Cataclysmic Transformation

Chapter 94: What is she?


Highfels closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Suddenly, he opened his tiger eyes suddenly, and his two copper bell-like eyes shot out. He took a step forward and shouted to the sky, "Ron , get out of here, or I'll kill you right in and tear you to pieces..."

Haifels, a burly and burly man, let out a roar like a lion's roar, which shook the roof tiles, and even the powder on the mottled walls fell down, shaking the other people living in this dormitory building. The new student trembled with fear.

At this moment, with a bang, the door opened.

Ron walked out with a blank expression on his face. Immediately afterwards, people from the 302 dormitory came out one after another, Aurora, Kidd, Manny... and finally Ransim who was a little pale.

Haefels narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes swept across Ron's face, paused for a second, and then swept to Aurora, his eyes flashed a bit dignified, he did not expect that Ron would actually meet Aurora together.

But after thinking about it later, he knew that the 302 dormitory was a well-known waste wood concentration camp, and it would be strange if a necromancer was not assigned there.

"This guy is very strong..." Without Homelin's prompting, Ron already knew that the guy named Heifers in front of him was a strong opponent. The most troublesome thing was that he was Heifers' elder brother.

"Haifels, what exactly do you want?" Aurora asked sullenly.

Haifels waved his hand, and all the students fell silent, and these people only followed his lead.

"Damn it, it would be great when I have such awe and prestige..." Fatty Kidd's eyes were full of envy, and Hafels, who responded to everything, looked very mighty in his eyes.

"Are you Ron?" Hayfels ignored Aurora, he walked forward like a monster, looked up and down the thin Ron, and asked in a cold voice.

"Not bad!" Facing the dark students in front of him, with a hint of hostility in his eyes, Ron said that he was not afraid that it was a fake, but he was also a person who had gone through a lot of troubles. Forced to calm down.

"It's you who beat Heifert like this?" Heifers rolled his eyelids and asked.

Ron quickly calmed down, his hand slowly touched his own space bag, slowly raised his head, stared at the other party's murderous gaze without fear, and smiled faintly, "Yes, that guy deserves his own fault..."

"Ha ha ha ha… "

Haifiers suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed long, his laughter like a night owl echoed in the silent sky. After a long time, his laughter stopped, and a gloomy expression changed on his face, and he said in a deep voice, "What a good one!" You bastard, this is the first time I've seen someone so calm surrounded by so many people, although I appreciate your courage, but... "

His eyes fixed on Ron suddenly, "But you should never have hurt my brother, now, there is nothing to say..."

Haefels roared, "Do it..."

With a sound of "唰—", all the students pulled out the weapons in their hands, and saw that there were all kinds of weapons in their hands, including magic wands, scepters, long swords, bows, etc. These students all obeyed the orders of Haefels, Prepared for battle.

"Kill..." Someone yelled, and at this time, the students around were about to pounce.

"Stop it all..."

A crisp voice shouted, and Aurora took out a bow from the interspatial bag on her body at some point. On the arc-shaped bow body, an arrow condensed by magic was shining faintly.

The bow of the tree elf, a weapon of the dark gold level, frightened all the students when it appeared.

Aurora said coldly, "Who dares to try, my bow and arrow won't have eyes..."

There was a look of fear on the faces of those students. The bow of the tree elf was no stranger to them. Back then, Aurora established the reputation of the first arrow god in the college with this bow, although she She is not good at melee combat, but at this limited distance, whoever moves will die first. Once her bow and arrow are shot, she will not turn back.

All the students didn't dare to breathe heavily, for fear that Aurora would treat them as enemies if they breathed harder. They were not absolutely sure of dodging her arrows.

Aurora swept the bow and arrow at the group of people in front of her slowly, and the moment she was pointed at by the tree elf's bow, everyone took a step back.

Homelin's phantom stood beside Ron. No one could see him except Ron himself. He was twirling his beard with a satisfied expression on his face. Fights like this are interesting.

"Ron, this little girl is nice to you..." Huo Meilin said with a smile, "now she can calm down these people..."

But then a hint of doubt flashed across Huo Meilin's face, "But she seems very familiar to me, that feeling is so strange..."

Homelin muttered, but he couldn't say why, he just felt strange.

Haefels' face darkened, "Aurora, it's none of your business this time, step aside, I will settle the account with you later..."

Aurora smiled slightly, "Sorry, Haefels, I can't stay out of it this time, Ron, he's from our dormitory 302..."

Aurora's words gave Kidd and others great confidence.

"Yes, Ron is from our dormitory 302, how can I let you mess around..."

