Cataclysmic Transformation

Chapter 905: return with glory


Icecrown Castle is as quiet as usual. All the undead work at sunrise and rest at sunset, as if the war on the front line has not affected their lives, but occasionally someone talks about this Adele who went to war on behalf of Tito, with a look on his face. Dazed look.

Suddenly one day, an explosive news came from the front, which completely shocked the entire Icecrown Castle.

"Good news... very good news... the expeditionary force has won a decisive victory. The Scourge led by Adele smashed the rebel army, broke through the Forgotten City, recovered Hokkan District, and killed the man who claimed to be the Lich King. Humanity… "

A death horse galloped on the road paved with thick bluestone slabs. The rider on the horse screamed excitedly, and at the same time scattered the leaflets in his hand with the news of the victory of Adele's army into the air, floating on the roads on both sides. .

"What? We actually won? We also regained the Hokan District, which had been lost for many years?"

The morning sun was shining all over the ground, and the residents of Icecrown Castle who had just woken up picked up the leaflets that had fallen on the road, as if they were still sleeping in a dream.

In their impression, the Scourge Legion was extremely cowardly. Not to mention facing the wolf-like alien legion, even the Plague Legion, which was also undead, had more defeats than victory. It used to be the territory of the Scourge. Since it was invaded by orcs, many people have forgotten this fact.

"It's... is it true? So... great..."

An old undead man was holding a flyer, so excited that he burst into tears. The leaflet said that he had taken back the Forgotten City from the undead rebels, but the ordinary residents didn't care about this. Kanter actually returned to the hands of the undead.

This is a big event, a major step in the restoration of the Scourge.

Not long after this shocking good news passed, another news came from the palace. In order to commend Adele for leading the Scourge Legion to eliminate the rebels, the Scourge Emperor Fismer decided to grant Adele the title of Viscount. And personally awarded the honor, and on the day of Adele's triumphant return, a grand entry ceremony was held in the city.

This news caused the already boiling Icecrown Castle to burn again. Adele's name spread everywhere in the streets and alleys, and became the talk of all the undead residents. Adele, a commoner student from an ordinary military academy, relied on This epic victory made her become a hot nobleman and a hero in the hearts of all the undead. Her reputation has long surpassed that of her mentor, Tito.

The news spread like wind throughout the entire territory of the Scourge, and all the cities under the control of God Emperor Fesmarck chanted the name of this hero—Adele, the greatest death knight.

The Plague Legion in the southwest was no exception. They got the news immediately through the spies of Icecrown Castle.

"What? That human named Ron was actually defeated? So quickly?"

In Plague City, in Saruman's study, looking at the flyer in his hand, the head of the Plague Legion looked disappointed, "This guy... seems to be a god... and the allegiance of the Crypt Spider Legion and Rose , lost so quickly?"

Saruman frowned, originally thinking that this human who called himself the Lich King would give the Scourge a headache for a while, but he didn't expect to be defeated so soon.

"Is this guy really the Lich King?" Saruman shook his head helplessly, and threw the leaflet aside. If this is the Lich King, then the Lich King is too unbearable.

Jibin next to him picked up the leaflet and looked at it, his expression became serious, "Father, he is just a human being, maybe he got the Scepter of Scourge by accident, but that doesn't explain anything, but, next we will It's dangerous, the Scourge that has unified Hokkan District, the next target must be us!"

"That's right, I'm very relieved that you can think so..." Saruman patted Jibin's shoulder, his face became gloomy, "Adele defeated Ron, it is very likely... also got the Scepter of Scourge, She will definitely dedicate the Scourge Scepter to Fismarck... With the Calamity Scepter, Fismarck will be able to control the undead better... Maybe our generals will also... "

Saruman smiled and didn't continue, but his smile was a bit bitter.

"Judging from the current situation, no matter how unbearable Fismarck is, he will be the new Lich King after getting the Scourge Scepter, and it will be a matter of time before the entire main plane of the undead is unified..." Jibin hesitated and said hesitantly, " In fact, father, have you ever... thought about... "

"You mean surrender?" Saruman glanced at his son, his expression was not surprised.

Saruman smiled, "Jibin, although you are my son, do you know that a hundred thousand years ago, I left with my generals to split the Scourge Legion and form another Plague Legion for what?"

Gibbin looked at his father and shook his head blankly.


