Cataclysmic Transformation

Chapter 99: declining strength


Ron's eyes widened in astonishment, and for a moment he felt insulted, "What did you say?"

Xia Ya said calmly, "Yes, you have become weaker, I have lost interest in you, so I have lost the meaning of challenging you, so I will not fight."

Ron knew in his heart that his own strength was indeed not Shaar's opponent. Since the beginning of the war, he had been the one who had the upper hand, and he had always been the one who took the initiative, while he was only responding passively, struggling to support, and he didn't know how long he could last. when.

Kadina flashed a pair of beautiful big eyes, looked at Shaar puzzledly, and thought, "Ron is very strong, and it will be very difficult for Sister Xia to defeat him. Why would she say that, is it possible? This Ron was stronger before? Even sister Xiaya can't deal with it?"

Ron sighed. He naturally understood what Shaar meant by becoming weaker. It was not him who fought against Xia before, but his mentor Homelin. It was Homelin's shadow that Xia had been chasing. , even though Ron's strength has improved a lot compared to before, his strength cannot be recognized by Shaar.

Sure enough, Shaar continued, "I feel that the threat you have given me is not as good as before. I don't know if it is my illusion. Now you are standing in front of me, and you have not aroused even the slightest sense of fear in me..."

She shook her head, "The person is still the same, but the strength is too different. By the way, where is the black knight you summoned?"

Ron was silent, he couldn't tell about the existence of Grandpa Homelin, and the black knight couldn't be summoned with his strength.

Shaar didn't blame him, but shook his head, "After seeing your strength, I have lost interest in challenging you. Even if I beat you, it still doesn't make me feel ashamed..."

She waved her hand, "That's it, if you become stronger in the future, maybe I will come to you again, but right now, I don't want to see you..."

"Kadina, let's go!" Xia Ya said.

"Okay, sister Xia!" Kadina glanced at Ron and watched Xia leave.

The afterglow of the setting sun reflected on the two beauties, one big and one small, drawing a long silhouette from the back.

"Huh—" Ron looked at the backs of the two and took a deep breath. At this moment, he turned his head and saw that Grandpa Homelin's soul ran out at some point.

"Grandpa Homelin..." Ron lowered his head embarrassedly, "I'm sorry to disappoint you, I failed to defeat her..."

Homelin smiled, "You've done a good job Ron, this little girl is much stronger than before, you've only learned undead magic for a few months now, it's already amazing to be able to fight her to this extent .”

Looking at Ron, who was a little bit down, Homelin smiled, and said earnestly, "Ron, don't worry, you still have a long way to go to become a strong man. In the process of walking, your most important thing is Just learn to be patient..."

In the boulevard of the academy, Xia and Kadina walked side by side. Although Xia was two heads taller than Kadina, the two beauties walked together without any feeling of abruptness.

"Sister Xia, why didn't you continue the fight?" Kadina first broke the silence and asked, "Didn't you always want to wash away the shame of defeat?"

Xia Ya smiled sweetly, and said lightly, "He is indeed very strong, but if I try my best, it is more than enough to defeat him, but suddenly I don't want to fight anymore. It is meaningless to defeat him now..."

"Now this him? Why?"

Xiaya pondered for a while, "I don't know why, but I just feel that his strength has dropped drastically, and he is not like the person who defeated me before..."

Kadina was startled, "You mean it was another person who defeated you?"

"No!" Shaar shook his head. "It was he who defeated me before. It's not wrong, but his strength has dropped too much, which confuses me!"

Cardina's eyes widened in surprise, "So, he was stronger before? Impossible, he looks very young..."

"Yes! Although I really don't want to admit it, this is indeed the truth..." Shaar nodded, "But when I saw him again this time, he was struggling under my attack, and I could see that he had tried his best …”

"But he was not like this half a year ago. At that time, he was powerful, at least at the level of a teacher. He dealt with me without any effort. At that time, I had a feeling that my life and death were controlled by others. a feeling of!"

"That kind of fear, I feel scared when I think about it now!" Xia Ya's voice trembled, "This feeling is exactly the same as standing in front of the dean!"

Kadina was surprised, "Is he so strong?"

Shaar nodded, and then said, "In order to defeat him, I practiced hard. In just half a year, my strength has improved a lot..."

"When I fought against him again, to be honest, I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, only to realize that his strength is not worth my effort..."

"Maybe his strength has dropped a lot for some reason. Although I fought very hard in this battle, I believe that with my strength, I will definitely win!" Xia Ya smiled, stretched out his hand and raised his forehead. Former Xiufa, "But I suddenly felt that defeating an opponent whose strength has declined is no longer interesting, so I..."

"Decided to give up..."

Xia Ya smiled proudly, "Although I don't know why his strength has declined, but... I have been waiting for the day when he regains his strength. At that time, I will personally challenge him to wash away the shame of my defeat..."

