Cataclysmic Transformation

Chapter 90: duel field (2)


"Go away, let me in..."

When Shaar and Kadina came to the gate of the abandoned building, they were attracted by a voice.

"Sister Xia, look, isn't that the little girl just now?" Kadina pointed to that side and said.

Xiaya took a closer look, and sure enough, the little girl who bumped into her just now was stopped by a senior student, and she was constantly arguing about something.

"I'm sorry, Miss Godeli, I can't let you in!" the white-robed magician said unhurriedly. He was not tall, but he stood in front of Godeli like an iron wall.

Godeli's face sank, "Why? Can they all go in?"

The white-robed magician smiled slightly, "No reason? This is Heifelt's order. If you want to go in, it's fine, unless you can defeat us..."

There are four white-robed mages, each of whom has the strength of a high-level professional. Godely is an intermediate mage, and it is as difficult as heaven to defeat them.

Godeli bit her lips tightly, she naturally knew that these people were specially arranged by Heifelt to stop her, so that she could not destroy Hefelt's good deeds.

Looking at the white-robed magician who smiled very kindly, Godelie thought about it, "Heifelt's strength is around the third rank of the soldier class, and my strength is the fifth rank of the soldier rank. Ron's strength should be He's better than me, so it's not a problem to deal with Heifelt, but if they fight one by one, Ron will suffer..."

At this time, she sighed inwardly, "Forget it, with these few high-ranking fellows here, I'm afraid I can't help much..."

Godelie had no choice but to leave sadly.

Shaar and Kadina looked at each other and walked forward.

"Fresino, what are you doing here?" Char asked coldly.

The white-robed magician looked at it, my darling, why did you bring these two aunts into this, he couldn't afford to offend any of them.

As one of the most powerful combinations in the academy, Xia and Kadina have a very high reputation in the academy, and Fresino can only laugh with him, "You two beauties, why are you here today when you have time? ?”

Xia snorted coldly, "Let me ask you, what are you doing up there?"

"Uh...ha..." Fresino laughed a few times, "It's nothing, just a few freshmen playing around, it's not a big deal..."

Cardina smiled slightly, "Who is playing with whom? Why, I seem to have heard that this matter has something to do with that fellow Haefels..."

Cardina's smile so fascinated Fresino that he stuttered, "uh... uh... yes, yes... one of the duelists above is Heifelt my brother..."

"Who is the other one?" Xia Ya asked.

Fresino smiled, "It seems that this year's new Necromancer, named Ron, is a small character, not worth mentioning..."

"It really is him..." Xia Ya and Kadina looked at each other, and there was a trace of hatred in Xia Ya's eyes. That day, the fiasco at the hands of a fifteen-year-old child is still vivid in his memory.

Thinking about the figure of the girl who left just now, Kadina understood as soon as she thought about it, a trace of disdain appeared on her face, "So you just stand here and prevent his friends from entering, Nuo... that girl just now, who seems to be very powerful Nice looking…”

"Uh... where, where..." Fresino laughed a few times, seeing Kadina's unfriendly expression, he was startled, and hurriedly said, "That's right, that girl Heifelt also knows, and I'm afraid that she will go up there." Make trouble, that's why I came down to stop her..."

"Hmph! That's right!" Kadina twitched her cute little nose lightly.

Xia Ya said coldly, "So, if we want to go up, you will also stop us? Do I have to defeat you to go in?"

Fresino was taken aback and got into a fight with this aunt? Don't be kidding, who doesn't know that Char is one of the geniuses of the Balovaks Academy. Although Fresino is also a senior professional, he is not even a star behind Char.

"No... dare not..." In front of Xia and Cardina, Fresino immediately faltered, and he stretched out his hand as a gesture of invitation, "Miss Xia, Miss Cardina, how dare I stop you, Please come in quickly..."

Surrounded by his seniors, Ron walked up to the duel arena step by step. The duel arena was already crowded with students watching the excitement. Some had sympathy in their eyes, while others were gloating.

Heifelt had already been waiting on the duel field. When he saw Ron, he showed a cruel smile. He thought of thousands of ways to torture this necromancer who dared to contradict him. , let out the bad breath in my heart, and stand up in front of those freshmen.

As for Godely, he wasn't worried at all, and someone would naturally deal with this matter.

Ron walked to the duel arena, and the duel arena was full of spectators. The air smelled of sweat was a bit unpleasant. In the middle of the duel arena, there was a large open space. Ron knew that it was him. A place to solve problems with Heifelt.

