron was a little worried.

"Not necessarily, there is no necessary relationship between talent and achievement." Huo Meilin shook his head and said, "High talent does not necessarily mean high achievement, and low talent does not necessarily mean low achievement. Talent is just for you It’s just easier on the road.”

Seeing that Ron still didn't understand, Homelin said patiently.

"For example, there are two kinds of power popular among human beings, one is magic, and the other is battle qi. Those who practice magic need extremely high spiritual talent, while those who practice battle qi need extremely strong physical talent, or in more detail , Some people are talented in water magic, and some are talented in fire attribute battle qi, these talents are all innate."

"But there is no necessary relationship between talent and achievement. A person with magic talent can also exercise his physique to meet the requirements of a fighting spirit practitioner, and some people with fighting spirit talent can also cultivate spiritual power and become a magician. Those are not contradictory…”

"A person who has the talent for fighting qi will practice fighting qi relatively smoothly. If he changes to practice magic, it will require a lot of perseverance. Moreover, the risk of accomplishing nothing is also very high. This is why the talent is tested. Its purpose is to In order to let you walk on the road of cultivation more smoothly."

"Grandpa Huomelin, I understand a bit..." Ron thought for a while, "This talent is like a hobby. For example, my hobby is fishing. If someone is willing to teach me, my fishing skills can be improved." Soon, isn't it?"

"Yes, but if your interest is another kind, such as cooking, then it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort if you are asked to learn fishing..." Homelin explained with a smile, "Of course, if you really make up your mind to learn, it may not be possible. That's what it means to not learn well... "

"Although this talent is born, it can actually be changed, but the timing of the change is very important. Generally speaking, the best time to change the talent is between the ages of 8 and 14. If you miss it all the time, it will be difficult to change it. Let’s see, if a Dou Qi cultivator doesn’t start learning magic until he’s forty years old, what achievements might he have?”

Huo Meilin's quotations and persuasiveness opened Ron's eyes, as if he had entered a new world.