"Oh!" Kadina nodded, she finally understood what Shaar was thinking, she thought for a while, then tilted her head and said, "However, Sister Xia, how do I feel, if you continue to fight, your Isn't it a big chance of winning?"

"How do you say that?" Shaar turned around in confusion.

"I can't say, it's just a kind of intuition..." Kadina thought for a while and said, "After the two of you fought, although your strength was strong, your strength dropped a lot. Although Ron's strength is stronger than You are much weaker, but his strength is very full, as if there is nothing to consume... "

Xia Ya turned pale with shock, her eyes widened, "Is there such a thing?"

Ron opened the door of dormitory 302 with a heavy heart. The dormitory was very quiet, and no one was there. After the turmoil this morning was over, Kidd Rantry and the others all went to class.

"There is no class this afternoon, so I can take a good rest now!" Ron's mood became more relaxed. At this time, there was something on the table unexpectedly. When he took a closer look, it was a bowl of steaming noodles.

"I don't know whose noodles this is!" Ron muttered in his heart, only then did he realize that he hadn't eaten yet, and his stomach was already growling with hunger.

At this time, Ron accidentally found a note pressed on the table. He picked it up curiously and saw a line of small and delicate characters.

"Ron, this bowl of noodles is reserved for you. I think you haven't eaten yet. So many things happened today, I think you are tired too. Take a good rest after eating the bowl of noodles... Come on Aurora... "

"Aurora, is that her?" Seeing the signature, a familiar face appeared in Ron's heart, and Aurora stood in front of him with a bow and arrow in his hand.

To be honest, Aurora is not beautiful, she can only be considered average in terms of appearance, and even inferior to Manny in terms of figure, but her strength is first-class. If she hadn't injured her mentor, she would have been assigned to the useless 302 Dormitory, with her strength, she will shine in any dormitory she goes to.

Ron was a little moved, "Since it's what she meant, then I'll eat it. If I don't eat it, it won't be good for her to get angry..."

Ron sat down, took the spoon, knife and fork, picked up the noodles with one hand, stuffed them into his mouth, and ate voraciously.

I have to say that Aurora's craftsmanship is good, and the things she makes are at least not unpalatable.

The bowl of clear noodle soup made by Aurora was watery, and there was no meat on it, which made Ron very uncomfortable, but he heard from Fatty Kidd that Aurora never ate meat.

With a sound of "click—", the door of the 302 dormitory opened, and Kidd, Lantry, Karaqi, and Manny walked in talking and laughing.

Lan Terry: "Brother 25, come here, let's fight for another 300 rounds, this time, I must let you lose so much that you pawn your pants..."

When he heard about the bet, Kidd's eyes lit up, "Who is afraid of whom? I don't know who loses and takes off his pants..."

Kidd glanced away, and then saw Ron who was eating noodles, and said hello, "Hey, Ron, are you back too?"

"Well! Just came back..." Ron said vaguely, swallowing his last mouthful of noodles.

At this time, Kidd came over, winked and said, "By the way, that big beauty Shaar didn't make things difficult for you, did she?"

Ron stood up, wiped his mouth, smiled and said, "It's nothing, she came back after talking for a while, and she didn't make things difficult for me..."

Ron didn't want to worry his roommates by telling the truth.

At this time, Karaqi smiled and said, "Ron, you are so majestic today. You actually shocked the two bosses in the academy, and one of them took special care of you..." Her eyes were full of envy.

"Tell me, how did you meet Boss Xia?"

"Take care?" Ron couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this word. That Shaar called him to fight, and it looked like he was almost going to kill him. Is this still a care

But he still shrugged his shoulders, said with a haha, "I don't know about this either..."

"Who are you lying to?" Karaqi sniffled dissatisfiedly, smiled playfully, grabbed Ron's hand, and said coquettishly, "Brother Ron, when will you take care of me? It's fine to say a word, so I won't be bullied in the academy..."

"There are still people bullying you in the academy?" Ron's eyes widened in surprise.

Karaqi nodded aggrievedly. Her strength was low, and she was looked down upon by others. It was commonplace to suffer anger in the academy. It would be different if she had Shaar's "care" and no one dared to bully her.

Of course, the premise is to keep a low profile. If you want to show off and have no strength, you will be courting death.

Ron smiled, "This is a bit difficult. Although I know her, I'm not familiar with her. This request... I'm afraid it's difficult to do..."

Karaqi couldn't hear Ron's evasion, she leaned over, activated the coquettish Dafa, and said in a coquettish voice, "Well, brother Ron, promise me... Karaqi hasn't asked for it yet. You, just once... just once..."

"Uh, this..." Ron couldn't resist the beauty's soft pleading, and almost agreed in a soft heart, but then he thought that he still didn't know whether Xia Ya was an enemy or a friend, so how could he be qualified to agree on Xia Ya's behalf? What, he couldn't help but feel a headache.