Cautiously Cultivating Immortality in a Strange World

Chapter 1000: Require


"Fellow Daoist Zhang is from the Tianxuan Realm?"

When Chen Lin heard Zhang Zitong's words, his eyes immediately lit up.

Then he asked, "Is it in the south or north of the star?"

His teleportation token was located in the Southern Star Realm, so there was no way for him to go to the Northern Star Realm. If the other party was in the Northern Star Realm, they could help him find out some news about Princess Qinghua and Luo Xiaoyu.

Zhang Zitong was also surprised, and looked at Chen Lin suspiciously and asked, "Could it be that Fellow Daoist Chen is also a cultivator from the Tianxuan Realm?"


Chen Lin smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Zhang is right. I used to practice in the Tianxuan Realm, but after the interface fusion failed, I drifted to other interfaces. Now there are still many old friends in the Tianxuan Realm, so I want to understand the situation."

Zhang Zitong looked surprised when he heard this.

He smiled and said, "Then Fellow Daoist Chen and I can be considered as old friends who have met in a foreign land. I am practicing in the Jinling Mountains of the Northern Wilderness Continent in the Xingbei Realm. I wonder where Fellow Daoist Chen practiced before? If you need my help, just let me know."

He was not being polite at all, but was sincere about it.

Because Chen Lin wanted him to find out information, he had to let him return to the real world, so he had to tell him the mission of leaving here.

Chen Lin's joy became even stronger.

He knew that the Jinling Mountains were a gathering place for cultivators tens of thousands of miles away from Qianyuan City.

This was where he wanted to go when he left the Black Tower. He later decided to stay in Qianyuan City. Then he encountered a life-and-death crisis. He used the Boundary Breaking Disk to enter the Holy Land of the White Bone Saint Lord and eventually entered the Xingnan Realm.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, have you ever heard of the Tianyun Sect?"

Chen Lin's eyes flashed and he asked.

You can't just believe what the other person says, you need to confirm it.

Zhang Zitong naturally understood what Chen Lin meant, and said, "There is indeed such a sect in the Jinling Mountains. It focuses on cultivating the art of luck and likes to gamble. It was only a medium-sized force before, but it developed rapidly after changing its leader. Now it has become one of the large forces in the Jinling Mountains."

This answer made Chen Lin believe what the other party said.

At the same time, he also felt a little bit of anticipation in his heart. The Tianyun Sect knew the method of refining the Qiyun Pill. If he could get it, it would be very helpful for him to use his innate abilities.

"I heard that there is a sect in the Jinling Mountains that focuses on alchemy. Does Fellow Daoist Zhang know about it?"

Chen Lin continued to ask.

Zhang Zitong nodded and said, "Fellow Daoist Chen should be talking about Yaoshen Valley. The head of the valley is called Yu Qianyue, and I am quite friendly with him. If Fellow Daoist Chen needs any elixirs, I can introduce them to you."

"Thank you very much, Fellow Daoist Zhang!"

Chen Lin cupped his hands to express his gratitude.

I am completely relieved.

The other party could even say Yu Qianyue's name. Even if he was not from the Jinling Mountains, he must be in the Northern Wilderness Continent.

Then, he chatted with the other party about the recent situation of the Northern Wilderness Continent, and asked about Qianyuan City. He learned that Qianyuan City did not suffer any disaster during the interface turmoil and was still controlled by the Qianyuan Sect.

After chatting for a while, seeing that Chen Lin didn't get to the point, Zhang Zitong asked directly: "Daoyou Chen, if there is anything you need me to do, just ask. I also need Daoyou to provide the content of the mission to leave this place. It's a fair deal between you and me."

Seeing the other party's showdown, Chen Lin stopped talking and said seriously: "I do need Brother Zhang's help. I have two old friends near your Jinling Mountains. I want Brother Zhang to help find them and bring their real bodies here."

Zhang Zitong hesitated for a moment and said, "It's no problem to find someone, but it's not easy to bring the real body in."

Chen Lin didn't say anything and waited for the other party to continue.

As a ninth-rank official, the other party has fourth-level pass authority and is able to lead people through the scenes. There must be a reason for saying this.

Zhang Zitong immediately said: "It's not that I don't want to take them. I do have the ability to take people through scenes now."

Then he explained, "But Fellow Daoist Chen, you don't know that since the failure of the Tianxuan Realm fusion and the turmoil, the spatial nodes over there have basically disappeared. The newly generated nodes are unstable and no one dares to enter. So I can't bring people into the Demon Realm, no matter how good I am at traveling through scenes."

Chen Lin frowned. He had not expected this reason.

But he felt that there was no need for the other party to lie. However, if that was the case, it would be difficult for him to use this channel to bring Princess Qinghua and Luo Xiaoyu out of the Tianxuan Realm.

His plan was to bring the two here first, and then send them to the Tiancang Realm through the node. Although the upper limit of the Tiancang Realm was lower, there was no danger of collapse, so they could practice with peace of mind. After finding enough delicious food, he would bring the two to Ruyi Island.

Otherwise, if you use the food invitation letter directly for transfer, the points will not be enough.

Soon, Chen Lin stopped thinking about it.

There is no use thinking about these things now. We must first make sure that Princess Qinghua and the other two are still in Qianyuan City.

So he nodded and said, "In that case, then Daoist Fellow Zhang, please help me find two people first, then give this medium to them and explain the situation here."