Saruman sighed silently, "Actually, you don't know. One hundred thousand years ago, Lord Fismer was one of the people I respect the most besides the great Lord Lich King. Since the battle of Lord Lich King, After death, whether he has the Scourge Scepter or not, I fully support him as the new Lich King... "


When Ji Bin heard this, he couldn't help but open his mouth wide, as if hearing a story from heaven and night.

"But...but why are you?"

"But that's where it happened..." Saruman sighed again, at this time he slowly clenched his fists, with a hideous look on his face, "On that night... that night... I passed his study When I was there, guess what I saw?"

"Father, what did you see?" Gibbin asked nervously.

"I saw Uriel!" Saruman's face was ashen, "It's just his clone projection!"

"What? Uriel, the archangel Uriel of the Holy Angel Legion?" Gibin was taken aback. In the world of the main plane, the Archangel Uriel of the Holy Angel Legion is as prestigious as Michael, and it's like thunder, Gibin How could you not know

The avatar of Archangel Uriel of the Holy Angel Legion appeared in Fismer's study, which is really incredible. You must know that the Scourge Legion and the Holy Angel Legion are in a state of hostility.

"This... Father, is there some misunderstanding in this?" Ji Bin swallowed and asked.

"Haha, misunderstanding?" Saruman laughed coldly, "I hid my body and listened to their conversation verbatim, and saw Fismeck kneel down to Uriel , on behalf of the Scourge Legion to secretly pledge allegiance to the Holy Angel Legion, if this is all a misunderstanding, then I really hope it is a misunderstanding... "

"Then you...?" Gibbin asked.

"I was furious on the spot. You know, I had just come down from the battlefield with the Holy Angel Legion at that time, and I was quite angry. I smashed Uriel's god clone with one punch, and then loudly reprimanded Fismer for betrayal. The Scourge, betrayed the Lich King..."

"I think you know what happened later..." Saru glanced at Ji Bin lightly, with a cold gleam in his eyes.

"So it is!" Jibin fell silent, "But Father, if we cannot surrender, then we must prepare for the coming situation..."

"Of course I understand this! I have already contacted the Burning Legion of Hell..." Saruman smiled, showing four thick canine teeth, "Don't forget, your father, I... have half the blood of demons... "

The next day, the entire Icecrown Castle was decorated with lights for one purpose—to welcome the triumphant return of their hero, Commander Adele.

"When... when... when..."

The death knell rang thirteen times, and on the heavily guarded Icecrown Castle, the closed gate opened "squeaky..." and with the rotation of the mechanism, the heavy suspension bridge drove across the moat opposite with a "bang-" superior.

Not long after, a group of fully armed undead soldiers appeared by the Fangcheng River, and the leader was Adele. She stood expressionlessly in the middle of the moat, raised her head slightly, and looked at the huge fortress that was heavily fortified.

Standing next to Adele was a necromancer, his whole body was wrapped in a black robe, and his face was covered by a hood, making it difficult to see his face clearly. He bowed slightly and said in a hoarse voice.

"Master Adele, it's time for us to enter the city!"

Adele nodded without saying a word, and walked into the Icecrown Castle with her head held high.

"Adele... Adele..."

As soon as Adele and her soldiers entered the city gate, they were greeted with cheers from the residents of the city like mountains and seas. Countless flower petals fell from the sky, paving the main road in the city with a touch of red. highest etiquette.

After repeated failures, the undead of the Scourge desperately needed a victory. They poured all their enthusiasm on Adele, the hero who returned in triumph.

On the main road of Long Street, a group of fully armed death knights approached. The soldiers behind Adele became nervous for no reason. Some of them pressed their hands on the hilts of their swords, and a dangerous breath spread in the air.

However, these knights were not hostile. They walked up to Adele and got off their horses, saluting respectfully.

"Your Highness Adele, His Majesty the God Emperor ordered me to take you into the palace!"

"It's time to work!"

Adele nodded expressionlessly, as a greeting. She recognized this man as the captain of the guard beside His Majesty the God Emperor.

"But they..."

The captain of the guard looked at the soldiers behind Adele with some embarrassment.

Adele frowned, "They are my generals, and they have made great contributions in this battle against the rebels. I am about to take them to meet His Majesty the God Emperor..."

"This..." the captain of the guard hesitated, looked at the faces of the soldiers a few times, then looked at Adele's serious expression, and finally gave in, "Okay, I will report to His Majesty in person, Your Highness Adele ,plz follow me… "

Adele nodded, and the tense soldiers relaxed. A group of people walked towards the palace step by step on the petal-covered road to the cheers of the undead...