Cautiously Cultivating Immortality in a Strange World

Chapter 1: First arrival


It was windy and snowy.


A hunched figure appeared at the entrance of the alley, wiped the snow off his face, and pushed open the wooden door of the dilapidated courtyard.

There were several rooms in the yard, and he walked towards one of them with familiarity.

"Chen Lin, why are you going out in this weather? Aren't you afraid of being met by a weirdo?"

It seemed that the sound of a door opening was heard, and the window of another room was pushed open, revealing a yellow woman's face.

"Oh, there's no rice at home. I'm going to go out and buy some. I'm going to be in seclusion for the time being."

Chen Lin pointed to the big bag in his hand and said "oh" and went back.

The woman's eyes suddenly lit up. She eagerly poked her head out, shielding her forehead with her hands to prevent the snow from falling into her eyes. She stared at the bag in Chen Lin's hand and said, "You bought the rice. Can you give me some?"


Chen Lin decisively refused and opened the door of his room.

"I can exchange something!"

The woman's voice became more urgent; she was about to run out of food.

"Do you have anything valuable to exchange?"

Chen Lin paused and looked at the other party suspiciously.

The woman opened her mouth, then suddenly gritted her teeth and puffed out her chest, "How about I stay with you for one night?"


The answer to her was the dull sound of a door closing.

Seeing this, the woman looked disappointed.

Suddenly, her temperament changed drastically, and she squinted her eyes and revealed a weird sneer, "Damn old thing, you deserve to be single. I curse you to not be able to poop after eating. When I break through to the middle stage of Qi training, you will be in trouble!"


After spat viciously, the woman slammed the window shut.

Snowflakes as big as goose feathers instantly covered the footprints in the yard, and the entire city was shrouded in a blizzard.

Chen Lin stood in the house, silently watching the woman's disappearing face through the window, and the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

He took off his hat, shook off the snow on his body, and put the rice into the rice jar.

I found some firewood and relit the extinguished stove, and the temperature in the room slowly rose.

After staring at the fire for a while, Chen Lin sighed, stood up and started cooking.

Putting the washed rice on the stove, he turned and walked to a shabby wooden table.

After you sit down, open the drawer.

First, he took out a palm-sized stack of yellow paper from his pocket, and then took out a silver brush.

Finally, he carefully took out an ink-colored bottle from his pocket and placed them on the table.

These items are talisman paper, talisman pen, and spiritual ink used to make talismans.

The fact that he had no rice was only part of the reason why he ventured out this time. The main reason was to buy this spiritual ink.

A small bottle costs several spirit stones, which is so expensive that it makes people's hearts bleed.

After taking a look at the porridge cooking on the stove, Chen Lin took a breath and picked up a piece of talisman paper to spread it out.

He dipped the silver talisman pen into the spiritual ink, adjusted his posture to the best state, and his expression became serious.

The tip of the pen lightly fell, and thin lines shining with the glow of spiritual ink appeared on the talisman paper, slowly forming one mysterious rune after another.

Although painting seemed easy, Chen Lin began to sweat on the tip of his nose, and his brush movements became slower and slower.

When the talisman was halfway drawn, the runes on it suddenly flashed twice quickly, and then exploded with a bang.

Looking at the small burnt area on the table in front of him, Chen Lin grinned.

"A first-level mid-grade talisman is indeed much more difficult than a powerful talisman. It also requires a high level of mana. It's too much of a stretch for someone with the second level of Qi training."

He shook his head, muttered to himself, and took another piece of talisman paper to spread it out.

The iterative process continues.

This time, the rune lines were drawn a little more than before, but it still couldn't escape the fate of failure and exploded midway.

However, Chen Lin did not show any sign of discouragement. He calmly picked up another piece of talisman paper and spread it out.

Another failure.





Chen Lin was like a robot, constantly repeating the action of drawing runes.

So it goes.

This was repeated nine times.


The tenth time.

This time the action remained unchanged, and the talisman began to flash and explode again in the middle.


Just as the runes on the talisman flashed for a while and were about to explode.

It was as if there was a big hand in the dark, which roughly gathered the exploded energy into one place, and then pressed it back into the talisman paper.

Immediately following.

The talisman paper flashed, and the rune lines on it became clear and bright, but soon calmed down again.

A vague fireball pattern appeared on the talisman.

"It seems that the golden finger ability is also effective for refining first-level medium-quality talismans. This is another way to make money, but the ability is a bit weak. It can only be successful once in ten times."

Chen Lin took the talisman in his hand, nodded, and shook his head.

As a time traveler, no matter how bad the identity you obtain is, you will still have the necessary benefits.

But this golden finger is a bit useless.

It is a natural ability, which he calls 'hit the target ten times'.

The full name is: "It is theoretically feasible to make any item using the correct method, and you will succeed once in ten times."

