Cataclysmic Transformation

Chapter 904: Weird package


Adele's undead army camp.

Adele led the army to retreat until it left the Hengros Plain and retreated to Red Sand City. Then it stopped and slowly gathered the army. Although the battle of Icecrown Castle suffered unprecedented setbacks, the overall strength was not affected. What a loss.

On a plain near the Chisha River, countless tents and some defensive facilities were erected overnight, and Adele's army of undead was stationed here. Come on, from time to time, there are a few deep groans from the wounded undead soldiers.

In Red Sand City, in Marshal Adele's room, after weighing the strength of the two sides, the ambitious Adele is ready to launch the second battle of the Forgotten City again, and has made a targeted attack on the god-level skeleton giant. She is very confident in her battle plan. Unless there is another accident, the failure of the Forgotten City is absolutely inevitable. The strength gap between the two sides cannot be made up by Ron, even if he is really the successor of the Lich King.

But what worries Adele is whether the low morale of the Scourge army under her command can undertake such a campaign mission.

"Report… "

"Come in… "

The voices of undead soldiers came from outside the army tent.

"I have important news for you... Marshal Adele..." It was Adele's guard who came, and he stepped in with a anxious voice.

"What's up?"

Adele replied without raising her head. Her gaze remained fixed on the parchment on the table for a long time. Various symbols and arrows were marked on the parchment, and a huge skull appeared in the center. Especially eye-catching.

"What did you say? The most elite Necromancer Legion of the Fifty-fifth Army actually... escaped?"

Hearing this news, Adele was finally shocked. She raised her head from the table, her face was pale, her voice was trembling, and she could feel that she was extremely angry at this moment.

"Yes, in the evening, Kurt, the head of their legion, lied that he had received your order from the Marshal, and went out of the city to perform a mission, but there was no evidence, which aroused the suspicion of the defenders, and a conflict broke out between the two sides... Later, although our reinforcements arrived Come... but they still broke out and sent out most of the army, we... we only caught a few unlucky ghosts... "

The guard replied tremblingly.

"What the hell is going on? Why are they running away? Could it be that they..." Adele's heart sank, and she stood up in a gaffe. The Necromancer Legion of the Fifty-fifth Army is the elite of the elite, and they can break out Not surprising, but what Adele doesn't understand is, why would they do this? Aren't you afraid of military law

"According to the captured guys...they...the reason why they left the army was to the Forgotten City, to follow...the real Lord Lich King..." the guard stammered.


Adele's body swayed a few times, and she sat heavily on the chair, her face pale. The thing she had been most worried about finally happened.

Who is the real Lich King? There is no doubt about the answer. The appearance of the Scourge Scepter and the skeleton giant well confirmed Ron's identity as the heir, but for Adele, the Lich King 100,000 years ago It doesn't have much to do with today's Scourge. Even if he is, so what

It's just that in the minds of some undead, it's different. The 100,000 years of time have not weakened the light of the Lich King Herimus. On the contrary, in view of the current situation, the undead miss him even more greatest leader ever.

Adele stood up and paced back and forth in the room with an extremely anxious expression.

The guard hesitated for a moment, "Master Marshal, since the Battle of the Forgotten City, the morale of the army has been unstable, and the 55th Army Necromancer Legion is just one of them. I know that you want to launch the second Battle of the Forgotten City, but now In this situation, even if they really go to the battlefield, they may not be willing to sacrifice their lives, or they will... "

"I know..." Adele waved her hand and said in a deep voice, "This situation is the most difficult now, but the only measure we can take now is to rely on the law enforcement team. By the way, where is Lady Scarlett?"

Scarlett is the supervisor, and in this case she is duty bound.

"Master Scarlett went back to Icecrown Castle the day before the battle of Henros... Didn't she tell you?"


Adele was a little surprised, but she hadn't seen her in the past few days. This guy was also troublesome in the army, and Adele didn't pay special attention to it.

"It's fine if she goes back, let's do our own thing..." Adele waved her hand and said, "Strengthen inspections in each camp, and report to me immediately if you find anything..."

"Yes, Lord Marshal..." The guard saluted and replied, "By the way, what should we do with the few guys we caught?"

"You don't need to ask, of course it's execution, all of them!" Adele shouted a little annoyed.

"Yes, Marshal!" The guard responded in a low voice, and quietly left.

"Wait!" Adele stopped the guard at this time, she pondered for a while, and sighed, "Let's lock them up first..."

Icecrown Castle, the Royal Palace, and the bedroom of the Emperor Fesmarck.

"Your Majesty, you were really amazing just now..."

On the bed, Scarlett lay in Fismer's arms and said tenderly.

"Isn't it because of you charming little elf..." Fismeck stroked Scarlett's smooth back, and said with a smile, "Look at your skin, even the highest elves can't compare..."

"By the way, the war is not over yet, why did you come back?" Fismer asked.

"Isn't it because of that nasty Adele, who disobeyed your order and drove me back..." Scarlett frowned when she heard this, and she finally found a chance to file a complaint.

"She only has herself in her heart, and has never had His Majesty..."

"Your Majesty, you must teach her a lesson..."

"Otherwise, she won't listen to you at all in the future..."

Scarlett gushed.

"Well, that's it..." Fismer pondered for a while. He didn't know how important Adele was to him, but he was more worried about the fall of the imperial power. Compared to Tito, Adele lacked a loyalty to him. loyalty.

"Indeed, it is necessary to beat this guy..." Fismer nodded, "Then what are you going to do?"

Seeing that Fismer agreed, a smile finally appeared on Scarlett's face, "Your Majesty, you don't have to worry about this, Scarlett will definitely make it beautiful for you..."

"Okay!" Fismarck was a little tired, he closed his eyes, and murmured, "I'll leave it to you! But you have to be careful, the battle on the front line is not over yet..."

"Understood!" A cold smile appeared on Scarlett's face. She watched Vismar fall into a deep sleep, then quietly dressed and got up.

No one knows how terrible a woman's jealousy and revenge are. Maybe Fismarck knows, but he underestimated Scarlett.

That night, no one knew what happened. All they knew was that the army had left the palace and quietly surrounded the residence of Tito, the former supreme military commander who had lost his strength and power.

When the morning was approaching, on the huge balcony of the Fesmarck Palace, a huge black crow soared into the sky, screamed, flapped its black wings, and left the palace. Under its sharp claws, it was tightly bound A small wooden box.

"Adele, as I said, I will definitely make you regret it. It will definitely... Hahaha..." On the huge balcony, Scarlett, who was wearing a black tight-fitting necromancer robe, laughed loudly. . "Hope you enjoy my present for you..."

Adele's confidant guards didn't know what happened. They only knew that after receiving the package from Icecrown Castle, Adele screamed, passed out, and then fell ill. The military affairs can't be carried out either, and all the important military affairs fall on the guard.

Just when the poor guard was so busy, Marshal Adele summoned him and gave him an incredible and shocking task...