Under Zhang Zitong's surprised gaze, Chen Lin took out a bun.

This was the bun he begged for by pretending to be a beggar when he completed the mission here last time. It was considered as a reward for the mission. It could be brought out of the scene and also used as a medium.

Before Zhang Zitong could say anything, Chen Lin took out another contract scroll.

Explained: "Friend Zhang, please don't blame me for judging others by my own standards. The people I'm looking for are very important to me, and I can't let them be put in danger, so you and I need to sign a contract.

A contract scroll is also very valuable and not easy to obtain, but for the sake of Princess Qinghua and Luo Xiaoyu, one cannot be stingy.

Zhang Zitong was not unhappy. If he were in her place, he would have done the same.

He checked the contract scroll, confirmed that there was no problem, and nodded.

Upon seeing this, Chen Lin wrote down the contents of the negotiation on it. Both parties left their soul imprints, and the scroll spontaneously combusted without wind and disappeared.

"Haha, now Brother Chen is relieved, right? First tell me who you are looking for, and then tell me the mission to leave this place!"

They would be leaving soon, and Zhang Zitong was in a good mood with a smile on his face.

Chen Lin was in a good mood and said, "The person I'm looking for is in Qianyuan City. One is called Sima Qing, or Princess Qinghua. The other is Luo Xiaoyu, who opened a shop in Qianyuan City..."

He introduced the two people's situations, then picked up two pieces of paper and drew their portraits.

Although the memory will be affected to a certain extent after the projection leaves, given the strength of the soul of a Void Refining cultivator, the impact will not be too great, and one can still remember it as long as one remembers it with all one's heart.

"Okay, I'll remember that!"

Zhang Zitong stared for a long time and nodded.

Then he looked at Chen Lin.

Chen Lin no longer hesitated and said, "The mission to leave this place is very simple. All you need to do is pretend to be a beggar and go to Liu's bun shop to ask for a basket of buns."

Zhang Zitong's face was full of excitement.

Then he smiled bitterly and said, "So that's how it is. I have searched the entire scene over the years and the only thing left is to dig three feet into the ground. I didn't expect it to be so simple."

Chen Lin shook his head and said, "The simpler something seems, the more difficult it is. Your predecessor was trapped for more than a thousand years, and he couldn't find the mission until he left. He had to take a risk and use the Level 4 pass to go to a dangerous place for help, but he never came back."

Then he added, "The other party is a powerful Hedao master!"

Zhang Zitong's expression turned stern.

He also knew some of this information. There were still local creatures alive in the county government office who knew about the affairs of Xiong Ziqi and Captain Jin.

Thinking of this, he stood up and bowed to Chen Lin.

"Thank you for your help, Mr. Chen. I will always remember this favor!"

Chen Lin knew that the other party had misunderstood, and said calmly: "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Zhang. I only found out about the mission after Xiong Ziqi left, and I never thought of using this to threaten anyone. This is a fair deal between you and me. As long as you complete the deal, there is no such thing as favors."

"Fellow Daoist Chen is a man of high character!"

Zhang Zitong praised.

But he only praised him verbally, he didn't think so in his heart. He had been to Liu's Baozi Shop and knew that Chen Lin was the owner of the shop. If you didn't want to threaten others by leaving the mission, why did you occupy the shop

Moreover, Chen Lin had just specifically marked on the contract that he was not allowed to pass on the content of the task to others. The purpose was self-evident.

Of course, this kind of thought can only be thought about in the mind, it is impossible to express it.

Although he had considerable power as a county magistrate, he still had to act according to the rules and could not do anything to the other party. Moreover, the other party controlled the Liu Family Steamed Bun Shop, which meant that he had the power over the life and death of newcomers, which was greater than his power as a county magistrate.

Suppressing all distracting thoughts, Zhang Zitong could not wait to get up, take off his official uniform, and begin to disguise himself as a beggar.

Then he clasped his fists towards Chen Lin and said, "Fellow Daoist Chen, please give me some favors."

Chen Lin's mouth twitched, and he said, "Fellow Daoist Zhang, there's no need to do this. I really don't mean to threaten you with this mission. It's just that I spent a lot of effort to find out the content of this mission, so I can't give it away for free."

"That's natural. As a monk, fair trade is a given."

Zhang Zitong immediately echoed.

Seeing the other party's look, Chen Lin didn't say anything more and left the county government office with him.

With Chen Lin's instructions, Zhang Zitong naturally got the buns smoothly. Feeling the power of rules on his body dissipate, he immediately felt relieved. He thanked Chen Lin again, turned back to the county government, and after handing over the things, he was about to return to Tianxuan Realm.

And Chen Lin came to the Li family house.

The house has now been sealed off, with yamen runners guarding the gate day and night.

This was naturally the work of Zhang Zitong. He might have found out that people often entered and exited the node in the past, so he used this method to contact the outside world. However, last time he told Liu Shengyuan that he didn't need to continue paying attention to this place, so naturally no one would come in again.

Chen Lin walked to the door, looked at the guarding bailiff, ignored him, and pushed the door open.

One of the young yamen runners was about to stop him, but was stopped by an old yamen runner next to him and allowed Chen Lin to go in.

After Chen Lin disappeared, the old yamen runner explained, "We can't afford to offend this man, or else he'll lose his head. You stay here, I'll report to the county lord!"