If there is no restriction on using the correct method, then this ability would be incredible, but with this restriction, it becomes quite frustrating.

What is the correct method

Suppose you want to refine a kind of elixir, you must first master the recipe of the elixir, be familiar with the refining steps, have a matching alchemy furnace and fire source, and your cultivation level must be within a reasonable range.

That's how you can get it right once out of ten times.

"Never mind, it's better than nothing."

Chen Lin did not continue to complain.

After traveling to such a dangerous world and having such a bad start, it is already good to have an "ability" to rely on.

At least, you can survive.

The aroma of rice is everywhere.

The porridge is ready.

Chen Lin didn't think any more about it. He took the porridge pot off the stove, filled a bowl and started drinking it.

Even though this is just rice porridge, it is not ordinary rice, but spiritual rice. Not only does it taste delicious, it also has certain benefits for cultivation.

The price is naturally not cheap, one spirit stone costs one kilogram.

Normally he wouldn't dare to be so extravagant, but this time it was because his cultivation had reached the peak of the second level of Qi training, and he wanted to try to see if he could make a breakthrough with the help of the energy of the spiritual rice.

A bowl of porridge was quickly eaten.

Soft spiritual energy began to radiate from the stomach to the whole body.

It’s warm and comfortable.

Unfortunately, there was too little spiritual power and it quickly disappeared.

Chen Lin, who was still unsatisfied, was about to serve another bowl when there was a knock on the door.

“Bang, bang, bang!”

"Fellow Daoist Chen, it's me, Zhao Zhengyuan."

Hearing the familiar voice, Chen Lin quickly covered the porridge pot and put it aside, then took out a talisman to ward off evil spirits and held it in his hand, then walked to the door and opened it.

"What's going on so late?"

After taking a look at the honest and loyal middle-aged man outside, Chen Lin had no intention of inviting him into the house.

The other party is also a tenant in this yard and has a good relationship with the original owner of this body. However, everything here is weird, so one must be vigilant.

"Hey, I can smell the aroma of your rice in the house. I just cooked the last piece of black tiger meat and have a bottle of wine. I want you to come and drink with me."

The middle-aged man raised what he had in his hand and said with a smile.

After saying that, he suddenly raised his head, squinted his eyes and revealed a weird sneer.

This change is extremely abrupt.

It was as if the other person suddenly became a different person, and his temperament changed as well, giving him that legendary evil, crazy feeling that made people feel very uncomfortable.

But Chen Lin was not surprised.

Ever since he came here, he discovered that everyone here would sneer like this from time to time.

It could happen inexplicably at any time and anywhere.

After showing such a smile, the whole person will instantly become very arrogant and will not submit to anyone.

And he himself didn't seem to feel anything.

There is something wrong with everyone here.

There is a big problem!

Unfortunately, his cultivation was too weak and he could not do anything. He could only suppress his fear in his heart and slowly look for a solution.

In order not to attract attention, he would do this action from time to time.

Chen Lin sneered and said, "Okay, let's drink together."

It just so happened that he had something to ask the other party, so he nodded in agreement.

At this moment, the window of another room was pushed open again, and the head of a sallow-faced woman poked out.

When he saw the wine and meat, his eyes suddenly lit up with a captivating light.

"Zhao Zhengyuan, what's the point of drinking with a stingy man? Come to my place, not only can you drink wine, but you can also drink soup!"

Upon hearing this, Chen Lin looked at the woman, then at Zhao Zhengyuan, with a half-smile on his face.

Zhao Zhengyuan grinned and walked straight into the door.

With a bang, he closed the door behind him.

Suddenly, a woman's angry shouting was heard outside.

"You are also a coward who can't give birth to a child without an asshole. All men are bad. When I break through, I will throw you all into the wild to feed the monsters!"

The two looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

Since everyone had brought wine and food, Chen Lin could only take out the spiritual rice porridge he had hidden and serve two bowls.

He cut the cooked black tiger meat into slices, filled the glass with wine, and started drinking.

"The city has been getting increasingly unstable recently. Have you heard that the head of the Zhang family has disappeared inexplicably, with no trace of his body. He was a cultivator in the Foundation Establishment Stage!"

Zhao Zhengyuan took a sip of wine and said in an amazed tone.

Chen Lin's eyes flickered slightly.

I thought to myself that this was an evil place. Not to mention the death of one foundation-building cultivator, it wouldn’t be surprising even if everyone in the city died overnight.

Although he complained in his heart, on the surface he still showed an expression of deep agreement.

"Yes, even the foundation-building cultivators are missing. This city is becoming more and more chaotic."

After saying that, he drank the wine in the glass.

A refreshing and sweet liquid flows down the throat into the stomach.

First it felt cool, and then waves of heat emanated from the chest, extending to all parts of the body, making the magic power in the body become active.

The power of this spiritual wine is much stronger than that of spiritual rice porridge!

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