"We are friends, we must live together, we must die together..."

"Come on, Haefels, I'm not afraid of you..."

Kidd and Lantry yelled loudly, their faces were red and their necks were thick, and they looked like they were going all out, but they always looked a little thin in the face of the dark heads opposite them, only Rancim turned pale and trembled all over. , with trembling lips, unable to utter a word.

Haefels stared at Aurora like a poisonous snake, "It seems that Aurora, you are determined to fight against us to the end, but I don't know what benefits you can get?"

Aurora smiled lightly, but did not answer.

Haifels said, "Your bow and arrow are very powerful, but no matter how powerful you are, you can only kill or kill one person. Even if you are faster, it is only two or three people. We have hundreds of people here. You can kill it." How many?"

Everyone understands the truth, but no one dares to be the first to rush to die.

Haefels naturally understood this truth, he smiled slightly, "It seems that I can only do it myself, but I don't know how much your strength has increased after a vacation, Aurora..."

Aurora's heart sank suddenly, this guy was ready to do it himself.

Saying that, Haefels slowly took off the coat on his body, revealing a body of strong and fit muscles. He patted the space bag at his waist with his hand, and took out an object from it.

Mace, this iron guy covered in thorns is the weapon of Hayfels, it has been upgraded to the highest level, that is, the dark gold level, the spikes on the mace emit a faint golden light, people in the 302 dormitory see Glancing at the spikes on the mace, they all shivered cleverly.

Haifiers put his hands together, and a strange power appeared out of thin air, like a beam of light, and sprinkled to the earth. At this time, a mysterious magic circle appeared on the verdant land.

"It's... Highfels is calling his mount..."

"Exotic beast with long teeth and fierce tiger..."

Those students all exclaimed, and even Aurora's eyes showed a look of anxiety, Hafiers is a knight, with the help of his mount, his strength can be improved to a higher level, so it will be even more difficult dealt with.

"What should I do?" Aurora and Manni, who ranked second in strength, looked at each other, and their eyes were full of helplessness.

Even the fat Kidd, who has always been heartless, broke out in a cold sweat, Mamma Mia, this... This guy is so scary.

Ron also had a serious expression on his face. Today's incident was all caused by him alone. These roommates were all forced to be involved in this conflict, and he felt a little guilty.

"A sixth-level alien beast with long-toothed tigers..." Ron's eyes were fixed on the majestic and tall figure, and he was holding the azure-level pig bone staff tightly in his hand, "Let me see how powerful you are! "

Hafirth's summoning magic has come to an end, and the figure of a long-toothed tiger appears from the void. It is a black and colorful giant tiger, which is more than two meters high when it touches the ground. Its body is covered with white Stripes, two long teeth shining coldly like sharp swords, four strong and powerful claws, and a long tail swaying constantly behind him.

The mounts of knights are tamed beasts. These beasts are usually obtained through two ways. One is to buy them. Some people will sell the sealed beasts through trading houses or auctions in various places. You can get them as long as you sign a contract, but in this way The price is ridiculously expensive, and the price of alien beasts of level five and above has been skyrocketed.

The second is to go to places where strange beasts appear and catch them personally, and seal them after catching them. However, this kind of behavior is extremely dangerous, and a little carelessness can result in death. This is why the price of strange beasts is so high.

"Good guy..." Highfels patted the long-toothed tiger's huge head, turned over beautifully and rode on it, his face was full of confidence, the powerful strength of the strange beast combined with his own strength Strength is by no means as simple as one plus one equals two. He looked at Aurora with a hint of mockery in his eyes.

Aurora gritted her silver teeth tightly. Although she didn't want to admit it, she knew that she was indeed defeated. Haifiers, who was riding a strange beast, was even stronger than her. This kind of battle is a mortal situation, so keep fighting There is no doubt that you will lose.

"Should we put down our weapons and let Highfyls take Ron away? Or fight to the death, they... besides Highfyls, there are hundreds of them..." Aurora sighed, and was about to say While speaking softly, at this moment, there was a rush of footsteps.

"Step... step... step..."

"What's going on? Why does it seem like a lot of people are coming here?" Hai Fels' students, Monk Zhang Er, couldn't figure it out, and the formation became a little chaotic.

Not far away, a group of dark figures appeared, the number of this group was no less than that of Hafirs, and the leader was a heroic female knight in a fiery red war robe.

A voice like a silver bell came, and the beautiful female knight in front smiled and said, "Haifels, we finally meet. This is our first meeting in the new semester, right?"

The leader, the more Ron looked at it, the more familiar he became. When the man approached, his eyes gradually widened.

"Why is she—"