At this time, he saw Heifelt, who smiled and waved to him. At this time, he felt his body being pushed directly to the center of the field. At this time, there was a burst of cheers from the crowd, and the atmosphere changed. more enthusiastically.

Ron turned his head and gave the senior who pushed him a hard look. Those murderous eyes made the senior's heart tremble suddenly, and cold sweat broke out.

"Damn it, why is this guy's eyes so frightening?" The senior gritted his teeth and forced himself to calm down. He raised his hand, but a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes. Why? Why are my hands shaking slightly? Am I scared? why should i be afraid He's just a useless necromancer.

On the fence of the duel arena, a few men and women were sitting on it, talking and laughing happily, as if they didn't pay attention to the people around them.

"Is this Ron you're talking about? Doesn't look like much..." one of the red-haired girls said nonchalantly, "He's just a piece of trash, honey, I think you're making a fuss over a molehill..."

The red-haired girl is also a special recruit this year, from a certain family in the Holy Empire. Even a fool can tell that she likes Heifelt. The other people sitting in the same dormitory as Heiffel People, there are old students and new students, these people respect Heifelt as the boss.

"Yxialot, you don't understand..." Heifelt smiled evilly, "I want to knock down this trash in front of everyone, so that he can't hold his head up in front of the teachers and students of the school, and in the end he can only leave in despair College…”

"Giggle..." Ixalot laughed coquettishly, her red hair fluttering in the wind, "Haifelt, you are right to make a fuss over a molehill, what's the point of treating a waste like this? Are you upset with his straightforward words?" Better to kill him..."

Heifelt smiled, "The school doesn't allow killing people, besides, it's not fun to let him die so cheaply..."

After finishing speaking, Heifelt ignored Icharlott again. He jumped off the barrier and looked directly at Ron, "Ron, you are finally here, can't you hide? I almost started The whole school came to look for you, but I have been waiting for a long time... "

Ron shook his head helplessly, "Heifelt, um, your name is Heiffel, right? I'll accompany you anytime you want to fight, but I don't think you need to call so many people to watch, do you?"

"Hey, are you afraid?" Haifelt smiled and licked his lips, "I just want to knock you down in front of so many people, let you lose face, and see if you dare to stand up against me... Hee Hee, you want to be a hero, right? Want to save your mentor, right? Let me tell you that there is a price to pay for being a hero... "

Ron shook his head, "Originally, I wanted to teach you a lesson secretly, but I didn't expect you to call so many people to watch. Don't you think that if you lose, you will be the one who loses face?"

"Hahaha… "

The freshmen around burst into laughter. They were laughing at Ron's boastfulness. A necromancer with combat effectiveness only existed in legends, and had never appeared in reality.

Haifelt blushed, and he took the laughter around him as a mockery of him. A necromancer dared to confront him, which made him lose face.

He laughed back angrily, "Okay, okay, Ron, I hope that your strength will be as powerful as your words in a while, and a guy who can only talk is useless..."

Haifelt felt ruthless in his heart, he clenched his fists, a faint vindictiveness overflowed from his body, and his body gradually turned red.

"Originally, I just wanted to humiliate him. Since you want to die, you can't blame me..." Heifelt vowed in his heart that he must beat this reckless guy to death.

"The fight is on, the fight is on..." The students around shouted, pushing the atmosphere to a climax for a while, and even the air became hot, and these guys who feared that the world would not be chaotic screamed wildly.

"Heifelt, beat him up..."

"Come on, Heifelt, I'm optimistic about you..."

"Haha, beat him down..."

At this time, all kinds of chaotic voices gradually condensed, like chanting a chant, and turned into the same voice.

"beat him… "

"beat him… "

"beat him… "

No one is optimistic about Ron, no one, everyone cheers for Heifelt, even those who originally sympathized with Ron are now supporting Heiffelte, in this world where strength is everywhere, the weak never need Cheap sympathy.

Homelin smiled slightly, his thoughts returned to the passionate era of his youth, he was not worried about Ron at all, "Ron, you should be able to deal with this guy, right?"

Ron nodded slightly, with a smile in his eyes, "Grandpa Homelin, if I can't even deal with this guy, then my undead magic will be for nothing, and I don't deserve to be your disciple..."

Homelin nodded in satisfaction, "Very well, let's go..."